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High Voltage (Ramsey Security Book 3)

Page 9

by Hunter, Bijou

  “I don’t know. Rafael said he’ll talk to Cooper about our next move. I assume we’ll eliminate our problem, but they seem very tentative about the entire thing.”

  “Probably because they have enemies on each side. When my old bosses felt pressure from other families, they reacted real slow. The fear was reacting too fast might lead to an escalation.”

  Dino has a point. I never worked in an organization where I took orders. As a freelance operator, I got a job, completed the job, and walked away. Remaining in White Horse makes me care too much about the details like Ruby and the victims at the meth lab. I normally avoid the politics and maneuverings of these various criminal organizations. My job is to draw blood and end the problem. Let the bosses worry about cleaning up after me.

  “You okay?” he asks, caressing my knuckles.

  “I guess. This job bugs me.”

  Dino watches me, and I watch him. His dark eyes show me nothing. I wonder what he sees in mine.

  “I’m not playing with you,” he finally says, taking the check. “Were you this distrustful with Troy?”

  “No, but he and I were friends first.”

  “And where did that end up?”

  I follow him to the register and then to the SUV. The cold morning air burns my tired eyes. Dino stretches again, and I take in the sight of his long, lean body.

  “I never loved Troy,” I say, studying the traffic around the restaurant. “Even if we hadn’t been friends first, I was never going to fall in love with him. You can’t force these things.”

  “No, you can’t,” Dino says, surprising me with a kiss on the cheek. “Let’s head back to the hotel so you can take a nap and sleep off your grumpy mood.”

  Holding my tongue, I climb into the SUV. Dino joins me and drives back to the hotel. My stomach still burns from stress, and I can’t avoid confronting the reason.

  Walking upstairs, I never think to go to my room and separate from Dino. This behavior is part of my problem. I’m thinking of us as a pair. I never did that with Troy. Even when we were sleeping together. I craved my private space. He wanted his too. We made sense in a way I’m not sure Dino and I do.

  “This isn’t just sex, right?” I ask him as he stretches out on the bed. “If it’s just sex, I can handle that, but I need you to be honest with us both.”

  Dino watches me and smiles slowly. “Why are you scared, Apples?”

  “I don’t want to look like a fool.”

  “Your mom always kept everyone at arm’s length. She used men and never loved any of them. You don’t know how a real relationship feels. I get you’re coming from a messed up place, but I’m being square with you.”

  “Don’t make me into a pathetic broken girl,” I mutter, kicking off my shoes. “And you’re the healthy fucker saving me. You have issues, Dino. The entire mob hitman thing is a giveaway.”

  “I never said otherwise.”

  Narrowing my eyes, I smile at him. “Is this passive thing something your father used against your mother?”

  Dino reveals a tiny smirk. “I plead the fifth.”

  I jump on the bed and smack him on the head lightly. He laughs at my expression.

  “It worked, didn’t it?”

  “So, was anything you said for real or was it part of your tactic?”

  Dino wraps an arm around me, forcing my body to rest along his.

  “I see good things for us. You intrigued me, and I wanted you. You acted like you hated me, but now you don’t. The sex is great. We get along great. Why fight what is coming along so easily? Just enjoy what’s enjoyable.”

  “Fine, but you need to stop making promises you won’t keep. Talking about going with me to see my mom was too much.”

  “I meant that, though.”

  “I know, and that’s what’s scary. You say whatever you’re thinking. Tomorrow you can think something else. You don’t plan anything out.”

  Dino looks at me in an odd way, and I feel small under his gaze.

  “I get it now,” he whispers. “You want to know if I’m all twisted up over you like you’re twisted up over me. Well, I am, and I’ve been twisted up since you punched me. It’s a good twisted up, though. It feels warm and inviting like something I’ve always wanted.”

  I flick the tip of his nose. “Was that really so difficult? I simply need everything spelled out for me.”

  “Women,” he snorts, trying not to laugh.

  Smiling at him, I rest my head against his shoulder. “I am twisted up over you. When you offered to go with me to see my mom, I could picture it. I imagined feeling brave because you’d be there.”

  “Just feel it then. I know being a smart bitch has made you a badass all these years. Sometimes you just need to feel. I learned that myself, and it’s why I left my old life. Now I’m feeling this feeling with you, and it feels great.”

  “You’re getting a little too emotional for my tastes.”

  Dino laughs, but his expression is as soft and warm as his fingers on my arm.

  Falling silent, I close my eyes and listen to Dino’s steady heartbeat. He flips through channels, finally settling on a rerun of a sitcom whose name I can’t remember.

  While I doze off, I imagine us visiting my mother. I see her green house and the front porch, complete with hanging plants. Dino is at my side when I open the front gate and walk into the yard where I played with my old shepherd mutt, Baby. Before I see my mother’s face again, I’m asleep.

  My nap doesn’t last long. I hear my cell ringing but decide to ignore it. Dino’s phone rings next, and he answers. After a minute, he turns on the speaker function, and I hear Rafael’s voice.

  “Black did a drive-by at Hayes’s house and office. As you can imagine Hayes is pissed and calling for war.”

  “That’s sad,” I mumble, still half asleep. “What do you want us to do?”

  “Cooper is sending a few of his guys to White Horse to deal with Hayes. They’ll also meet with reps from the Serrated Brotherhood. The Rutgers in Hickory Creek got wind of what happened with that bartender. They claim Black sent people into their territory to grab her. I don’t know if that’s true, but they’re talking about ending Black and taking the spoils of war.”

  I peek at Dino. He focuses on my lips, caressing them with his thumb. Even now, he doesn’t give a shit about this assignment.

  “What’s the plan then?” I ask, sitting up and focusing since Dino won’t.

  “Provide backup for Cooper’s guys. You’re representing me, and I’m representing Memphis’s interests at this point.”

  “What does Memphis want to happen?”

  “They’d like Black removed, and the status quo returned. They’re also okay with Black disappearing and someone else taking over Common Bend. Hayes and the club out of Hickory Creek both make nice with Memphis. The only one who really cares about it remaining Cooper’s territory is Cooper.”

  “And you, right?”

  “I would be happiest if he gets Common Bend back, but fighting with Hayes and the Serrated Brotherhood isn’t in his best interest. He’ll do it if he’s pushed.”

  “A man can’t lose face,” Dino adds. “When will his guys arrive?”

  “Later today. Hayes claims he sent a message to Black already. I can only imagine what that looks like and what will happen next. If the sheriff is against the wall, things will get messy.”

  “We could just get rid of him now.”

  “Killing him in a big display has never been the end game, and killing him quietly can’t happen if he’s hiding.”

  Despite the worry in his words, Rafael sounds rather calm. I know he’s a pro, but his wife is tied to the Reapers Motorcycle Club. I suspect being stuck between Memphis and Ellsberg isn’t where Rafael hoped to be when he sent us on this job.

  “I think we can smoke him out,” I offer. “We can go into town in disguise and find out where he’s holed up. Deal with him however necessary and end this thing before Hayes or the other club can start more t

  Rafael doesn’t respond immediately. He’s working all the angles in his head. As he figures out what our next move should be, I roll out of bed and head to the bathroom.

  By the time I clean up and return, Dino’s watching TV.

  “What did he say?”

  “He suggested we see Hayes and find out how he hit back at Black. Then he suggested we meet with Cooper’s guys. Then he said if we had the time, he’d really love for us to kill Black and bring about world peace.”

  I study him while he stares at the TV. Dino has the moves of a skilled killer, but he lacks the focus of a man on a mission.

  “Don’t you care what happens here?” I ask while pulling on my boots.

  “Not really.” When I frown at him, he turns off the TV. “The way I see it, these people fighting over Common Bend will fight no matter what we do. They’re all assholes wanting the same thing. Sooner or later, they’re going to fight it out. Whoever wins will only keep the town for a while before they fight again. Someone else might win, and then they’ll fight again. As long as you have more than one asshole claiming the same thing, the battle won’t end. What you and I do won’t mean shit.”

  “I guess, but I still feel bad for the people in the crossfire.”

  “Me too. We help the ones we can, but I won’t pretend like they’re so much better off with Cooper than they are with Black. They’re slaves to one faction or another. We can’t fix that part, and you’d be a fool to want to.”

  “Call me an idealist, but I want the good guys to win.”

  “What if there are no good guys?”

  “Then the least-awful guys.”

  Sliding off the bed, Dino walks to me. “And you think that’s Cooper’s crew?”

  “Yeah, I guess. The prostitute Black killed didn’t die on Cooper’s watch. Ruby wasn’t attacked on his watch either. The meth heads we killed didn’t work for Cooper. I’d say he’s the least horrible of the choices.”

  “What about your boyfriend, Hayes?” he asks, caressing my lower lip again.

  “He works too hard already, and I worry taking on Common Bend will keep him from snuggling with me at night.”

  “Not funny,” he growls.

  “You started it.”

  Dino sighs. “Yeah, I did, but you were supposed to be offended and say you found Hayes repulsive. Do I need to give you a script to follow?”

  “Couldn’t hurt,” I tease while grabbing my gun holster. “I guess we should visit my boyfriend and see what kind of mess he made.”

  “Don’t look at him.”

  Laughing, I strap my gun under my jacket. “Heaven forbid.”

  “I don’t want him looking at you either.”

  “Then you better flirt with him so he has something else to focus on.”

  “Don’t tempt me,” Dino says, disappearing into the bathroom.

  While waiting for him to clean up, I check my phone for messages. Restless, I text Ruby to see if she’s still safe.

  She replies cryptically, “Bikers in my house isn’t my idea of safe. No cops at least.”

  “Do you need help?” I text back.

  Ruby only texts, “LOL.”

  I don’t know why she finds my offer funny, but figure I’ll learn soon enough when Cooper’s guys meet with the Serrated Brotherhood’s guys. Imagining all of the dick measuring I’ll soon witness, I realize I’m in for a long few days.


  ~ Dino ~

  The Big Baby Roars

  Arriving at Hayes office, we find the brunette temp from our last visit missing. A blonde woman sits at the front desk, and I doubt she’ll survive the rest of the day. She flinches every time Hayes yells at someone in the back room, and the asshole screams like a tantruming toddler. Hell, I suspect she’ll run for her life within an hour.

  The woman pretends to care if we have an appointment. Minka ignores the temp and walks to the back room. I give the chick a smile, but she only grimaces at the sound of Hayes yelling again.

  Hurrying after Minka, I don’t want her alone with Hayes. Not because he’s pissed. She can handle his giant ass in a fight. I’m more worried about him deciding that fucking a sexy assassin will distract from his problems.

  Minka is already sitting in a chair when I walk into the room. Hayes is still on the phone. His back is to us, but he clearly knows Minka’s arrived because his yelling is a few decibels lower. I frown at his attempt to show her respect.

  Sitting next to Minka, I glance around Hayes’s office. He has a million sticky notes on the walls and his desk. Everything in the room is stacked on more mess. The guy needs a maid, receptionist, and mommy to clean up all of this bullshit. Too bad he’s awful and can’t keep anyone around. I bet even his mom hit the road after spending an hour with him.

  “Fix it,” Hayes says and then hangs up.

  The giant idiot turns around and leans back in his long-suffering chair.

  “What the fuck were you two fucks doing while Black shot up my town?”

  “Sleeping, probably,” Minka says.

  Reaching for her hand, I add, “Fucking is more likely.”

  Minka smacks away my hand. I want to be angry since I’m trying to make a fucking point with Hayes. Instead, I laugh because of Minka’s expression. The chick can’t wrap her head around my need to claim her. Does she not know how the world works?

  “Your office looks fine,” Minka says.

  “It’s a big concrete hunk. My house is a fucking house, darling.”

  “Don’t call her that,” I grunt.

  Minka rolls her eyes, but I catch her smiling too. Hayes is less amused.

  “Is it possible for you to stop thinking with your dick for a few minutes, playboy?”

  “Thinking with my heart is what you mean. Why are you whining like a bitch anyway? Didn’t you already hit Black back?”

  “Yeah, but I want him dead. I want them all dead.”

  “How exactly did you hit him back?” Minka asks.

  Hayes lights a cigar and shrugs. “Can’t really say.”

  “Because you think we’re narcs ready to snitch you out?” Minka asks, teasing the stupid assface.

  Hayes gives her a dirty look, but he’s rather smug about his revenge. “Black’s boys are always banging whores at the trailer park. Even after they hit me, one of them had to get some pussy. I wonder if there's pussy in hell.”

  “Good for you. How’s the whore he was plowing when you got your revenge?” Minka asks, and I smile at her good heart hidden under her badass exterior.

  “Her pussy is free to fuck paying customers and make money to feed her kids. I’d say she’s happy.”

  Tapping Minka’s foot with mine, I want her focused on me rather than the idiot stinking up the room with his cigar.

  “So, Black hits you, and you hit him. Now, what?” I ask. “I’m sure you know Johansson is sending a few of his club buddies to meet with that other club.”

  “Bikers like to have meetings,” Hayes says, shrugging.

  “Are you done with your revenge?” Minka asks. “That’s what Anthony is getting at. Or do we need to worry about getting hit in the crossfire.”

  “Hey, if you fuckers had handled Black right off, I wouldn’t have woken up to my house getting pumped full of bullets.”

  “Did they destroy your yard trolls, big guy?” When Hayes glares at me, I laugh. “Shit, you actually have yard trolls, don’t you?”

  Before Hayes can call me something derogatory, Minka interrupts, “We’re hampered by the fact that Black is a cop. Killing him and his main people would draw heat to this area. We all know that. That’s why you didn’t just kill him yourself before we got here. The Hickory Creek club has the same problem. They want to take Common Bend but can’t get rid of Black without worrying about the state noticing all of the dead cops. Now, killing him is no skin off our asses. We don’t live here and won’t be around when the state authorities show up to ask questions. You don’t have that luxury.”
br />   Hayes considers Minka’s point. She forces him to think with his brain rather than his ego. The fact is, we could kill Black and his people by the end of the day and leave Hayes and the bikers to worry about the mess. I would have done that the first day if not for Rafael. I’d have done it the second day if not for Minka. At this point, I’m ready to finish the job and return to Houston with my woman.

  “What is it exactly you want me to do?” Hayes asks Minka.

  “Nothing. I want you to sit here and do nothing. I’m assuming you didn’t leave the dead deputy somewhere he can be autopsied and questions can be asked.”

  “You assume correctly.”

  “Let us talk with Johansson’s men and see what the Hickory Creek club is planning. Unless your help is necessary to finish off Black, why get your hands dirtier? It’s not like you’ll grab Common Bend right now.”

  “Never say never.”

  “It’s a mess right now. The meth organization is broken, and who knows how many people Black’s removed. If you’re going to steal something, why take a piece of shit? I’d personally wait until it’s a functioning criminal enterprise again before I grabbed control, but then again, I’m not a fucking idiot so…”

  Hayes smiles at Minka for too long, and I kick his desk to distract him. His glare finds mine, and I’m ready to throw down. I’d love to shove that cigar up his ass. Before violence breaks out, Minka stands up and heads for the door.

  “Anthony and I will let you know if you have anything to worry about.”

  “And I would trust you why?”

  “Because you saved our lives at the hotel. We owe you. The Hickory Creek club is nothing to us, and Johansson has tied our hands the entire time.”

  Whether Hayes believes Minka or not, he nods at her comment. I catch him giving me a dirty look when I stand up. Flipping him off, I follow after Minka.

  “There are worse jobs,” I hear Minka tell the temp.

  “I guess.”

  Minka walks outside where I find her studying the row of bullet holes across the front of the building. Hayes wasn’t kidding about the office being a concrete lump.

  “What a whiner,” Minka says.

  “Hayes has small balls.”


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