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Devoted (Book Two, Caylin's Story)

Page 10

by S. J. West

  It's certainly not foolproof, but neither can my mortal family insert strange objects into their bodies and not have adverse reactions to them being there.

  Uncle Malcolm goes around to the Watchers present and hands them their protective talismans. Aiden is the last to receive his. He stuffs it into the back pocket of his jeans and looks over at me. He smiles at me reassuringly, like I shouldn't worry about what he has to do with the talisman.

  Yeah, right, like I’m just going to forget he has to stuff that thing into his body somewhere like he’s a Thanksgiving Day turkey.

  I hate the circumstances the princes have forced us into, but I find grim satisfaction in the knowledge Anna will be born to take care of them one day and take back what they stole from God.

  I wish her the best of luck in kicking their asses, literally.

  Aiden walks over to me and takes one of my hands into one of his, gently pulling me off to the side away from the others.

  “Slight change in plans for tonight,” he tells me, and I hear a warning in his voice as if he doesn’t like the change but there’s nothing to be done about it.

  “What change?” I ask, bracing myself for the answer.

  “We’re still going out, but,” Aiden says hesitantly, “it’s been decided two more Watchers will be going with us for safety’s sake.”

  My heart sinks. “Why?”

  “Just a precaution,” he tells me. “In case a prince tries to attack, it’s better to have back up than not. And I’m not taking any chances with your life, Caylin. There seems to be enough of that already as it is.”

  “Aiden,” I say, reaching up with my free hand to caress his cheek, “I won’t be in any danger tomorrow. Uncle Malcolm would never put me in a situation where he thought I might get hurt.”

  “All I want to do is take you somewhere safe so you don’t have to deal with this ugliness,” Aiden tells me, turning his face slightly to kiss the palm of my hand, his warm lips linger against my skin for a moment before he turns his face again and settles his cheek there once more.

  “I’m not going to run from a fight,” I tell him. “That’s not the way I was raised. You fight beside the people you love, not abandon them until all the dirty work has been done for you. You need to know that about me. I don’t run.”

  Aiden nods, a faint, accepting smile on his lips. “I know. And I do love that about you. But, I still want to protect you from what’s coming. I can’t help it. And you need to understand that about me, Caylin.”

  “And I love that about you,” I reply, garnering a real smile from him. “Maybe that's why God chose to put us together. The combination of both of our stubbornness is bound to produce some interesting children.”

  I see a faint blush appear across Aiden's cheeks at the mention of us having children together and smile.

  “Why do you blush so much around me?” I ask him, finding it incredibly adorable but at the same time odd that someone like me can make someone as ancient as Aiden blush like a school girl.

  I rub my thumb against the heightened color across the cheek I still hold and watch in amazement as it becomes even pinker after my question.

  “I'm not completely certain,” Aiden admits as I let my hand drop back down to my side. “I'm pretty sure I've never blushed in my life until I met you. I guess some of the things you say and do just take me by surprise. I don't expect them from you.”

  “Like me looking at your butt at the reception?”

  I didn't think it was possible, but Aiden's whole face turns red as an apple. It was totally worth asking the question to see his reaction to it.

  Aiden laughs nervously. “Yes, I would say that was extremely unexpected from you.”

  “Why?” I ask. “I'm just like everyone else.”

  “No,” Aiden says looking at me like I might have forgotten who I am, “you're not like everyone else. There’s no one like you in this world or any other world, beautiful.”

  “Why? Because my grandfather is an archangel and my father was a Watcher?”

  “Well, that certainly qualifies you to be unique,” Aiden admits, “but that's not really what I was talking about. You're the only woman I love. Since the moment I saw you, you've become my everything.”

  I feel on the verge of tears and immediately stop them because what Aiden says doesn't deserve tears. I raise up on my tiptoes and hug him around the neck.

  “Could you be more perfect?” I whisper in his ear.

  “I think I can be for you,” he replies.

  I can't do anything to prevent the tears this time, and I don't try to hold them back because I want Aiden to know how much what he just said has moved me, and that I will never take his pledge for granted.

  Leah comes over to my house to help me get ready for my date with Aiden. I have no idea where we're going, but I do know I have the perfect dress for anywhere he wants to take me.

  “I still can't believe she gave you this dress,” Leah says enviously, standing by the full-length mirror the dress is hanging from.

  “She trusts Aiden,” I reply, putting the last touches of my make-up on and brushing out my hair. “What do you think? Hair up or down?”

  Leah walks over to me as I turn to her in the chair at my vanity table.

  “Definitely up,” Leah says. “It makes you look more mature that way.”

  “Can you do it?” I ask. “I'm horrible at making it look right in an up-do.”

  “Sure, you got some bobby pins somewhere?”

  I pull out a drawer in my vanity table and take out a small clear plastic box of bobby bins.

  Leah starts to style my hair, and I watch her in the mirror as she sets to work.

  “Leah,” I say, deciding to broach a question I've been debating about asking, “remember that day I first called Aiden?”

  “Sure,” she says, concentrating on what she's doing to my hair as she lifts it up into a loose bun.

  “You said Aiden wasn't exactly ‘the poster boy for abstinence’. How exactly did you know that?”

  Leah meets my gaze in the mirror with a bobby pin hanging out of the corner of her mouth and all my hair in her hands. Her eyes are as big as saucers like she just got caught doing something she shouldn't.

  “Just knew,” she says lamely with an even less convincing shrug.

  I immediately know she's hiding something.

  “Spill it,” I tell her. “Don't make me tickle you unmercifully until you can't breathe. You know I can do it...”

  Leah rolls her eyes at me, completely undaunted by my threat.

  “I saw him with a couple of girls once,” Leah says. “Well...I guess I didn't technically see him with them but heard him with them.”


  “It was right after I connected with Uriel for the first time. Jess and Mason took us all to their villa for that. Aiden was placed in charge of looking after us. And let me tell you, he's a lot more approachable now than he was back then. I guess it might have been because he still had the blood cravings. I’m sure babysitting a bunch of tasty humans wasn’t the easiest thing for him to do.”

  “So…what is it that you heard exactly?”

  Leah shakes her head slowly. “Trust me, you don't want me to describe any of that. I've pretty much put a mental block up to keep that stuff out of my head. You're better off not knowing, Caylin.”

  I sit there and watch Leah continue to style my hair.

  “Do you think...” I start but end up biting my lip unable to finish my question.

  “Think what?” Leah prods, trying to get me to say the rest.

  I take in a deep breath.

  “Do you think I should go further with Aiden than just kissing?”

  Leah narrows her eyes at me in the mirror suspiciously.

  “How far exactly?”

  I hesitate and finally whisper, “All the way.”

  “Why?” Leah asks in alarm. “Is he hinting around at it or trying to make you feel like you should?”

  “No, no, no,” I say, making sure she understands the idea is totally mine. “If anything, he's the one wanting to take things extra slow. He's scared to touch me because he doesn't want us to go too far too fast.”

  “Then why are you even thinking about going all the way?”

  “I don't want him to feel like he’s missing out on that part of his life,” I admit. “He's used to so much more than just kissing. What if he starts to get bored with it?”

  “Has he acted bored?”

  I giggle. “No. Most definitely not bored.”

  “Then why are you worrying about it? Plus, this is Aiden we're talking about. The man who waited three years just to be able to talk to you, Caylin. The odds of him ever getting bored with you are astronomical! With everything you have to worry about, this should not be one of them.”

  I know Leah’s right. The logical part of my brain does at any rate. But, for Aiden, sex played an important role in his life. Maybe if we just went ahead and broke down that barrier he wouldn’t feel like he had to treat me with kid gloves.

  It’s something to think about at least.

  Something that might even help…


  After I’m dressed and ready for my date with Aiden, Leah walks downstairs with me where I plan to wait for him to pick me up. To my surprise, I find Aiden already in my home standing in the living room talking to my dad.

  “I didn’t know you were here,” I say to Aiden as I walk over to him.

  When Aiden’s eyes find me, his lips part slightly, and I hear a small, almost imperceptible gasp issue from his mouth.

  I can’t help but grin because Aiden looks just as gasp worthy to me. He’s dressed in a nice dark blue suit, white shirt, and matching silk tie. He styled his hair and has it gelled up out of his face but still a bit wavy, not slicked back.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I see Slade and Jered sitting at the dining table. They soon stand to their feet, like most gentlemen with proper manners do when a lady enters a room.

  My dad’s eyes narrow on me. I get the impression he doesn’t whole-heartedly approve of the dress I’m wearing, but he doesn’t say anything.

  When I reach the two of them, I smile because I’m not quite sure what else to do in the awkward silence that’s permeating the room.

  “Do I need to bring a coat?” I ask Aiden, thinking this a reasonable question to break the sudden tension.

  Aiden clears this throat. “No, we’ll be phasing straight into the restaurant.”

  “Where are you buying us dinner anyway?” Slade asks, as he and Jered join us.

  I smile at Jered and he immediately grins back. I’m glad to see he will be one of the Watchers accompanying us that evening. It shows a level of trust from Aiden that I believe this particular Watcher needs.

  “El Celler de Can Roca,” Aiden tells Slade. “Have the two of you been there before?”

  “Who with good taste hasn’t?” Slade asks with a cocky grin.

  Aiden looks to Jered. “Have you been to that location?”

  “Yes,” Jered answers simply.

  “I reserved two tables there for us,” Aiden says.

  “Where is it exactly?” I ask.

  “Girona, Spain,” Aiden tells me. “It’s one of the best restaurants in the world. I thought you might enjoy it. They serve some rather unique dishes there.”

  I smile. “I’m sure I’ll love it.”

  But it’s not because of the food, I think to myself. Aiden could have taken me to the local McDonalds, and I would have had a wonderful evening. As long as I get to spend some private time with him, I don’t care where we go.

  “I’ll be sure to have Caylin back by ten,” Aiden tells my dad. “I believe that’s her curfew?”

  “I don’t have school tomorrow,” I say, hoping this reminder will garner me an extra hour. “Tomorrow is President’s Day. No school.”

  My father grins tight lipped at me because he sees through my little ploy for added time with Aiden rather easily.

  “All right,” he says, “you can stay out until eleven tonight but no later.”

  I smile and lean over to kiss my father on the cheek.

  “Thanks, Dad. I won’t be late.”

  “No, she won’t,” Aiden promises.

  “Then the two of you have a good time,” my dad says. “I’ll stay up until you return home.”

  “Ok,” I tell him, “I’ll see you when I get back.”

  “Text me later,” Leah says. “I’ll get your mom to phase me back home. And since no one else has said it yet, you look gorgeous. Have fun!”

  “Thanks,” I tell her before turning to Aiden and holding out my hand to him to let him know I’m ready to leave.

  He takes my hand into one of his, and I instantly find us standing inside a unique looking restaurant.

  “Ahh, Mr. Keles,” a dark complected, black haired man dressed in a nicely tailored black suit says as he walks up to us with his hand held out for Aiden to shake.

  “Hello, Jerico.” Aiden shakes the other man’s hand. “Thanks for getting us tables on such short notice.”

  “Anything for you, my friend,” Jerico replies as his gaze drifts in my direction. “And who is this vision of loveliness?”

  “Jerico, I would like to introduce you to Caylin Cole.”

  Jerico holds his hand out to me palm up. I place my hand into his and he bows at the waist lightly brushing his lips across the top of my hand.

  “A pleasure to finally meet you, Ms. Cole. I was beginning to wonder if you were simply a figment of Mr. Keles’ imagination.” Jerico says letting go of my hand and standing back to his full height.

  “A figment?” I ask, slightly confused.

  “He has often spoken of a single beauty who stole his heart. I am just happy to see he can finally be with you instead of sitting at one of my tables pining for someone he was forbidden to have any contact with.”

  “You make me sound like a sad sap,” Aiden says slightly embarrassed.

  “Well, no sadness for you tonight, my friend. I have had the chef prepare the very best for you and Ms. Cole.”

  Jerico looks behind us and waves to someone.

  “Take care of Mr. Keles’ friends, Miguel. I will take care of our special guests personally.”

  I look behind us and see a waiter, presumably Miguel, escort Jered and Slade in the opposite direction from us.

  “Please follow me, Mr. Keles and Ms. Cole,” Jerico says.

  “I thought they were supposed to stay close,” I whisper to Aiden as we walk behind Jerico.

  “If anything happens they will be,” he assures me, “but they don’t need to be right next to us to provide added security. Plus, this is a public place. The more public the place the less likely the princes will try to bother us.”

  The restaurant is simply decorated but beautifully so with sleek modern looking furnishings. In the center of the dining room is a wall made of glass, which looks out onto a small, lit garden. Jerico pulls out one of the chairs at the table for me to sit in while Aiden sits across from me.

  “I hope you enjoy your first visit with us, Ms. Cole,” Jerico says before bowing to us and leaving.

  The table is illuminated by a single spotlight over the table. The table itself is covered by a long white tablecloth. We each have our own setting of fine bone china, a crystal glass and silverware wrapped in a pristine white cloth napkin.

  When I look at Aiden sitting across from me, I suddenly begin to feel the walls of my stomach tighten in nervousness. He must notice the change in me because he rests his arm on the table and holds his hand out to me palm up. I place one of my hands into his and he squeezes it reassuringly.

  “What’s wrong?” He asks gently.

  “I just realized this is like a real date.”

  Aiden chuckles softly. “Yes, it is a real date, beautiful.”

  “I know it’s silly but the thought just made me feel nervous all of a sudden.”

/>   “Why?” Aiden asks, rubbing the pad of his thumb in a circular pattern over the top of the hand he holds.

  “I’m not sure,” I admit with a small shake of my head. “I guess because it makes us seem so official.”

  “That’s a good thing, isn’t it?” Aiden asks, a touch of worry added into the question, like maybe he’s wondering if I’m not ready for all this yet.

  I squeeze his hand. “Yes, it’s the best thing in the world, Aiden. The very best thing.”

  Aiden smiles and I see his posture relax in relief.

  A waiter brings over a small, potted tree to our table. It reminds me of a bonsai tree my Aunt Tara once tried to take care of. The operative word being ‘tried’. It died a month after she got it.

  “Please, enjoy,” the waiter says, leaving the miniature tree with us.

  I look at it and think it’s a cute decoration. Then Aiden picks off one of the olives hanging from the bottom limbs of the plant and pops it into his mouth.

  “The olives are an appetizer,” Aiden says after he swallows. “They’re caramelized and stuffed with anchovy.”

  Aiden picks off another olive and leans towards me to bring it to my lips. I open my mouth, and he drops it on my tongue. The olive is tasty but that isn’t what makes me smile. I liked the natural way Aiden just fed me. It showed a level of intimacy only lovers would share.

  I pull off an olive and reach across the table. Aiden’s eyes stay focused on me as my fingers touch his lips, and I drop the olive into his mouth. Before I can take my hand away, he gently grabs it by the wrist and brings it back to his mouth to suck off the lingering butter on my fingers.

  I have to take in a deep breath just so I don’t pass out from the increased beating of my heart.

  When Aiden finally does lets my hand go, I want to tell him not to because I don’t want him to stop. Aiden smiles at me, and I realize he knows exactly how he just affected me. It makes me wonder if what I was thinking earlier is true. Does Aiden miss having sex? Is he asking me without words if I’m ready for the next step? Or is this just part of his plan of a slow seduction?

  I have no way of knowing. I’m just not experienced enough to read between the lines.

  The next dish served to us is what the waiter calls the World on a Platter.


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