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Weathering the Storm

Page 8

by Kait Gamble

  His smile was triumphant. “I’ve never met anyone who calls to me as you do.”

  His words only reminded her that he didn’t remember her and the pain that came with the fact. With a well-placed shove, she put space between them. “Alex, please…”

  His eyes darkened and his hands closed around her hips to pull her back toward him. “There’s something about you, Maia, it draws me.” His gaze snared hers. “I know you feel it too.”

  “Alex. We can’t.” The words were weak on her lips.

  “We can.” He plundered her mouth again in an almost successful attempt at wiping all thoughts from her mind.

  For a long moment she could do nothing but let him. Not that she didn’t enjoy every second of it. It just brought back bad memories that she couldn’t deal with right then. She braced her hands on his shoulders and she knew he had let her push him back. “Alex…”

  “Maia, I’m not going to say I’m sorry for that. I find you intriguing and I want to learn more about you. Everything.”

  That was what Maia was afraid of.

  Alex didn’t know what came over him, but in that moment he had to feel her against him. He had to kiss her. And when she responded to him as she did, he knew that she felt the chemistry between them as well. It was combustible. What started as a little experiment to gauge her response turned into something infinitely more.

  Alex had half hoped that something in his memory would click. Instead, nothing but lust, pure and molten, blasted through him.

  He’d known kissing her would be delicious, but he’d had no idea that a simple kiss would affect him so much. She was dangerously addictive. Did he want to get hooked? Absolutely. But he had to keep his head if he was going to find out more about her. Rushing into things was a sure-fire way to push her away. But damned if he didn’t want to shove clothing aside and take her right there in the ocean.

  He watched her try to compose herself and put the icy mask façade back in place. Only this time she seemed unable to do so completely. It made her even more attractive to know that he affected her as much as she did him.

  What he wanted was to get to the real her, the one who wouldn’t hide behind excuses about work and cool professionalism. He’d seen a glimpse of the woman beneath and knew he only wanted more.

  He would bide his time. At least until his control frayed to the point of snapping.

  * * * *

  Maia spent the rest of the day in a distracted daze. She dutifully took note of the quality of the service, details about their surroundings. Thankfully, she had her camera and her phone to dictate notes to or else she’d never remember any of it.

  Alex was the perfect host, introducing her to people, showing her noteworthy locations, filling her in on interesting facts and behind the scenes information. If only she hadn’t been so unfocused.

  Alex must have noticed her state of distraction because he’d backed off a little. Giving her the space she needed. But Maia could tell that it only piqued his interest even more.

  Damn the man’s inquisitive nature.

  Maia could only hope that his attention would be directed elsewhere. And soon.

  Before long, she found herself sitting at their table overlooking the water with yet another sumptuous meal laid out beautifully before her.

  “Maia? Has the magic of the island been lost on you?” Alex watched her closely and she hadn’t even noticed.

  “Not at all.” She forced herself to smile and made a show of studying the meal. “This looks wonderful.

  He put his hand on hers, stopping her from fidgeting with the napkin. “Your mind has been elsewhere most of the day. Is something wrong?”

  “Not at all.”

  He picked up his wine and regarded her silently for a long moment. “You seem a little…off.”

  She smiled weakly. “Sorry. I guess I have a lot on my mind.”

  “Anything I can help with?”

  She smiled gratefully. He was always so considerate. “Thanks, but no. Besides I’m sure you’ve got enough on your plate.”

  He squeezed her hand. “If you can think of anything I can do, let me know.”

  She knew he meant it. “I will. Thanks.”

  With a smile, he let go of her hand so they could both start eating. “Bon appétit.”

  “So what do you think of the resort so far?”

  Maia shrugged. “What can I say? It’s wonderful. It’s definitely unique.”

  He grinned, relaxing completely for the first time since Nice. “I’m glad you think so.”

  She picked at her food for a moment as she eyed him. Alex patiently watched her.

  “You’re expecting a ‘but’.”

  “Of course I am. Someone who has traveled as you have must have some critiques.”

  Thinking over what they had seen and done as well as her overall impression of the island, there weren’t many things she could fault. “I can’t think of anything, really.” She speared a baby carrot and chewed it thoughtfully. “What happens when there’s bad weather?”

  Challenged, he leaned forward and linked his fingers together. “Depending on the situation, there are evacuation plans. A helicopter can be here within minutes to take everyone off the island.”

  “And if that’s not a possibility?”

  “A ferry is ready if the weather prevents air evacuation. If neither are viable, the villas are strong, well built. They can withstand a lot. But if they are stressed beyond their limits, there is an underground bunker at the center of the island.”

  Satisfied with his answer, she nodded in admiration. “It seems you’ve thought of everything.”

  “I hope I have. I want this to be a destination for couples to relax and enjoy themselves.”

  “Well, it’s certainly incredible. I can’t say I’ve ever been anywhere like it before.” Maia smiled at him. “I think you have a winner on your hands.”

  Alex grinned hugely. “I’m glad. I’ve put a lot of myself into this place.” He glanced around, a delighted smile on his lips.

  “I can see that. You’ve done an amazing job, Alex.” She was proud of him and what he had accomplished. The resort was destined to be a hit.

  “Thank you.” He openly studied her. Just as she was beginning to squirm under his gaze, he said, “We need to celebrate.”

  Was he kidding? Celebrate how? Why? Just because she thought the resort would be a hit? But before she could reply, he stood and was around the table, scooping her up into his arms.

  His smile and laughter were infectious and she found herself joining in. For an instant, she forgot about everything. The world dropped away and they were just two people enjoying the moment. And it felt wonderful. More than.

  Alex spun her around and lowered his face to her throat where he muttered something she didn’t catch.

  “What was that?” Her mind was already on meltdown from being held by him.

  His lips grazed her neck on the way up to nibble on her earlobe. His breath caressed the path his lips took. “I said, I don’t know what it is about you but you make me feel…”

  She craned her neck to look at him. “Feel what?”

  Maia couldn’t decipher the look he gave her and all attempts were blasted away when his lips found hers.

  No one could kiss like Alex. No one could make her breathless and dizzy, or make her heart slam against her ribcage like he did. She couldn’t stop her arms from winding around his neck or her hands from tangling in his hair.

  Alex groaned and deepened the kiss, dueling her tongue with his. When his arms banded around her and crushed her against him, Maia let herself get swept up into his embrace. It felt too good to be against his hard body. To feel him against her.

  The rush of sensation was heady but not totally unexpected. Maia knew in the back of her mind that it would be like this, but she wasn’t ready for how easily he tore through her defenses and left her trembling.

  Alex didn’t give her a chance to breathe, let alone think. All s
he could do was feel and she wanted more. More sensation. More Alex. Maia had spent too long closed behind icy walls but she knew that it was only with Alex that she felt this way. That she could even feel this way again.

  Maia wound herself around him, needing as much contact as she could get.

  With a groan, Alex cradled her closer. “I need to know that this is what you want. Say the word and we’ll stop.”

  She tangled her fingers in his hair as she gazed into his eyes and dragged him back down for another searing kiss.

  When she opened her eyes again, they had somehow managed to make it to the bedroom.

  Alex gently placed her at the center of the bed and made quick work of her clothing, peeling, tugging and tossing with clear and definite purpose. When she was bare to him, he blazed a trail over her skin with his hands, followed by his mouth and tongue.

  Maia writhed beneath him, clawing at his clothes, needing to feel his skin against hers. Buttons pinged across the room in her impatience to run her hands over the hard muscles hidden beneath. The groan she was rewarded with when she raked her nails over his solid shoulders made her smile.

  He still liked it.

  Alex didn’t know what it was about her, but he couldn’t get enough of Maia. Every sigh and moan just made him want more. He craved her. Needed her like he needed his next breath.

  For a man who prided himself on self-control and never letting anything get under his skin, she was doing an admirable job of proving that belief to be utterly wrong.

  When she’d thrown the drink at him in the restaurant, he was sure that she was either insane or incredibly skilled at getting what she wanted. He’d never had a woman attack him as an opening salvo. Then the story of how he’d abandoned her made him suspicious again. But nothing she had told him seemed to be a lie. The more he got to know her, the more he fell under her spell. He just felt that there was something he was missing. Something she wasn’t telling him.

  Alex knew that he was gaining her trust and it was paramount if she was going to open up to him. And he wanted to know everything about her, including what he had done to shatter her trust in men. He needed to know so he could make it right.

  He hadn’t planned on her charming him so completely. Even now, he knew he should stop. That he should have never brought her here of all places. But he couldn’t help himself.

  Maia was an addiction that was overtaking his consciousness and there wasn’t anything he wanted to do to change that.

  Alex hooked his hands around her hips and dragged her forward so he could claim her lips again. She tasted of sunshine and something that was intrinsically Maia that he found absolutely intoxicating.

  He let his hands explore the skin he’d been wanting to see and touch and taste for days. Alex wanted Maia like he had never wanted anyone else. She was a compulsion. A burning obsession. She made him forget all his rules and made him truly feel for the first time in a very long time.

  And he would have her.

  Maia tunneled a hand through his hair to anchor him against her when he dragged his lips downward to nip at her throat. But that didn’t stop him from slowly moving lower. Over her collarbone, licking the valley between her breasts, before taking one peak into his hot mouth. She couldn’t stop the groan that climbed her throat. Arching against him, she sighed when he moved to circle the other with his tongue.

  When she was sure she was going to black out, his hands joined in. Gliding down her side, he stopped one at her breast to cup and caress while the other traveled lower. Down her side, teasing over her belly then over her thigh. She parted them for him only caring about feeling more of his touch. To feel Alex again.

  He leaned back a little to look into her eyes as he pushed his fingers into her wet heat. She bit back a scream when he slid them in, driving her pleasure higher and higher. But just as she was about to have the fastest orgasm of her life, he pulled away.

  Maia clawed at him. “Alex. Please.”

  He kissed her again, shifting their positions so that he was between her thighs. Alex nipped her ear as he whispered, “I want to be deep inside you when you climax. I want to feel you around me.”

  He swiftly took care of protection before he lowered himself down to her.

  His words alone were enough to make her eyes roll heavenward. So close. Maia was sure he could tell just how close she was and that he barely had to do a thing to get her there. Not to be outdone, she ran the back of her fingers down the ridges of his abdomen, slowly making her way to torture him as he had her.

  Divining her intent, he snatched her hand away and imprisoned them both over her head in one hand. The movement wedged himself against her. The slightest shift of his hips and he would slip inside. “I don’t think so.”

  “Then stop tormenting me.” Maia hooked a leg around his hip and dragged him closer, impaling herself with him.

  Not letting her control the speed of his descent, he slid forward slowly, deliciously, filling her with an almost leisurely stroke.

  The feel of his hard body against her, within her, was better than she remembered. When he reached bottom, it made her breath hitch. Alex held still for a breath and just stared into her eyes while he gave her a long moment for her body to adjust to his size.

  Stretched to her limits she circled her hips, wrapping her legs around his, letting him know in no uncertain terms that she wanted him to move.

  Alex’s groan as he pulled out and pushed back into her caused a wicked little smile to curve her lips. She had little chance to revel in her newfound power as his thrusts grew deeper, robbing her of coherent thought. All she could do was react, feel—revel—as her body tightened again.

  Alex plunged into her, thrusting deeply, pulling almost all the way out and pushing his girth into her again and again. The friction of his huge, veined erection against her sensitized flesh as he pumped into her raised goosebumps on her skin. His ragged breath mingled with hers as they strained against each other, each pushing the other ever closer to the precipice.

  For a second Maia hung there, right at the edge. Alex lifted his head to capture and hold her gaze as, with a heavy thrust, he took her over. Maia exploded with a keening cry, convulsing around him and arching into him.

  Alex’s sexy smile as he thrust, drawing out her orgasm, turned into an expression of pure ecstasy as he joined her moments later with a shout.

  He dropped his head to her shoulder, his thrusts slow to draw out his own pleasure. Eventually, he dropped, completely spent. For a long while, they lay blissfully entwined. His gaze lifted to hers and, for an instant, Maia thought she saw a spark of recognition there before he blinked and it was gone.

  Alex pulled her with him as he rolled to his side. Sighing, he stretched. “That was incredible.”

  Maia couldn’t help the smile that his words brought to her lips. He was even better than she remembered. But of course he was. He’d only just been figuring out how potent he was sexually when they’d been together.

  He had been amazing then. Now he was spectacular.

  And now, he definitely knew how to use it.

  Just imagining how many women got to know this fact about him made her chest ache a little. It had been a long time apart, so he didn’t have the memories of her that she had of him, and she needed to remember that.

  “Hey. What’s wrong?” He twisted so that she was on top of him. He wrapped his arms around her waist, holding her tightly against him, his nose inches away from hers as he searched her eyes. “You just checked out on me.”

  Her head was chaotic with memories, old and new colliding with what she thought she knew about him and what she actually knew now. It was a confusing mess. “I just need a moment.”

  “Maia. I know you’re keeping something from me.”

  She tried to respond but he cut her off.

  “I hope that you will learn to open up to me because I have no intention of letting you go.”

  “Letting me go?” The sheer arrogance of his words
grated at her. Strung tight as they were, she lashed out, shoving at his chest. “You have some nerve.”

  He stared at her with genuine confusion. “What’s the matter?”

  “You! That’s what’s the matter. You bring me here under the guise of showing me your new resort and it was all just to seduce me. Admit it!” And she’d served herself up to him on a plate.

  Maia grabbed the sheets and wrapped them around herself as she searched for something to wear.

  Alex was visibly baffled as he slid off the bed to stand completely, magnificently, naked to face her. “Calm down. Where is this coming from? We’ve had an amazing few days and just had fantastic sex. And all of a sudden you’re going crazy.”

  She glared at him. “So now I’m crazy?”

  Alex stared acerbically at her sheet-covered form. “What would you call this?”

  He had a point. But what could she say? That she’d thought of him with other women and that it enraged and sickened her? That the sex with him was incredible and that frightened the life out of her?

  He didn’t give her a chance to come up with anything. “I know you have trouble with intimacy and I can handle that. I think we both realize what we have here is special.”

  Of course she knew. It was the second time she’d found it with him.

  “Please.” Alex wound his arms around her, his breath warm on her ear. “Come back to bed.”

  She opened her mouth to apologize but he hushed her with a gentle finger on her lips.

  Maia let him lead her back to bed. Alex slid in behind her, peeled away the sheet and wrapped himself around her in its place.

  For a long while, he simply held her, letting his warmth and strength seep into her. And Maia did find comfort in being skin to skin with him. Feeling his steady heart beat against her back, hearing his breath, was incredibly soothing. Cell by cell, Maia’s muscles unbunched until she was pliant as he began to explore her again.

  He glided his hands slowly over her skin in slow, mesmerizing strokes. He caressed her skin with the downward drag of the backs of his fingers. Alex brushed her hair away to nip the skin just below her ear. “You are beautiful.”


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