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Bodyguard Bear (Bear Creek Protectors Book 1)

Page 12

by Harmony Raines

  “Where are you staying?” she asked as she slipped her arm into his.

  “I need to book in. I want a room on the same floor as you. That way I can sleep with one eye and one ear open.” Red pushed open the door leading to the lobby and went inside, holding it for Kate to follow. “When this is over, I’ll be a real gentleman and let you go first.”

  “I can’t wait.” She gave him a tired smile and then added, “Why don’t you sleep in my room?”

  Red let the door slip out of his hand. It closed, shutting out the night. Shutting out the world.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes. I’d sleep easier if you were next to me.” She led the way to the elevator and pressed the button. They waited in the silence of the foyer, where the only other sign of life was the night manager behind his desk. When the elevator arrived and the door opened, they stepped inside and Kate pressed the button for the second floor.

  “Are you sure you want me to stay?” he asked.

  “Yes.” She leaned into him as the numbers above the door climbed to two. “I’m tired and I just want to know you are safe.”

  “You want to know that I’m safe?” Red asked.

  “Yes.” Her voice cracked as she spoke. “This person is going after people I care about. That now includes you.”

  He placed his hand on the nape of her neck and stroked her skin. “I don’t need you to be scared for me. I can look after myself. But I like that you feel close to me.”

  “I do.” She stroked his chest, her finger following the line of buttons down the front of his shirt. “I really do.”

  The elevator opened, and they stepped out into the corridor and made their way to Kate’s room. She retrieved the keycard from her purse and opened the door. “I’ll go in first.” Red wasn’t open to arguments.

  “Do you think there’s someone in there?” she asked.

  “I don’t know. But we also don’t know why you were lured to the movie set.”

  “You think someone wanted me out of my room?” She dropped her voice and added, “So that they could come in here?”

  “It’s a possibility. And right now I mean to investigate every possibility.” He slid inside the room and Kate followed, closing the door behind her. “Stay there.”

  She nodded, and Red moved away from her, going from room to room, checking the whole suite for anyone, or anything, that might be out of place.

  It was clear. With a troubled sigh, he returned to Kate, who hadn’t moved. He suspected it was because she was too tired rather than because he’d told her to stay put.

  “I can’t wait to go to bed.” She walked into the main room of the apartment and dropped her purse on the table before kicking off her shoes. “I’m never wearing those again.”

  “Can I get you anything?” Red asked as he dumped his backpack on the floor and circled the room like a predator. Only this predator was not after his prey, he was guarding his mate.

  “No, I’m fine, thanks. I’m going to get ready for bed.” She got up and undid the buttons of her jacket as she headed for the bathroom. “But help yourself to anything you want.”

  “I will.” Although the only thing he wanted was walking away from him. He sighed with an aching longing and opened his pack, pulling out a pair of jeans and a T-shirt. He couldn’t wait to get out of the suit. Taking off the jacket, he placed it on the back of a chair before undoing the crisp white shirt and stripping that off, too.

  “Sorry.” Framed by the light of the bathroom, Kate watched him from the doorway. “I just needed to get…something.” She gave a short, apologetic laugh.

  “No problem.” Red watched as Kate walked across the bedroom and opened the closet, removing clean pajamas before heading back to the safety of the bathroom doorway. He longed to take the clothes from her hands and throw them into the corner of the room and demand she sleep next to him naked. Skin to skin was how mates slept, at least they did in his dreams.

  Undoing his belt, he let his pants slide to the floor and stepped out of them. Red picked them up and folded them neatly, placing them on the back of the chair along with the shirt and jacket. The clothes needed returning to the wardrobe department tomorrow…today.

  A quick glance at his watch told him how late it was…or early, depending on how you looked at it. Kate needed to sleep, or she would be exhausted on set. If filming continued.

  “I’m done if you want to use the bathroom.” Kate padded into the bedroom dressed in her blue pajamas with moons and stars dotted all over them. She looked young and vulnerable; although he had seen the strength in his mate earlier today, the urge to protect her was almost impossible to curb.

  “Thanks.” He stalked to the bathroom, tense as thoughts of what he’d like to do to the person, or persons, responsible for hurting Kate and her mom ran through his mind.

  After brushing his teeth and splashing cold water on his face, Red checked his reflection in the mirror. He needed a shave, his stubble plus his grown-out buzz cut gave him a rugged look. He hoped it also gave people a don’t mess with me or my woman vibe. Because if they did mess with his family, there would be trouble. This had to end, he wanted Kate to have a safe and happy life.

  A life that would one day involve them having some little bear cubs of their own.

  He switched off the light and went back to the bedroom, pulled by the image of Kate in bed and thoughts of how much he wanted to make those little bear cubs.

  However, the soft, deep inhales and exhales told him it wouldn’t be tonight. His mate was already asleep. It was okay, he could wait. They had the rest of their lives together.

  Chapter Fifteen – Kate

  She woke to the sound of her alarm and the sight of Red stirring next to her. “Morning.”

  Kate hit the alarm and swung her legs out of bed. She didn’t want to be late to the studio. At least that was the reason she told herself she was getting out of bed so fast. It had nothing to do with the bare-chested man next to her whose eyes beckoned to her.

  “Morning. What time is it?” he blinked as his eyes adjusted to the light filtering in through the window.

  “Six-thirty. I have to be on set at seven-thirty this morning. I’ll call the hospital from the set around nine.” She ducked into the bathroom. “You can sleep in if you want.”

  “No, it’s okay, I’ll come to work with you.” Red got out of bed and grabbed his clothes.

  “If you’re sure.” She hung on the door, watching as he pulled on his jeans and T-shirt, even though she should be getting herself dressed.

  “I am.” He came toward her, a beast on the prowl, and she wanted to be his prey. “I don’t intend to let you out of my sight until we have found the person responsible.”

  Kate looked up into his big brown eyes. “I like the sound of that.” With a sigh, she reached out and grabbed hold of his T-shirt and dragged him toward her. “I like the sound of that a lot.”

  Red leaned down and captured her lips with his, sending tremors through her body. He had the sweetest kisses and she longed for him to place his soft lips on every inch of her body. Kate slid her arms around his neck as their kiss deepened and she shut down the part of her brain that told her she should at least have brushed her teeth before initiating a kiss with this sexy man.

  He circled her waist with his right arm and pulled her close, crushing her against his chest, his lips hot, searing her skin as he broke their kiss and trailed light butterfly kisses down her neck. Damn, she wanted him.

  And ache built inside her, growing stronger and more intense as he slid his free hand between their bodies and cupped her breast. He brushed his thumb over her taut nipple and small explosions rocketed through her body. Maybe she could be a little late…

  Red’s large hands spread warmth through her body as he stroked her flesh, igniting a fire in her core that only he could extinguish. “I thought you had to go to work,” he whispered, his warm breath caressing the sensitive skin on her neck.

  “I do. Bu
t I’m sure they won’t mind if I’m a little late.” She pulled back from him and then reached for Red’s hand and led him toward the bed. “I think we both need a short sleep in.”

  He chuckled. “Your mom is going to say I’m a bad influence.”

  A brief image of her mom slipped into her brain. “Even if you were an angel sent from heaven above she would say you were a bad influence.”

  “Oh, I’m no angel.”

  “Show me.” She pulled him toward her and flopped down on the bed. “It’s a pity you got dressed.”

  Red dragged his T-shirt over his head and threw it down on the floor. A quick flick of his wrist and his belt buckle was undone and his jeans were joining his shirt on the plush hotel carpet. “Look at that.”

  “I am looking.” He was like a god, all toned muscles covered in bronzed skin, as if sculpted from stone. Yet there was something so very real about him. A vulnerability in his expression as he looked down at her with pure, naked longing. A longing matched by her own need to make love to this man before her.

  Kate took a deep breath and caught hold of the waistband of her pajamas and wriggled out of them while not taking her eyes off Red. He eagerly watched her every move, particularly when she began to unbutton her pajama top. Licking his lips, he slid down onto the bed beside her as she pushed the fabric off her shoulders, revealing her naked breasts.

  For a moment she stalled, unable to move. She’d only just met Red. This was madness. And yet it was right. So very right.

  He touched her, his fingers trembling as he stroked the sensitive skin of her neck and then slid lower. Kate gasped as his fingers brushed against her nipple, and she reached out to him, curling her fingers around the nape of his neck as she lifted her head to capture his lips. He groaned and slid his tongue between her open lips. Their tongues entwined, simulating the joining of two people.

  Damn it, she wanted him so much. Too much. This was like nothing she had ever experienced, he’d taken control of her senses. Yet she wasn’t scared. She was certain he would never hurt her. Could never hurt her.

  Red trailed his fingers across her belly, moving lower, much lower and she opened her thighs wider as his fingers slid under the elastic of her panties, the only scrap of clothing that stood between them. She sighed with contentment as he stroked her mound and touched her intimately, until she thought she would explode. But before she reached her orgasm, he slipped his fingers lower, sliding inside her sex.

  His fingers grazed her inner walls, in and out, slowly, leisurely, taking his time. It was unbearable. The pressure built inside her and her body tensed. She needed to come. She needed a release.

  In one swift movement, he removed his hand and slid down the bed, yanked her panties down over her thighs and threw them across the room, before he nestled his shoulders between her legs. Her hands threaded into his hair as the pressure inside her was replaced by anticipation.

  Red inhaled her scent and then lowered his head, kissing her inner thighs before flicking his tongue over her clit. Kissing her, licking her, he brought her to the brink of orgasm, but this time he took her over the edge. Inserting two fingers into her sex, he grazed her inner walls, while his mouth stimulated her throbbing clit. She came. Hard and long. The pressure finally released, the anticipation finally fulfilled.

  Kate lay back on the bed. She hadn’t realized she’d been craning her head forward, watching Red’s head as he moved between her now trembling thighs. Her breaths came in short gasps as she tried to regain control of her body, which craved more of her soldier mate.

  Red raised himself up on his hands and knees and changed position, his body covering hers. With his right hand, he held his hardened length and guided himself into her slick depths. In and out, the head of his cock entered her, each time he moved deeper, the friction between their bodies incredible.

  With each thrust, her arousal grew until she teetered on the edge of her second orgasm. Capturing his face in her palms, Kate kissed her man, their tongues entwining in the same way as their bodies were locked together in an intimate embrace. However, the connection went deeper than that. Deeper than sex. As he came inside her, igniting her own orgasm, it was as if he touched her soul. Their lovemaking had forged a deep connection between them that went past the physical.

  Kate lay in Red’s arms, staring up at the ceiling. “I think you blew my mind.”

  Red chuckled. “In a good way, I hope.”

  She turned onto her side and kissed his bare chest. “In a very good way.” She caught a glimpse of the clock on the nightstand. “But I have to love you and leave you.” She pushed herself up from the bed and grabbed her clothes as she headed for the bathroom.

  “You can love me, but I’m not letting you leave me. I am going to stick by your side every minute of the day until we find out who is responsible for last night.”

  Kate turned around and looked at him from the doorway of the bathroom. It was like déjà vu, but she resisted the temptation to go back to him. She really had to get to work. “Thank you. For everything.”

  Red turned to face her, fastening the buttons of his jeans as he walked toward her. “No, thank you.” He dropped a kiss on her lips. “Now get dressed.”

  She took a step backward and shut the bathroom door. Then she dressed as fast as she could. If they hurried and grabbed breakfast on set, she could just make it without being late.

  Fifteen minutes later they were both washed, dressed and ready for whatever the day had to throw at them. “That was a good start to the day.” Kate pressed her body close to his as they took the elevator down to the ground floor. “Maybe my luck is changing.”

  Red’s arm slipped around her waist and he inched her T-shirt up, stroking her bare skin with the tips of his fingers. She shivered despite the warmth emanating from his body. “All part of the service,” he said lightly, kissing her neck with his soft lips.

  “If you keep doing that, I’ll never get to work.” She turned her head and captured his lips with hers, her tongue tasting him. As the elevator pinged its warning, and the doors slid apart to reveal the hotel lobby, Kate pulled away from him and straightened her shirt.

  Red gave her a swift smile before he stepped out of the elevator, scanned the lobby for any perceived danger and gave a nod to tell her it was safe. Until last night she’d thought his actions were over-the-top protective, but she now understood the reality of having someone wish you harm. In a small way, she also began to understand the life Red had lived in the Army.

  Warzone conditions would call for constant attention to your surroundings if you wanted to stay alive. Red might not be experienced at being a bodyguard to civilians, but the same skill set was needed while out on patrol with his unit. It would mean the difference between life and death. Between a soldier going home to his family on two feet, or in a body bag.

  Kate closed her eyes, squeezing them tightly shut so the tears didn’t fall. She hated the thought of anything happening to Red. Ever. Guilt swept over her. What if after all those years serving his country he got hurt, or worse, died, for her? One person.

  “Are you okay?” Red asked as they left the hotel and walked to his car.

  “I’m sorry this is happening.”

  “It’s not your fault. None of this is your fault, don’t ever forget that.” Red’s voice jerked her out of her melancholy mood. He was right, this wasn’t her fault. The blame rested entirely with whoever was stalking her. The question they needed to focus on was who that was and why.

  “I hope the police might have some answers today. Do you think it’s entirely possible for someone to sneak on set and shut my mom in that room and not be seen?” Kate asked as they drove toward the studio. She needed to focus on solving the mystery, so she could move on with her life with Red.

  “It is possible. If they knew where all the cameras were. If they knew about the security on set. It would have to be someone who has access to all those areas. And of course if they are a shifter, there’s every c
hance they might be something small like a bird or a mouse, and that they’ve passed in front of the cameras and not been seen.”

  That wasn’t what she wanted to hear, but he was right. The idea of shifters was still so new that she didn’t automatically factor that in when looking for an explanation. She sure was going to have to adjust her view of the world.

  “Are there a lot of shifters?” Kate let go of obsessing over who was out to get her and decided to find out all she could about Red and those like him.

  “I don’t know how many of us there are in the world. Places like Bear Creek and some of the other surrounding towns and villages have a large concentration of shifters. But as for the rest of the world…there are pockets of us everywhere and then a sprinkling of shifters in most places.”

  “Wow. And I’d never have known if it wasn’t for you.” It was like being part of a secret cult. The cult of Red was one she was more than happy to be part of.

  “That’s better.” He looked at her sideways and her smile widened. “What’s so funny?”

  “I don’t know if I’d call it funny. But I just realized that even though what’s happening is bad and it scares me how far this person might go…I’m glad I met you.”

  “And I am more than glad I met you.” He gave her one of those smiles that melted her heart and her panties. “And we will get to the bottom of this and figure out what’s going on. With or without the police.”

  “You don’t think they will find anything?” she asked.

  “I don’t want you to get your hopes up and be disappointed.” He shrugged. “But they might have gotten lucky or the person responsible might not be as good as we give them credit for.”

  “I’ll hang on to that hope.” They arrived at the studios and stopped at the security gate. There were two guards on duty, which showed the studio had taken last night seriously and beefed up security on set. Although if this was an inside job, the added number of guards were useless at stopping the perpetrator from getting in.


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