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Purveyors and Acquirers (The Phosfire Journeys Book 1)

Page 28

by Unknown

  “Talk about a change of subject! But where did you get that idea? What are you thinking?”

  Zeal rubbed his hand lightly on the tree’s trunk, inhaling the pungent scent of the rough bark. “Well, I don’t want Kit to forget me. I never will her, and I thought I could give her something to remember me by. But I don’t know what and thought, since you’re a girl, you could help me decide on something.” He hoped Tulip wouldn’t make fun of him.

  The corners of her mouth did rise slightly for a moment. She said, “I can see you’re serious. Well, you shouldn’t offer her a big chunk of meat or a dock rat to play with. How about a piece of jewelry? What do you think about a necklace?”

  “Not a necklace. It would be too much like offering her a collar. Kit is not a pet. I don’t see her wearing earrings, either.”

  Tulip eyes widened. “I think you should give her a ring.”

  What a unique suggestion, he thought. “But where would she wear a ring? She has no fingers.”

  “Why, on her tail, of course. As she grows bigger, Master Feneas could have the ring sized to continue to fit her. On the other hand, you could just ask Kit what she would like to have. There may be some special Shadow Cat request for you to fulfill.”

  “But then it wouldn’t be a surprise.” He hated when simple tasks grew into difficult ones.

  Tulip sighed. “Zeal, you don’t even know if Shadow Cats understand the concept of gifts or like being surprised.”

  “You’ve made a good point. I need to talk with Master Feneas.”

  Tulip patted him on the knee. “After we finish eating the morning meal, why don’t you let a couple of us accompany you to see Master Feneas, to ensure that you get there safely, since our mentors still won’t allow us to travel alone? While you’re visiting, we’ll head over to the Slumbering Giant and see if Master Ice needs a guide. Since Lady Mirada spent the night here, whoever remains can assist her, if she has a need.”

  “Thank you, Tulip, for listening. I’m glad you were with me yesterday.”

  She playfully punched him in the arm. “Let’s go eat. When we return to the Temple after your visit, we should start packing for Havensharth. There may be items in our chamber in the mausoleum that we’ll need to hide in our luggage. It’s best that we prepare ahead of time, since we really don’t know when we’ll have to leave for the boat.”


  Ice rose early. He hadn’t slept very well, his mind too active to allow him to rest. After having a quick meal, he headed to the docks to inform Captain Baylor, the captain of the White Swan, that there would be two additional passengers accompanying him and Mirada on their return to Havensharth. He had decided that Zeal could bunk with him in his cabin and Tulip would stay in Mirada’s. He planned to use the opportunity to ask the captain when he expected the ship to depart Arlanda.

  He easily retraced his route back to the docks and the vessel. The smell of decaying seaweed and the salty air of the bay assaulted him as he neared the water. The ship was swarming with activity, as men moved cargo and goods from the dock into the ship’s hold. When he reached the top of the gang plank, he asked the nearest sailor, “Where can I find the captain.”

  The crewman pointed toward the ship’s bow. “He be there.”

  Ice kept walking till the captain came into view. “Captain Baylor, I would like to have a moment of your time please, sir.”

  Baylor looked up from the manifest he was inspecting. “Yes, Master Ice. What can I do for you? As you can see, I am very busy with loading the Swan’s cargo.”

  “Have the materials we ordered been delivered?”

  “Yes, all the goods had been stored in a nearby warehouse, just waiting for our arrival. They have already been placed in the hold. Will there be anything else, Master Ice?”

  A sea bird flew overhead and settled in the rigging above. “Two children will be joining Mirada and me on our return to Havensharth. I’ll pay you for their passage, of course.”

  “How young are these children, Master Ice?”

  Ice noticed the captain had suddenly become defensive. “The boy is ten seasons, and the girl is nine. I am curious, why do you ask?”

  “After our arrival to Arlanda, I was informed by the Dock Master of the recent arrest of a ship’s captain and crew for kidnapping children. Their ship and cargo were impounded. He also informed me that all vessels will be inspected before leaving, to make sure the passengers on board are legitimate. Therefore, you will need to provide me proof that you have permission for them to travel with you. Documentation from the parent or guardian, duly sealed by the local Magistrate, will suffice.”

  Ice didn’t hesitate. “I assure you that the children are not being removed from Arlanda against their will or local laws. A writ will be provided per your request.”

  “Then there will be no problem with my allowing them passage on the Swan. Is there anything else you require, Master Ice?”

  “Yes, Captain. Can you give me an idea as to when the Swan will set sail?”

  “She will depart on the tide two dawns hence. Will that fit with Lady Mirada’s and your schedule?”

  “I believe it will.” The information matched the timeframe the Trade Master had given him. “I’ll inform Mirada. If there is any conflict, I will send word to you soonest.”

  Ice took his leave of the ship and returned to the Slumbering Giant. He intended to visit with Master Feneas prior to heading to the Temple to check on Zeal.

  Two children waved to him from across the road as he neared the Inn, Tulip and Nester. He stopped and waited for them to approach.

  Tulip greeted him. “Good morning, Master Ice. We came to see if you planned to travel around the city and needed any help.”

  “I was about to head over to Master Feneas’s residence. From there, I plan to proceed to the Temple. I know my way to both places, but why don’t you still travel with me, in case I decide to seek a different destination and need help getting there. How is Zeal this morn?”

  “We left Zeal with Master Feneas. Zeal wanted to speak with him,” Nester informed Ice.

  “Then that’s where we’ll go.” He allowed the children to lead the way.


  Zeal wasn’t surprised by the talking skull when he rapped the door knocker of 59 Gull Way.

  “Take a step back so that I can see you clearly.”

  “It’s me, Zeal, Master Feneas.”

  “Yes, I can see it is you. Hold on. I will be there in a moment.”

  When Feneas opened the door, he looked around as if to check for the presence of others. “Zeal, come right in. I expected you to return for a visit but didn’t think you would be alone. Where is Ice?”

  He walked in past Feneas. “I’ve yet to see Master Ice this morn. I came by myself, because I wanted to spend time with Kit.”

  Feneas closed the door. “Kit is not here right now.”

  Zeal felt his heart sink. “She’s not? Will she return soon?”

  “Come. Sit down.” He guided Zeal to a chair and pulled another close to sit by him. “Essmee left with Kit early this morn. She didn’t inform me of their destination or mention how soon they’ll be coming home. If it is okay with her, I will send you a message when they do. I see you have become quite taken with Essmee’s little one.”

  Most of the light in the chamber came through curtained windows on either side of the entrance. The room was comfortably cool, the wood in the hearth was waiting to be lit. Zeal perched on the edge of the seat cushion. “As you know, I’ll be leaving Arlanda soon, and I would really like to see Kit again before I go. I was considering giving her a present. Do you think she would like one?”

  “I am sure she would. Essmee appreciates it when someone cares enough to bring something special for her. What kind of gift have you thought of, if you don’t mind my asking?”

  “Well, I was thinking of a ring. I know she doesn’t have fingers, having paws and all. She could possibly wear one on her tail. What do you think?”

  Feneas’s eyes sparkled. “You have a bit unusual but feasible idea. Zeal, tell me how you are feeling. Any problems arise for you, since we saw each other yesterday?”

  He wondered what Master Feneas was trying to learn. “Not much has occurred. There was a fire in the Temple kitchen last night.” He hurriedly added, “But I didn’t cause it.”

  Feneas nodded. “Go on. What happened?”

  “Master Ice and I were able to convince the fire to leave the kitchen. I kept a bit of the flame. Master Feneas, why am I able to interact with fire?”

  Feneas took Zeal’s hand. “To be honest, I would say you were born this way. It is possible that a prior member of your family had the same ability. On the other hand, you could actually be the first to have the affinity. Either way, be proud of your talent. Did you say you were able to convince the flames to leave the kitchen?”

  Zeal sat up straight and gave Master Feneas a detailed report of the night’s encounter.

  “Incredible. You were able to communicate with the fire and actually showed it how to leave the kitchen and reach the brandy.” Feneas stood and released Zeal’s hand. “I need to retrieve something I wish you to have. I’ll be back shortly.”

  As Feneas approached, the stairway lifted upward, revealing the hidden passage to the level below upon. Zeal knew where Master Feneas was headed and sat thinking of Kit while he waited. It was not long before Feneas reappeared with a large book in hand.

  “Zeal, the title of this tome is The Book of Flames. I assume you can read? Ice could, when he came to me.”

  “Yes, sir, I can read and write, as well.”

  “Good.” Feneas handed Zeal the volume, which they both held a moment. “You belong to Zeal now.” Feneas then let go.

  Zeal bowed. “Thank you for this gift.” He ran his fingers over the plain, black, leather tome and felt its pebbly texture. There was no writing on the outer cover. The heavy book warmed in his grasp and required both of his hands to comfortably manage it. He smelled smoke as he wondered what secrets he would find inside The Book of Flames.

  Feneas sat back in his chair. “Zeal, the reference you now possess is capable of providing its owner with knowledge related to elemental fire, including conjures, creatures, and the terrene, itself. I advise you to study its pages and seek answers to questions you have. I want you to promise not to attempt any of the conjurations, however, unless you have Ice or another mentor from Havensharth guiding you. Do I have your word?”

  Zeal met Feneas’s gaze. “I give you my pledge, Master Feneas.” He opened the missive to the first page, which initially appeared to be blank. As he watched, writing that glowed like red-hot coals materialized: The Book of Flames. Below that, an F for Feneas briefly appeared only to be replaced by a Z before the letter faded. How remarkable, Zeal thought. Remembering his manners, he stopped himself from continuing to investigate more of the book’s pages. “Thank you, Master Feneas.”

  “Now put the book away, perhaps in a pocket.”

  Zeal snorted. “I’m afraid my pockets are too small to hold something this big.”

  “There is a nice thing about this rare book. It has acquired certain skills and possibly developed a mind of its own. Because the tome is now yours, it will attempt to do what it can to stay with you. Think of it as a different form of flame, and use your thoughts to help the book accomplish what you think is best for it, to stay safe and in your possession.”

  Zeal closed the cover, took a deep breath, and then, because it felt right to do so, puffed air onto the book, as though encouraging a fire to burn. “You need to be smaller to fit in my pocket please.” The tome pulsed with warmth in response and then shrunk in size to small enough to fit in the inner pocket of his clothing. It had lightened but retained just enough weight to remind Zeal of its presence. He was thrilled and delighted with this new discovery.

  Feneas laughed. “I see you understand how it works. Now, you don’t want to speak your thoughts out loud when you’re communicating with the book or any other such items that are capable of responding to your will. Always try to be discreet and carefully think of what you require, instead. Do not make known to others what you are adept at doing or what you own. Use what you have learned from the Trade, and apply the same wisdoms to your future study of the Arts.”

  “I like the word ‘discreet.’ Always endeavor to respect and protect the knowledge and tools one acquires—is that what you’re saying?”

  “Yes. You’re a quick learner. Ice will be pleased.” Feneas looked toward the entrance. “It appears I have more visitors. It is Ice. I see that he is accompanied by Tulip and, I believe, Nester. Excuse me while I let them in.”

  Zeal followed Feneas to the door to greet Tulip, Nester, and Master Ice.

  Feneas directed everyone to a seat in the receiving area. “Welcome back. Before you ask me, Ice, Essmee and her little one aren’t here at the moment. They left early this morn, and no, she didn’t confide her business to me beforehand. You know how she is. I told Zeal I would send him a message on their return, so that he could see them before you leave. By the way, when is your vessel sailing for Havensharth?”

  Ice eased into his chair. “Two dawns hence on the outgoing tide.”

  “Good. That gives me time to assemble more information for you to take back to the Repository in Havensharth. I reviewed my manuscripts last night and have started selecting what I deem worth troubling you to carry back there. Let me know of any area of interest I have researched about which you would like information.”

  “Thank you, Master. I would like to review what you have selected.” Addressing the apprentices, Ice said, “I can find my way back to the Slumbering Giant or the Temple from here. Since I have personal business to conduct with Master Feneas, why don’t the three of you return to the Temple? Zeal, I will meet up with you later. You and I need to talk more, and I would like to know how you are doing.”

  “I feel fine, Master Ice. Why does everyone keep asking me that question?” Zeal glanced around at everyone and wondered if there was something he should be worried about.

  Feneas and Ice saw them out. As Feneas was closing the door behind the apprentices, Zeal heard him say to Ice, “Tell me more about last night’s fire.”


  ZEAL FINALLY HAD a moment alone with Iris to confide the details of his encounter with Mother Essmee and Kit. “Iris, will I still be your champion when I am in Havensharth?” He winced, hoping Iris didn’t think he was being childish.

  Iris smiled at him. “Yes, you will. Zeal, use the experiences you are yet to have to help you grow into the man I know you will become. I foresee the sun when I will call upon you, my champion. Havensharth is but a part of your preparation to that end.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “Of course you don’t. But one morn, you will. Know that you and Tulip will always possess my favor. Speaking of Tulip, she and the others are waiting in the refuge below. Retrieve your kit. Inform Tulip that I want you both to wear your work shirts during your travels.”

  “I will tell her.”

  Iris stepped off the platform, letting it slide aside to expose the steps to the lower level.

  As he headed down, Zeal thought about the dual use of the word kit. He would no longer use it to refer to his possessions. He was going to gather his gear; Kit would, from now on, name someone he hoped to meet again someday.

  He returned the greeting from the others and asked, “Why are all you gathered here?”

  Fronc was standing at the wall of weapons. “We wanted to spend with you as much of your remaining time with us as we could. Plus, Nester and I decided to make ourselves scarce at the Temple after being pressed to help carry travel trunks out of storage to Tulip’s and our rooms.”

  Zeal looked over to Tulip. She had her pack open, its contents laid out on the table. Mehrle and Liddea stood alongside her, making suggestions on what to add.

  Liddea pointed. “You could use more rope.

  Mehrle turned to Zeal. “Bring your stuff over, and let’s see what you need.”

  No one commented on the fire or the part Zeal had played in putting it out. He found himself relieved the topic was not brought up.

  Nester grabbed Zeal’s pack from the wardrobe. “Here you go, Zeal.”

  “Thanks, Nester. Tulip, Iris said we are to put on our work shirts for the journey to Havensharth.”

  She grinned and lifted the tail of her tunic. “I’m already wearing mine.”

  Liddea pulled up her sleeve and exposed her sheathed weapon. “Don’t forget your Fang. I was very happy to have mine with me when I was taken. A couple of boot knives might come in handy, too, and remember to carry extra picks where no one can find them.”

  Fronc placed the brace of throwing knives on the table next to Zeal’s pack. “You should take these with you, Zeal, since you are the only one who likes to use them.” He held out his hand. “I just wanted to apologize for doubting you. Be careful with that fire stuff.”

  Zeal grasped forearms with him. “I’ll try.”

  Fronc then handed Tulip the short sword from the wall. “Tulip, this has hung here, waiting for one of us to get big enough to use. We all know the blade is intended for you. Take it with you so you’ll have it when you are ready.”

  She took the weapon and gave Fronc a hug then partially drew the sword to examine the blade.

  Zeal took a look at the metal. “I think it once belonged to one of the guardians. It doesn’t have Iris’s mark, like our Fangs.”

  Nester patted Tulip on the back. “Let us know what you name the sword. I’m sure you plan to give it one.”

  She turned around and hugged Nester, as well.

  Mehrle handed Zeal a flask. “Take this and fill it with water. I wish I hadn’t returned the effusions to Lady Landis. It would have been nice if you both had one to carry with you.”

  “Why don’t you acquire a couple tonight?” Liddea asked.


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