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Second Chance

Page 2

by Rebecca Airies

  “You weren’t infected?” Red stared intently into her eyes, then tensed. “That program sounds very much like the one that’s attacking some of our men.”

  “I became infected after a way to beat the program had been found. We were lucky. We’d already been working on that very infection in several Second Gen men. We knew what we were up against.” Laci’s mouth kicked up at one corner. The answer had been so elementary that it should have been obvious from the first.

  “How did you beat it?” Red leaned toward her.

  “Oh, no, I’m not that easy to trick.” She could almost smell the urgency pulsing through him. He wanted that answer badly. Amusement and triumph flashed in her eyes as she smiled at the two glaring and frowning men. “I want an assurance that you’ll allow me to leave with Vanya Steryan and I want to know your names. I’m not one of your men. I will not call you by a title when I don’t know what it means.”

  “Alek Teyan and Darion Malan.” Red’s tone was clipped and his gestures sharp with irritation as he pointed first to himself and then to the man at his side.

  Darion added, “As to our title, ‘Jatohn’ in Norik doesn’t translate very well into Orisan or any other common language. It is ‘Captain’, but it also means leader of a clan and more.”

  “And Vanya…” she pushed in a sweet tone.

  Laci saw Darion’s eyes narrow. The black-haired man didn’t like her demand.

  “As soon as your help has proven useful, you and Vanya will be taken back to Viaga.” Darion’s reluctance to give in to her demands was visible.

  She wondered at that reluctance. Was it simple annoyance over having their authority challenged? She knew they wanted her. She could see it, smell it. They were exuding pheromones which kicked her arousal to a higher level.

  “It’s easy enough. All you have to do is reprogram a few nano-cytes with the new program and they’ll spread it as they encounter others.” Laci shrugged to loosen her still-stiff muscles.

  “What do you program the nano-cytes to do?” Alek seemed to be the critic of the two. So far, he’d questioned almost everything she had said, if not verbally, then with those golden eyes.

  “You program them to attack a signal that the ‘infected’ nano-cytes emit. They will treat the changed nano-cytes as a virus, a hostile organism. Whenever they find one, they will destroy the infected nano-cyte without the exchange needed for the ‘virus’ to spread.”

  “How are we supposed to know what signal to target?” Alek raised a brow.

  “Take me to the lab you are using and I’ll help.”

  “You could tell us here,” Darion countered. The suspicion was obvious in his tone of voice and the look in his eyes.

  “It will be show, not tell. The program is complex, but it’s within my nano-cytes and can be transferred to one of yours in code form as First Gen nano-cytes would swarm and reprogram mine before any transfer could take place. The aggressive nano-bots running through you are definitely not compatible with mine,” Laci sighed and strived for patience. Oh yeah, they have so much in common with the paranoid, ultra-suspicious Second Gen men.

  “Why didn’t you say so before?” Darion firmly grabbed her arm and began pulling her out of the room and down the hallway.

  Laci fumed at being dragged after him like a strayed pet. She was barefoot and naked underneath the short robe and she had to almost jog to keep up with him.

  “You said that the two types of nano-cytes are not compatible. Could your nano-cytes ever accept ours?” Alek followed them, enjoying the view afforded by his position behind them. “And did you know that you have a sweetly curved ass that just begs to be touched?”

  Laci cast a scathing look over her shoulder. She was shocked at the naked hunger on his face. His big hands flexed at his sides. She could easily envision him gripping the globes of her buttocks, stroking them, pulling her against his body. And strangely, she wanted it too. In spite of the uncertainty of the situation, her hands itched to run over his skin. It unnerved her even more.

  Laci forced herself to focus on their question. “One group would overwhelm the other, replacing it. There is currently no middle ground. With time, a hybrid might be possible.” Laci shrugged. Dealing with the creations of Vanya Steryan and others like her took precedence over bridging the gap between the three distinct groups of Arceins. That particular problem would have to wait until peace had been won.

  They tugged Laci into a gray-walled laboratory. Four harried-looking men labored at various stations in the very advanced, well-equipped lab. Laci stared with envy at the machines they were using. One of the technicians glanced over his shoulder and then stood, coming to meet the two men.

  “Jatohn, is there something that you need? We haven’t found a way to stop it yet.” The lab tech who greeted them had very short black hair and curious brown eyes.

  “But we have,” Darion informed him with relish. “This is Laci Trion. Steryan attacked them before she attacked us. Her nano-cytes carry a program to defeat the infected forces.”

  The lab tech’s sharp eyes scrutinized Laci. “You’re sure this will work?” His words were laced with doubt.

  “I’ll need to check the infected nano-cytes to be sure that this is the same thing that attacked my people. If it is the same, you can transfer the program as it is.” Laci gave the tech a frown in return. They had a lab full of advanced equipment and they needed help? If she’d had this equipment, finding the solution would have been simple.

  “And if it’s not?” the tech asked in a snide tone.

  “If it’s not, the changes you’ll have to make will probably be minor. Steryan is predictable and lazy. She wouldn’t have changed it much.” Laci wished she had access to half the equipment in this lab in her lab at home. She would be able to learn so much more about the nano-cytes if she had this kind of machinery.

  “What will you need?” The lab tech’s hesitation to give her full access to the equipment was obvious. He kept his unwavering gaze on her.

  “I’ll need some of the infected nano-cytes, a sensitive frequency detector and a reader device.” She was tempted to stop right then, to refuse to help them, but she wanted to get Vanya Steryan back to Gesed 3 before the scientist slipped away again. That woman was slippery and Laci was eager to see her pay for some of her crimes.

  The way everyone here looked at her stirred her anger. They were always visually assessing her. It was as if they expected something from her. She didn’t like feeling as if she was being judged. They didn’t know her. She’d never met any of these men before now, yet every gaze seemed to judge her and find her wanting.

  The equipment was brought to her and Laci began to work. The signal emitted by the infected nano-cytes hadn’t changed and the program was unchanged. There wouldn’t have to be any change to the extermination program. As soon as she got this done and they had their proof that it worked, she would leave.

  “It’s the same. I presume that you have a data transfer unit for the nano-cytes.” Laci shifted impatiently. If they wanted this done, they would need to be a little more cooperative.

  The answer came in a series of nods from the technicians.

  “I’ll need a syringe to get your sample.” Laci rolled her eyes when none of the men moved.

  After she drew her own blood, the task flew toward completion. She helped them isolate the right section of the programming and watched as they studied it line by line to ensure that she wasn’t carrying a program that would harm them. Luckily the program was relatively simple. When the techs were certain that the program was safe, the two Jatohn decided to leave the lab.

  “They have what they need. You’ll come with us while we wait.” Alek stepped up to her side.

  Well, that was a lovely invitation.

  Chapter Two

  Alek took her arm and pulled her from the lab. Darion followed so close behind that she could feel his body heat against her back at nearly every step. The ride up in a lift was tense. For some odd reaso
n, Laci expected them to hold her, touch her while the lift carried them to the chosen floor. She actually ached for their strong arms to encircle her.

  That realization set off a barrage of internal alarms. Her heart slammed into her chest wall and panic swirled through her. If it had been possible, she’d have turned around and run in the opposite direction from them. She needed some time to think about what all of this meant. Most of all, she wanted to know why this attraction had flared. They might look like the men in her dreams, but she knew she wasn’t the same woman she was in those dreams. After leading her down yet another sterile gray corridor, they urged Laci into a room.

  A huge bed with a solid black spread dominated the large room. Two sliding doors faced each other on opposite walls. One was probably the bathroom, another, the automated closet. A black chair and a black couch had been placed to one side of the room. Overall, the effect was very stark and masculine against the pale gray of the walls and carpeting.

  Darion went to the couch and took a seat at one end. Alek began to guide her toward the couch. Still suspicious of their intent, she planted her feet and leaned back, refusing to go one step further. She wasn’t going to let them make this situation any more complicated than it already was.

  Alek merely smiled and tugged her after him. Her strength was no match for his and she stumbled forward. He hauled her down between them as he sat on the black fabric cushion, holding her down when she tried to bolt.

  Laci took some deep, calming breaths. It was obvious that she was not going to get off the couch unless they let her off it. She tugged the hem of the robe down, trying to cover a little more thigh, and shifted with nervous agitation. This was worse than waking up naked and restrained. The situation then had been tense, but they had been focused on learning what her purpose was. Now, their focus was on her. She was faced with two men, not one, and both of them seemed hungry. She appeared to be the main course they craved.

  “This isn’t a good idea.” Laci looked first at the tilted eyes and high cheekbones of Alek Teyan’s refined profile and then at the square jaw and velvety brown eyes of Darion Malan’s more rugged countenance. She wanted them both with an intensity and depth that frightened her. She didn’t know them or anything about them, yet her body reacted as if it had already known their touch—and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Her heart continued to pound.

  “Have you ever wondered what it would be like to make love with someone who you didn’t have to fear hurting in your passion? Or always be in control when you loved them?” Alek allowed his eyes to savor her full curves. His hand rose and traced over her cheeks, her short nose, before grazing her lips with the tip of one finger.

  Laci caught his lustful gaze with her defiant one. “From what I’ve heard from others, it’s pretty good, but I want more than just sex from a man. I’d want to know the man, feel something more than an urge that I could satisfy with sex toys. I want to be able to trust him with my life as well as my body.”

  “Well, then, come. Let us show you,” Alek invited with a wicked grin.

  “I lost my taste for casual sex before we escaped the labs. I refuse to use my body as a weapon in that way. I have choices now and I choose not to indulge in meaningless sex.”

  “Come closer to me and tell me that you do not know me.” Darion tugged at her hand, eager to answer the challenge shooting from her green eyes. His full lips curved into a knowing smile as he caught the scent of her arousal.

  Laci couldn’t help wondering if he knew what that rumbling whisper did to her, if he could tell that her pussy clenched and flooded with hot, honeyed desire when his voice fell to that pitch, even as she allowed herself to be tugged toward him. As much as she tried to resist, her body ached to know if he could do as much or more with his hands and lips. “I don’t know what you think this will do.”

  “Remember me.” He pulled her against him and pressed her head to his chest. The soft, deep blue material of the cloth caressed her cheek and she listened to the muffled, steady drum of his heart against her ear. She lay stiff and unyielding against him for a few moments, but then her muscles began to relax of their own accord, lured by the warmth and lack of pressure.

  She drew in his scent. The haunting familiarity of the essence called to her. That fragrance was heady and powerful, a reminder of a time before her memory began. Deep in her mind, a vague sensory memory swirled… Deep forest. And the comfort of strong arms on a cold night.

  “Come to me, little one. Remember me,” Alek said, gently lifting her away from Darion’s chest and turning her into his body.

  Puzzled, yet pulled by the need to learn the truth, Laci drew his scent into her as her head rested against the blue material over his hard chest. Primal knowledge flooded her senses. Hazy memories and lost instinct floated to her. The scent of rain teased her and warm darkness surrounded her. She was safe with her mates.

  Oh, no, Laci thought. No, definitely not them. Not two of them. Shaking her head, she drew away from Alek’s chest. He held her arms ensuring that she did not go far. Shock exploded within her even as she tried to deny the significance of her discovery.

  “That means nothing,” Laci protested in a trembling voice, trying to regain lost ground in her resistance. She couldn’t let it matter. This was not that time, the time in her dreams. She wasn’t that woman.

  “It means everything. Let us show you.” Darion ran his hands over her arms. “Relax, Laci. We won’t hurt you. We would never hurt you.”

  Alek turned her body and pressed her back against the soft cushions of the couch. With a gentle touch on her chin, Darion turned her face to his and his lips brushed over hers, light as a soft breeze. Laci couldn’t resist the sensation, the heat. She wanted to taste him, even if it was only this once. Her mouth opened for him, tempted.

  His tongue lapped over her lips, tasting them. His scent—musk and a hint of the sharp fragrance of trees—surrounded her, teasing her, tempting her. Her tongue flicked out, teasing, stroking over his before retreating into her own mouth. Darion’s lips firmed on hers as his tongue drove into her mouth. His tongue stroked over hers, inciting a response as if he needed to know she wanted him just as much as he did her.

  Laci brushed her tongue against his. He tasted of crisp, cold mornings and verdant forests. That tang stirred a craving for more and more as it filled her senses. She could kiss him for hours. Her hand laced into his silky, long black hair as her tongue followed his into the recesses of his mouth.

  She resisted when he tried to draw away from her, her fingers clenching in his dark hair, trying to bring him back to her. She needed those lips and that tongue. She hadn’t had enough of him yet. A rich masculine laugh rumbled against her lips. His teeth nipped at her plump lower lip as he pried her hands from his hair and turned her to the left. A frustrated growl rolled from her lips.

  Alek’s lips closed over hers, catching the end of that sound. His tongue swept into her mouth, filling her with the taste and scent of long, rainy nights and mountainous retreats. Equally as addictive and delightful as Darion’s kiss, she reveled in that delicious essence, drawing it into her mouth. His tongue glided over hers, tangling and teasing. Laci didn’t even try to fight the urge to respond. She was lost in his taste and the sensations of his caress. Her tongue tangled with his and her hands slid over his chest.

  Laci felt them repositioning her, felt the slight disorientation, but she didn’t want to stop them. Within a moment, she lay across Alek’s lap, her lips still locked with his. Warm, calloused hands pushed her robe apart. She arched her back, thrusting her breasts up as the soft fabric brushed over her engorged, sensitive nipples. Tingles of pleasure radiated from the swollen mounds.

  The sudden feel of hot breath across the crest of one of her breasts caused the nipple to pucker and harden and anticipation to rocket through her. She wanted that mouth on her breast. A slightly rough tongue laved over that peak once, twice, before the tingling flesh was sucked into a warm, wet mouth. Her back arch
ed and she gasped into Alek’s mouth as Darion’s teeth teased the sensitive nipple, scraping and tugging on the hard peak.

  Laci gave a startled mewl when fingers plucked at the nipple atop the neglected globe. She tensed and squirmed at the pleasure streaking through her. She needed more. Her desire coiled into a hard knot low in her belly and sparked a pulsing ache in her now engorged clit. Never had passion flared so hot and high so fast.

  The lips at her breast firmed and the tormenting tongue flicked over the tip just before a maddening, drawing suction began. She arched her back again, pressing her breast against that teasing mouth, begging for him to suck harder, to take more into his mouth. The pulling rhythm, combined with the sharp, pinching tugs at her other nipple, enflamed her into a moaning, writhing creature seeking only satisfaction.

  A warm hand caressed her stomach. The tip of a slightly rough finger circled her navel with a light, rasping touch before dipping into the slight indention. A tingling dart of electric pleasure shot straight to her pussy, tightening the aching need coiling within her. That teasing digit drifted down to the smooth, pink lips of her pussy, lightly brushing over the wet lips. Her legs opened in eager invitation at that grazing touch. His fingers parted the slick lips and stroked over the hood of her clit with the lightest of touches. With deliberate tormenting intent, those digits moved in circular caresses that just barely grazed that sensitive hood. He had to know that she needed more. She was burning with the need they had created. A pleading moan escaped her lips as her hips bucked against the hand, demanding more than that teasing touch.

  Darion smiled against the full mound of her breast as he felt the hot cream of her desire against his fingers and heard her eager moans and sighs. “You’re so passionate, Laci. Do you know what it does to a man when a woman responds with such enthusiasm?” His thumb stroked over her plump clit as his fingers slipped into the heated sheath of her pussy.


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