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A Future Perfect: The Challenge and Promise of Globalization

Page 54

by John Micklethwait

  New Frontier Media, 83

  New Industrial State, The, 101

  New Rules for the New Economy, 107

  Newtithing Group, 303

  New United Motor Manufacturing, Inc. (NUMMI), 64-66

  Japanese business methods, 70, 71

  New York City

  educational system in, 297-298, 301

  reducing crime in, 293

  New York State, sales-tax system, 295

  New York Stock Exchange, 53

  Nigeria, per-capita income in, 293

  “Nightwatchman State,” 6

  Nike, 116, 125, 239

  NikeWatch Campaign, 274

  Nissen, David, 134

  Nokia, 39, 122, 138

  alliances with Bluetooth, OMA and Symbian, 132

  becomes a global company, 129-132

  Nonaka, Ikujiro, 75-77

  nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), 153

  and anti-WTO declaration, 270

  and ban on antipersonnel land mines, 170

  great numbers of, 165

  “noninstructional services,” costs of, 92

  Nordic Mobile Telephone Group, 130

  Nordin, Jennifer, 253

  Nortel Networks, 213

  North American Free Trade Agreement


  North Korea, 46

  Nova, Czech Republic, 191

  Novartis, 311

  Novell, 218, 240


  See New United Motor Manufacturing, Inc. (NUMMI)

  nursing home business, Britain, 89

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  Occidental Petroleum, 260

  Ohmae, Kenichi, 70, 144

  oil crisis of 1973, 19

  Oklahoma City bombing, 271

  Olivetti, 314

  Ollila, Jorma, 130, 131

  On Command Corporation, 79

  Ong, Aiwa, 144

  On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation, 4

  Open Mobile Alliance (OMA), 132

  Open University, Britain, 38

  “optimistic liberalism,” 13

  Oracle, 314

  Orelsky, Sergei, 247-250

  Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 48, 88

  Orix, 53

  Orkney, 213

  Osram Sylvania

  Bari, Italy, 117

  Maybrook, New York, 115, 116-117

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  Packard, David, 204

  Paine, Thomas, 294, 332

  Palmerston, Lord, 159

  PalmPilot, 132, 230

  Paraguay, 24

  paternalism, in India, 18

  Pathé Frères, 184

  Patriots, 271

  Peel, Sir Robert, 290, 291, 301, 338

  pensioners, 88, 89

  People’s Daily, The, 51

  People’s Solidarity Movement (South Korea), 61-62

  Peregrine, 237

  Pereira da Silva, Silvio, 254

  Perón, Juan, 19

  Perot, Ross, 109, 112

  Peru, border disputes with Ecuador, 156

  Peters, Tom, 317

  Pfeffer, Jeffrey, 234, 236

  pharmaceutical industry

  economics of, 306-307

  research, 296

  stocks, 311

  vaccines, 306-307

  Pharmacia, 103

  philanthropy, 291, 302-307

  Pillsbury, 105

  Pimms, 32

  Pinochet, Augusto, 22, 153

  “Planetized Entertainment,” 193

  Pokémon, 192

  Polese, Kim, 207, 208


  globalization and, 279-283

  lack of faith in government and, 291

  in Silicon Valley, 215-219

  p. 378 pollution, 259-262

  Pompeia, Sergio, 260-261

  Popper, Karl. 154, 306

  population, aging of, 149-150

  pornography business, 78-84

  Porter, Michael, 72-73, 74, 124

  postal services, private, 34

  Potok, Mark, 271

  poverty and its effects, 250-256

  in America, getting out of, 255

  consumption by the rich vs. the poor, 253

  debt relief for poor countries, 296-297

  improvements in standard of living, 255

  obligation of the rich to the poor, 296-297

  Powell, Jonathan, 240

  Power, Greg, 221-222

  Pretty Girls International, 79

  Prices and Production, 21

  Pricewaterhouse Coopers (PwC), 222

  Princip, Gavrilo, xvii, xx, xxxii

  Private Media Group, 83

  privatization, 24

  in Britain, 23

  Prodi, Romano, 240

  “producer capture,” 22

  productivity growth

  since 1973, 111

  in the U.S., 108

  professional-service firms, 232

  Prosperity, 37

  prostitution, 79, 82-83, 84

  protectionism, xxxi, 6, 278

  after World War I, 290

  Common Agricultural Policy, 285

  corn laws, 5

  cultural, 198

  in developing countries, 17-18

  embraced by Great Britain in 1931, 11

  in France, 183-186

  in Italy, 6

  percent favoring, 280

  Psion personal organizer, 132

  Pyramid Technology Park, Egypt, 203

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  Quaker Oats, acquisition of Snapple, 103

  Quebec, separatist movement in, 153, 154, 155, 281


  racism in marketing, 123

  rail freight, cost of, 34

  rain forests, 259, 261, 262

  RAND Corporation, 270

  Random House, 192, 198

  Reagan, Ronald, 19, 20, 22, 332

  Red Wing, “made in America,” 116

  regionalism, 287-288

  regulation, 295-296

  Reich, Robert, 237, 280

  Reliance, 127

  Republican Party, 240-241

  research and development, 296

  Rhodes, Cecil, 224

  Ricardo, David, 4-5, 111

  Rio de Janeiro, earth summit in, 161

  Rio Tinto, 311

  Roach, Stephen, 108

  Road to Serfdom, 22

  Robbins, Lionel, 13

  Robin Hood Foundation, 305

  Roche, 311

  Rock, Arthur, 208

  Rockefeller, John D.

  business methods, 290

  philanthropic activities, 291, 304, 307

  Rodrik, Dani, 55-56

  Roosevelt, Franklin, 11

  Roosevelt, Teddy, 279, 283

  Roppenecker, Dulce, 128, 129

  Rorty, Richard, 277

  Route 128, Massachusetts, 205

  Rover, 146

  Roy, Arundhati, 281

  Royal Dutch/Shell, 15, 54, 106

  Rubbermaid, 116

  Rubin, Robert, 174

  Rudolph, Eric, 271, 274

  Ruscoe, John, 213

  Rushdie, Salman, 194, 272

  Russia, xx, 143

  antiglobalizationin, 268

  destruction of the middle class in, 249-250

  financial crises in, 174, 248-249, 269

  financial survival in, 55

  losers from globalization, 247-250, 257

  organized crime in, 293

  prostitution and pornography in, 82-84

  telephone service in, 42

  Rwanda, 155

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  Sachs, Jeffrey, 172, 173, 178, 296

  Salgosa, Ademar, 260

  Samuel, Raphael, 154-155

  Samuelson, Robert, 101
br />   San Fernando Valley, pornography in, 79

  Santomero, Anthony, 103

  Sarajevo, xvii, xx, xxxi, xxxii

  “savage capitalism,” 242

  Savimbi, Jonas, 162

  Saxenian, AnnaLee, 205, 206

  SBC Warburg Dillon Read, 55

  Scandinavia, mobile phone use in, 40

  Schengen agreement, 141, 152

  Schmidt, Eric, 218, 240

  Schnabel, Julian, 195

  Schrempp, Jürgen, 66, 72, 104

  Schroeder, Gerhard, 279

  Schwartz, Peter, 106-107

  Scorsese, Martin, 184

  p. 379 Scotland, separatist movement in, 154-155, 281

  Seabrook, John, 195

  Sears Roebuck, 214

  Seattle riots (1999), xviii, xxv, 165, 270-271, 280, 282

  Security Council, 164

  composition of, 171

  semiconductor industry, 205

  Seoulbank, 62

  September 11 terrorist attacks, xxiii, 25, 272, 273

  See also bin Laden, Osama

  Serbia, 155, 159

  Service Corporation International (SCI), 85-87

  Shanghai, PCs in, 32

  Shanghai Jahwa, 126

  Shanghai Links, 238

  Shanghai Tang, Hong Kong, 229

  Sharing the Wealth, 318

  Shaw, George Bernard, 16

  Sheffield, England, 214

  Shell, 275, 316

  Shih, Stan, 227

  Shockley Laboratories, 206

  Shultz, George, 172

  Sidney, 6, 8

  Siemens, 115

  Sierra Club. 275

  “Silicone Valley,” 79

  Silicon Taiga, Russia, 213

  Silicon Valley, 201-220

  attracting the best people, 215

  blacks in the workforce, 219

  charitable giving in, 217-218

  creation and growth of, 204-206

  “creative destruction,” 205

  employee turnover in, 320

  exporting the Silicon Valley model, 210-213

  failure of Internet firms, 214

  habits of successful clusters, 206-210

  housing market, 217

  imitators of, 203

  an immigrant-friendly place, 206

  Latinos employed in, 216-217

  links with Hsinchu Science Park, 226

  number of jobs in 2001, 204

  poorest vs. richest, 216

  productivity and income levels in, 204

  resilience of its economy, 205-206

  school system, 216

  self-absorption of, 214

  similarities with globalization, 219-220

  social and political failure of, 215-219

  threat of rival clusters, 213-215

  Simon, Paul, 193

  Singapore, 33, 281

  education in, 300, 301, 337

  financial survival in, 55

  Internet censorship in, 333-334

  mobile phone use in, 40

  six sigma quality management program (GE), 133, 135, 137

  Skidelsky, Robert, 4

  Skok, Michael, 208, 210-211, 335

  SK Telecom, 62

  Slaughter, Ann-Marie, 150, 160

  sleep, the new status symbol, 235

  Sloan, Alfred, 122

  Sloan model, 138

  Sloan School, MIT, 70

  Slow Food, 286

  Smith, Adam, xxv, 4, 5, 111, 332

  Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act, 11, 282

  SMS Promotions, 83

  socialism, xxiii, xxiv, 16

  Social Security, 87

  reform, 149-150

  Social Venture Partners, 305

  Softbank, 210

  software industry, 208, 210-213

  software programmers, 212-213

  Sonera, 130

  Sony, 124, 126

  Soros, George. 55, 56, 177, 178, 227, 268, 278

  philanthropic activities, 305-306

  Soros Foundation, 153

  Sorrell, Martin, 72

  South Africa

  education in, 90-91

  mobile phone use in, 42, 44

  “ubuntu management,” 70

  South Carolina, furniture manufacturing in, 115, 116

  South Korea, xx, 46-47

  banks’ bad-loan ratio, 49

  the chaebol, 46-49, 61, 62, 71, 102-103

  controls on banking system in, 51-52

  corruption of government in, 48-49

  credit-control systems, 58

  economic crisis in, 46-49

  educational system in, 298, 299

  financial survival in, 55


  per-capita GDP in 1960, 48

  2001 vs. 1996, 63

  long-term prospects for growth in, 46

  opening up of businesses and political life, 62-63

  openness to foreign capital, 49

  use of resources, 18

  Soviet Communism: A New Civilization, 17

  Soviet Union, 19-20, 153, 273

  Soweto, mobile phone use in, 44

  Spain, 136.137, 153

  Spielberg, Steven, 186

  sports in America, 193

  Stabilization Fund, 14

  p. 380 Standard Oil, 290

  Stanford Business School, 227

  Stanford University, 204, 205

  Stanton, Sara, 226

  steel industry, 282

  loss of jobs and, xxvi

  tariffs on in 2002, xxiii, xxv, 25, 112

  Stein, Scott, 83

  Sterling Resources, 235

  Stevenson, Howard, 208

  Stewart Enterprises, 86-87

  Stiglitz, Joseph, 172, 173

  stock market, xviii

  See also investments

  American, size of, 311

  capitalization in, 54

  crash of 1929, 11, 16

  economic crisis of 2002, xxi-xxii

  indexes in developed countries, 311

  returns, 312

  valuations in 2002, 108

  Stopford, John, 123

  Strachey, Lytton, 4

  Straw, Jack, 283

  students, American, studying abroad, 194

  subsidies, 196-197, 262, 286

  Suharto, 60

  Summers, Larry, 173, 174

  Sun Microsystems, 207, 213

  Supply Chain Management Review, 71


  budget deficit in 1994, 60

  reduced spending in, 149


  education in, 300

  stock market in, 311

  Sylvan Testing Centers

  Johannesburg, S.A., 89-91

  running public schools, 92-93

  “synchronous sinking,” xxi

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  financial survival in, 55

  technology in, 212

  Taiwan Semiconductor, 212

  Taliban, xxiv

  Tangier, 128-129


  on cars, 10

  in Europe, 6

  on European imports, 112

  in France in 1926, 10

  in Italy in 1925, 10

  reduction in U.S., 109-110

  on rich countries vs. poor countries, 113

  Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act, 11

  in United States in 1930, 9-10

  Tavernier, Bertrand, 186

  Tawney, R. H., 88

  taxes, 295

  Teachout, Terry, 189

  Team Rodent, 185


  See also Internet;

  mobile phones;


  television air conditioning, 33

  American firms’ lead in, 314-315

  benefits of, 33

  container ships, 33-34

  and deregulation, 32

  effect on productivity, 107-108

  growth of, 29-45

  impact of technological change, 37

  impact on globalization, 33

  and inequality in America, xxvi

  information technology, 76, 146

  productivity growth and, 108-109

  Tedlow, Richard, 214

  Telecom Italia, 314


  Band-X, 31-32

  deregulation of, U.S., 30, 36

  the mobile phone, 39-45

  true cost of, 32

  Telehouse, 31


  See also mobile phones

  effect on globalization, 35

  shortage of, in developing countries, 37

  television, 35

  in America, 190

  cable-television systems, 36, 190

  commercial, Americanization of, 191

  deregulation of, 190-191

  European, most popular programs, 191

  local directions, 105

  MTV, 192

  number of commercial channels, 146

  protectionist measures in foreign countries, 186

  quotas and subsidies, 196

  top companies, 101

  Telkom, 44

  Terman, Fred, 203, 204

  terrorist attacks

  See also bin Laden, Osama;

  September 11 terrorist attacks

  Atlanta Olympics bombing, 271

  bombing of American Embassy in Nairobi, 274

  Oklahoma City bombing, 271

  release of sarin gas into Tokyo subway, 272

  test-ban treaty, 162

  textile industry, 120, 215, 248-249

  Thailand, 57, 167

  collapse of the baht, 46

  collapse of the economy in, 48

  exchange-rate policy, 59

  restriction of foreign-owned banks in, 52

  Thatcher, Margaret, 19, 21, 22-23

  theater, 192

  Theory of Moral Sentiments, xxv

  Thomas, Paul, 81

  p. 381 Thomas Group, 74

  Thubela, Jackson, 43, 44, 45, 102

  ThumbsUp, 105

  Thurow, Lester, 296

  Time magazine, 174

  Time Warner, 101, 304

  Tippett, Michael, 194-195

  Tisch, Lawrence, 301

  Titanic, 194, 195

  Tocqueville, Alexis de, 302, 332, 336

  Together®Work, 326

  Tokyo, job insecurity in, 309

  totalitarianism, 333

  toy industry, 97-100

  deplorable conditions in the third world, 109

  localizing the global market, 106

  outsourcing of manufacturing, 109

  Toyota, 64-65, 77, 123, 255

  Toytown, 99, 114, 115

  and California’s hold on the toy industry, 115

  innovation in products, 111

  Trac Tech, 79

  trade barriers, 51, 114

  trade treaties, regional, 24, 25

  trade unions, 241, 275

  “transgovernmentalism,” 150-151

  Travelers Group, 51

  Treatise on Money, A, 9, 21

  Treaty of Taif, 156

  Truman, Harry, 14

  Tu Fu, 242

  Turkey, xxx

  Turner, Ted, 168, 304

  “tyranny of place,” xxix, 39, 335

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  “ubuntu management,” 70

  Ulan Bator, privatization in, 24


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