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Second Chance

Page 13

by Rebecca Airies

  Laci and her assistants ran the tests over and over to be certain. Each time, the results were the same—the carrier nano-cytes were destroyed without further spread of the harmful program.

  Finally, the women were brought in and the process of removing the infected nano-cytes was begun. They had decided that using the First Gen nano-cytes in a seek-and-destroy manner would be the easiest and safest way to prevent the program from spreading. Just in case there might be an unexpected transfer, there was already a program in place to act as a vaccine to the virus program.

  Laci was exhausted. She’d been certified healthy and uninfected. That had been Darion and Alek’s first priority. In between verifying and programming, she had caught naps, but she was still exhausted. The mental drain had taken its toll. She was heading for the door when it opened, revealing Alek and Darion. Both of them looked well rested and impeccably groomed. She wasn’t surprised at their timely appearance.

  In truth, she’d been expecting them a little earlier. She hadn’t forgotten Alek’s threatening promise of a talk after she had finished her work. She wasn’t in any shape to deal with them. In an ideal world, she would be rested and have her anger whipped into a frenzy before she confronted them. She was too tired to wallow in righteous anger at the moment. They probably knew it and planned to use that to their advantage. There was too much of the predator within them to resist taking advantage of the weakness.

  “Time to talk, Laci.” Darion’s smile was toothy and anticipatory.

  “I need to sleep, Darion.” She knew it was a futile protest.

  “After we’ve settled this argument you have started.” Alek’s voice was unsympathetic and smug as he took her arm and led her out into the hallway.

  They can be opportunistic bastards when they want something, Laci thought with a grimace. They weren’t going to budge and she knew that sleep would be postponed until they had made whatever point they thought that she had missed. The argument would be conducted now. Laci knew the odds were heavily weighted in their favor. She was too tired to be logical and rational, much less angry. She couldn’t even work up a decent frown.

  They practically towed her down the hallway to the lift. Even in the lift, Alek kept a firm grip on her arm. Laci glanced down at those strong, tanned fingers on her arm. She’d like to disappear, just long enough to get some rest. She sighed and rolled her eyes as the lift doors swished open. They tugged her down the hallway to the door to their room.

  They allowed her to enter their room first, following with smug male confidence. With a few long strides, both of them placed themselves between her and the bed. They weren’t going to chance letting her get into that bed and drift off to sleep before this was completed to their satisfaction.

  “Do you have to do this now?” Laci’s eyes rested with undisguised longing on the soft bed behind them. The green blanket on top of it looked like paradise. “I can’t argue my side.”

  The remark drew chuckles from both of them.

  “You told us your side already, be’rai. You believe that we sent you into danger without giving you any warning because we didn’t trust you. That’s totally untrue.” Alek shook his head over her conclusions. “The truth is we let you do this for just the opposite reason.”

  “But you didn’t trust me.” How could they say that they trusted her? Their actions proved them wrong. “You didn’t tell me because you’re convinced that I can’t lie.”

  “You can’t lie, Laci.” Darion gave her a hard look. He didn’t know if she had missed understanding the real trust they had in her on purpose or if she just was unable to see it. “You can’t even hide the smallest of feelings. You are—”

  “But—” Laci began to interrupt, but Darion plowed over the attempt.

  “You’re very easy to read. We did trust you though. We trusted you to be able to take care of yourself and the other women. We trusted you to be able to handle the situation until we got there. And we were right in that judgment. You had everything in hand when we arrived.” Darion smiled at her, waiting for her reaction. Would she believe them or would she stubbornly resist seeing the truth?

  Laci didn’t know if it was just her sleep-starved brain or if that actually made some sense. They’d trusted her to be able to fend for herself and the other women among armed enemies, but hadn’t told her of the plan because they were convinced that she was unable to lie convincingly. Laci felt both complimented and insulted. She’d never had trouble carrying off a lie before she had met those two men.

  “We had to find that lab and we knew that Mekil was a plant to find our weaknesses. We had to stop their plan and we knew they wouldn’t risk tangling with a male. They know what we can do.” Darion arched an arrogant eyebrow. “There aren’t many who will willingly grapple with a male Norik.”

  “How did you know they were there?”

  “We intercepted a message from Mekil that there were now females among us and that he’d try to secure one as a test subject. We knew then that their base was very close. We never lost the shuttle on our sensors as we followed. You weren’t in danger,” Alek explained.

  Laci sighed. “Can I go to sleep now?” For now, she’d accept their explanation. If she found something objectionable later, she’d take it up with them.

  “Are you still angry with us?” Darion didn’t budge from his blocking position.

  “I’m a little insulted. I can lie to a human, you know. I’ve never had any problem fooling them. It’s merely you that I seem to have that problem with.” Laci considered the problem. “I’m too tired to be angry right now. If I think of anything I don’t agree with I’ll tell you when I can actually form complete thoughts.”

  “They must have been blind humans.” Darion grinned and shook his head. “I can’t believe anyone would be unable to see the truth in your eyes. Tell us that you forgive us.”

  Laci looked longingly at the bed behind them. “You’re making it a requirement before I can go to sleep?”

  Alek nodded, although his eyes gleamed with humor. “You’re adorable when you’re desperate. My only regret is that it’s sleep you crave and not us.”

  “I forgive you for sending me with that man without even a word of warning.” Laci gave in with reluctance. If she weren’t so darn tired, she would have found a way to stretch that out, to torment them as much as they often did her. Those two could be very inventive when they wanted something. It would have been delicious.

  “Now, little Laci, go to sleep. After you’re rested, we will talk again,” Alek instructed, stepping out of the way and toward her. He urged her into the large, soft bed.

  Laci curled beneath the sheet and blanket and fell into a deep sleep.

  Chapter Eleven

  Laci was subsequently given a little more freedom. Alek and Darion allowed her to work in the labs. She suspected that was more to allow the other techs to learn what she knew so that she wouldn’t be the only one with extensive knowledge of all three types of nano-cytes. They didn’t want her to be tied to the lab when there was an emergency. Their possessiveness was no secret.

  Now she wanted them to admit that they could trust her enough to remove the tracker they’d used to find her. She still didn’t know where it was and the physician certainly wouldn’t tell her. Her determination burned through her.

  I’ll wrestle an answer out of them tonight, she decided as she walked back to their quarters.

  Laci opened the door and stepped into the room. She’d taken four steps before the sight in front of her even registered, but then it wasn’t the first time she’d walked in on them.

  She put her hands on her hips and narrowed her eyes on the two men sprawled on the couch. Both naked and both utterly gorgeous, they were engrossed in each other’s touch. Darion’s large body almost completely hid Alek’s golden frame. Darion’s mouth moved leisurely over Alek’s and Alek’s hands cupped Darion’s magnificent butt.

  They hadn’t noticed when she’d come into the room, Laci noted wit
h a wicked grin. Interrupting them was merely a bonus. She wanted answers and they weren’t going to distract her this time.

  “Oh, Alek, Darion,” Laci called sweetly. “Do you want some privacy?”

  Both men turned to look at her. They both smiled. Darion moved to the side, just enough for her to see his hand stroking over Alek’s cock.

  “We want company,” Alek growled. “Join us, Laci.”

  “Not just yet.” Laci shook her head and tapped her foot. “I have a question and this time, you two are going to give me my answers.”

  Alek groaned as Darion’s mouth moved along the side of his neck. “What do you want to know?” Alek’s hand fisted in Darion’s hair and pulled him up for a hard kiss.

  “Where did you put that damned tracker?” Laci gritted through clenched teeth. Watching them make love excited her. Slick moisture slipped onto her thighs and her clit throbbed with anticipation. “You know I’m not going to try to leave you.”

  Darion turned his head and his eyes ran over her body in a slow appraisal, taking in her light blue dress and heels. A slow smile spread across his face. Laci took a step back at the intent in that smile. He rolled off Alek and stood. At an almost lazy pace, he strolled over to her. Alek followed, circling behind her. A warm hand brushed across her bare shoulder and then retreated.

  “What are you doing?” Laci asked, turning as Alek’s hand slipped under her skirt. Just one glimpse of his face instilled caution. Hunger blazed in his eyes. He was planning something.

  “Helping you find the tracker,” Alek explained with a grin.

  “I think she needs to be naked.” Darion raised his brows. “Maybe seeing all that golden skin would remind us where we put the tracker.”

  Laci edged a step to the side. Gone were the two relaxed lovers she’d found on the couch. In their place, two maddening predators focused on their prey—her. “I’m serious. I want it gone.”

  Darion’s white grin flashed brightly. “First you have to find it. We’ll help.” He grasped the hem of her dress and lifted slowly.

  Alek’s fingers brushed across her back, releasing the catches at her lower back and neck. Darion pulled the dress over her head and tossed it to the side.

  “The shoes…” He swept Laci into his arms.

  Alek slipped the heels off her feet and threw them over his shoulder. “Now we get to find the tracker.”

  Darion carried her over to the bed and tossed her onto the soft mattress. He followed her down and his arms caged her before she could try to roll across the silky green sheets. Hunger and good humor burned in his brown eyes.

  “Did we put it in this shapely little foot?” Alek ran his fingers over the curving arch of her foot.

  “Mmm…” Darion nipped at the column of her neck. “I think it was higher.”

  Laci’s eyes rounded as Alek’s hands smoothed up her calves. Darion drew back, moving to the side as his mouth traveled lower. Laci shivered as she felt his breath fan over her breast. Damn, they’re settling in to play, she thought. She knew that she’d never be able to resist them if his mouth touched her breast.

  “I think I need to examine these.” Darion licked his lips. “Maybe we put the tracker here.”

  Laci flipped over and scrambled for the other side of the bed. She needed to think, to talk to them. Alek’s fingers closed around her ankle and began pulling her back to them. She clutched at the sheet, but only succeeded in pulling it with her.

  “This view has possibilities.” Alek’s hot breath was on her thigh.

  “Yes, it does.” Darion’s fingers danced up her ribs. “Where did we put that tracker?”

  Laci giggled as he tickled her relentlessly. She squirmed and wriggled to get away from those teasing digits. “Darion, please…”

  “We’re going to please you, be’rai.” Darion’s hands smoothed up her back, working at the taut muscles of her shoulders for a moment. “We’re going to help you find that tracker.”

  “No, you’re playing,” Laci accused.

  “Of course we are. You’re much too serious at times, Laci.” Darion lifted her and rolled onto his back. “You can play with us. Find my tracker.”

  Laci’s eyes widened as his words hit her. “Your tracker… You have one too?”

  He smiled and nodded.

  Tanned hands came around her and cupped her breasts. Alek’s warm chest pressed against her back. “I have one, too. Come see if you can find it.”

  Laci looked back and forth between them. She couldn’t resist accepting the challenge they threw at her. She’d play with them and beat them at their game.

  She turned her head and dropped a kiss on Alek’s cheek before turning her attention to the man beneath her. “I’m going to find Darion’s tracker first.”

  She felt Alek move back giving her room for the moment. With wicked intent, she surveyed the enticing territory before her. His dark brown chest gleamed in the light, muscles rippling just beneath his skin. He’d be begging before she finished with him.

  She leaned over him and ran her tongue over first the dark brown disk to the right and then the left. For a moment, she lowered her mouth over it, scraping her teeth across the tight, hardened nub.

  “I don’t think it’s there. Too obvious,” Laci shook her head as she slithered down his body.

  She licked and kissed her way to his abdomen. His cock pressed against her chest, hard and eager for anything she wanted to do. She smiled and nipped the taut skin just over his hipbone. He jerked against her.

  Laci kissed a path along his thighs and then back up to his erect penis. “If I wanted to hide something, I might hide it here. Who would think a man would implant something here if he didn’t have to?”

  She cupped his balls, rubbing her thumb over the silky flesh. Darion groaned loudly when she licked his shaft from base to tip, swirling her tongue around the dark head. She grinned and gave his balls a light squeeze, just to add to his torment.

  “Oh, yes, I think this has definite possibilities as the location of the tracker.” Laci took his shaft in her hand as she lowered her mouth.

  “I see a place that has possibilities, too.” Alek’s voice preceded the press of his hips against her buttocks. His cock slid between her spread thighs, pressing against the slick lips of her pussy.

  Darion’s fingers curved around the back of her head. “No teasing,” he growled. “Just suck.”

  “You’re impatient. Maybe this isn’t the right place after all.” Laci lapped at a bead of pre-cum. She loved how he tasted—the slightly salty taste of his cum and beneath it an essence that was uniquely Darion.

  Alek’s hand came around her waist and his fingers slipped between the plump, wet lips to stroke over her clit. “I’ve found the perfect place.”

  Laci’s eyes fluttered closed as he began an insidious pattern, rubbing, circling. She pushed into those talented fingers. Oh, that was good.

  “Give him what he wants, be’rai, and I’ll give you what you want,” Alek coaxed as his fingertips pressed around the rim of her channel, increasing the ache within her. “We’ll all get what we want.”

  Laci didn’t even consider refusing the command. The hungry ache pulsing within her demanded satisfaction. She also wanted to taste him, to bring him as much pleasure as he gave her.

  She lowered her lips to the dark head of Darion’s cock. Lapping at it, she stroked her hand along the hard length. As his hips arched up in silent plea, she lowered her mouth, taking the hooded crown into her mouth.

  Darion’s hands fisted in her hair. She raised her eyes and saw him looking down at her. His lips were sealed in a firm, tight line and his eyes burned into her. He wanted this just as much as she did. She stroked her tongue over the underside of his cock, suckling at just the head as she watched him.

  A rumbling groan tore from him and his eyes closed.

  Laci gasped as Alek’s cock surged into her. She’d been wet, aching for more. Her pussy stretched, accepted him. The shaft slid deep until s
he’d taken all of him. She pushed back against him, urging him to move. Alek leaned over her, drawing a shiver from her as he swept his tongue up her spine.

  “Suck him,” Alek whispered, his breath feathering through her hair.

  Laci lowered her head, taking more of Darion’s cock into her mouth. His cock touched the back of her mouth and she felt her throat tighten. She drew back until just the thick head remained in her mouth.

  “Laci…” Need burned in Darion’s voice.

  His hips rolled as she worked her mouth up and down his shaft. Suckling at him, she took him as deep as she could. She wanted to make him come, to give him pleasure. His hips pumped, demanding a faster rhythm, deeper penetration, and she obeyed.

  Her tongue flayed over him as she took him to the back of her throat. She sucked and laved the thick rod in her mouth. His fingers tightened in her hair. She savored his grated cries and terse instructions.

  He roared when he came. His seed flowed into her mouth and she swallowed each pulsing jet. She licked and lapped at his shaft, collecting each stray drop as she pulled back.

  “Our turn,” Alek purred as his hands fastened onto her hips.

  He pulled back and then slammed back into her. He was wild, savage and just what she needed. Desire clawed inside of her, tearing at her. She pushed back, accepting his thrusts, meeting them. Each stroke slid in deep and hard.

  “More,” Laci gulped in air as she shoved her hips back against his.

  Needs piled inside of her, demanding release, but couldn’t find the words. She reached for ecstasy. It was so close. Just one brush of his fingers across her throbbing clit and she’d shatter, but his hands remained at her hips.

  Alek’s shaft drove into her and the force of that thrust took her over the edge. The climax exploded through her, sending shock waves of pleasure all the way to her fingertips. It seemed to ricochet through her, igniting smaller, less intense orgasms as he continued to move within her.

  He surged into her and went rigid as he found release. His hot semen pumped into her. He leaned over her, trailing kisses across her shoulder and nuzzling the hair away from her neck.


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