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Boss Me

Page 16

by Lacey Black

  I pull the comforter down and snuggle up against her warm body. I slept in my boxers and undershirt last night and threw my uniform in the washer this morning so I had something clean to wear. But the fact remains that I wasn’t ready to wear my same underwear two days in a row, so I’m currently commando underneath my work pants.

  Carmen exhales against me as she burrows in as close as humanly possible. If she was any closer, we’d be sharing the same skin. I gently stroke her hair away from her forehead, watching her breathe in and out. Before I know it, I’m lulled to sleep by her steady heartbeat and warm breath. I could fall asleep like this every night, I think as I slowly drift off to sleep.


  I’m startled awake and notice its dark outside. How long was I out? I lift my head up to look over at Carmen’s alarm clock, but my eyes are diverted to the brown eyes looking back at me.

  “You’re awake,” I whisper with a smile.

  “Why are you in bed with me?” she asks with confusion written all over her face.

  “You’ve been sick, honey. You’ve had a very high fever since sometime Monday night,” I whisper.

  “What day is it?”

  “New Years Eve,” I confirm.

  “Wednesday?” she says in a panic. “Zach!” she adds and tries to pull out of my embrace.

  “Zach is with his dad, Carmen. He called the hospital yesterday and said you were too sick to go to work, so as soon as I got off, I came over. Zach and I have been taking care of you,” I add, pulling her back into my arms.

  “You have?”

  “Yeah. It took a while to get your fever down, but we eventually got it. We’re both covered in so much sweat that I’m assuming it broke while we were napping.”

  “How did you get it down,” she whispers, licking her dry, cracked lips.

  I quickly sit up and grab the bottle of water on the nightstand. As I offer it to her, I say, “We took a shower.”

  The bottle stops halfway up to her parched lips. “We took a shower? Together? With Zach here?”

  “Yeah, he wasn’t exactly offering to jump in there with you, so I volunteered. I wouldn’t have offered if it wasn’t necessary,” I say.

  “I know, but I just don’t want Zach to think something was going on.”

  “He knew it was primarily for health reasons. Though the way you were stroking my cock, it was damn hard not to take advantage of you in the shower; medical reasons be damned,” I add with a coy smile.

  “I did what?” she asks, mortified.

  “You just confessed how much you loved my dick,” I say with a laugh, pushing the brown locks of her hair away from her ears.

  “Oh, god. What else did I confess?” she asks, eyes tightly squeezed shut.

  “Well, there was the part about me being hotter than Luke Bryan and the best sex you’ve ever had.” I decided to go for comedic relief right now since I’m not prepared to talk about her other confession. What if it wasn’t true and I brought it up? I don’t want to make her feel bad. Just because I’m over the top crazy in love with the woman doesn’t mean she feels the same way now that she’s coherent again.

  Carmen’s hands go to her face. “I said that?” she asks, exasperated.

  I can’t help but laugh at her embarrassment. “Are you hungry?”

  “Not really, but I feel like I could drink a gallon of water,” she says, her faint pink blush amazingly evident over her already flushed face.

  “Finish that glass and then I’ll run and fill it up again.”

  I watch as she greedily chugs half a glass of water. Quickly, I head into the kitchen and refill the glass. “So, I don’t think your ex-husband likes me much,” I say as I step back into her bedroom. She’s sitting up in bed and at least has a little color in her face again.

  “Oh, God. You met Nick?”

  “Yeah, he came inside the house to get Zach. Zach introduced me, and Nick gave me the stink-eye the entire time.”

  “I can only imagine. I hope he was nice to you.”

  “He was fine, Carmen.”

  “So, it’s Wednesday?” she asks in between gulps of water.

  “Yeah, New Year’s Eve.”

  “We had plans for tonight,” she mumbles as she sets her glass back down on the nightstand before snuggling back against my side.

  “I’m not going anywhere,” I tell her.

  And so we settled in for a little talking and a lot of snuggling. Around seven, we get up and settled onto the couch to watch some TV. I heat up, for Carmen, some of the homemade chicken noodle soup that my mom whipped up and a couple of ham and cheese sandwiches for myself. She tentatively sips the broth from the bowl, omitting the noodles, vegetables, and little chicken chunks. I try not to inhale my sandwiches in front of her, but I haven’t eaten since Zach and I made grilled cheese and tomato soup for lunch.

  “Where did you get this soup?” she asks as she finally starts to pick at a few small noodles.

  “My mom dropped it off,” I tell her nonchalantly.

  “Your mom?” she asks, spoon stopped halfway between the bowl and her perfect little mouth. The mouth that I’ve watched suck tentatively at first, then greedily when the broth stayed down.

  “Yeah, I called my mom to see if she had anything in the freezer. She makes soups all the time and then freezes them in those plastic containers.”

  “So, she just ran some over when you called her?” she asks flabbergasted.

  “Yeah, it’s just what my mom does. If she heard you were sick, and I didn’t call her to bring you soup, she’d kick my ass all the way to Sunday.”

  “Wow, that’s really sweet of her. And you. Thank you for the soup,” she says with a shy smile.

  At quarter after nine, Carmen yawns and stretches. “I think I’m going to take a quick shower. I feel kinda gross,” she says, pulling at the t-shirt I had dressed her in the night before. “But I might need some assistance. You know, in case I get a little weak,” she adds with a wink.

  You don’t have to tell me twice. I hop up off the couch like my ass is on fire and follow Carmen into the tiny bathroom. I watch helplessly as she groggily removes the t-shirt. She’s perfect. All creamy white, soft skin with those perfect tits standing before me and her hair all tangled. She’s still pale and you can tell she’s not anywhere near one hundred percent yet, but I can’t seem to take my eyes off of her. She’s a vision. And she’s mine.

  “You’re still in your work uniform,” she says as she looks me up and down. When she gets to the tent I’m pitching in the front of my pants, her eyes widen just a little and instantly fill with hunger.

  “Yeah, I came straight here after work yesterday,” I tell her as I pull the undershirt up and over my head.

  Carmen steps forward and places her cool fingers against my chest. I revel in the feel of her touch. I all but close my eyes as she runs her hands up my chest and over my shoulders. Just the slightest touch is enough to bring a grown man to his knees. And I’m all but dropping down and singing her praises. I notice the slight tremble to her fingers as she runs her hands along the hard planes of my chest. I also notice that her energy level seems to be dropping rapidly.

  “Why don’t we get in and take a quick shower, and then I’ll lay you down in bed and worship your body,” I say huskily through half-lidded eyes.

  “That might be the best idea you’ve had all night,” she says with a little sass just before a huge yawn breaks out on her beautiful face.

  “Come on,” I say, dropping my clothes and throwing my glasses on the sink just before I lead her into the shower.

  We don’t talk. We touch. From the moment we both step inside the confines of the shower, our hands eagerly, yet so slowly, worship each other’s bodies. My hands gently glide over her flush, soft skin. The water makes it easy to slide up and down the entire length of her body. My eyes greedily follow the same bath my hands take, over and over and over again. I can’t get enough of her.

  For the second time in the la
st thirty hours, I wash a woman’s hair. My eyes roam ravenously over her curves, the soap gliding effortlessly from her shoulders all the way down to her red painted toes. Carmen doesn’t fight me – hell, she probably senses my need to take care of her – and lets me wash her from head to toe. Yet, it’s more than just my need to take care of her. It’s my need to show her how much I care. How much I love her…without saying it.

  “Next time we’re in this shower together, I’m going to suck these water drops off of your body,” I whisper against her ear. Her audible gasp echoes against the walls, which is like a direct line straight to my cock. Those nights fill my dreams, and the anticipation of another shower – when she’s healthy – is surely going to haunt me day and night.

  The shower is quick as we step out and grab towels, Carmen’s legs seem to be holding her up still, but the exhaustion is evident. I watch mesmerized as she grabs a comb from the top drawer under the sink, and runs it down through her long brown hair. My fingers twitch – I try to fight it, really I do. But, I’m too weak. I crave her.

  She barely has the comb out of her wet locks when I step up behind her. My hands move her downed hair over to one side, exposing the delicious column of her long, lean neck. If I were a vampire, I would sink my teeth in. Hell, I almost do.

  Instead, I run my tongue from the tip of her collarbone up to her wildly beating pulse point causing Carmen to gasp. Her pulse is beating a wild rhythm filled with desire so loud that I almost miss my own breath violently echoing off the walls in the bathroom.

  I glance up and look at her reflection in the mirror. She takes my breath away. Every. Time. I know I say it all the fucking time, but it’s true. So damn true that I can’t see straight. And it has nothing to do with the fact that I’m not wearing my glasses.

  “Come on,” I say as I gently take her hands within mine and tug her towards her bedroom across the hall. “It’s time to lie down for a bit.”

  Once inside her room, I waste no time laying her back on her unmade bed. My eyes drink their fill of her lying before me, spread out like some fan-fucking-tastic spread in an all-you-can-eat buffet. And I am a hungry man.

  But reality also settles in, weighing down my chest. She’s sick. I’m not that much of a horny bastard that I take her barely a few hours after the fever broke.

  “What’s the matter?” she asks, concern etched all over her beautiful face.

  The towel is still wrapped around her body and is just long enough to cover the apex of her long legs. “Maybe we should wait until you’re feeling better? I don’t want to cause your fever to come back or make you sick again because you overdid it already,” I say stepping closer to the bed, willing my hard-on to subside.

  I watch helplessly as Carmen moves a hand to the part of the towel that is securely tucked within itself. She tugs the material free and spreads both ends of the towel open. “I don’t want to wait,” she whispers.

  I don’t think my mouth has ever been this dry. We’re talking Sahara desert at high noon kind of dry. I don’t speak. Hell, I can’t speak. I can only act.

  I walk over to the side of the bed and drop my towel. Carmen’s eyes instantly drop down to my dick. It’s standing tall and proud, practically waving and panting for her attention. The fucker pretty much has a mind of its own. I was just saying that we should take this slow and wait until she’s one hundred percent. But one glance at this sexy woman before me, and my dick is practically exploding from my body. It’s throbbing almost painfully, begging to be touched. Fortunately for my dick, Carmen chooses that moment to slide her soft fingers up the length of me.


  I shudder involuntarily at the contact. It’s a combination of heaven and hell. Heaven because her touch is magical and heavenly. Hell because it only makes me want more. Right. Now.

  I’m on the bed in less than a second. My body covers hers from head to toe. There’s no part of us that isn’t touching. We are thigh to thigh. Chest to chest. Lips to lips. And I’ll be damned if I’m not going to kiss the shit out of this woman right now. Her tongue dives into my mouth like it’s possessed. She’s going for our usual pace. Hungry. But, I want more.

  I gently take her hands and place them above her head. Carmen doesn’t hesitate for a second as I run my lips from the palm of her hand, down her arm to her shoulder. Then, I do the other arm. She shudders under my touch.

  When I get to the other shoulder, I spend a little bit of time around her neck. As I lick and nip at her earlobes, shoulder blades, and pulse point, I let go of her hands. My skin actually has goose bumps from head to toe as her hands roam from my bare back up to my hair. Her fingers splay across my scalp, gently digging her nails in and dragging down my head in the most delicious way.

  Sex with Carmen has always been great. Fabulous. Mind blowing. But, it’s also very passionate in that almost rough sort of way. I like to watch as she relinquishes that ever-present control. I like to watch the look on her face when she realizes that she’s lost it. That I have it. That she’s mine.

  Tonight, I want to show her the softer side. I want to worship her body from head to toe and kiss every square inch of it. I want to go so agonizingly slow that she’s withering helplessly underneath me, begging me to end the sweet torture. Tonight, I want to show her what it’s like to make love. Because I’m in love with her. And tonight, I’m going to show her.

  Slowly, I kiss my way down her chin, down her neck, and towards the valley between her breasts. Her nipples are already hard with arousal, which makes my cock pulsate between us. I pay special attention to one nipple, then the other. I lick, nip, and suck lightly. With each flick of my tongue, I feel her letting go. I hear nothing but the sweet sounds of her excitement on her lush lips. Lips that are pink and swollen. Marked.

  After several agonizingly long minutes, I slowly make my way further south. I run my tongue along her belly button before making it further south to the promise land. I decide to tease just a little bit more so I gently stroke and lick her thighs, removing my tongue just before I get to the seam between her legs. Each time I lift my mouth, she lets out a little groan of frustration. It makes me want to do it all over again.

  Finally, my need to take becomes too great to ignore. The first taste of her is pure bliss. So are the sounds of her approval. Music to my damn ears. I keep the licks soft and slow, making long fluid strokes. Carmen’s hands dive into my hair. The feel of her fingers tangling up in my hair is my undoing, yet I don’t slow the sweet torture. Apparently, I’m a bit of a sadist because I seem to enjoy torturing myself just as much as torturing her.

  Eventually, though, it’s too much. I need to be inside her. I need her so damn badly that I’m afraid I won’t survive another minute. To feel her warm heat wrap around me like a blanket, cocooning me in love and pulling me in until there’s no way out.

  I reach towards her bedside table for the condom I know is there. I know it’s there because I left it there the last time I stayed over when Zach was gone. I feel the little foil wrapper under my fingers as Carmen’s mouth finds my own. Her kisses are sweet. Each brush of her lips linger just a little bit longer than the previous one causing my entire body to practically burst into flames. Red-hot flames of desire and need. My fist closes around the condom, gripping it so tightly that I’m practically choking the life out of it.

  I rip the package open and sheath myself without moving my lips. I might not look the most graceful at this moment, but there’s no way in hell I’m pulling away from this kiss. This kiss is everything.

  I position myself within the heat of her thighs. Carmen wraps her legs around my hips, lining us up perfectly. We both pant, little bursts of breath mixing together as we continue to make love with our mouths. I lightly suck her bottom lip within my mouth as I slide home. I go painfully slow, savoring each inch that becomes wrapped in her tight heat. When I’m all the way in, our collective moans are the only noise in the room. I hold her flush against me, quietly stealing kiss after kiss, and just
revel in the feel of her body. Fucking heaven.

  Eventually, my need to move is too great to ignore, so I slowly pull out and slide back in. It’s a process my body knows by heart, but the difference this time is my need to go slow. To take my time and savor every kiss, every moment of being inside of her. It’s not a race to the finish line. No. This time, it’s about cherishing the journey.

  Carmen’s lips continue to dance against mine, yet our eyes remain open and locked on each other. It’s the best kind of rhythm as our bodies become one. And not just our bodies, but our hearts. I can see it in her eyes, even though she’s never said anything about her feelings for me. It’s written right there in the depths of those soulful brown eyes. And I pray to God that what she sees in my eyes is the same thing. I hope she can read my feelings like a fucking book. Because if I can’t say them, I sure as hell want her to feel them.

  I try to slow my pace, but my dick always has a mind of its own. I feel that familiar tightening in my balls and know that an epic orgasm is rounding the bend. I run my lips along her chin and down her neck. She smells like lavender and tastes like paradise, and if the way her breathing is hitching is any indication, I’d say she’s getting closer to an orgasm herself.

  There’s no talking. Neither of us has said a word, which is unlike our previous rounds of hot sex together. I’ve never been a vocal man in bed, but for some reason, Carmen brings out this animalistic, almost possessive side of myself that is foreign to me. Except tonight, I’m worshipping her with my body, not my words. There’s plenty of time for words afterwards. Tonight, I’m showing her just how much she means to me. With each thrust of my body into hers, we’re becoming a single unit. Living, breathing, needing only each other.

  I lick the divots of her collarbone at her throat as she digs her nails into my back. If I wasn’t so caught up in the feel of her body against my lips, it’d almost be painful. But, I barely feel it. What I feel right now is the orgasm grabbing a hold. Her thighs grip my hips so tight, holding me securely in place as if to keep me from leaving. Silly woman. As if I’d want to go anywhere else right now.


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