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United (Exalted Trilogy: Book 3)

Page 15

by Elizabeth, Tara

  Inside, Dr. Fredericks is squealing like a frightened pig. He disgusts me...But as I watch him shaking, all curled into a little ball, my heart protests—just a little.

  It doesn't keep me from reaching inside and grabbing him by his scrawny neck. He screeches and squeals as I pull him out of the Jeep. He even tries to hang on to the steering wheel. His strength is no match for mine though.

  Once outside the vehicle, I turn him around to face the gathering crowd. Not surprisingly, my mother is standing directly before him. Tears stream down her cheeks, but her eyes flash fury. She rears back and slams her fist into Dr. Fredericks' jaw. The impact causes him to fall right out of my hands and hit the dirt. She knocked him unconscious. Not dead. Yet. I can still see his chest moving.

  I glance around, immediately spotting those I love. Val and my mother are mixed in with villagers and friendly Exalted. Trudi and Kwan are there too. Dixie and Conall stand way off to the side. Beside them, on the ground, is Everett. Now I notice that Dixie is crying. Poor Everett.

  “Ethan,” I silently mouth toward Val.

  She points off in the distance toward the village and nods, letting me know that he’s okay.

  Ryker is hurriedly approaching, along with Cap. I turn my attention back to the man that has caused so much death and heartache. Everyone just stares at him.

  It's completely silent. No one wants to make a decision on what to do with our captive. Can we really kill him like this? This battle is over. He's just a weak man that's currently unconscious with no way to defend himself.

  It hits me with a sudden strike to my gut. "I know what to do with him," I say.

  Chapter 59 / Ethan

  "I'll do it," I offer as I step forward. "I'm planning on leaving anyway." I can't help but look at the ground when I utter the last part.

  "You're leaving, Ethan?" Mena asks as if we are the only ones here. Her tone seems so intimate, though there are dozens of people standing around, watching our exchange.

  I simply nod.

  Her mouth falls open. She looks from me to Val and back at me.

  "We accept," Cap says, cutting in. "Thank you for the offer, and please know that you are welcome here any time. We thank you for your help. You are an honorable man, Ethan. Please let Jenna, Tommy, or his mother patch you up before you leave."

  His kind words touch my heart, but it doesn't change my mind. I want to see more of the world. I want to learn what else is out there—if there are other free people and communities.

  "Thank you, sir." I sink back into the crowd, avoiding Mena and Val's probing eyes.

  Cap spins in circles looking at all the people that have gathered around, waiting. They all wait for instructions on what to do next. Do they bury the dead now? Who is treating the injured? The battle is over, but has the war been won? What's next? I can see the questions all over their troubled faces. The unpleasant feelings thicken the air.

  Cap stops when the sounds of life approach. Cries of joy and relief are sung. Children scream for their fathers and often their mothers.

  It's then that the faces of the villagers change. They remember what they were fighting for—their families and friends. Love pushes its way forward. I can even feel it though no one is calling out my name. Yes, there are cries of mourning and loss, but there is mostly joy. It's overwhelming.

  Mena embraces Lily with vigor when the little girl throws herself into her arms. Mena's mother joins in as does Ryker and the old woman who was caring for Lily. And not forgetting Val, Mena pulls her into their little family celebration.

  One day I want that for myself. One day. Not today.


  Saying goodbye was more difficult than I expected. Az and Jenna pleaded with me, without any luck, to stay until I was completely healed. Trudi and Kwan's heightened emotions had them overly distraught at my departure. It was actually a little funny and made it easier for me to tell Val and Mena goodbye. They wept openly. I told them that I loved them, that they'd be in my thoughts, but I never promised to return. I did promise to fulfill one last duty before truly being a free man.

  "Hurry up," I tell Dr. Fredericks as I jerk the rope that ties his hands together. He stumbles forward, tripping over his clumsy feet.

  "Please don't do this. If you take me back, I'll give you the highest-ranking position with my personal guard. You can have your own apartment. Anything. Just please don't do this," he pleads. Spittle flies from his mouth as he rambles.

  "I already told you, I'm not interested in being a guard. I'm not interested in returning. I am interested, however, in showing you the same respect you showed the Exalted. The Third Trial was your favorite, right? You'll be fine. You know the entire curriculum our instructors taught us. You should do okay. You have your map, matches, shoe strings—oh wait, you don't have shoes strings." His white loafers are caked in mud and dirt. "That's too bad," I say the last part with sarcasm and a smile.

  "Well, when I send you off, I'll give you one of my knives," I say with a grin.

  "Can you just let me go here? Please?" he cries.

  I give the rope another firm jerk. "We have a three day walk ahead of us before I bid you goodbye. Now, shut up or I'll have to kill you before we get there."

  This is going to be the longest three days of my life, much longer than waiting for the trials to commence, much longer than getting through my Third Trial, and much longer than waiting for the United Ceremony when I was to be United with Mena. Those days seem like an eternity ago. And here I am now on the brink of real freedom. Three more days bound to a monster.

  Chapter 60 / Mena

  Two days ago, a team of Exalted came to us from our old Republic. They too were at war with the First Republic—the very same morning that we were fighting for the village. It seems we won both battles, and the gates to the Republics have been opened. All are free to come and go as they wish. All are free to stay and be part of the new societies.

  There is only one question left. What is happening in the Third Republic? The team that has joined us also has the mission of finding out that very answer.

  My need for knowledge is too strong to fight against. I must go with them—one final mission.

  As Ryker and I sit on the tiny platform in the treetop overlooking the lake, he takes my hand and looks into my eyes. His face is bruised but still beautiful. Just being near him makes me warm and calm. Since the day I met him, he has been my freedom and peace. He woke me up, and I will always be grateful for that. It's only a small reason why I love him.

  "I know you want to go," he says.

  That is why I love him the most. He accepts me and understands me. He supports me. He knows what I need and when and how to give it.

  "I'll go with you. And when we get back..." Ryker stares into my soul and my stomach flips in response. He continues, "I'd love for you to be my United...Or I suppose I should say...Will you marry me, Mena?"

  Joy surges through my being. How did this happen? How did we get here? I was born into a society where we were matched to our mates based purely on physical performance. There was never a choice to be had. There was never love to be had or given. And now, I'm sitting next to the man I love, who loves me in return. He's asking me to be his. I have a choice. Well, not really...

  My heart has decided for me. The decision is made.

  "Yes," I whisper. "Yes." A tiny laugh bubbles up.

  Ryker beams, his perfect lips turning up at the sides. He brings his face next to mine. The stubble on his jaw rubs across my smooth face as he kisses my cheek. His warm breath slides down my neck. I shiver from the heat.

  "I love you," he whispers in my ear.

  "I love you."


  We leave at sunrise, all traveling in a Republic vehicle. The plan is to go right up to the West Gate. We are to warn the Third Republic of a revolution and leave. There is to be no confrontation. The mission is solely for reconnaissance. Everyone would prefer to avoid war. Cutting off their supply of the Pump has alre
ady been taken care of by blowing up the ESC. It's just a matter of time. Then we'll return. We'll set them all free

  We take turns driving, only stopping for bodily necessities. Meals are even eaten while traveling. The drive takes two days straight, but eventually we get there.

  We pause on an old gravel road that has been kept up, presumably by this Republic. Through binoculars we can see the closed West Gate and the tower that looks out over a rice field. There are Exalted guards patrolling the fields and the gate. All seems to be in order by the Republic's strict standards.

  "Ready?" the driver asks.

  "Ready," we all answer.

  The Exalted driver shifts the vehicle into drive and proceeds forward at a normal pace. The gravel road gives way to tall grass that leads up to the rice field. The guards begin to move about when they notice us. Before we can reach the wall and gate of the Third Republic, six of the guards line up before the fields.

  Inside the vehicle we put on our stone-masks. We try to keep our nerves from showing as we pull up alongside of them. The Exalted driver rolls down his window.

  "State your business," one of the Third Republic guards demands.

  "We have an important message to pass to Dr. Thomas," the driver responds.

  While they discuss the matter of gaining entry, I watch the other guards out the back window. A younger United male turns to the guard next to him, a woman, and nods. It's a small nod, almost unnoticeable. His index finger glides over the top of her hand. Then, the woman's shoulders relax.

  "Ryker, did you see that?"

  Chapter 61 / Ryker

  "No, what?" I whisper to Mena, while trying not to look too interested. I don't want to give us away by overreacting to what she's trying to tell me.

  "I think they're off the Pump. No, I know they're off the Pump." Without warning, she rolls down the window, a huge grin plastered on her face.

  Their reaction is one of horror, confusion, and hysteria.

  "Sit back, trainee," I warn Mena, trying to deflect the attention off of her odd behavior.

  Instead of sitting back, she leans forward and laughs at the guards on the ground. She's completely lost her mind. What is she doing? I try to pull her back, but she pushes me off.

  "How many of you know?" she inquires as she looks between the members of the stunned group.

  Looks pass between them, finally the man that gave them away admits, "All of us."

  "I knew it," Mena exclaims.

  I push open the door of the vehicle and jump down before them. "How? How do you know? How long?" I demand of the man. I am flabbergasted by his confession.

  "It happened before I was born," he says. "Please don't report us to the other Republics." The shock leaves his face and he quickly becomes frightened for their way of life. I know all too well what that's like.

  I try to put them at ease. When I speak, I smile so they know that I am like them. "You don't have to live in secret anymore. We are all free now. Both of the other Republics are free now. We've warred and won."

  "You've been at war?" the man asks with disbelief.

  "We have," I gravely affirm. "Please, can we enter?"

  The male Exalted nods. "Come with me," he says.

  The rest of our team climbs out of the vehicle and follows the man down the rows of brown rice, past the watchtower, and to the West Gate. He has a brief word with the gate guard, who then opens the steel gate behind him.

  Laughter explodes from me when I see what lies inside the walls of the Third Republic. Children are playing and singing. Women walk side-by-side chatting away. Couples stroll hand-in-hand. There are people working, but they smile while they do their jobs. It's amazing and wonderful.

  Beside me, Mena reaches out and takes my hand in hers. She gives it a light squeeze. When I look at her, she's smiling as well.

  Chapter 62 / Ethan

  "All right, Dr. Fredericks. It's the end of our journey. You're free to go, and here's the knife I promised you," I tell him as I offer him a small dagger.

  Dr. Fredericks snatches it out of my hand and waves it around recklessly. He looks like a wild animal—dirty and feral. "But it's night," he complains. "You can't leave me here at night. An animal will get me . . . Or a marauder! Don't leave me!"

  "Hey, in my opinion, you're getting off easy. You don't even have to go through the first two trials. You get to skip straight ahead to the Third Trial. I'm sure you'll be able to find your way back to the Republic," I tell him.

  "You know I can't go back there! They'll kill me!" he shrieks.

  "Sorry, but my job is done. And your punishment is fair." I turn my back on him and begin to walk away, but before I leave his sight, I pause. "Strength be with you," I tell him.

  When I turn back to the north, I feel renewed. The world is mine to discover. I make my own path now.

  I am a free man.

  Chapter 63 / AZ

  "What do you plan to do now?" I ask Jenna. We sit at the tables in the outdoor cafeteria. She sits across from me and tilts her head to the side as she thinks. Her blonde hair drapes around her pretty face.

  "Well, I kind of like it here," she states with a shrug. "And I seem to be needed. The Republics have plenty of doctors. I suppose I'd like to stay." Jenna shines with happiness.

  "What about you?" she asks. "I know you loved being a guard and being in a high-ranking position..."

  "I did," I agree, "but that was before, when I was still on the Pump. I like it here too. I've made friends, and of course, you're here—you're staying here. When I saw you in that car, thinking you were dead, I knew. I want to be where you are, Jenna. Is that okay with you? Would you like it if I stayed here?"

  Blood rushes to her face, causing her to blush profusely. Though she's embarrassed by my declaration, she finds some courage in her tiny body. "I would love it if you stayed. I would absolutely love it!" Her beautiful smile radiates like the sun. It warms my heart.

  "Would you accompany me to the wedding?"

  "I would love that too. I've never been to a wedding. I wonder what it's like."

  "I guess we'll find out," I tell her.

  Chapter 64 / Ryker

  As she walks toward me, my heart explodes in my chest. She's more than beautiful. She's like the sun appearing after a storm. Loose white layers of fabric flow around her like clouds, and white flowers peek out from the thin braid that forms a crown on her head. The rest of her hair falls around her shoulders and down her back.

  Her mother and Lily escort her down the aisle toward me. Lily beams in her new sky blue dress that Francis made especially for her, and Bridgette, Mena's mother, has her own suit of dark blue.

  The weather is perfect, clear and crisp. Our family and friends are here to witness and celebrate our union. I've only seen one wedding before, while Mena has never seen or even heard of a wedding. I love her even more for trusting me with this. She has always trusted me, even before she knew me. Trust without question. I couldn't ask for more.

  She stands before me with a smile on her full lips, her green eyes glistening. Cap officiates the ceremony. We follow his lead and repeat our vows, both getting emotional as we hear the other speak with passion in the words. We promise our love to each other and then exchange rings. In the United Ceremony the bands are tattooed on our fingers. Mena expressed wanting to keep that tradition since it's permanent, so we plan to do that after the ceremony while the others celebrate with food and drink.

  Finally, Cap says, "You may kiss your bride, your United, your love."

  I reach out to stroke her cheek with my thumb, to wipe away the tear that escaped. Her green eyes turn an even richer shade of green from the moisture.

  I continue to hold her face as I bring my mouth to hers. Our kiss is soft and sweet at first. I press deeper to show her my passion, but not too hard. It's difficult to pull away, but others are watching so I must for now.


  The celebration is exciting and joyous. We are celebrating our union, but we
are also celebrating a new time of freedom. We eat, we dance, and we sing. Mena and I get our bands tattooed on our fingers, and then continue to celebrate. We kiss and sway in each other's arms.

  To see her so joyous makes me glad. She deserves happiness and this new life. I'll do whatever I can to keep her joyful—always joyful.

  When the party winds down, I steal her away. "Close your eyes," I whisper as I lift her from her feet and carry her away from the village lights."

  "Where are we going?" Mena giggles in my ear sending shivers up my spine.

  "It's a surprise."

  Chapter 65 / Mena

  "I hear water," I say.

  "We're taking that swim you've been forever waiting to take. One that you'll enjoy, not when you're upset," Ryker tells me as he heads directly into the lake with me lying in his arms. I can hear the water moving around his legs.

  "Can I open my eyes yet?" I ask.

  "Not yet."

  He continues to walk deeper into the water. It reaches my legs and bottom. The coolness makes me squirm in his strong arms. He squeezes me tighter while the water continues to climb up my body.

  "Okay, lie back," he says.

  I rely on his steady hands, guiding me as I lie back in the water with my eyes still closed tight. The water, now pleasant, rolls around my arms, legs, and head. It calms and caresses me as I lie in Ryker's hands.

  "Now, open your eyes," he tells me.

  Slowly, I open my eyes. The night sky is above me and all around me. It fills my being with its little lights that sparkle so bright. "Wow." I breathe deeply, taking in the night air, taking in the whole experience.


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