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Her Alien Masters (Captives of Pra'kir Book 3)

Page 10

by Renee Rose


  Heart in his throat, Gav’n threw open the door of his police shuttle and charged out. And then stopped. A thousand scenarios had flashed through his mind when he’d seen Mira go rogue, but this wasn’t one of them.

  His nieces skipped down the hill with Mira wearing crowns of—were they flowers? A huge smile stretched across Pritzi’s face, and Jan’s eyes shone bright, her cheeks flushed pink with fresh air and exertion. Even Darley’s scowl didn’t diminish the pretty sight they made.

  He put his hands on his hips and waited for them to arrive.

  “Uncle Gav’n, I’m a princess,” Pritzi chirped. She looked so precious with the flower wreath, he couldn’t help but scoop her up into his arms and blow a raspberry against her neck like he used to before her mom died. When all he had to be was the fun uncle who visited and brought them trinkets.

  She shrieked and giggled, her little hands flying up to push his face away.

  He set her down and fixed Mira with a condemning stare. It was hard to be angry, though, when she radiated beauty, so refreshed, so happy.

  Something twisted in his gut. Was she that unhappy normally? Maybe he and Jakk had been fooling themselves into believing she might grow comfortable with them. When she pulled unexpected stunts like these, it served as a reminder she very much still kept her own counsel and didn’t fear their punishments near enough.

  They’d been too soft on her, ending every punishment in pleasure. But he couldn’t imagine not letting her see how much they adored her.

  “I know you’re mad,” she said softly. “I wasn’t running away, if that’s what you thought. Or stealing your children.”

  The fact she knew where his mind had gone served as another reminder. Their girl was smart.

  He pursed his lips. “Come here, Mira.”

  Her face flushed as she stepped forward, bringing her body close enough for her intoxicating scent to reach his nostrils.

  He gripped her arms and lowered his face to hers. “You are in a big trouble, little human,” he growled, keeping his voice down for the sake of his nieces.

  “I know.” She sounded so matter-of-fact. This had been a calculated move on her part. She chose to disobey because she thought the reward outweighed the punishment.

  And it looked like it had. Yes, terrible things might have happened. The owner of this property could’ve arrived and called the police or worse—taken the law into his own hands. But nothing bad had happened. She’d succeeded in bonding a little more with the girls, which was sorely needed.

  He leaned closer, bringing his face inches from hers. “Tonight, little girl,” he warned in a low voice, “I fuck your ass.”

  Her eyes flew wide, lips parted. To his delight, her pupils dilated, and he knew, from the hectic color flushing her face, he’d excited her.

  He turned her toward the shuttle and slapped her ass, hard. “Get in the shuttle and get yourselves home. I’ll deal with your misbehavior later.”

  The look she shot over her shoulder made his cock rock-hard. Fear mingled with excitement. His favorite combination.


  Mira couldn’t extinguish the buzzing in her body. Gav’n was going to punish her by fucking her ass. His cock was way too big. Yes, they’d used a plug on her, even a vibrating plug, but that was different from a huge alien cock.

  Heat pooled in her core, feathered across her skin.

  She’d like to say she hated when they punished her anally, but it wasn’t true. As humiliating as it was to have her ass fucked with a plug or vibrator, it felt so. Damn. Good. Especially when they gave her vaginal penetration at the same time.

  Oh God. Double penetration. Would they actually make her take two cocks at once?

  Her pulse fluttered as she finished putting the dinner dishes away and headed into the girls’ room to put them to bed.

  She’d worked her ass off when she got home to get dinner ready on time, even setting the table with the wildflowers from her wreath.

  Neither Gav’n nor Jakk had said anything to her, but the tension had been there. The knowledge she was in trouble and she’d be answering to them soon hung so thick she swore she could see it shimmering in the air between them.

  She kept the bedtime story short that night, unable to concentrate. “All right, girls, lights out,” she said, getting up.

  “Are you in big trouble, Mira?” Pritzi asked in a hushed voice.

  “Yes,” she sighed. “I’m in trouble.”

  “What will they do to you?” All three girls waited for her answer.

  “I’m sure they’ll punish me. Don’t worry about it, baby.” She ruffled the child’s hair and gave her forehead a kiss.

  She hesitated, wanting to do the same for the older girls. No, they’d rebuff her. Someday, maybe, they’d let her cuddle them the way she wanted to.

  The door closed behind her with a snap. To stall, she did another sweep of the downstairs, but everything was in its place, all dishes put away and surfaces wiped down. Nothing to do but go upstairs.

  Her clit pulsed as she took the stairs, heart hammering. She pushed open the door. Gav’n lounged on the bed. Jakk sat on the sofa, reading and listening to his awful music. He closed his book and set it down.

  There was no mistaking the wicked intent in both of their faces.

  “Clothes off.” Gav’n’s cool command sent a shiver down her spine.

  She unhooked the jumper and pulled it off. They still hadn’t permitted her to wear underclothing, so she stood naked. Her nipples beaded. She wasn’t sure which one of them to face, so she chose somewhere in the middle, folding her hands in front of her.

  “You broke a rule today, Mira,” Jakk said from the sofa. He’d looked stern all evening, and she’d worried about his displeasure. Were they truly angry? Or was this more of their usual funishment?

  “If we can’t trust you to follow our guidelines, we’ll never be able to relax them. You do understand that, don’t you?”

  She pursed her lips. Arguing probably wasn’t in her best interests, but she also didn’t think she’d done anything wrong. If she weren’t a prisoner, she’d be allowed to stop and pick flowers anytime she liked. And she still didn’t think she deserved to be held as a prisoner.

  There they differed.

  “Come here, Mira. Your punishment will start with me.” Jakk patted his thighs.

  Fear fluttered in her belly, along with the thrill of lying over his lap. She remembered how the first time over his lap had ended, and it hadn’t been all bad.

  She walked to the sofa and knelt beside him, lying across his lap and lowering her torso onto the cushion.

  He stroked her bare bottom with his huge hand. “Good girl. We like it when you obey.” He gathered her wrists behind her back and pinned them there then trapped her legs under one of his.

  She expected his palm, so when something as hard as wood crashed down on one cheek and then the other, she choked on a cry and craned her neck over her shoulder to see. Jakk had a small oval paddle—more narrow and thick than a Ping-Pong paddle—and it hurt like the devil. He wasn’t going slow, either. He set up an even pace, striking one buttock then the other about every half second.

  Panic erupted as the blaze set in, but as much as she struggled, she couldn’t get free of Jakk’s hold.

  “Ow...ow, ow, ow,” she wailed as he continued to beat her with the mean instrument. “That hurts. Oh my God, that hurts! Please...ow, Jakk—Master—don’t. Stop!”

  The horrible paddling stopped, and he rested his heavy hand with the implement on the back of her pelvis. “I don’t think she’s sorry yet, do you, Gav’n?”

  “I know she’s not.”


  But Jakk had already renewed his rapid-fire assault on her squirming ass.

  “Jakk—Gav’n—I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Stop!” Sobs choked her voice, or was it desperation? Every fight-or-flight instinct had been activated, but she couldn’t get out of Jakk’s grasp. Each time the
paddle struck, it set off a new burst of flames, and she was sure she couldn’t survive one more swat.

  Jakk stopped again, and she collapsed over his legs, catching her breath. “I think she does whatever she wants to do, regardless of what rules we set. Is that how you see it, Gav’n?”

  “No!” she shouted because he’d picked up the implement hand again. “Wait! Stop!”

  Jakk began another volley of spanks, smarting her poor throbbing ass, which had to already be swollen and red from the terrible paddle.

  “You’re hurting me,” she wailed, although that obviously was the point. Still, this time seemed so long and severe. So relentless. It definitely wasn’t funishment.

  “If you wanted to go and pick flowers, you should have asked our permission. Would that be so hard, naughty girl?”

  Asking their permission hadn’t really occurred to her, since she’d assumed everything she wanted was against the rules, anyway.

  “Would you have let me?” she demanded then immediately wished she hadn’t because Jakk picked up the intensity. “Ow! I’m sorry! I’m sorry! Master, please. No-more-I’m-so-sorry!”

  Jakk stopped again, resting the smooth wood of the paddle against her twitching, screaming cheeks.

  “I’m sorry,” she moaned, collapsing again. Real tears choked her voice. “Please don’t spank me anymore. I’ve learned my lesson.”

  “Have you?” Jakk’s voice cracked like a whip.

  “Yes, Master. I will follow your rules,” she sniffed. “Or ask permission to deviate.”

  Jakk didn’t move, and she lifted her head to see Gav’n, certain they were communicating. Gav’n was nodding at Jakk.

  She stiffened for another round, but Jakk’s leg lifted from her thighs.

  He slapped at the back of one thigh. “Open.”

  She parted without question.

  “Wider,” he barked. When his fingers found her pussy, his touch was rough, aggressive. “She’s wet,” he said with satisfaction.

  Yes. Despite the harshness of the spanking, her pussy had moistened the moment she’d laid over Jakk’s lap. In fact, it seemed the harder he paddled, the wetter she became.

  “I told her no pleasure after her next punishment.”

  She jerked her head up. “But I admitted it! I told you I might like my spankings.”

  Despite his pronouncement, the tip of one finger was idly circling her clit, nearly making her weep with desire.

  “I’m not inclined to give her pleasure,” Gav’n said from the bed.

  Jakk removed his touch.

  “Not unless she begs for what we all know she deserves.”

  “An ass-fucking?” Jakk supplied.

  Gav’n’s eyes glittered. “Yes. Her ass-fucking. Maybe that will teach her who is in charge around here.”

  An itchiness spread through her, concentrating between her legs. Her throbbing ass didn’t want to be touched, much less fucked, but it seemed the rest of her disagreed.

  Jakk parted her cheeks and applied an oil. “I’ll put the plug in until she’s ready to admit what she needs.”

  Her pussy contracted on air. The quivering in her core hadn’t stopped. The nose of the plug nudged her back entrance, and she unwittingly lifted her ass to take it.

  “Did you see that?” Jakk’s voice sounded thick.

  “I saw.” Gav’n, too, sounded excited.

  She whined as the plug stretched her wide and then seated.

  Jakk didn’t let her adjust to it, though. Instead, he pumped it slowly, easing it in and out, driving her mad.

  Her poor butt cheeks stung and burned, but she loved the sensation of being filled by the plug.

  She fought for her hands, dying to touch her pussy.

  “Our girl’s getting needy.” The deep timbre of Jakk’s voice, the way he spoke about her with reverence, made her crazy for him, for more.

  “Tell me what you need, little human,” Gav’n demanded, his voice deep and rough.

  “I need—” She arched her bottom toward Jakk, desperate for more, even if it was only anal stimulation. “Gav’n...Master...I need you to…” Her lips and tongue felt thick. She was afraid she would drool on the sofa.

  In a flash, Gav’n was up off the bed, kneeling beside her face, pushing her hair back. “What do you need, pashika?”

  She licked her lips. “Fuck me. Fuck my ass. Please, Master.”

  Her world tilted and swooped as both men moved at once. Jakk lifted and tipped her into Gav’n’s arms, and he carried her to the bed, where he arranged her on her hands and knees. He pushed between her shoulder blades, lowering her torso until her face hit the bed.

  “Spread those legs for me, little girl. Show me that naughty ass.”

  She didn’t know how her knees held her up, but she widened her stance, presenting her ass in the most humiliating fashion possible.

  Gav’n slapped her pussy. “Do you think we should touch you here, naughty girl?”

  “Yes!” she gasped.

  He slapped again, harder. “Like this?”

  “No...yes.” She wasn’t sure what she wanted. She definitely needed her pussy touched, desperately. But spanked was another thing.

  “I’ll bet,” Gav’n said, manipulating the plug in her ass, “if you do a really good job sucking Jakk’s cock right now, he’ll touch your pussy and make sure you’re satisfied while I fuck your ass.”

  She pushed up to her hands, turning her head to seek Jakk.


  Jakk’s cock had hardened to blue-ball proportions, as often was the case around their little human. The way she sought him with her eyes now nearly made him growl aloud. Could she actually want to give him a blowjob?

  She was the only female who ever had. But he supposed they had riled her up to the point of desperation.

  “Good girl,” Gav’n murmured, rewarding her with a brief swipe of her clit.

  Jakk undid his pants and came over to the bed, sliding his large frame in front of her until his cock arrived in line with her face.

  She lunged for it and wrestled his length from his pants.

  Satisfaction surged as she lowered her lush mouth down over his length. “Mira,” he choked, catching her hair in his fist and using it to lift and lower her head. “You are very good at that.”

  She hummed, sending the vibration straight through to his throbbing member. Her fist curled around the base of his cock, and she used her hand to follow her mouth, making it seem like she took all of it into her throat every time she lowered.

  He groaned.

  Gav’n generously oiled his cock. “Don’t lose focus on my brother, Mira,” he warned, “or we won’t touch your pretty little pussy while I pound your ass.”

  Jakk saw genuine fear in her expression, and he stroked her cheek. “Don’t worry, pashika. Gav’n knows what he’s doing. You’re safe with us.”

  She resumed sucking, her eyes locked on his face. Pleading for mercy? Or watching for his satisfaction? Either way, it brought him close to losing control. He thrust his hips, shoving his cock up into her throat, unable to hold back.

  She didn’t protest. Her free hand gripped his ass, fingernails digging into his skin as she moved in concert with his thrusts, squeezing his cock so wonderfully tight.

  “That’s it, Mira,” he grunted.

  Gav’n rubbed the head of his cock against her anus and, instead of protesting, she bobbed faster over Jakk’s cock, as if eager to please.

  Gav’n waited, watching.

  He mentally thanked his brother for not interrupting this sacrosanct moment.

  Mira sucked harder, cheeks hollowed, blue-green eyes wide and desperate, as if her own satisfaction rode on how well she blew him.

  His thighs flexed; cum shot from his shaft. “Mira, yes,” he shouted, stars dancing before his eyes.

  She swallowed his seed, still sucking like her life depended on it.

  His eyes burned. Had she really offered that so freely to him?

  No, they’d
made her feel obligated, that was all. Still, nothing could stop the surge of affection he experienced for their ward.

  “Pashika,” he murmured, extricating himself from her grasp and sliding around to where he could reach between her legs.

  Slick with nectar.

  His girl had liked sucking him off. Or was it Gav’n at her rear hole? Either way, he loved her so turned on. He stroked slowly along her slit, delighting in the satisfied shiver she gave.

  Gav’n pushed at her anus, and she tensed.

  Jakk found her clit and pinched it between two fingers.

  Mira gasped, and Gav’n pressed the advantage, breaching her hole and easing inside her tight channel.

  He fisted Mira’s hair and turned her head to him, one cheek pressed to the bed. Her eyes were wide and frightened, fingers pulling at the covers.

  “Open for Gav’n, pashika. When you’re naughty, your ass belongs to us.” It wasn’t true. If she hadn’t asked for it, Gav’n wouldn’t have forced himself on her, but she didn’t need to know that. The issue of her selective obedience needed to be met with consistence dominance and discipline.

  Her sweet mouth opened, and a constricted mewl issued from her throat as Gav’n filled her ass with the whole of his cock.

  Jakk worked a finger into her pussy, and she began to emit short, guttural sounds, like an animal in heat. “You like being filled by both of us, little one?”

  “Ugn...ugn...oh!” she panted.

  He loved her vocalizations. “Naughty girl. You disobeyed your masters today.” He screwed his digit deeper.

  “Sorry,” she gasped. “I need...ugn!”

  Gav’n slid in and out, and Jakk timed his finger-thrusts into her pussy on his brother’s out-strokes.

  “Please,” she whined.

  “Quiet, naughty girl. You don’t get satisfaction until Gav’n’s taken you long and hard.”

  Her pussy spasmed around his finger, and the knowledge his dominant talk had brought her to her first orgasm gave him pleasure. She did crave their mastery, no matter how much she protested.


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