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p. 365 ABCToys, 99
Académie Française, 119, 183, 334
antiglobalization and, 268
Accenture, 69, 89, 232
Accidental Empires, 215
Acer, 67, 227, 117
Adamkus, Valdas, 154
Adams, Scott, 234
Administrative Committee on Coordination (ACC), 168
Adult Video News Awards, 80
Afghanistan, xxiv
corrupt governments in, 257
debt mountain for, 254
poverty in, 252
shortage of telephones in, 37
standard of living improvements, 255
AFTA (ASEAN Free Trade Area), 24
air and water pollution, 261
air conditioning, impact of, 33
airports, new security measures in, xxi
air transport, 35, 194
Akademgorodok, Russia, 213, 214
Albania, 143
Alderwoods Group, 86
Alert International, 153
Allen, Paul, 91
Allen, Woody, 39, 56
Allende, Salvador, 19
AlphaBlox, 210, 335
al-Qaeda, xviii, xxiv, 25
Altair 880, 32, 38, 39, 207, 214
American Idol, 192
American Patriot movement, 274
American Way of Death, The, 86
America Online, 101, 214
Amnesty International, 153, 253
Andersen Consulting, 69
Anderson, Benedict, 144
Andrade, Marcos, 256
Andreesen, Marc, 215
Angeli, Norman, 6
Angus Reid Group, 280
Annan, Kofi, 167-170, 181, 268, 338
achievements and limitations, 169
and changing the UN, 171-172
ant and the silversword, 308-309, 327
Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, xxii
anticapitalism, in the United States, 6
antiglobalization, xviii, 267-288
among businesspeople, 278
antiglobal groups, 271-274
in developing countries, 19
dialectical relationship to globalization, 269
free trade fundamentalism, 276-277
in humanities departments, 277
and politics, 279-283
prosperity-destroying protectionism, 277
and the Seattle riots of 1999, 270-271
antitrust actions, 147-148
Apollo Group, 93
Arab world, effects of lack of freedom in, xxix-xxx
Aral Sea, pollution of, 20
Argentina, 23, 24, 151
banking system in, 56
border disputes, 156
collapse of, 25
currency board, 179
default on debt, xxii
p. 366 exchange-rate policy, 59
mobile phone use in, 42
protectionism in, 18
unemployment rate in, 254
Arsenault, Raymond, 33
Arthur Andersen, 58, 323-324
Asahi Shimbun, 318
Asea Brown Boveri, 137, 222
ASEAN (Association of South East Asian Nations), 151-152, 287
auditing practices in, 58
business training schools in, 72-73
economic collapse in, 57
educational system in, 298, 300-301
open markets in, 293
pan-Asian empire, 287
Association of Victims of Pollution and Bad Living, 259
Astor, John Jacob, 15
Atlanta Olympics bombing, 271
AT&T, 36, 101, 103
audiovisual materials, exempting from free-trade agreements, 186
Aum Shinrikyo, 27
Austin, TX, 211, 213
Australia, subsidies to logging industry, 262
Austria, 152
autarky, 12, 15
authoritarianism vs. democracy, 60-61
automobile industry, 64-66, 102
See also General Motors
in Brazil, 65-66, 245, 256
number of cars per person, 259
tariffs on cars, 10
Babbage, Charles, 32
Baby Bells, 36, 38
baby boomers, aging of, 319
Bain, 69
Bajaj Auto, 127
Baker, Raymond, 253
Balls, Ed, 240
Baltzell, E. Digby, 228
bananas, trade war over, 286
Band-X, 31-32
Bangalore, India, 212-213
Bangkok, currency devaluation in, 52
Bangladesh, 335
mobile phone use in, 43
poverty in, 252
Bank for International Settlements (BIS), 179
Bank of America, 125, 302
Bank of Cyprus, 330
banks, consolidation of in America, 313
Bank Sarasin, 311
Barbarians at the Gate, 102
Barcelona, anti-English language movement in, 186
Baring family, 50
Barnevik, Percy, 168, 222
Barrales, Ruben, 217
Barrett, Craig, 39
Bartlett, Christopher, 135
Basel Capital Accord, 165
Bastiat, Frédéric, 112-113
Beate Uhse, 83
Beddoes, Zanny Minton, 176
Beedham, Brian, 160
Beijing, PCs in, 32
Belgium, 152
Bell, Alexander Graham, 129
Benso, Camillo, 6
Berlin, Isaiah, 276
Berri, Claude, 186
Bertelsmann, 192
Beveridge, William, 88
Bezos, Jeff, 207, 235
Bhagwati, Jagdish, 56, 113
“Big Bang,” 52-53
Bilderberg, 224-226
Binder, Alan, xxi
bin Laden, Osama, xviii, 25, 123, 273, 274
effect on globalization, xx-xxv
importance of, 160
bin Mohamad, Mahathir
See Mahathir bin Mohamad
Bismarck, Otto von, 87, 88
blacks in the workforce in Silicon Valley, 219
Blair, Tony, 240, 279, 294, 295, 301
on global finance, 166
Bloomberg, Mike, 298
Bloomsbury group, 4, 16
Blue Macaw project, 66, 245, 256
Bluetooth, 132
Bobo, Dwight, 244-247, 253, 257-258
Bobo, Jo Ann, 255
Bob’s Classy Lady, 79
Body Shop, The, 125
Boeing, 103
Bonsignore, Michael, 222-223
book and magazine publishing industries, 189-190, 192
building borderless trade corridors, 143
Canadian-American, 157-158
disputes over, 156
effects of American border laws, 157-158
Mexican-American, 156-157
Boutros-Ghali, Boutros, 161, 162, 168
BP-Amoco, 103
Braas, 248
Brace, Dick, 116, 117
Brand You 50, The, 317
Brazil, 24, 167
car manufacturing in, 65-66, 245, 256
p. 367 currency devaluation in, 50, 52
environmental problems in Cubatao, 259-261
IMF help for, 178
losers from globalization, 250-254, 257
murders in São Paulo, 252
protectionism in, 18
rain forests in, 259, 261, 262
shortage of telephones in, 37
slums (favelas) in, 250-251, 254
unemployment rate in, 254
Brent Spar rig, 275
Bretton Woods, NH, meeting at, 12-16, 51, 164
British Telecom, 30, 31, 130
Brown, Jerry, 278-279
Brown, John Seely, 208-209
Brown, Tina, 192
Browning, John, 230
Bryan, William Jennings, 279
Buchanan, Pat, xix, 109, 110, 239, 278
Budapest, pornography business in, 83
Budweiser, global markets, 105
Buffett, Warren, 91, 211, 304
Bulgaria, financial survival in, 55
Burnham, James, 17
Burrough, Bryan, 102
Bush, George, 161, 338
Bush, George W, xxii, 25, 60, 162, 240, 338
and Afghanistan, 160
foreign policy under, 159
on global finance, 166
signs agricultural bill, xxiii
tariffs on steel, xxiii, xxv, 25, 112
on the United Nations, 171
business schools, 70, 231-232
in Asia, 72-73
Cable & Wireless, 314
Cadic, Oliver, 146, 148
Cairncross, Frances, 32
California, banning of English as a second language, 155
Camdessus, Michel, 172
Canada, xx
education in, 300
films and television in, 197
health system in, 158
protectionist measures in, 186
Canadian-American border, 157-158
Cantarella, Paolo, 67
Capital Cities/ABC, 120
capital controls, 51, 59, 176
effect on the nation-state, 145-147
theoretical model of, 337
and the winner-take-all market, 202
capital markets, 55-59
accountability and, 60-61
deregulation of, 102
effects on developing countries, 60
encouraging imprudent lending, 58-59
growth of, 54
history of, 56
volatility in, 55
Carbocloro, 260
Cardoso, Fernando Henrique, 253, 254
Cargill, 125
Carnegie, Andrew, 303, 304
Cartoon Network, 185
Cartwright power loom, 120
Carville, James, 146
Castells, Manuel, 238
Castro, Fidel, 293
Cemex, 127
Centre National de la Cinematographic 196
chaebol (South Korea), 46-49, 61, 62, 71, 102-103
Challenger, Gray and Christmas, 234
Chamberlain, Joseph, 6
Chambers, John, 36
Charles, Prince of Wales, 268
Chicago, educational system in, 298
child labor, eradicating, 113
Children’s Scholarship Fund, 301
Chile, 22
border disputes with Argentina, 156
foreign fund managers in, 89
foreign-owned banks in, 59
free trade in, 55
China, 23
Communist Party of, 51
emigration of people from, 5
free trade in, 55
job insecurity in, 309-310
mobile phone use in, 42
production of sex aids in, 83
subcontracting in, 127
textile industry in, 248-249
China Europe International Business School, 72
Christian Identity, 271
Chrysler Corporation, 101, 146
restructuring of, 65
Churchill, Winston, 17, 157
Cisco Systems, 36
Citibank, 51
Citigroup, 51, 302-303
citizenship, 5
dual, benefits of, 154
City Year, 305
civil service, in America, 149
Clarke, Arthur C., 37, 41
Clemenceau, Georges, 185
Clinton, Bill
, 50, 149, 159, 181, 184, 240, 279, 291, 294, 338
education and, 301
p. 368 in South Korea, 62
sympathy with Seattle strike, xxv, 282
clusters, successful, 206-210
belief in meritocracy, 206
collaboration, 207
enthusiasm for change, 209
generous opportunity, 210
high tolerance for failure, 206
inclination toward sharing wealth, 210
obsession with the product, 209
penchant for risk, 208
reinvestment back into the cluster, 208-209
threat of rival clusters, 213-215
tolerance of treachery, 206-207
why some fail, 214-215
CNBC, 230
CNN, xix, 191
CNN International, 230
coal industry, in Britain, nationalization of, 17
Coca-Cola, 104-105, 226, 269
opposition to, in France, 185
ties with McDonald’s and Disney, 119
Colbert, Jean-Baptiste, 146
Comdex, 226
Committee of Twenty, 164
Common Agricultural Policy, xxiii, 25, 257, 285
Communist Manifesto, The, 329, 339
communitarians, 336-337
Community Foundation Silicon Valley (CFSV), 217, 218
companies, American, success of, 313-315
“comparative advantage,” 4-5
Competing for the Future, 71
computers, 35
computer clubs for toddlers, 300
incompatibility among, 103
Concept of the Corporation, The, 70
Condition of the Working Class in England, The, 330
“conquest of location,” 39, 41
conservatism, 6
Conservative Party, Britain, 20-21, 276
Constitution of Liberty, The, 21
container ships, effect on globalization, 33-34
Cook, Philip, 202
Cooper, Robert, 151
Córdoba, 242, 243
corporations, transnational, increase of, 23
cosmocrats, 70, 221-241
the agency man, 227
analyzing by nation, 230
attitude toward life, 228
British, 241
Carvilleman, 227
in commerce, 226
definition of, 226
desire to stay in touch, 229-230
disappearing perks, 235
dressing alike, 228-229
in the emerging world, 238
emphasis on cosmopolitan consumerism, 229
exercising by, 229
as a “global ruling class,” 224-226
hold on political parties, 240-241
insecurity of, 233-236
and the Internet, 232-233
isolating themselves, 239
loyalties of, 228
number of, 230-231
overwork and, 234-235
perils of placelessness, 236-239
professional-service firms, 232
rootlessness of, 239
“sabbaticalman,” 226-227
self-employed, 226
superficiality of, 237
A Future Perfect: The Challenge and Promise of Globalization Page 51