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Have My Child: BWWM Romance (Brothers From Money Book 14)

Page 14

by Shanade White

  By the time they reached Ocho Rios, they were laughing and smiling. Marnie now was grateful she had someone like Dominique in her life to remind her it didn’t always have to be so serious. Once they found their destination, they had to park a few blocks away and walk back up to Bill Bak. Before even reaching the club, notorious for its great live music and food, Dominique was giving Marnie a night-out pep talk.

  “Now, Marnie, do not go in here being too much of yourself,” Dominique said teasingly.

  “What do you mean ‘too much’ of myself?” Marnie giggled.

  “You know exactly what I mean. Yeah, you can dance, but don’t be trying to hook you a man with your booty and your red lips and your grinning and..”.

  Before she could finish, Marnie elbowed her and they both burst into raucous chuckles. Marnie had always been curvy, and her favorite lipstick color was a bright orange-ish red that complimented her almond brown skin.

  She made sure to wear that signature color on her pout tonight, with a matching strappy dress and black lace-up Spartan sandals. Her hair in large, black Bantu braids that flowed down her back added to her standout look, and she knew how to dress to turn more than a few heads.

  “You’re just jealous because I always do hook someone,” Marnie said confidently.

  Dominique rolled her eyes. “Mmmhmm, but that’s my point! Tonight is about you having fun, not having that kind of ‘fun,’ ok?”

  The two found themselves at Bill Bak’s entrance and entered, being enveloped in the smell of cigars and wrapped in the smooth winding sounds of reggae. As soon as they entered, they were lucky enough to find a cozy booth, and a waitress came straight over to get their drink order.

  Marnie ordered her usual, as did Dominique. When their drinks arrived, they clinked their glasses. “To a good night, with good friends, and good fun,” said Marnie.


  Nathan sat at the bar, listening to the live band play a cover a familiar song by the artist Rihanna. He sipped on his bourbon and coke, taking in the atmosphere. The air was dank, the music danceable, the crowd was a mix of every race, every lifestyle, and kind of person. It was in places like these that Nathan sometimes enjoyed when he wanted to get away from the book balancing, the pomp, and circumstance, all the hoopla of wealth. No one judged anyone in the dives and dancehalls.

  He had many a young Jamaican woman try to coax him to dance with them, but he declined. Besides feeling more than a little bashful, he always insisted he had two left feet that could barely even two step. The same was still true tonight, as he watched people of all ages just enjoy dancing and singing along to the band. He was content staying glued to his barstool, drink in hand, and with no intentions of joining in the fun.

  Marnie had downed her drink faster than she realized and was ready for another. She leaned over to Dominique. “I’m heading to the bar,” she told her, and stood to slide out the booth.

  “Alright, come back though because I have to use the restroom. No dance breaks in between here and there, ma’am,” Dominique responded, jokingly poking her friend in the side.

  Marnie smiled and made her way through the crowd. In minutes, she reached the bar with her drink glass in hand.

  “Bartender, a blackbird, please.” She was practically oblivious to the man to her left, who had now turned around in his stool toward the bar. He looked to her, then her empty glass.

  “A blackbird?” he asked. She turned to face him, and for a moment their eyes locked. He was certainly a good looking man for any woman’s eyes to admire; salt and pepper short cut hair, obviously over forty years old but wearing his age well. He could’ve been a George Clooney look alike if it weren’t for the tourist clothes and olive green eyes. His look was overall unassuming and casual, but his striking features were in complete contrast. Her words came out slow and soft.

  “Yeah. It’s my favorite. I get it every time. Bourbon, cream, egg white shaken. You should try it.”

  “I just might,” Nathan said, sipping his from his own glass.

  The bartender quickly made her another drink, she grabbed it and quickly made her way back to the other side of the club, but not without looking back over her shoulder at the handsome stranger with a wink.

  Once back in her seat, she was all aglow and Dominique quickly took notice. “I saw that,” she said to her friend as she sat back down.

  “What,” exclaimed Marnie. She bit her lip to hold in a laugh, then burst into laughter and laid over in the booth.

  “I know what you’re thinking, and you need to not even go there,” scorned her friend. “Making googly eyes, and swishing your hips. I’m going to the restroom, and you better be here when I get back,” Dominique warned, playfully smacking Marnie on her right hip.

  The smack made Marnie sit back upright, but didn’t stop her from laughing. “Yes, ma’am. I will try to play nice and I’ll be here when you get back,” she chuckled.

  Dominique stood and made her way along one of the walls to get to the restroom. After she was out of sight, Marnie’s gaze returned to the man at the bar in the black and white shirt. To her surprise, his eyes were on her, but he quickly looked away as if he was embarrassed she caught him looking at all. This made Marnie all the more curious and slightly excited. Flirting was one of her favorite pastimes, and she wasn’t ever going to turn down an opportunity to turn up the heat on a new target. She took a large sip of her drink, then slid out the booth to make her way back toward the bar.

  Halfway through the crowd, the live band started their second selection. It was a dancehall favorite, “Wine Girl.” The audience let out a cheer and the whole club’s mood shifted from up-tempo to sultry and sexy in an instant. A huge grin played across Marnie's face as this change in mood was perfect timing. She reached the bar and found the space next to her swarthy target was still available.

  He looked at her and gave a warm smile, then looked down at his drink. Marnie couldn’t help but find his coyness cute and even felt it made him even more attractive.

  “Do you dance?” she asked. Nathan was hoping that was the last thing she was coming over there for, but part of him was glad she came back over at all.

  “I do,” he replied, “just not very well.” He let out some nervous laughter, and looking at her, he was glad to see his joke at his own bad dancing made her laugh too.

  “Aww, c’mon. I’m not like these young girls. I like it slow,” she said flirtatiously.

  If nothing else got his attention, that certainly did. Nathan felt sweat break across his brow and more nervous laughter. “We are talking about dancing, right,” he said bashfully.

  This made Marnie let out a string of short giggles. “Yes! Just dancing,” she said, now touching his right arm. Her hand gently slid down his arm to his hand, and Nathan found himself sliding out of his barstool as if under a spell. He kept his eyes on her. Easy boy, he thought to himself, it’s just a dance. One dance.

  He and his soon-to-be ex-wife hadn’t been dancing in years so the dance floor became more and more like a place that just wasn’t meant for Nathan. But tonight, he was being led through this dimly lit, smoky club by a woman who was undeniably sexy, around his age from what he could tell, and for some reason he felt like he just might have the moves she was looking for.

  On the dance floor, he found himself face to face with this exotic stranger who had somehow got him out his seat and convinced him to dance. He noticed quickly that she definitely wasn’t shy. Moving in close almost immediately, and nearly toe-to-toe, she gracefully swayed her hips to the rhythm. Reaching for his right hand, she placed it confidently on her left hip while her right arm rested on his left shoulder. They moved in time with the beat of the song, and Nathan found himself amazed at how easy she made it seem.

  Was it the drinks that made him loosen up? It could have been the sleazy, seductive lyrics of the song. He wasn’t sure what it was and found he cared less and less what the reason was the closer they stood to each other. She looked up at him wi
th a sly, sexy half-grin, her deep brown eyes watching his. He found himself smiling again. He liked the feeling, to smile so naturally with someone. He hadn’t done that in a long time. This was what he came out for: to cut loose, let go. Smile.

  Marnie turned her back to him in a slow winding motion in her hips, and guided both his hands to her sides. Keeping perfect time with her rhythm as he rocked his own hips from side to side, he felt her continue to wind her hips in large circles closer and closer. The movement was sensual and sexual. The intentional tease and friction of her backside brushing across his manhood was a type of dancing he’d never experienced. It instantly brought sex to his mind, when he didn’t intend for his thoughts to wander there. He felt a bit excited and Marnie definitely noticed. She leaned in a way that allowed his lips to be just at her left ear. He inhaled the sweet smell of her perfume along her neck and felt himself slipping more and more into the moment.

  By the time the song ended and the band began a cover of a slower Bob Marley tune, Nathan’s senses were on fire. The smell of her, the feel of her hips against him in smooth wide circles. If she was, in fact, aiming to seduce him, she did it beautifully.

  Marnie had turned around expecting to see the lust in her dance partner’s eyes. Instead, she turned to see his eyes staring right down into her own. He was looking at her in a way she couldn’t quite place. He gently wrapped his hands around her waist. In any other instance, she would have pulled away after she was through having her fun with someone on the dance floor, but this was different. She didn’t want to pull away. She didn’t even want to blink. Their eyes watched each other as they begin to slowly sway to this slower song. Marnie let her hands rest on his arms, his hands still on her lower back. She looked to his lips, his whole face. She wanted to remember it, in case she never saw him again after tonight.

  “What’s your name?” he asked her suddenly.

  “Marnie,” she said with a grin.

  This was a big change from her usual dance and romance. He was looking at her, not through her. He wasn’t rushing to get her another drink so he could rush and get her to the nearest hotel. This was different.

  “What’s your name?” she asked in return.

  “Nathan,” he responded. Their smiles grew bigger and Marnie found her arms around his neck now.

  Their sweet slow dance was cut short, however, when Marnie felt someone suddenly standing to their left. It was Dominique. Marnie’s eyes grew big as she stifled a laugh and quickly introduced her friend to Nathan.

  “Hi Dominique,” she began, “this is Nathan. Nathan, this is my best friend Dominique.” He looked to Dominique with a grin, and his hands quickly went from Marnie’s waist to his pockets.

  “Hi,” he said with a coy smile. At a closer look, Dominique could see why Marnie was hunting him down across the club. He was definitely good looking, but the look on her face made it clear that was no excuse for Marnie ditching her.

  “So, are we having drinks or are you two still…getting a bit more familiar?” Dominique asked, her hands placed on her hips.

  Those words made Nathan blush a little and Marnie let out her signature giggles. Marnie took Nathan’s hand and led him back to their booth.

  The three of them sat and ordered more drinks, discussed why Nathan was in Jamaica, and how he was liking it so far. Nathan made it a point to not go into details about his wealth or being well known, and his two new friends didn’t seem to recognize him from the news or media. He hoped to keep it that way, at least until the time was right to bring it up.

  “So, you’re out to forget your woes in love, much like myself. Well, I say let’s drink to that.” Marnie raised her glass, as did Nathan. They each took a sip and sat down their glasses.

  “And on that note, I think our night of fun needs to come to a slow crawl back to Kingston,” stated Dominique. “Thus the reason I am not also toasting because someone has to drive.”

  “Well, how far are you going? I can get you a cab,” Nathan offered.

  “Oh, we live a good ways away, in Kingston,” Marnie chimed in. “It’s nearly two hours from here.”

  Nathan felt a twinge of disappointment. As much as he wanted to keep things friendly and casual, part of him truly wanted to see Marnie again. Even if it wasn’t to dance, she definitely was someone he’d enjoy talking with more. Her warm and fun spirit equally matched her sex appeal, and Nathan was thankful for more than just the teasing and flirting.

  “Well, let’s exchange numbers and the next time you’re in town maybe we can have lunch.”

  He even surprised himself when he heard himself say this. He normally wasn’t so forward or bold, but he might not get a chance to see her again if he didn’t say something. The smile on Marnie’s face said it all. She quickly reached in her pocketbook and found a pen and small piece of paper. Dominique raised an eyebrow at her best friend’s eagerness to exchange numbers so quickly, while Marnie and Nathan giddily jotted down their information for one another. Soon after, the three of them stood, and Nathan walked them to the exit.

  Outside the night air was cool in comparison to the dark, musky night club. Nathan called a cab as he walked the two women the several blocks down to where they had parked. Dominique got into the driver’s side, and Marnie stood at the passenger side. She turned to face Nathan as he stood there with his hands in pockets.

  “It was really good to meet you tonight, Marnie, and I hope the next time you’re in town we can meet up again.”

  “Well, Nathan, if we were in my neck of the woods I’d be inviting you over for coffee tonight,” she said slyly.

  Nathan was completely oblivious to her suggestive words, but at this point had excepted it was just a part of her character. She was sexy, and more than entitled to flaunt it as far as he was concerned. “Indeed,” was his only reply. He opened the passenger side door of Dominique’s Mazda, and she slowly sat down.

  “Good night, Nathan,” she said.

  “Good night, Marnie,” Nathan said warmly, carefully closing the passenger door.

  As the two women pulled the vehicle off into traffic, he waved, and stood there in amazement. This night had not only given him a perfect opportunity to dash off the worries about his imminent divorce but even garnered him a new friend. Just from talking to Marnie, he felt she was someone he could confide in about a lot of things. He placed his hands back in his pockets and felt the paper with her number written on it securely in the bottom of the right pocket. He was going to make it a point to hold on to that paper for a long time.

  Chapter 2

  Nathan was awoken by the sound of his cell phone ringing. He was certain it had rang earlier, and he gladly ignored it. But now it was ringing for a second, maybe a third time. He reached over to his nightstand where he found his phone laying and slid his thumb to the ‘talk’ button.

  “Hello?” His voice sounded dry and still groggy, whereas the voice on the other end sounded more than awake and alert this bright morning.

  “You sly dog, you!” It was his friend Jabar. “I see you still got some moves left in you.”

  “What are you talking about?” Nathan rolled over onto his back, his eyes still closed.

  “You don’t know, do you?”

  This statement made Nathan open his eyes quick.

  “What is it, Jabar?” he asked with a touch of persistence in his dry, cracking voice.

  “The media hounds have been all speculating about you and Hilary separating,” Jabar explained. Nathan didn’t bother to correct him. Their separation was headed toward a full-fledged divorce as of yesterday morning.

  “So, it seems someone took the liberty of sharing with TMZ a video of you getting jiggy with a very lovely lady there in a nightclub, as well as a clip of you two slow dancing all nice and sweet like.”

  This made Nathan sit up a bit, propping himself up with on his elbow.

  “You gotta be kidding me,” Nathan said in frustration.

  “Who knew you still had those kind o
f moves, man,” Jabar chuckled.

  Nathan rubbed his eyes. Damned paparazzi, he thought to himself. Wonder has Hilary seen it yet? That second inner thought had him feeling slightly ashamed. It was clear they were over. Why should he care what she thinks about how he spends his time? But, he did care. He swung his legs over the edge of the bed.

  “I just wanted to get out this house for a while; to feel a little more human instead of wallowing in all the mess between me and Hilary.”

  “Well, let me tell you,” Jabar laughed, “you certainly make bachelorhood look good for us old fellas. Maybe I should move to Jamaica.”

  That gave Nathan a good laugh. He was more than aware of the media making him out to be some Clarke Gable smooth operator. He was more than happy a few years back to do a feature article for GQ, where they asked him about how he was able to always stay dressed so sharp and look so debonair. He attributed it all to Hilary finally teaching him the ins and outs of matching. Of course, you had the gossip magazines who came up with the usual fodder of him having affairs and Hilary being left out in the cold while he partied and did drugs. All lies. He and Hilary would pick up a copy just for fun, and laugh together at the ridiculous headlines and use of the phrase “reliable sources.” The past five years, however, the stories were not so funny as he watched the two of them grow further and further apart.

  Jabar shortly ended their call to go take care of his own business, leaving Nathan to wonder if he was brave enough to do some internet surfing on his own and watch the supposed illicit footage. He did, of course. All it took was him typing in his first name and the Google search engine readily delivered multiple results with titles like “millionaire with the moves” or “Gladwell glad to be single again.” He took a deep breath and decided to spare his feelings a little by clicking on a news network’s entertainment link. If he was going to see how poorly he looked dancing with someone who was ten times more attractive than he felt he was, he’d let a decent journalist rip him to shreds versus some lacky from a tabloid.


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