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Page 5

by Magdalena Kozak

  “Good. Dude at the table on the right?”


  “Me?” Nidor asked, crooking his head a little and glancing at him from under lowered lids.

  “Well, come on...” Vesper laughed, and suddenly got serious. “Well, dang,” he said, astonished.

  “Exactly,” his colleague said calmly. “That’s my talent. I’m a hider. If I want to, I can pretend to be human, even to ours.”

  Vesper glanced at him, shaking his head in disbelief. He picked up a beer stein and drank from it. He grimaced involuntarily.

  “Gross,” he sighed. “Don’t you have a little bottle?” he asked hopefully.

  “Not a time for blood,” he heard a dry answer. “We’re going again. Couple on the left?”

  The questioned one became silent, thinking of an answer.

  “Damn problem,” he choked out in the end. “Humans, both of them. Very... appetizing.”

  He felt a painful, particularly bothersome itching in his upper gums, like an itch under a cast that you can’t reach. He moved his tongue over his teeth. Fangs were slipping out like cat’s claws.

  “Don’t ever let it get you out of control,” Nidor said suddenly, in a very definite tone. “Don’t try to hunt. Don’t try to kill unless you are ordered to. Don’t touch illegal blood.”

  “I know,” Vesper said briskly, not looking at him. “I know.”

  He lowered his head and grabbed a napkin. He hid part of his face with it, pretending to wipe his mouth.

  “This could be a road of no return,” the other one kept going. “Like a funnel that’s easy to come into, but when it narrows, you can’t get out. Like a proverbial Russian museum, where a ticket to get in costs a ruble, but a ticket to get out costs a hundred. Each journey starts with a first step—it’s up to you not to step on that path. You understand?”

  Vesper nodded in agreement. He focused with all his might. Calm, he ordered himself. Calm.

  Finally, the fangs hid obediently, pulling back into gum sockets. The young nighter crushed the napkin and tossed it into the ashtray. He looked around with a forced smile.

  “All right,” the captain breathed freely. “Well, we’ll try to have good fun today,” he said in a much more cheerful tone, winking at him in understanding.

  His subordinate answered with a forced smile.

  It’s no fun, I’m just suffering, damn it... he thought. Maybe this is too early for me? Maybe a month of training is not enough to go among people?

  “Start fucking masking yourself,” Nidor growled suddenly in a quiet voice. “Right now, you’re thinking so loud, anyone can hear you. Mirror, you have to create a mirror, remember?”

  Vesper immediately focused on imagining a mirror ball surrounding him. Smooth, slippery, reflecting everything... even light, even a thought.

  “Much better,” Nidor smiled, approvingly.

  A waitress approached them, carrying two pints of beer on a tray. She leaned over and put them done on the table.

  “Anything else, Mike?” she asked straightening up. “The usual?”

  Nidor looked at his colleague, and wondered.

  “Yes,” he said “Yes, in a moment.”

  She nodded with a small, conspiratory grin, and marched off.

  Vesper looked after her, trying to not even glance at the couple hidden in the neighboring booth. Despite the wooden paravan, he saw exactly what was going on in there. He saw the youngsters, slightly tipsy, snuggle up closer. How the guy’s hands traveled higher and higher under her shirt.

  He could get up. Throw the man against the wall, just so he would slide down, leaving a bloody trail on the wallpaper. And take the girl home, to Emów. Make love to her all night, have her young, flexible body under him. And in the end, stick his fangs in her neck. Drink fresh, hot blood pulsating with endorphins.

  Vesper shut his eyes tight.

  Stop, stop it right now. Do you remember how it went? I, Republic of Poland citizen, aware of Internal Security Agency Officer’s duties, swear to...

  He opened his eyes, tense, staring at Nidor sitting comfortably on the couch. Help, he wanted to scream out loud. Help.

  “Calm down,” the other one said, observing him from under his lids. “We all went through it. It’s how it is; it’s just how it is.”

  Vesper took a deep breath. Then slowly, in a measured pace, he let the air out of his lungs.

  “I can do this,” he ensured him, adding strength to his voice, making sure it didn’t tremble. “Of course I can.”

  “I don’t doubt it,” Nidor replied calmly. “You wouldn’t want to make Ultor kill you a second time.”

  Lord Warrior Ultor. Vesper sighed in involuntary admiration. The moment he met the lord face-to-face still showed up in his dreams. Ultor killed him, cut him out from the banal, everyday existence, offering eternity in return. Vesper accepted the Gift of Blood with surprise, but so far, he didn’t regret it at all. Not at all.

  He looked up. An unusually beautiful woman walked up to their table, shaking her hips provocatively. She grinned, and moved a lock of long, red hair seductively from her face. Vesper tensed, glancing at her worriedly, but relaxed after a moment, feeling sudden relief. Ours. There would be no problem.

  “Hey, Karina!” Nidor stood up immediately, welcoming the newcomer with a wide, sincere smile. “Sit, we’ve been waiting for you.”

  “Hey, Mike,” she replied lightly.

  She slipped onto a seat between them quickly, and glanced at Vesper with interest. He stood up with a short bow.

  “Jurek Malinowski,” he introduced himself officially, just in case.

  Jurek Malinowski. A very common name, sewn, as if by force, to his new, unusual self. It didn’t mean anything to him, it was just few sounds written on documents. On a new chart, ID, ISA ID... His real name was Vesper, just as Ultor had decided, his new father and mother in one.

  “Fresh meat?” Karina giggled flirtatiously and swept her eyes over him with interest. “Well, well...the Warrior Family is growing surprisingly fast. Only slower than the renegades.” She glanced at Nidor maliciously.

  “Since when are Viners interested in politics?” he parried immediately. “Did Lord Viticula give a new order... and forgot to announce it?” he looked at her willfully.

  Vesper smiled under his nose, hearing that comment. He already got used to hearing the ruler of a clan be called Lord, regardless of gender. Bur from what he heard of Viticula, there wasn’t much of a Lord or a ruler in her. She behaved very irresponsibly, just like a proverbial blonde. But, well, Viners—an artistic clan, first and foremost—had always been like that: scatterbrained, impractical...and very entertaining.

  He looked at Karina with a trace of hope in his eyes. She caught his look immediately, interpreting the meaning within it without a mistake. She smiled invitingly.

  “I’m Vesper,” he gave her his real name, looking her in the eyes.

  She moved closer to him, and swooped her right hand over his buzz cut. She leaned her head a little and turned slightly. He had her impressive breasts right in front of his face. He swallowed.

  “I’m gonna go for a walk,” Nidor said, standing up. “Be good, kiddos.”

  He went to the bar and sat on a tall stool, getting into conversation with other patrons.

  Karina flashed him a bright look, and dived under the table. The long, green damask tablecloth masked her presence ideally.

  Vesper felt slim fingers capably open his fly. He shook his head in disbelief. So fast, just like that? Here? Now?

  He wasn’t going to protest, especially since the girl obviously knew what she was doing. She took his painfully stiff member ably out of his pants. Soft, hot lips rested on it after a moment.

  He moaned softly, filled with unspeakable relief. At last. He hadn’t have a woman since...Well, technically, in this life, he’d never had one.

  The bothersome presence of the next-door couple finally left his mind, pushed out by the feeling of overwhelming ple
asure. Karina sped up, her lips surrounded him at the very base, traveled up and down in divine, rhythmic moves. Vesper moaned again, grabbed her head, and twined his fingers in her hair. He closed his eyes.

  “Now...” he asked quietly. “Nooow.”

  She grabbed his member with her hand, moved it up and down a few times while her tongue danced over it the whole time. Finally, she latched on to it and began sucking tightly. Vesper exploded immediately, and long-held tension flew out of him with his cum. Unbelievable relief took its place.

  He let go of her head, lifted his hands to his face, and leaned back with a deep sigh.

  Karina emerged from under the table, sat on the couch, and fixed her hair. She glanced at him, and a provocative smile danced on her lips.

  He shook his head incredulous. He let his hands down and started to zip up. Despite it all, this new life wasn’t that bad, a thought full of relief ran across his head.

  “I will praise the Viner Family for all eternity,” he said with conviction.

  She smiled knowingly, without a word. He laughed too, with real relief. The hunger abated a lot. Even that touchy-feely couple didn’t bother him as much anymore. Well, he still could smear the dude on the wall. But he would let the girl be. Maybe.

  I, Republic of Poland citizen... buzzed in his head.

  What are you thinking about, citizen? Nidor came back, led by that perfect moment feeling. He looked at them seriously.

  “We have an unexpected mission,” he said.


  The lonely man at the table by the wall invoked an indescribable worry at the first sight. Vesper observed him from under lowered lids, just like the captain ordered. He studied him carefully, scanned... tried to figure out what was wrong with him. Maybe that empty stare, as if bouncing about somewhere beyond the pub, along people in the street? Or maybe his posture, seemingly relaxed, but full of waiting for this one specific sign... and that would start...what?

  Vesper ran his tongue over his lips, revealing tension in an involuntary move. He noticed Nidor’s disapproving shrug out of the corner of his eye. Right, he felt ashamed. I’m great at masking myself... Vesper thought, convincing himself.

  “Now,” the captain signaled.

  They stood up at the same time, Vesper and Karina. She walked ahead, swinging her hips seductively. She reached the observed man’s table and wobbled, then fell in his direction. He pulled his hands out, grabbing her butt. The girl straightened up immediately, and a slap sounded across the pub.

  “Keep your hands to yourself!” she screamed.

  The man looked at her with unconscious eyes. Then he scrunched his brows and a dangerous grimace twisted his face.

  “What’s going on, dude?” Vesper stood behind Karina and measured his target with a dangerous look. “Can’t you keep your paws in place?”

  “She fell on me herself,” the other one growled, keeping himself in check with visible difficulty.

  Vesper leaned over him, grabbed the jean jacket lapels and picked him up in one move. He was swathed by a feeling of unreality. In his previous life, he would try to negotiate...

  “You callin’ her a slut?” he hissed angrily, and pushed him at the table with all his strength.

  Glasses burst to the sides, filling the place with the sound of breaking glass. The man jumped up instantly, his eyes burned with fury. He lunged for his opponent, grabbed Vesper by the shoulders, and leaned over to his ear.

  “Don’t bother your elders, filth!” he hissed pointedly. “You’re obviously an un-feathered bat...”

  “None of your damn business!” Vesper growled and pushed the man away harshly.

  His opponent swayed slightly, bent in half while trying to execute a straight right jab from a half turn. Vesper avoided it well, and the fist flew by his face. The move sent the man to a neighboring table, spreading destruction in his wake. The people sitting there jumped up, protesting loudly.

  “Calm down, gentlemen, calm down!” a graying man said, approaching them. “There’s no need to make a scene like that. It’s probably a misunderstanding... the barman will call the cops, and do we need that?”

  A sound of a police siren sounded outside. Karina backed away instantly, disappearing into the background. The graying man nodded and moved aside a bit, observing the opponents disapprovingly. The police officers entered the hall, and swooped it with searching eyes. They noticed the guilty party immediately.

  “It’s okay now,” Vesper explained. “A misunderstanding. Right?” He watched the opponent cleverly.

  The other one nodded, even though his eyes were full with fury.

  “We’ll pay for the damages,” Vesper added eagerly. “There will be no problems, really.”

  “In that case, we’ll just cite you and take your info,” one of the cops announced. “IDs please.”

  They took out plastic cards and handed them to the officers swiftly.

  “Jurek Malinowski,” the cop said carefully, observing Vesper.

  The nighter nodded eagerly.

  “That’s right,” he confirmed.

  “Grzegorz Kowalski,” the cop moved his eyes onto the other man, and received a confirmatory nod in answer.

  He handed the other ID to his colleague, and they started writing the information down. They finished, returned the documents, and looked harshly at the two guilty men.

  “Don’t let it happen again,” they warned, then turned around and left, slamming the door.

  The graying man returned to the opponents.

  “You, gentlemen, have had enough for today,” he stated categorically. “Our young friend is going home now. The other in half hour. And no waiting for each other, and no fights in the neighborhood. The cops have your info. I’d advise you to just drop it,” steel flashed in his eyes. He went back to his table, not sparing them a further glance.

  Awesome, kid, awesome, Nidor, who had calmly observed the action, mentally said to Vesper. We got our delinquent’s info now. Now we leave nice and peacefully.

  Vesper nodded. He turned around and walked to the door. He left, not looking at his opponent once. That one returned to his table. He stared into the distance with that strange look. His hooded eyes flashed in a very predatory manner.


  The black BMW flew along the road. The car lights jumped greedily from object to object, catching blurred tree trunks, fence posts, and chain-link fences. Vesper glanced at the dashboard and moved his eyes to his colleague sprawled behind the wheel. Then back at the odometer, frowning slightly. The arrow pointed to 160 miles per hour, and that road was no highway.

  “Calm down, kiddo,” Nidor said, twisting his lips in noncommittal grin. “If anything, I’ll push us away. No worries.”

  They were silent for a moment. More trees disappeared behind them.

  “Great job,” the captain broke the silence, speeding up by five miles. “You controlled yourself, that’s most important. Keep it up. Don’t betray yourself, don’t let anyone unmask you. People don’t know about us and it needs to stay that way for now, paniatno?”

  The newbie stared out the window, observing shapes disappearing behind them. Reflections of Warsaw’s suburbs flashed in the windows.

  Finally, turning lights flashed in front of them. The driver slowed down slightly and turned right, toward Lublin. Tires screeched mercilessly.

  “You really did great!” Nidor glanced to the side and winked at his friend knowingly.

  Watch the road, Vesper said in his mind. Almost two sticks on the dash, goddamn it, watch the fucking road!

  “I am,” the captain sighed, scornfully. “With my whole self. I don’t have just eyes for looking, you know? You still have a lot to learn, kid.” He shook his head, and suddenly he braked, turning sharply left, “Oh, see. A dog,” he said calmly and fluidly returned to the right lane.

  The animal curled its tail under, and ran along the shoulder. It quickly disappeared behind them. The car flew further, swallowing more miles.

p; Vesper rubbed the elbow that had hit the door while braking. He sighed internally. Unfortunately, he hadn’t yet mastered pushing hard objects, trying to make unannounced contact with his body, with his mind yet. He had a lot to learn before he became a decent nighter.

  “The guy was drugged to the limit,” Nidor recalled the Moonwalker events. “Which means that illegal blood has shown up in the market again.”

  “Illegal meaning non-neutral?” the young nighter asked right away. “Real, not artificially made?”

  “Exactly right,” the captain confirmed. “The blood we usually get is safe. It doesn’t have any additional substances. And you see yourself, that even then, keeping your inner predator takes a fair deal of trouble.”

  Vesper nodded with a sigh. If it wasn’t for Karina’s help—he smiled in his mind just recalling her—it would be damn difficult for him. He wanted to hunt, kill and lap up fresh blood after all... as if in a drunken amok.

  “And that’s what you need to stay away from,” Nidor said. “Human blood has plenty of substances that act like drugs. Adrenaline, noradrenaline, serotonin, oxytocin, vasopressin, angiotensin, cortisol, and who knows what else. And it comes in various configurations, depending on the victim’s mood. The blood of a scared person tastes different from an excited one... and the stronger the feelings, the higher level of the substances in blood, and what goes with it, the stronger drug effect. You try it once... and you’re gone forever.”

  Vesper nodded, recalling the other man’s face. He really did have that strange, predatory look, as if he was looking for a victim. And if he was stoned on illegal blood, he could be very dangerous if he went on a killing spree. Obviously, he wouldn’t choose from his own... vampire blood is unusually gross, and completely neutral. But there were people unaware of anything in there. People the young ISA lieutenant swore to protect.

  Suddenly, hit by a thought, he turned to his older friend who was sitting next to him and not taking his eyes off the passing road. They were approaching the Emów turnoff, easy to miss at this speed.

  “Do you think he killed someone?” he asked, tensing up. “And drank the victim’s blood?”

  Nidor shook his head.

  “If he was a killer, I would’ve just dragged him out of there, and took him to the Bunker,” he stated seriously. “Ultor would chop his head off at the next Capital meeting. But no. He didn’t look like a killer to me.” He was silent for a moment, then added with some difficulty, “You can feel that, you know, with a little bit of experience. So I decided to risk it...”


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