A Future Perfect: The Challenge and Promise of Globalization

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A Future Perfect: The Challenge and Promise of Globalization Page 52

by John Micklethwait

  values, 228

  working abroad, 235

  “creative destruction,” 205

  Credit Suisse First Boston, 74

  “crony capitalism,” 48

  Crystal, Graef, 67

  Cuba, 14, 257, 293

  Cubatao, Brazil, pollution in, 259-263

  cultural diversity, in America, 189-190

  cultural imperialism, 187-189


  American influence on, 198

  effects of globalization on, 194-195

  “global culture,” 193-195

  protectionism and, 198

  currency, global, 179-180

  currency risk, 312

  Cyberjaya, 203

  Czech Republic, 191, 300

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  Daewoo, 62

  Daimler-Benz, 54, 245

  DaimlerChrysler, xix, 66, 67, 101, 102, 103-104, 312, 314

  Dar es Salaam, poverty in, 251

  Data General, 205

  Davis, Bob, 37

  Dawar, Niraj, 127

  Dean, Amy, 325-326, 327

  Death of a Salesman, 318

  Decay of Capitalist Civilization, The, 16

  Declaration of Paris, 163

  deflation, 108, 315-316

  Dell, Michael, 211

  Dell PCs, 34

  Delors, Jack, 239

  Deming, W. Edwards, 77

  p. 369 Democratic Leadership Council, 240

  Democratic Party, 240, 301

  Deng Xiaoping, 23, 255

  “dependency theory,” in Latin America, 18-19

  Depression (1929), xxxii, 11

  deregulation, 66

  “Big Bang, “52-53

  of capital markets, 102

  local communications market, U.S., 36

  in telecommunications, 30

  de Soto, Hernando, xxx

  Deutsche Bank, 50

  Deutsche Telekom, 185-186

  De Valera, Eamon, 9

  developing countries

  antiglobalism in, 19

  effects of capital markets in, 58-59

  globalization in, beneficial results of, xxvi

  mobile phone use in, 42-43

  protectionism in, 17-18

  shortage of telephones in, 37

  workforce in, 319

  Digital Equipment Corporation, 205

  digitalization, 35-36

  Dilbert, 234

  Diplomacy, 159

  dirigisme, 18


  Euro Disney, 185

  ties with McDonald’s and Coca-Cola, 119

  Doctors Without Borders, 153

  Doerr, John, 207

  Doordarshan Television, 191

  Dornbusch, Rudi, 172

  “Dow 36,000,” 109

  drama, 195

  Drucker, Peter, 70, 124, 125, 160, 280, 322

  D’Souza, Frances, 230

  Duke University Global Executive M.B.A., 231-232

  Dunlap, “Chainsaw” Al, 321

  “Dushan,” 233, 239

  DVDs, pornographic, 82

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  Eaton, Robert, 104

  École de la Bourse, 61

  École Nationale d’Administration, 18

  Economie Consequences of the Peace, 7, 9

  economic liberalism, 25

  economic value added (EVA), 74

  Economist, The, 104


  adoption of dollar, 180

  border disputes with Peru, 156

  Edison, Thomas, 37

  Edison Project, 93

  education, 297-301

  amount spent on education in the U. S., 92

  business schools, 70, 72-73, 231-232

  “educational management organizations,” 92

  the global classroom, 93-94

  Harvard’s executive-education program, 74

  in-house universities, 68-69

  mediocre results of, in the U.S., 92

  “noninstructional services,” costs of, 92

  private sector activity in, 91-93

  “educational management organizations,” 92

  Eichengreen, Barry, 176

  Eisner, Michael, 120, 193

  Eldon, Lord, 290

  electricity, 37

  Electronic Data Services, 89

  Elements of Political Economy, 4

  Elliott, Richard, 30-31

  Ellison, Larry, 72, 93, 215, 225

  Elsztain, Alejandro and Eduardo, 227

  emerging markets, 238

  Eminent Victorians, 4

  employment and discrimination laws, 323


  See European Monetary System (EMS)

  Engels, Friedrich, 258, 329, 330

  Enron, xxi, xxx, 32, 58, 108, 235, 323-324

  environment, 259-263

  environmental organizations, 275

  Ericsson, 148

  Espinosa, Antonio, 138

  Estonia, 150, 160

  ethical capitalism, 125

  Euro, xxii, 105, 312

  EuroAirport, 150

  Euro Disney, 185


  educational systems in, 298, 299

  free trade in (1875-1913), 6

  importance of national differences, 105

  labor costs in, 295

  level of unemployment in, 295

  European Central Bank, 152, 180

  European Community, 186

  European Insitute, 276

  European Monetary System (EMS), 49

  European Union, xx, 141, 145, 152, 153, 231, 240, 279, 283, 292

  military and foreign policy and, 158

  money to third world countries, 113

  national regulations, 295

  single market of 1992, 24

  trade with U.S., 287-288

  Eurozone, 54

  EVA (economic value added), 74

  “exchange dumping,” 10

  exchange rates, 179

  ExxonMobil, 102

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  p. 370 Fabian Society, 16-18, 224, 333

  Fairchild Semiconductor, 206-207

  “fair trade,” xxxi, 112-113

  Families and Work Institute, 321

  fashion industry, 192-193

  Fazil, Haroun, 274

  Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 41

  Federal Reserve Board, 180

  FedEx, 34

  Ferdinand, Archduke, xvii

  Ferranti, Marcus de, 30-31, 32, 44, 45, 102, 225

  Fiat, 314

  Fidelity Investments, 53

  film industry

  domination of the industry worldwide by America, 187-189

  dubbing of American films into native languages, 187

  films as art, 195

  free trade in films, 184

  French, 196, 197-198

  French vs. American, 183-186

  as a global operation, 188-189

  identification with American culture, 189-190

  MIPCOM, 225-226

  most profit-driven industry, 188

  protectionist measures in foreign countries, 186

  quotas and subsidies, 196-197

  resistance to American films overseas, 183-186, 187

  financial domino theory, 248-249

  financial institutions, foreign, regulations against, 51-52


  See also Nokia

  Internet in, 36

  mobile phone use in, 40, 129-132

  Fischer, Stanley, 172, 173, 177, 178, 180, 182

  fish industry, depletion of stocks, 261-262

  Fitoussi, Paul, 280

  Five O’Clock Club, 317, 321, 326

  fixed-exchange-rate system, 51

  Flanders, separatist movement in, 154

  Flemings, 54

  Foamex International, 115

  Food and Agriculture Organization, 261


  ethnic, 193

  genetically modified, 284-285

  trade wars over, 283-287

  Ford Motor Company, 15, 65, 101

  foreign aid, to poor countries, 253-254

  foreign direct investment (FDI), xviii, xxi, 29, 57, 254, 282

  foreign-exchange market, 29, 51

  foreign investments, long-term, in 1913, 5

  foreign policy, advancement of humanitarian issues, 159

  foreign portfolio investment, 57

  foreign takeovers, 126

  Forrester, Viviane, 277

  Forstmann, Ted, 301

  Fortress Europe, 287

  Foucault, Michel, 277

  France, 23

  anti-American feelings in, 184-185, 286

  anti-English language movement in, 185

  education in, 300

  entrepreneurs leaving, 294

  limits on American television and movies, 186

  stand against GM food, 287

  tariffs in, 1926, 10

  trente glorieuse, 18

  university system in, 299

  Frank, Robert, 202

  Fraser Institute, xxvi

  Frechette, Louise, 168

  free-market capitalism, failure of in America, 11

  free trade, 280-281, 333

  books on the virtues of, 4

  fundamentalism, 276-277

  Keynes on, 4-7

  opposition to, 9-11

  Free Trade Act, 157

  “Free Trade and Free Thought,” 4

  French as an international language, 224

  Fresco, Paolo, 67, 137

  Friedman, Thomas, 52, 269

  Frost, Tony. 127

  Fukuyama, Francis, xxiii

  Fulbright, William, 237

  funeral business, 84-87

  “clustering,” 86

  cremation, 86

  failure rate, 85

  foreign corporations, 85, 86

  heritage and tradition, 85

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  Galbraith, John Kenneth, 101

  gambling, 94

  Gates, Bill, 71, 72, 132, 145, 202, 210, 211, 212, 236, 307

  antitrust actions against Microsoft, 147-148

  philanthropic activities, 305, 306

  GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade), 162, 164, 282

  becomes the WTO, 165

  GE Capital, 30, 53, 136

  loan kiosks, 133, 134

  G8, 165, 181

  Gellner, Ernest, 144

  GE Medical Systems, 137

  p. 371 Gemplus, 227

  General Electric, 33, 38, 66-67, 122, 125-126

  as a conglomerate, 133-134

  fundamental values, 137

  GE-ification of foreign companies, 137-138

  GE Power Systems, 38

  global products group established, 136

  idea-sharing at, 134-135

  non-American managers in, 137

  plastics factory in Barcelona, 136, 137

  six sigma quality management program, 133, 135, 137

  success of, 314

  Tungstram plant in Hungary, 136

  in Wales, 132-133

  General Motors, 15, 70, 101, 122, 123

  Blue Macaw project, 66, 256

  in Brazil, 65-66, 256

  early retirement at, 234

  executive pay, 246

  forcing older workers to retire, 245

  Fremont, CA, closing of, 64

  the future for, 257-258

  global markets, 105

  in Mexico, 245

  pushing jobs overseas, 245

  UAW Local 659 strike in 1998, 66, 243-247, 257

  genetic modification of food, 283-284

  Gephardt, Dick, 109

  Germany, 20

  anti-English language movement in, 185-186

  educational system in, 298, 299

  mobile phone use in, 40

  stock market in, 312

  Getty, Jean Paul, 302

  Getty Center, 302

  G5, 165

  Giddens, Anthony, 279-280

  Gillette, 121

  Gingrich, Newt, 172

  Giuliani, Rudy, 297-298

  global brands, 104

  Global Business Network (GBN), 106

  global capital markets

  effects of technology on, 50

  “intellectual capital” market, 93

  liberation of, 51

  global classroom, 93-94

  global currency, 179-180


  See also antiglobalization;

  myths of globalization

  and changing society, 334-335

  costs vs. benefits, 112

  defense of, xxvi, 331-339

  a definition of, xix-xx

  delivering the dream, 337-338

  factors driving it, 29

  favors small companies, xxvi

  history of, 7-9

  increase in individual freedom, 335-337

  limits on the power of government, 333-334

  loneliness of, 336

  losers from

  in Brazil, 250-254

  General Motors workers, 243-247

  in Russia, 247-250

  overcoming the paradox of, 339

  of pornography, 82-84

  raised the cost of bad government, 293

  reintegration of, barriers to, 15

  stages in becoming a big global company, 135-138

  a turbocharged word, 10

  Globalization and Its Discontents, 277

  “Globalization of Markets, The,” 104

  global management, 119-138

  in emerging markets, 126-129

  Madini family perfume business, 128-129

  McDonald’s, Coca-Cola, and Disney, 119-120

  pricing global products, 121

  principles of

  defining good international management, 124

  ethical behavior, 124-125

  leadership, 125-126

  management matters, 123

  people as most important resource, 125

  size complicates, 123-124

  success of Nokia, 129-132

  understanding the full horror of, 120-121

  global markets, percent of world output consumed in, 121

  global organizations, 161-182

  See also International Monetary Fund (IMF);

  United Nations;

  World Trade Organization (WTO)

  development of, 163-165

  multinational, growth of, 165-167

  GM foods, opposition to abroad, 283-284, 287

  Gobetti, Filipe, 250, 252, 254

  Gobetti, Reginaldo, xx, 250-253, 256, 257, 310, 337

  Gobetti, Rose Marie, 250, 251

  Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 198

  Goizueta, Roberto, 119

  Goldsmith, Jimmy, 278

  Goldsmith, Teddy, 278

  gold standard, 56

  Gomes de Souza, Aluizio, 260

  Gonzales, Ron, 219

  p. 372 Gorbachev, Mikhail, 160, 213

  Gordimer, Nadine, 275

  Gore, Al, xxv, 240

  Gould, Philip, 240


  effects of globalization on, xxx-xxxi, 148-150

  lack of faith in, 291

  Grameen Bank, 43

  Grant, Duncan, 4

  Gray, John, 276-277, 286, 336

  gray economy, 295

  Great Betrayal, The, 278

  Great Britain, 153

  educational systems in, 298, 301

  executive salaries, 67

  film industry in, 196, 197

  free-trading system in, 5

  influence on globalization, 8

  investing in stocks in, 312

  long-term foreign investments in 1913, 5

  in.1906, 3

  pound driven out of the EMS, 49
  protectionism embraced by (1931), 11

  public spending in, 149

  welfare state in, 87-89

  “great grain invasion,” 6

  Great Illusion, The, 6

  Greenberg, Jack, 69, 105

  Greenpeace, 162, 260, 275

  Greenspan, Alan, 57, 59, 107, 108, 174, 180-181, 318

  Grove, Andy, 32, 206

  GSM, Europe, 41

  Guangdong Kelon, subcontracting in, 127

  Guardian, 280

  Guggenheim, Bilbao, xix

  Gupta, Rajat, 69, 72

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  “hacktivists,” 274

  Hague. William, 240

  Hague Peace Conference, 163

  Haier, 127

  Hale, David. 57

  Hamburger University, 68-69

  Hammarskjöld, Dag, 169, 171

  Handspring, 207, 208

  Handy, Charles, 70, 316, 321, 327

  Hang Tran, 323-325, 327

  Harvard Business Review, 74

  Harvard Business School, 70

  Hasbro, 109

  Havana, Cuba, meeting in (1948), 14

  Hawaii, ecology of, 308

  Hawkins, Jeff, 207, 208

  Hayek, Friedrich A. von, 8, 21-22, 276, 332

  awarded Nobel Prize (1974), 22

  Hayes, Ted, 193

  healthcare, 323

  hedge funds, 48, 56-57

  Heilemann, John, 218

  Heiligbrodt, William, 86

  Helliwell, John, 157

  Herder, Johann, 269

  Heritage Foundation, 177

  Hewlett, Bill, 204

  Hewlett-Packard, 204, 209, 216, 217

  Heylar, John, 102

  Hezbollah, 273

  Hiaasen, Carl, 185

  Hirsch, Marci, 80

  Hirsch, Steven, 79-83, 94

  Hitchcock, Alfred, 184

  Hitler, Adolf, 164

  Hobbes, Thomas, 12, 13, 293

  Hobsbawm, Eric, 144

  Honda, 127

  Hong Kong, 33

  American films in, 187

  education in, 300

  financial survival in, 55

  intervention in the stock market, 25

  mobile phone use in, 40, 41

  Hong Kong Jockey Club, 94

  Hong Kong University, 70

  Hoover, Herbert, tariffs and, 10-11

  Hoxha, Enver, 143

  Hsinchu Science Park, Taiwan, 212, 213, 226

  L’Humanité, 280


  educational system in, 298

  GE plant in, 136-137

  Hungry Spirit, The, 316

  Huntington, Samuel, 225, 230, 236

  Hussein, Saddam, xxiv, 156, 159, 162

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  Iba, Mika, 286-287

  IBM, 101

  Icarian, 320, 321

  Ideal X, 34

  Idei, Nobuyuki, 124

  Ikea, 227

  IMD, 70


  See International Monetary Fund (IMF)

  Immelt, Jeff, 133, 134, 137

  immigration, 5

  anti-immigration legislation, 12

  curbs on, 10, 19

  impact on U.S. wages, 110

  protests against those from North Africa and the Middle East, xxi

  surge of, into the United States, 190


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