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Hearts Don't Lie

Page 15

by Shirleen Davies

  Dana leaned against her Jeep, watching him walk through the sliding entry doors. He’d be in Crooked Tree most of the time, which meant she’d see little of him. Long distance relationships took work, and in her opinion, Mitch didn’t have the stamina for something requiring effort when all he wanted was sex. Quick and easy is how she saw him.

  Climbing inside, she rested her head against the seat and thought about their agreement. It sounded crazy, scary, and perhaps what she needed to shake up her non-existent love life. He wouldn’t be in it for love, but Dana couldn’t help herself from believing he cared about her more than he’d ever admit.

  Chapter Fifteen

  “You know, this is the first place you and I ate together.” Dana scanned the menu, recalling when she and several of the MacLarens came here for supper not long after her arrival in Fire Mountain. It had become one of her favorite restaurants.

  Mitch picked up his wine glass, remembering that night. He’d been attracted to her even then, but shied away, not wanting to get involved with anyone, least of all a smart-mouth woman who couldn’t stop asking questions.

  “I remember. You drove me crazy with your continual chatter. I thought you’d never stop talking.” Swirling the wine, he watched the deep red liquid coat the sides of the glass before taking a sip.

  “And all this time I thought that’s what you liked best about me.”

  The grin she sent him lit her face—a face he wanted to cradle in both hands before devouring her luscious lips, then continue until he’d satisfied this incessant craving. Mitch thought of her taunting statement about not being able to let her go, knowing he would walk away at some point, no matter his feelings for her. The best solution would be to shut this down now so no one got hurt. His mind pulled him in one direction while his instincts demanded he continue on the current path. The tug of war created an internal conflict he had no idea how to resolve.

  Dinner dragged on with him dropping further into one of his dark moods as he wrestled with the situation he created. Dana sensed the change and tried to pull him out of it with small talk about their horses, motorcycles, and trips she hoped to take. Nothing worked.

  Mitch continued to sip his wine, finishing his dinner, and lifting his gaze to hers every few minutes. He sensed the tension increase between them and knew he had to clear the air. The entire situation—the deal they’d agreed to—bothered him. He didn’t understand why a similar arrangement with Lizzie hadn’t caused any of the doubts and recriminations he wrestled with now.

  He sat back in the chair, his eyes searching hers, seeing nothing of the laughing, upbeat woman who’d hooked him months before with her humor and wit. Leaning forward, he settled the wine glass between his hands, rolling it one way then another.

  “I need to know you’re sure about this, Dana. Getting involved in something that has little chance of ending well.”

  Her eyes widened, signaling her surprise they were back to this after deciding to see each other. She suspected he’d changed his mind. Perhaps he realized dating someone within the company made no sense when numerous women, with no connection with the MacLaren companies, were more than willing to provide what he sought. Or he may have decided traveling back and forth created too much of a hassle. She crossed her arms, deciding to confront the comment head-on.

  “I haven’t changed my mind, but if you have, just say so. I’ll head home, you’ll go back to Montana, and it ends.” She picked up the almost empty bottle of wine, topping off his glass then pouring the last of the wine into her own. “I’m a big girl, but if you don’t believe you can handle it…” She let her words trail off as she took a swallow of wine, her tongue darting out to lick the remains from her lips.

  Mitch didn’t respond before tossing his napkin on the table, cursing silently as he signaled for the check. Standing to pull out her chair, he grasped Dana’s elbow, escorted her to the car, then turned her toward him. His jawed worked as his stormy eyes darkened, then narrowed.

  Dana ignored the turbulence in his stare, wrapped a hand behind his neck and pulled him down to within an inch of her mouth, then stopped.

  “I want this, Mitch. If you don’t, just say the word.”

  One moment she felt in control, the next, an arm encircled her, pulling her, almost violently, to him. He crushed his mouth to hers, coaxing her to open and sweeping his tongue inside. Holding tight, she clung to him, allowing herself to get lost in the moment without regard for who might venture past and see them.

  Loosening his grip, he pulled back, resting his forehead against hers.

  His hoarse whisper broke the silence. “Let’s get out of here.”

  The ride to the cabin he used when in Fire Mountain dragged on, Dana sitting close, her hand on his thigh, squeezing.

  “Keep doing that and you’ll have me driving off the road.” The huskiness in his voice warned of how close he was to losing control.

  Her sultry pout accompanied the removal of her hand and an increase in distance between them. “We can’t have that. Not when we’re so close.”

  Shooting a quick glance at her, he saw her eyes twinkle in amusement. “I will get you for this.”

  He’d barely shut off the engine before both jumped from the car, almost running to the door as he fumbled with the key. Shoving the door open, he followed her in, closing it an instant before she launched herself at him, both frantic to get back to what they’d started.

  Soft moans and a trail of clothes marked their path to the bedroom where he swung her into his arms, stepped inside, and kicked the door closed.


  A ringing in the distance forced Mitch’s eyes open. A comforting warmth surrounded him, and he glanced down to see Dana sprawled across his chest, her leg over his thighs. He smoothed a hand down her silken red hair, which flowed across her back, then breathed in the scent of vanilla and fresh flowers as his hand moved up and down her back.

  The phone ringing again stopped his movement. Groaning, he slipped out from under Dana, followed the sound into the living room, and grinned, spotting the piles of clothing strewn around the floor. He pulled the phone out of his pants.



  “Yeah, who is this?” He knew his voice sounded harsh, but the call interrupted what he’d hope would be another round of incredible sex.

  “Emilio. Sorry to bother you so early, Mitch.”

  “What’s the problem?” He wanted Emilio to get right to the point so he could slip back into bed.

  “It’s Absolute Devil. He tested positive for steroids.”

  The announcement broke Mitch’s morning tranquility. “Say that again.” He paced toward the front window, trying to control the anger pulsing through him.

  “Doc Wheaton tested him and it came back positive. He’s scheduled to go out tomorrow for a rodeo in Idaho. What do you want to do?”

  He scrubbed a hand down his face. “Substitute another bull. We can’t send him out until he’s clean. What about Wretched and Grave Tender?”

  “Both clean. Look, Mitch. I asked the doc to do the test twice on Absolute. Both came back positive. There’s no doubt he’s been injected with steroids, but I can’t figure out who got to him. I’ve had men posted all day and night for weeks.”

  “At least you caught it before transporting him to Idaho. We keep this within the company, Emilio, until we figure out what’s going on.” Mitch heard the sound of footsteps behind him, then felt arms wrap around his back, hands clasping at his waist. Placing a hand over Dana’s, he squeezed, jolted by how much he liked the comforting feel of her. “I need to check on Rafe as the doctor’s supposed to release him today. I’ll fly back as soon as I get him settled.” Mitch hung up, his mind reeling at all that had happened.

  “What’s going on?” Dana’s sleepy voice and warm skin had him aching to take her back to bed.

  Mitch turned around, wrapped his arms around her, snuggling her into his body.

  “Another bull teste
d positive for steroids.” He rested his chin on the top of her head. “At least we found out before transporting him to a rodeo.”

  She glanced up, her eyes full of concern. “What will you do?”

  “We have to find out who’s getting to our animals. I hate to think it, but someone who works for us must be involved. Even if it’s an outsider calling the shots, they have to have a man inside working for them.” He took a deep breath. “I need to get Pop settled, then fly back.”

  “I know. I’ll take a shower and be ready to go.” She placed a kiss on his chest then turned toward the bathroom, picking her clothes off the floor as she went.

  He watched her go, shaking off the feeling of loss. With the significant problems at RTC, he had no time for anything other than hooking up when convenient. Besides, Dana had made herself available and was certainly willing. Reminding himself it was just sex, with no commitments, he grabbed his clothes and followed her.


  “Let me go back. You stay here a few more days with Pop.” Sean had received a similar call from Fritz, telling him about Absolute Devil’s test. They both knew if word of this got out, it would add to the already mounting doubts about the company.

  “No. I’m the one who needs to be there.” Mitch pulled Rafe’s pants and shirt out of a bag and laid them on the hospital bed. “You stay with Pop until you’re sure he’s fine.”

  “Dammit, don’t talk about me like I’m not two feet away.” Rafe pushed into a sitting position. “The doc’s cleared me to go home. Drive me to Heath’s, then both of you take off and let me get some rest.”

  “Sorry I’m late. Who knew they had traffic in Fire Mountain.” Skye walked in carrying a tray with four cups of coffee. “I hope I got this right.” She passed them out, her brows knitting together at the looks on the men’s faces. “What’s going on?”

  Mitch explained about the test as well as he and Sean heading home.

  “I’ll stay a few more days then fly up,” she offered.

  “No. You will go home with your brothers. I’m not some damned invalid who can’t take care of himself. Besides, Annie’s already arranged to have a nurse come by the house to check on me. Now, help me get my pants on.”

  By the time a nurse arrived with a wheelchair, Mitch had made arrangements for them to fly back to Crooked Tree that afternoon on the company jet. Following behind the nurse, he thought of Dana. They’d driven to her apartment, going inside long enough for him to draw her into his arms and say goodbye.

  Mitch had no idea how long it would be before they’d see each other again. She accepted it, smiled, then waved as he drove off. He should’ve been thrilled at her behavior, how she’d let him go with no signs of regret at his departure. Intense sex with no strings. What any man would want. Then why did her indifference bother him so much?



  “Sure seems they’ve experienced their share of problems.” Gage Templeton hung up the phone, looking across the desk at Matt Garner, and shook his head at the bruising on his friend’s face. “How’s your nose?”

  “Better. That woman can land a punch.” Matt touched the side of his nose, wincing at the tenderness he still felt after almost a week. “Now I regret showing her how.”

  “You taught her to hit?” Gage laughed, remembering the scene in the lobby and Cassie’s unrepentant attitude.

  “Yeah. Guess what goes around comes around.” He’d taken her to the gym several times, teaching her defensive moves for protection, never thinking they’d be turned on him. “And yes, RTC is getting hammered. Sick bulls, positive steroid tests, broken down big rig, and now Rafe MacLaren’s heart attack.”

  News traveled fast in the stock contracting business and it didn’t take long for his heart attack to hit the grapevine. Matt had called Cassie after he heard about Rafe, but she never returned his message. He didn’t blame her. His selfish action years before had severed any chance of ever getting her back, or renewing a friendship with the MacLarens. Even though he had his reasons for leaving—and good ones from his perspective—he’d do anything to reverse his impulsive behavior. The loss of the MacLarens, and especially Cassie, had left a hole in his life that haunted him every day.

  “Any chance someone may be after them, trying to sabotage their business?” Gage didn’t believe in coincidences and the issues at RTC didn’t smell right.

  Matt fingered the brim of the hat resting in his lap. “Could be. Does it matter?”

  “It does if Double Ace approves them for sub-contract work.”

  “True, and I’m glad you’re still looking at them after what happened.”

  “Hey, all that’s between you and Cassie MacLaren. Must have been a real shock to see you here, a part of Double Ace.”

  Matt lowered his head, not commenting. He’d been as stunned as Cassie.

  “Regardless, both companies are solid with excellent reputations. We’d be foolish not to approve them, assuming the issues at RTC are resolved.” Gage rubbed his chin with the knuckle of his index finger. “Why don’t you make some calls, see if you can learn anything at all from your contacts and I’ll do the same with mine? Something tells me it’s sabotage and I don’t want them looking to us. Best to see if we can find a connection, someone who holds a grudge or just wants them out of the competition.”

  “Sure. There are several people I can contact, but it’s doubtful they’ll know much.” Matt pulled out his phone, scrolling through the names to identify people who might be willing to share what they’ve heard, if anything. “It could be a run of bad luck and nothing more.”

  “Maybe, but somehow I don’t think so.”


  Crooked Tree

  “Thanks, Doc. I’m glad you could come by to meet with us.” Mitch stood and shook Gayle Wheaton’s hand. She’d replaced the vet who retired a year before and seemed to be doing a real fine job. Slim and no more than five-feet-four-inches tall, he’d been surprised when Rafe had accepted her without comment. Tending big animals could be strenuous work. With her slight frame and five-foot-four height, Mitch had been skeptical.

  “Anytime, Mitch.” She glanced around the office, noticing the framed pictures and awards for civic work. “I’ve been up here just a couple times and never noticed all the plaques. Must feel good being so successful.”

  “It’s not too different from any business. Lots of hard work and long hours.”

  “I suppose a lot of stock contractors don’t make it. I mean, from what I’ve seen, the competition must be stiff.” Gayle continued to look around, this time at the trophies and medals. “Did all of your family compete?”

  He followed her gaze, a wan smile crossing his face. “In different events during high school and college. Samantha and Rhett still compete, but it’s doubtful they’ll continue on in the pro circuit.”

  “Because they’ll come into the business?”

  “If that’s what they want. It’s up to them.” His phone vibrated in his pocket and he slid it out, seeing Dana’s face and letting it go to voicemail. He’d sent her a text earlier, inviting her to fly up for the weekend.

  “I’d better take off. Call me anytime.”

  He followed her to the second floor landing and watched as she took the first few steps to the lobby. “Thanks again, Doc.”

  Closing his office door behind him, he called Dana, a strange sense of anticipation passing over him.

  “Hey…yes, I’m fine. The vet just left the office. She’s coming by almost every day to make sure everything checks out… Good, you got my text… That’s great. I’ll make the arrangements and send you the flight information.” He listened a minute before interrupting her. “No way in hell are you staying in a motel. You’re staying with me and I don’t care who sees you… Good. I’ll see you Friday night.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Stepping into the air conditioned passenger area, Dana looked around trying to spot Mitch.


p; She turned to see him walk up and lean down to take her bag, not making any move to pull her into his arms or plant a kiss on her mouth. Following his lead, she kept her distance.

  “Hi. Hope you didn’t have to wait for me.”

  “Nope, the plane landed right on time. The truck’s out that door.” He nodded then followed her outside, loading her bag in the back seat. “I thought we’d grab dinner then go to my place.”

  “Sounds great. I’m famished.”

  Pulling into traffic, he turned down the radio before exiting onto a narrow country road. “Mexican okay for tonight?”

  “Works for me.” She placed a hand over her stomach, hoping to quell the butterflies that had plagued her since boarding the plane in Fire Mountain. Skirting Amber’s questions about her weekend, she’d mentioned visiting friends out of town, and drove straight from the office to the airport. The excitement which ripped through her when his text arrived asking about flying up had stayed with her the rest of the week, along with the smile she couldn’t contain.

  They turned onto a narrow road with a sign pointing toward an old framed house in the distance. “Juan Diego’s has been here since before I was born. Pop used to bring all of us here for special occasions. I didn’t know it until a few months ago, but this is where he used to bring Kade’s mother when they were dating.”

  “Does it still bother you?”

  “You mean having an older brother, or my father loving another woman?”

  “Both, I guess.”

  He parked and turned off the engine, then turned toward her. “It all happened before he ever met Mother, so no, the fact he loved someone else makes no difference to me. Kade took more getting used to, but I think we’re good now.”

  “He’s a good man, Mitch. You both are.”

  He fought a chuckle, not knowing if either of them were good men, but they tried. “C’mere.” He reached over, wrapping a hand behind her neck and pulling her to him. “I can’t wait any longer,” he said as his mouth descended on hers.


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