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Split Decision

Page 7

by Traci Hohenstein

  “Mark’s awake again and asking for you.”

  Chapter 20

  “Do not take life too seriously; you will never get out of it alive.” – Elbert Hubbard

  Most of the tubes and wires previously encasing Mark were gone. He was sitting up and talking with the girls. I hesitated near the door and took a moment to watch them. He seemed like he was back to his old self.

  “Hey,” I called from the doorway. Walking over to his bedside, the girls got up and gave me a hug. I leaned over and kissed Mark on the forehead. “You’re awake.”

  “Yeah. Nothing like a nice long nap,” he joked.

  “You just missed the neurologist,” Allison said. “He said he would be back later this afternoon.”

  “Hope gave me an update on the way here. I was just wrapping up a meeting.”

  Allison rolled her eyes while Aubrey poked her in the side. She grabbed her sister and dragged her toward the door. “Let’s go get something to drink.”

  “What was that all about?” Mark asked as the girls left the room.

  I held up my hands. “You know teenagers. Moody one minute, craving your attention the next.” I saddled up next to him, sitting on the edge of his bed. “So, how are you feeling?”

  “Like I’ve been hit by a Mack truck.”

  “Hope said that would be normal for a while. You need to take it easy for the next few weeks. Your body is still absorbing all the extra fluid that was built up in your head.”

  Mark took my hand and patted it. “Look Ava. Whatever is going on with us, it’s going be okay? Right?”

  A tear slid down my cheek as I nodded. “Of course. I’m always here for you.”

  Hope had related to me what the neurologist told her. Mark seemed to be out of the woods although he had a long recovery ahead of him. I was already making plans to cut back my hours at work and hire some help around the house. Even though the girls would be a big help, they were still in school and would be gone most the day. I knew I had a hard road ahead of me trying to convince Mark to let me hire a part-time nurse. I didn’t want to take a chance of him falling and injuring himself. The biggest thing I needed to do was to figure out how I was going to tell him about the affair. Hope had said I needed to wait until he was stronger and able to adjust to that kind of news. Once I told him, I didn’t know how he would react. If he would forgive me or want me to move out. I had to be prepared to accept the worst. I wouldn’t blame him if he wanted me to leave. Not matter how bad our marriage was, I had no right to betray him. He was a good husband and father and I was an idiot to throw all that away on some fling.

  First things first, I would get Mark home and get him on the mend. I would do whatever it took to make that happen.

  “A couple more days and you’ll be ready to go home.”

  “I can’t wait.” Mark closed his eyes and fell asleep.

  Chapter 21

  “Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn’t.” – Erica Jong.

  While Mark was sleeping, I walked down to the cafeteria for a quick bite to eat. The girls decided to go home with the promise that I would call them if anything changed.

  The salad bar was open and featured specialty toppings to make your own Taco, Chicken Caesar, or Cobb salad. I opted for a Taco salad and mixed in chili-lime seasoned hamburger meat, cheddar-jack cheese, jalapenos, and fresh baked, crushed tortilla chips with my greens. I topped it off with a good size portion of sour cream and went to find an empty table. I was ravenous after not having a good meal for two days straight. Living off coffee and granola bars from the nurses break room was starting to get old fast. Halfway through my salad, I heard a chair pull up to my table. I glanced up to see Richard Ellis sitting across from me.

  “Hello Ava. I thought that was you.”

  “Richard, what are you doing here?”

  Richard reached over with a napkin and wiped a smudge of sour cream from my cheek. Embarrassed, I grabbed another napkin and wiped my mouth completely.

  “Allie Lee is having surgery. I’m waiting for them to move her into recovery so I can see her.”

  “Is she okay?”

  Richard nodded. “Just minor surgery on her vocal cords. She had a polyp removed. It’s a pretty common thing with singers. Allie should be able to go home later tonight to rest and recover at home.”

  Feeling a little queasy from eating so quickly, I pushed my salad away and took a long sip of iced tea.

  “I hope she feels better soon.”

  “So, how is Mark? Clyde told me your husband was ill when I called you at the office the other day.”

  “Doing better, thank you. We’re waiting on some more tests to come back. Hopefully he will be able to go home soon.” I remembered about the dinner Richard had planned in order to schmooze Allie Lee with the pre-nup idea. “So, how did the dinner go with Allie Lee?”

  “Better than I could’ve ever expected. Allie was not at all surprised at the idea of a pre-nup and said she rather expected it.”

  “She agreed to sign?”

  “Yes, she did.” Richard paused and tapped his fingers on the tabletop. “But I decided to forego the pre-nup.”

  “Why? As your friend, and not your attorney, I would like to tell you that I think it’s a bad idea and…”

  Richard held up his hand, stopping my spiel. “I know you’re just trying to do what is best for me but let me explain. When we found out that Allie Lee had a possible tumor on her vocal cords, I realized that nothing was more important to me than her health and well-being. Money is just money. I’ve been flat broke before and I’ve been extremely wealthy. I was just as happy broke as I am rich now. But not having Allie Lee in my life would be devastating. I would rather live everyday with nothing but Allie Lee, than to have everything without her.”

  “That’s really sweet, Richard, but if you got divorced for any reason, Allie Lee could get half of everything,” I reminded him.

  “She can have it all.” Richard rubbed his hands together. “Money is money. I can always make more, but I only have one Allie Lee.”

  I sighed. “Okay. If you change your mind, you know where to reach me.”

  Richard stood up and patted me on the shoulder. “You are a good friend Ava. I hope everything goes well with Mark.”

  I watched as Richard walked away. I thought of what my life would be like without Mark in it. Had I been so consumed with building my career that I had forgotten the most important thing in life?

  Chapter 22

  “Every baby born into the world is a finer one than the last.” - Charles Dickens

  Venus had called twice on my cell. I immediately called her back.

  “Where are you?” she asked.

  “I’m just getting ready to leave Cedars and head home. They’ve moved Mark to a regular room now.”

  “Get up to the fourth floor. Hope’s in labor!”

  I was just about ready to walk through the lobby doors to leave. It felt like this hospital had its grip on me and wasn’t going to let go. How long had I been without proper sleep now? I did a turn-a-bout and headed for the bank of elevators. “Be right there.”

  When I got to Hope’s room, I could hear her softly moaning before I even opened the door. Words of encouragement from her husband Brad filled the room.

  “Come on honey, just take a deep breath. Each contraction brings our baby one step closer.”

  Brad was on side of her, holding her hand. Venus was on the other, putting a cool washcloth on her face.

  “Hey. Glad to see that I’m not too late,” I said walking into the room.

  “Ava. So…glad you’re…here,” Hope said in between breaths. “How’s Mark?”

  “He’s doing much better. Dr. Petrick thinks he may be able to go home within the week.”

  “Great!” Hope said before another contraction hit her. “Oh my goodness. I think it’s time for the epidural.”

  “Not going the natural way, huh?” I asked her.
  “Hell no! I do…this for a…living. I know…it’s going to…hurt!” Hope squeezed Brad’s hand so tight it was turning white.

  Venus and I stifled a laugh watching Brad grimace. “I’ll go get Dr. Collins and let him know you’re ready,” Brad said after the contraction had subsided. He shook his hand vigorously, walking out of the room.

  “Are you ready?” I asked Hope.

  She nodded, laying her head back on the pillow. “I was helping Frederick set up the guest room for Mom and Dad when my water broke. We gathered my suitcase, called Brad at the office, and then headed down here.”

  Frederick was Hope’s long time housekeeper and cook. He was a good-looking Italian and had been temporarily living with Hope when she and Brad first started dating. Brad didn’t realize Frederick was the housekeeper – or that he was gay – and had mistaken him as Hope’s boyfriend when he showed up at her house unannounced one morning. At the time, Hope was mortified that Brad had thought she was having an affair with Frederick. Now, we all laugh about it.

  “Are your parents here yet?”

  “No. They are on the way down.” Hope managed to say before another big contraction hit.

  “Wow. These are coming pretty fast now,” Venus said. “Breathe through it, Hope.”

  I felt helpless as I watched one of my best friends go through agony. It would be worth it in the end. I remembered when the girls were born. Mark and I were struggling to make ends meet. He was working late at the tech company and I was at home studying for mid-term exams. I’d been scheduled for a C-section the following week. I kept telling myself, if I could get through these tough exams, I could get through having twins.

  I’d got up to fix some hot tea when I’d felt water trickling down my legs. I first I’d thought I had peed myself. After going to the bathroom, I’d realized my water had broken. Frantically, I’d called Mark at work and told him what was going on. I was more worried about missing these critical exams than giving birth to twin girls.

  At the hospital, Mark suited up and held my hand while the doctor performed the emergency C-section. The look on his face was priceless when the nurse handed him two pink bundles. That was the first time I’d seen him cry, I realized.

  I laughed thinking about the memory. Thankfully, the C-section went smoothly, the girls were born healthy, and my professors allowed me to take all my exams after the girls were born. Mark was my rock during that time. He handled taking the care of the girls, working, and helping around the house while I made my way through school. I was a lucky girl. Still am a lucky girl, I reminded myself.

  Brad came back in the room with Dr. Collins, bringing me out of my flashback. Venus and I left while the doctor gave Hope the epidural.

  We went to the waiting area and I fixed myself a cup of coffee. I told Venus about Mark when she asked about his condition. Then I decided to confide in her about my affair. I knew she had been on the other side of a similar situation when her husband had an affair.

  “So Mark doesn’t know?” Venus asked after I came clean.

  “No.” I wondered how much I should tell Venus. “I was with Craig the night Mark got hurt.”


  “I know this sounds lame, but I was going to call it off that night.” I looked up at Venus. “After I left the hotel, I started having second thoughts about the affair. Then I got the call from Hope telling me that Mark was in an accident.”

  “You haven’t talked to Craig since?”

  “Yeah, we’ve talked. That’s not all.”

  “It’s not?” Venus asked.

  “Allison found out about the affair. She was angry and wanted to get back at me so she gave The Hollywood Buzz information about Sawyer and his abusive wife. The Hollywood Buzz just happens to be the magazine that Craig and his family own.”

  “Whoa. How’d that happen?”

  “Her finding out about the affair or Sawyer?”

  “Let’s start with how she found out.”

  I told Venus about how Allison saw Craig and me out one day and put two and two together. Then how Allison went through my computer and my briefcase, and then listened to my phone conversations.

  “How did Sawyer take that?”

  “He wasn’t happy. Of course all this happened while Mark was in the hospital. Clyde had to run interference on my part. Then I met with Sawyer and we worked things out.”

  “Do you want to stay with Mark?”

  “Yes, I do.”

  “Then you have to tell him.”

  “I know. I’m waiting for him to get better. Once he is home and on the mend, I plan on telling him. He’ll probably want a divorce. He told me once before how angry he was at his dad for cheating on his mother. She took him back and Mark still hasn’t forgiven his dad for putting his mom through hell.”

  Venus nodded. “You have to prepare yourself for the worst Ava.”

  “I know.”

  “You see the irony in all this, right?”

  I thought about all the money I’d made over the years helping wounded spouses get back at their ex for cheating on them. “Yes, unfortunately I do,” I answered her.

  Brad came out to the waiting area. “You guys want to see Hope one more time? She’s about ready to push so you can only go in for a few minutes.”

  Chapter 23

  “Babies are such a nice way to start people.” – Don Herrold

  “He’s just beautiful, Hope.” We both gushed at her baby boy. Venus and I took turns holding him before Hope’s mom pushed us out of the way.

  “What name did you decide on?” I asked Hope. She and Brad had wanted to keep the name a secret until he was born.

  “Phineas Franklin Whitford,” Hope said proudly.

  “We’ll call him Finn for short,” Brad said. “Compromise.”

  “Phineas is Greek and a family name. And of course Franklin after my husband,” Adonna, Hope’s mom added.

  “I love it,” I gave Finn a kiss on the forehead, inhaling his newborn scent. So fresh, and so new. “We’re heading out to give you guys some time with the little one. I’ll check in with you later, Hope.”

  Venus and I walked out to the parking garage together. I looked at my watch to see it was almost midnight. The girls would hopefully be in bed by the time I got home. I had called them earlier to check in and let them know about Hope and her little one.

  Venus gave me a hug good-bye, which was rare because she wasn’t normally an affectionate person.

  “Good luck with Mark. Let me know if you need anything, darling.”

  I hugged her back. “Thanks for everything.”

  I climbed wearily into my car and headed for home. And hopefully a good night’s sleep.

  Chapter 24

  “Marriage has no guarantees. If that’s what you’re looking for, go live with a car battery.” – Erma Bombeck

  “I have something to tell you.” I patted the couch cushion so Mark would sit down beside me. He had been home now for a couple of months, recuperating from the car accident and brain injury he’d sustained. I felt like now was the time to come clean with him.

  “What’s up?”

  I took a deep breath. “This isn’t easy for me to say. I know the last few months have been difficult and strained between us and I’m sorry for that. I’ve done something that I’m not proud of but I’m not going to make excuses…”

  “Is this about your affair with Craig?”

  You could’ve hit me over the head with a hammer, I was so stunned. For once, I was at a loss for words.

  I took a moment to compose myself. “You knew?”

  Mark nodded.

  “How did you find out?”

  “I spotted you in the lobby bar of the Beverly. I watched you give another man a kiss.”

  Thinking back, I remembered that day well. Craig and I usually met in the hotel room but he’d suggested we have a drink first because I had a horrible day in court. We had gotten into such a casual routine of greeting each other w
ith a quick kiss on the lips I didn’t stop to think someone might notice us.

  “What were you doing at the Beverly?”

  “I was meeting someone there myself.” Mark looked at me with guilt in his eyes. Then it dawned on me.

  “You were having an affair too?”

  “Well, not exactly. You remember Leslie?”

  I racked my brain before remembering a pretty girl Mark had over at the house a few times. They were working together on a new gaming project. I didn’t really pay too much attention though. Mark always had people in and out of the house who were helping him with the launch of his new gaming software.

  “I think so. The pretty brunette that came over with Sean?”

  “Yeah. I was meeting her at the Beverly. We had gotten pretty close over the last few months. Things were reaching that next level. I’d agree to meet her that night with the intent of…” Mark looked away, unable to finish telling me.

  “Of sleeping with her?” I finished for him.

  “Yeah. Then I saw you with Craig. We’d done some tech work for his company, so I know his brother Neil pretty well. I also remembered he was your high school sweetheart.”

  Again, I was speechless. I would never in my wildest dreams thought Mark would cheat on me. Especially knowing how he felt about his dad cheating on his mother.

  “I guess most guys would’ve gone ahead with it. For a moment, I really wanted to get back at you. But in the end I didn’t. It just made me sad.”

  “You never slept with Leslie?”

  “No. I haven’t seen her since. Are you still seeing Craig?” he asked me, breaking the silence.

  “No. I broke it off a couple of months ago.”

  “Did you love him?”

  “No. It was a brief thing. Stupid.” I grabbed his hand. “I’m so sorry.”

  “What happened to us?” Mark asked.

  “I don’t know. I got so involved in work I didn’t think I gave our marriage and our family the attention it needed. I won’t let that happen again.”


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