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High Voltage (Ramsey Security Book 3)

Page 3

by Hunter, Bijou

  “No way, baby. These banjo-lovers won’t get the jump on a sexy assassin like you.”

  “I’m not an assassin anymore.”

  “Right,” he says, laughing. “Because we’re just here in Hickville to play detectives.”

  I roll my eyes even if he isn’t wrong. Ditching him without another word, I drive to the Hampton Inn where Dino and I check into adjoining rooms on the second floor. I use the alias Jane Stouffer, while he announces himself as Anthony Martin.

  The short ride up is awkward with me staring at the ceiling and him staring at my tits. Once the elevator doors open, Dino reaches for my suitcases.

  “Don’t be a gentleman now,” I mutter, dodging him.

  “I’m always a gentleman. It’s how my mama raised me.”

  “She did a piss poor job then.”

  “What did I tell you about talking shit about my mama?”

  I smile at him over my shoulder. “Maybe if you stopped talking about fucking me every second, I’d learn to pay more attention.”

  “I doubt that’ll help with your flakiness. I mean, shit, you were bouncing all over the place at Beef Tip’s office.”

  Unlocking my door, I shove my bags inside. “Me?” I balk, nearly shutting the door on him before his foot jams it open. “You kept pissing him off.”

  “So what? He’s just some guy.”

  “He’s a killer.”

  “So am I, babe,” he says, leaning against the door and grinning at me. “I’m not even retired like you.”

  “Stop calling me babe or Apples or slice of sex. If not, I’ll give you a nickname.”

  “I like Linguini. No, Spaghetti is better. Yeah, call me that and I’ll call you Apple Pie.”

  Balling my fists again, I glare at him. Dino refuses to be afraid. I know he must feel pain, but he won’t back down even if I hurt him. The guy is incorrigible.

  “This is my room. You are next door.”

  “I’ll unpack and shower before we have dinner and start trouble,” Dino says, weaseling his way into my room. “Make sure to wear something hot. Red is good.”

  I shove him out of my room. After grabbing his card key, I open his door and shove his crap inside.

  “I’ll wear red if you’ll shut the fuck up for an hour and leave me alone.”

  “You’re so easy,” he says, laughing. “I would have given you two hours for a shot at seeing you decked out in red. Gotta learn to negotiate better, Apples.”

  I shut the door and lock it. Just to be safe, I prop the chair against the knob to keep him out. The guy is driving me crazy and not only because he’s dangerously hot.

  An hour without his mouth running will be a blessing. With a little time away from Dino, I can pull myself together. Set up the security in my room. Catch up with my emails. Change my panties after having him pawing at me on the way up in the elevator.

  Soon I’ll have no problem handling dinner and troublemaking with him afterward. Yes, I just need an hour without him bugging me.

  Dino isn’t wrong that I should learn to negotiate better. In fact, just to show him I’m a quick learner, I won’t wear red tonight. Dino needs to learn that his smooth moves won't work on me.


  ~ Dino ~

  Honky-tonk Hell

  Country music plays everywhere we go. Even at the damn Italian restaurant, the radio is stuck in a Johnny Cash loop. I ask the girl serving us if she can put on something else, and she looks at me like I’m fucking nuts. When I ask if she’s even heard of Dean Martin, I think she hurts her brain trying to decipher the words coming from my mouth.

  “They’re not changing the music for you,” Minka says, eating a big serving of twice-baked lasagna. “They listen to country music here. Just accept it.”

  “Doesn’t hurt to ask,” I explain before shuddering as a new horrible song twangs itself out of the speakers and into my unsuspecting ears. “What in the hell is wrong with Johnny Cash in this song?”

  “That’s not Cash,” Minka says, avoiding eye contact like a sassy bitch. “It’s Hank Williams.”

  “Don’t tell me you listen to this trash?”

  “No, but my dad did.”

  “Did? Past tense as in he’s passed on?”


  “Mine too.”

  “I’m not hugging you,” she mutters, but I catch her fighting a smile.

  “I’m looking for more than a hug, and you know it. Besides, now ain’t the time. I’m eating.”

  Wearing black rather than red like she promised, Minka studies me with the sultry, dark eyes of a nymph stalking her prey. “Big fan of spaghetti, huh?”

  “My mama makes the best spaghetti. When I was sick, she made it for me every day. If I were ever on death row, spaghetti would be my last meal. So, yeah, I like spaghetti.”

  Minka nods, glances around, and frowns. “I was thinking about how to cause trouble.”

  “Your big brain is extremely sexy.”

  Mouth tightening, she continues talking about work. “That strip club where the prostitute complained sounds like a good place to ask questions and see if anyone gets nervous.”

  “How did your dad die?” I ask, not giving a crap about this job.

  “He was a fool. Doesn’t take a lot to get them killed.”

  I wait to see if she’ll ask about my father. She stares into my eyes, knowing I’m waiting. She doesn’t ask, and I realize I don’t want to tell her. Not when she’s still playing this temptress game. Later, once she’s wrapped around my little finger, and big cock, I’ll share my personal stories with her. She’ll tell me her secrets too. Soon Minka will open herself to me as she’s never done with anyone else, and I can’t wait to see what I discover.

  “So the strip club is our next destination?” I ask when she falls silent and eats.

  Tomato sauce at the corners of her mouth, she only nods while reaching for a napkin. I’m desperate to lick off the sauce, except if I taste her lips, I won’t be able to stop. Minka will end up on this table with her tight ass in the air and my cock drilling into her until we’re both spent. Though tempting, this scenario seems inappropriate for a family restaurant.

  “I like the chase,” I say, giving her a wink, “but eventually I’ll catch you. I’d suggest you prepare for that.”

  “Don’t worry. My Taser is set to stun, the safety on my gun is off, and my knee is ready to smash your balls. You feel free to catch me, Sausage.”

  Smiling, I can think of many ways for this conversation to end. Her black shirt looks flimsy, while her jeans aren’t too tight. I bet I could get Minka naked in thirty seconds and fuck the frown from her grumpy face. Once again, the family restaurant setting douses my hard-on with ice-cold reality.

  Her silence holds for the rest of dinner. To avoid listening to the awful music, I let my thoughts wander.

  A few weeks ago, Minka claimed to be from Massachusetts, and I see no reason for her to lie. It’s not exactly a lie that’ll impress anyone, so I believe her even if she ought to come from somewhere more exotic.

  Since my first day on the job, I’ve signed up for any assignment where I can get cozy with Minka. Most were boring as hell bodyguard assignments, and she always managed to cancel on them.

  The only other job we did together, Minka forgot to bail on because she overslept. Picking her up at her apartment, I found Minka sleepy-eyed and with a serious case of bed head. No woman should look so intoxicating only to turn around and act so disinterested in the reaction she creates. Soon, I’ll call out her bullshit. Not yet. First we need to work. Well, she can work. I’m only here to enjoy her company.

  Walking into a strip club ought to make Minka feel out of place or on display. Okay, so I don’t know what a chick feels in these situations, but Minka ought to reveal something beyond the coolly indifferent expression she sports.

  “I might look but no touching,” I say, leaning up close to her.

  “Don’t fucking care.”

  “You’re breaking m
y heart,” I tease even though a little part of me wishes she was a little territorial. “These girls have nothing on you.”

  Minka glances around before focusing her gaze on a blonde shaking her ass on a secondary stage. “I’d do her.”

  All the blood rushes from my brain to my now painfully hard dick. “You’re killing me.”

  “I can live with that.”

  When Minka walks to the bar, I mosey up next to her and sniff her fragrant hair.

  “You remind me of a dog I had,” she mutters, barely audible over the sound of Poison blaring from the speakers. “We got him fixed, and he settled down.”

  “I know how to settle me down,” I say, sliding my leg against hers. “And it doesn’t involve snipping off my nuts.”

  Minka ignores me and smiles at the brunette bartender. Her nametag says “Ruby,” and her dark expression tells me she’s tough for a broad likely in her twenties. Minka’s smile isn’t returned.

  “Can I get you a drink?” Ruby asks.

  “Malibu Rum for me.”

  “Amaretto,” I say, standing so close to Minka that her ass bumps against my stiff cock.

  Glancing back at me, she mutters, “Really?”

  “Don’t blame me, Apples. You brought this one on yourself.”

  “Do you want anything else?” Ruby asks after we pay for our drinks.

  Minka nods. “Do you know Stacey Brooke?”

  Ruby’s expression hardens. “She’s dead.”

  “When she wasn’t dead, did you know her?”

  “Not really.”

  “Are you sure? It’s a small town.”

  “I don’t live in Common Bend.”

  “Where are you from?”

  “I live in a little place called none of your fucking business. Now, do you want anything else to drink?”

  Minka smiles at Ruby and walks away. I follow my dark-haired vixen to a table. She sips her rum and glances around the club.

  “I have a confession,” I say, taking her hand.

  Minka yanks it away immediately. “Is all of this bravado your way of overcompensating for being lame in bed or having a small dick?”

  “Don’t worry about me satisfying all of the hot desire you’re nursing for me.”

  “You’re overcompensating again.”

  A smile slowly spreads across my face as I imagine us in bed. I wonder how loudly Minka will moan when I make her come. No way is she the quiet, shy type.

  Minka pulls me away from my fantasies. “So, what’s your confession?”

  “You make my dick hard.”

  “I already knew that.”

  “I guess you do, but do you know I haven’t stuck my dick in another woman since we met?”

  Minka stares at me, and I swim in the darkness of her eyes. She finally snorts.

  “Is this your way of asking me to get you medical attention?” she teases, but I hear something besides mockery in her tone.

  “You’re crazy about me,” I say, winking at her. “I don’t blame you. A woman like you probably doesn’t often meet a man worthy of her lust.”

  “You don’t travel much, do you, stud?”

  “I travel plenty. What’s your point?”

  “I’ve met a lot of men worthy of my lust.”

  “Any of them capable of handling you in bed?”

  Minka bats her eyes at me. “Oh, any man can do that. I’m a real pussycat between the sheets. Don’t even use my claws.”

  “You’re sexy when you lie.”

  Finally giving me a fucking smile, Minka kicks my leg and then stands up. “We’re here to do a job. I’ll endure your tiny dick when we get back to Houston.”

  “That wasn’t my secret, remember?” I grumble while standing and following her.

  “That’s not how I remember it.”

  “Sure, Apples,” I say, slapping her ass as we return to the bar.

  Minka grunts when my hand makes contact, and I expect a punch in retaliation. Instead, she sidles up next to me at the bar stools.

  “We’re back,” Minka tells Ruby.

  “So I fucking see. What do you want?”

  “We have concerns you’re the one who sold out the Chatty Cathy prostitute. Why’d you go and get a mom killed like that?”

  Ruby’s expression twists into something between rage and guilt. I glance at Minka, who never looks away from her target. I find her fascinating to watch, and soon worry my dick might suffer permanent damage from staying hard for so damn long.

  “Look, I told Stacey to keep her mouth shut,” Ruby whispers, barely audible over the loud music, “but she was drunk off her ass that night, and she wouldn’t shut up.”

  “Did you snitch her out to her killers?” Minka asks. “I can see the benefit to you to tell the powers that be who’s publicly bitching about them.”

  A flustered Ruby glances around. “I didn’t need to rat out Stacey. Everyone heard her.”

  “Who’s everyone?”

  “Deputy Teller’s brother was sitting by the main stage when Stacey hit her highest, drunkest notes.”

  Minka nods. “Where did they find Stacey’s body?”

  “She died out on State Road 34 by the mile six marker.”

  “Thanks,” Minka says, leaving a twenty-dollar bill on the bar top.

  I watch the entire interaction without having the least bit of interest in joining in. This job bores me, but I’m happy to endure Honky-tonk Hell to spend time alone with Minka.

  Likely sensing my lack of interest, Minka doesn’t mention the next part of her plan. After taking the car keys from me, she walks out of the club. We drive past the spot where Stacey’s car ended up. The place is located on a wooded slice of nowhere. Unless her car died, no way would even a wasted chick stop here.

  “Tomorrow, we’ll stop by the prostitute trailer parks and ask around,” Minka says when we arrive back at the hotel. “We’ll see if anyone wants to rat out the happy sheriff and his horny deputies.”

  “Nightcap?” I ask, leaning into her while she unlocks her door.

  Sighing, she mutters, “Come back in an hour and we’ll see.”

  Minka gives me a bored expression, but I don’t buy her indifference to a night of hot fucking. The woman’s radiating an energy that makes my dick nearly tear free from my black slacks.


  ~ Minka ~

  Thinking No and Feeling Yes

  Playing the bored bitch, I shut the door on Dino. He’ll be back in an hour expecting sex, leaving me only a little time to prepare.

  I yank off my clothes and jump into the shower. After scrubbing all of my sweaty bits, I frantically shave away excess hair on my pits and legs. I realize I left my mango-scented body wash in the suitcase, so I run wet and naked through the room to retrieve it.

  Back in the shower, I cover myself in bubbles. My hair smells too much like the titty bar, and I decide to wash it too.

  Will he notice all of the work I’m doing? Shit, maybe I shouldn’t have washed my hair. Too late now.

  I run the shaver over my legs again, just in case I missed something. After double checking my Brazilian wax, I wash off all of the suds until I’m squeaky clean and smelling like an orchard.

  Dino will for sure notice all of this effort. Leaving my hair damp and messy, I dig into my suitcase for my old Texans jersey. The man-sized shirt hangs loosely as I yank on my least-sexy panties available.

  Playing with my hair, I stand in front of the mirror. The messy look is just too fucking messy, so I brush my shoulder-length hair smooth before messing it up more carefully. Yeah, that’s a lot better.

  By the time Dino knocks on the door, I’ve calmed myself enough to look properly bored.

  “Oh, yeah, I was just getting ready for bed,” I say, peering through a barely open door. “Maybe this can wait until tomorrow.”

  Dino pushes open the door and walks past me. “Smelling good, Apples. I hope you didn’t go through too much effort. I’d have even fucked you if you smelled like a s

  “Sexy,” I mutter, shutting the door. “I guess we can make this quick.”

  Dino turns to me in the dimly lit room, and I swear he shines even without light. His skin looks like honey next to his black clothes. With his collar open, I notice a hint of dark chest hair. I hate caring this much, but he looks like the best fuck of my life just waiting to happen.

  Licking his lips, Dino walks to where I stand near the door. “Are you a virgin? Is this why you hide in the corner?”

  “I’m not fucking hiding. You’re…”

  Dino leans down and brushes his lips against mine. I don’t know how to respond to such a tender gesture. When nothing snarky comes to mind, I only stare into his eyes.

  “You’re sexy when you shut up.”

  Glaring at him, I can suddenly think of a million snarky things to say. Before they leave my lips, his mouth presses against mine. I want to struggle and make him fight for every bit of affection. I truly intend to fuck with him until I allow him to fuck me. Instead, I give in immediately and throw my arms around his neck.

  His flavor makes me lightheaded, and I deepen the kiss until I can’t breathe. Fuck! I refuse to breathe or think or feel anything beyond Dino.

  Wrapping an arm around the back of my neck, he braces our bodies against the wall. Intoxicating, his full lips are tender. His tongue explores hungrily, betraying his otherwise relaxed manner.

  The V between my legs finds his strong thigh. I slide against him, wanting relief for my throbbing clit.

  When Dino pulls away, I let out a muffled cry.

  “No worries,” he murmurs, sounding like a seductive song. “I only want to spread you out and explore.”

  Breathing too fast, I’m dizzy with lust and ache for relief. I need him to stay with me. My heart begs to know more of his touch.

  Walking to the bed, Dino slides off his shoes before taking me in his arms again. My mind still swims, but I manage to unbutton his shirt and slide it off his shoulders.

  Dino’s skin is blazing hot under my fingertips. I pull my lips from his and kiss his hard chest and stomach. He makes a pained groan when I lick his nipple. Smiling at him, I can’t pretend to be indifferent anymore. Dino has been on my mind for months.


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