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In the Mind of Misty

Page 6

by Lisa Powell

  “Please I…” Vince started.

  Mark stopped him. “Leave Vince and don’t come back here.”

  “Is that a threat Mark?”

  “No, but take it as you want,” Mark glared at him.

  Vince looked at Kimmy. “I should have never, talked her into getting back with you!” she snapped.

  Vince turned to leave. As he was walking out he stopped. “I don’t remember doing it,” he said and he walked out.


  It took Misty a long time to recover. When she did, she wanted to leave the area. She wanted to go someplace she never would run into Vince again. She took a job in a bigger city and moved. Kimmy took over her old house. She didn’t give Kimmy her address or phone number. She was always afraid Vince would get it somehow. Misty always called back home though, to keep in touch. It’s been almost a year now. Misty still carried the scars but, she learned to live with them. Vince on the other hand had greater problems. He never did get over what he done to Misty. He loved her so much. As time went by he remembered bits and pieces. He had to find out the cause. Kimmy wouldn’t even speak to him or look at him anymore. Mark kept his distance as well. It was really eating Vince up inside and he disappeared for a while.

  It was Misty and Kimmys parent’s anniversary. They were throwing a party. Misty wanted to come but she was afraid. Kimmy told Misty that Vince was gone. No-one has seen him in a while. So Misty got brave and drove out. They had a wonderful time and a lot of pictures were taken. Misty was getting nervous though, so she made the trip short and headed back.

  A few days later Vince reappears. He went over to Marks to talk to him. When he got there he saw the pictures on his table. Mark picked them up for Kimmy. Mark was in the bathroom and Vince started looking at them. When he saw Misty he teared. Mark came out and saw Vince looking at them.

  “What do you think you’re doing Vince?” he went to grab the pictures. Then he noticed the tears.

  “She is so beautiful.” Vince said.

  “She is happy Vince. Leave her alone.”

  Vince cleared his throat. “I love her Mark,” he looked at him.

  “It’s a little too late for that Vince.”

  Just then Kimmy walked in and saw Vince. She saw him looking at the pictures. She went up and grabbed them. “Leave my sister alone,” she snapped at Vince.

  “Kimmy please,” Mark said.

  “Not after what he done to her no Kimmy please.” She looked at Mark.

  “Can’t I have one picture Kimmy?” Vince asked.

  “Not one Vince. You don’t deserve one!” she snapped and walked out the door. Mark followed her. Vince put his head down.

  “What is he doing here?” Kimmy questioned Mark.

  “I don’t know Kimmy”.

  Vince could hear their voices fading as they walked away. As Vince was looking down he saw a picture he picked it up and smiled. He quickly put it in his pocket. A short while later he heard Kimmy leave and Mark came back in.

  “What are you doing here Vince?”

  “I came to talk to you Mark. I came to explain.”

  “Explain what?”

  “Why I did what I did.”

  “And why would that be Vince? Because you could? It made you feel good to hurt her or what?” Mark glared at him.

  “No Mark, no I could never figure out why I hurt Misty. I never could remember doing most things to her. Remember at the fair?”


  “I remember seeing her being kissed. The next thing I remember is Kimmys voice and feeling your hand on me. I don’t remember anything between.” He looked at Mark.

  “Vince you went to go after her. You said get your hands off her she is mine. You freaked us both out.” Mark looked at him.

  “I don’t remember it all I remember is darkness Mark. All I remember is darkness when I did things to her.” He looked at the table.

  “You need to get checked man.”

  Vince looked up at him. “I did. That’s why I have been gone,” and he looked back down. Mark stood there for a few seconds. He could tell Vince needed to talk to him about this. Vince pulled out the picture of Misty and looked at it.

  “You stole that Vince.”

  “No it was on the floor I picked it up.”

  “Okay Vince what’s going on,” he looked at him and sat back down.

  “At first I thought I might need mental help. I went home to blame the parents,” he sort of chuckled

  “Yeah don’t we all blame our parents.”

  “At first I treated Misty like the rest. Then things got out of hand and I didn’t realize it. I couldn’t remember things. Then I saw a girl and a guy fighting at a party. And the way he grabbed the girl and made her look at him. Were the same reactions Misty had. But I didn’t remember I just didn’t remember. I asked her if I hurt her and she freaked out. I started paying more attention. When I started getting upset I would feel my blood rush weird feelings. I had to calm down. And the feelings would go away. I just thought I had to learn to control my temper or whatever it was.” He looked at Mark.

  “Why did you feel like that towards her?”

  Vince chuckled a little. “Because I did love her and didn’t want to admit it. She told me that. She said in order for this to stop I had to admit it. She said I was punishing her for me falling in love with her. I told her why I would do that. She said if I had a better answer let her know. I thought she was right.” Vince just stared at her picture.

  “But she wasn’t right?”

  “No, I thought she was and it worked for a while. I stepped out on her a few times. She caught me and got so upset. She slapped me, I lost it. I don’t remember what I did to her that night. That’s when you and Kimmy came over.” Vince looked up at him.

  “Okay Vince I get the picture. So what caused it all?”

  “Well when they say love hurts they meant it.” Vince replied and looked at him.

  “So you loved her. That gave you the right to do what you did to her.”

  “No, it gave me no right Mark. But it was because of that, I sought out help. If it wasn’t for Misty I could be dead by now, maybe tomorrow just keeled over.”

  Mark’s jaw dropped. “What?” he looked puzzling at Vince.

  “When you’re in love with someone, apparently your body chemistry changes when you’re around or near that person. You know the feeling Mark.” He looked at him.

  “Yes I know Vince,” he smiled.

  “Well my heart would start beating so fast. It pushed so much blood to my brain it would make me black out at times.” He looked at him.

  “That doesn’t make sense Vince then how could you…” Mark looked at him.

  Vince looked at him. “A sudden push Mark like if I got upset or saw something I wasn’t ready for. Sometimes I could stay focused on what I wanted and not realized on actually what I was doing.” Vince stopped and took a deep breath. “It got out of control. It started getting worse. Then we broke it off and I was fine. But every time I saw her my heart ached for her. I couldn’t leave her alone. She gave me feelings I never felt before. I kept telling myself I wouldn’t hurt her, but somehow I always did and didn’t know why. Then the last time Misty calmed me down for a while. We were taking things slow. Everything seemed okay. But then I got restless,” he looked back at the picture. “And then when she hit me everything went black.” Vince just sat there.

  “So can they do anything for it Vince?”

  “Yeah they did. I had surgery Mark. That’s why I have been gone for so long.”

  “What would have happened if you didn’t have it Vince?”

  Vince shook his head. “Eventually my heart would have basically exploded.” He looked at Mark

  Mark gasps. He couldn’t believe what Vince just told him. “So now what Vince?”

  “I want to say I am sorry. I want to tell Kimmy I am sorry.” He looked up and teared “I want…”

  “There is no way Misty will see you Vince.�
� Mark replied. “We don’t know where she lives. We don’t even know her number. She calls here. She is so afraid of you she won’t even give it to Kimmy.” Mark looked at him.

  “Just tell Kimmy for me Mark. I am better now I am healed.” Vince stood.

  “I will Vince but I don’t know what good it will do.”

  “I know Mark.” Vince gave a faint smile and left.

  Mark went right over to Kimmys and told her everything. But Kimmy didn’t believe it. She thought Vince was lying. Kimmy wanted to see scars. There was no way she was going to trust him.

  Mark told Vince what Kimmy said and he agreed to show them. He had nothing to hide. He now carried scars but his were on the outside. So they set up a time and Vince met them at Kimmys house. When he walked in the memories of Misty made him smile. They soon faded when Kimmy glared at him. Vince showed her the scars left behind and Kimmy teared.

  “I don’t know what to say Vince.” Kimmy looked at him.

  “There is nothing really to say Kimmy. I just wanted to let you know and everyone no. Why I did what I did. It was something I couldn’t control.” He looked at her. Then he handed her the picture she dropped, back to her. Kimmy looked at it then looked back at him.

  “You can keep it Vince,” she said softly.

  Vince took a deep breath. “I come to realize, Misty will never want to see me again after what I have done to her. It don’t matter what the causes were Kimmy.” He put his hand to his chest. “She will never look at me the same. She could never love me again. She will never forgive me. I will always see fear in her eyes. I can’t bare that. I love her with all my heart. But I have to let her go.” He stood there holding the picture. Kimmy took it from his hand. “Tell her I am sorry Kimmy. Tell her I never meant to hurt her.” Vince choked.

  “I will Vince.” Kimmy was crying.

  Vince turned to leave. “Vince?” Kimmy called him

  “Yes Kimmy.”

  “Want me to tell her you still love her?”

  Vince stood there for a second. “No Kimmy, I don’t.”

  “But you do Vince.”

  “Yes I know, but what good does it do me?” and he walked out the door.

  Mark held Kimmy as she cried. She didn’t know what to do. She saw the love on Vince’s face for her sister. She heard it in his voice. But last time she interfered he hurt Misty bad. But now she knew the reason for it. And she knew at one time Misty really loved him. But did Misty have enough in her to forgive him?

  Kimmy waited and waited for Misty to call. A week went by before she did. Kimmy told her everything. Misty was shaken about it. But still the things he done to her, she couldn’t get passed. Even though it wasn’t really his fault, she didn’t want any contact with him. She was happy where she was. She was leading a good life now and she didn’t need it to be disrupted. It took her a long time to pull herself together. She still hasn’t dated though she is afraid to. That’s one thing she still hasn’t gotten over.

  Vince started working more hours. He didn’t party like he used to. The experience with Misty changed him. He still loved her, but knew he would never have her again. So he tried to move on and it was hard for him. He tried to get a couple relationships going but they just seemed to fail. It wasn’t him leaving this time it was the women. They told him he was cold. He didn’t have any passion. They didn’t feel the love in the relationship. He could understand because he didn’t feel any love either. He decided just to stick with the occasional one night flings.

  Kimmy would tell Misty about him. Misty would get upset at her at times wondering why she would be telling her. But deep down Misty knew why. More and more Kimmy would say how he has changed. He was different. How the dark side of him seemed to have disappeared. He was a changed man. She told Misty that his birthday was coming up and they were going to through him a birthday party. She kept hinting to come up. Finally Misty had enough hounding from her. But she told Kimmy she didn’t want him to know she was coming up, just in case. Kimmy agreed.

  Misty came up for the party, but she stayed hidden from Vince’s view. She watched him for a while. He would smile and be polite but then stare off. He looked, unhappy. Kimmy would glance at Misty now and again. Misty finally decided to show herself. Vince walked up to an open window. Put his hand against the wall and was staring out. He was twirling the ice around in his drink. Misty walked up behind him. Mark and Kimmy were watching.

  “Vince,” she said his name so softly.

  He stopped twirling his drink. He brought his hand down and slowly turned. “Misty” he said in a whisper

  “Happy Birthday.”

  Vince just stood there staring at her. She was such a sight. His eyes started to tear and he quickly turned back around. He started to wipe them.

  “Sorry I shouldn’t have come,” Misty said she turned to leave.

  “No, don’t go,” he said. He was choked but still didn’t turn back around.

  “Would you like to go outside?” she questioned.

  “Yes,” he quickly said. She started to walk outside Vince turned and followed still trying to keep his composer. They made it out side and both leaned over the railing.

  “Nice night,” Misty said.

  “Yes it is,” Vince replied.

  Kimmy and Mark watched. They finally saw them both stand and face each other. Misty brought her hand up to Vince and he held it. He showed her his scar and she covered her mouth. She started to tear. It looked like he was explaining things to her.

  It looked like he was telling her other things. But Misty was shaking her head no. And Vince dropped his head but shook it yes, as if he understood. Then they looked back at each other and smiled. Misty turned and left. Vince then turned back and leaned over the railing for a while before he came back in. It was heart breaking to watch.

  Misty was all teared up when she left. The way Vince talked and spoke. The way he looked at her, he has changed. She went back to Kimmys and thought. Maybe it wasn’t too late for them like he said. Maybe they could have something real now. He said he still loved her. And the way he looked at her when he said it, she believed it true. Misty decided to take a chance one more time. She went through the stuff she left there. She found what she was looking for and she headed back to the party.

  Misty found Kimmy and Kimmy just looked at Misty unbelieving. Misty told Kimmy to tell Vince she had to see him. She told her to tell him where to find her.

  Vince went and found Misty. And when he saw her, he stopped in his tracks. She was breath taking. He smiled and walked up to her. She turned and looked at him. She had on the same dress she had on that night they had their first encounter. He pulled her close and kissed her. He picked her up and carried her away just like he did that night. This night was exhilarating for both of them. After the events played out they lay in each other arms. Trying to collect themselves. Vince finally helped her to her feet and they got dressed.

  He swayed a little. “Are you okay Vince?”

  “Yes just stood up to fast,” he smiled and kissed her. He has been intimate before. But with Misty, it was only those feelings that she could bring out in him. And they were overwhelming. They walked back into the party both smiling when Vince stopped.

  “Vince are you sure you’re okay?” Misty asked again.

  “Just a little dizzy,” he said. Then he started to fall. Misty started calling for help. Kimmy and Mark came rushing over. They called the ambulance Misty was in tears. Vince had her hand and wouldn’t let it go. The paramedics got there and stabilized him. They saw the scar on his chest, and then looked at Misty. They finally pried his hand from hers and took him away. Misty, Kimmy and Mark followed. Misty was a mess. When things finally settled they came and told them Vince was in ICU. Misty stood at the window looking in. Kimmy and Mark was with her.

  “It’s my fault,” Misty said and she walked in. Misty went and sat by him he was awake. The nurse was there checking everything. Vince reached over and grabbed her hand.

sp; “This is what it feels like to be loved to death,” he weakly said and smiled.

  “You’re not funny Vince,” and Misty started to cry.

  Vince pulled her to him. “Shhh Misty I will be okay.”

  “You could have died Vince. Only I could have killed her fantasy man,” she looked at him. The nurse just stood there listening and watching. She was watching the monitors.

  “I wouldn’t have changed a thing Misty.”

  “I should have never come back here Vince,” Misty softly said

  “I don’t want you to leave me again Misty,” and he squeezed her hand.

  “They won’t let me stay here with you,” Misty said as she looked at the nurse.

  Misty went to get up. And for some reason Vince’s heart started to react. The monitors started going off. The nurse looked at Misty. “Sit Misty,” Misty sat and his heart rate came down. She looked at Misty. “You can stay,” said the nurse. Vince started to relax.

  They talked for a while longer. Misty put her head down. Vince put his hand on her shoulder and held her hand with the other. He wasn’t going to let her go.

  In the morning they had to do test on Vince. Misty went to Kimmys and got cleaned up. When she got back she waited and waited. It seemed it took them forever.

  They did all kinds of test on Vince. Everything seemed to be normal. They couldn’t figure out why his heart did what it did. They did small stress test at first they didn’t want to overdo it. Then they started pushing him harder and harder. His heart was handling everything just fine. The doctors were puzzled. They took him back to his room and went and got Misty. When she walked in and Vince saw her it set the monitors off and the staff came running in. Vince looked fine but something was wrong. Misty started to freak out again. They made her leave. She waited some more as they did more test on him but still they couldn’t find anything wrong. They went and got her again and when she walked in the same thing happened. Everyone just looked at her then Vince. Vince seemed fine but he wasn’t

  “I guess this is what a real heartache means,” he looked at her.

  “Vince stop please, it’s me. I keep doing this,” she started to tear. The staff watched the monitors carefully.


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