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Mr and Mrs

Page 6

by Alexa Riley

  Using one hand to hold up my shirt like he asked, I slide the other down my body. When I get to the juncture of my thighs, I spread the lips of my sex for him.

  His eyes fill with so much passion and need I almost don’t see him move. His mouth descends, sucking my clit into his mouth, making me moan. I rise up on my toes, wanting him to be able to have as much access as possible.

  “That’s it, Molly. Fuck your husband’s face. Take what you want because I’ll always give it to you. I like you just as needy as I am,” he growls against me before going back to sucking and licking. His tongue licking my fingers and my sex simultaneously makes it that much more erotic. I’m holding myself open for him to consume me. And he does.

  Both his hands move to my hips, his fingers digging into the flesh in a firm possessive hold. I know he has me and I can let the pleasure take me. This man will catch me and I will let him.

  The orgasm shoots through my body, making me scream out his name. My head falls back, my eyes closing as the sensations flow through my body. I feel him move, but I’ve lost the power to open my eyes.

  He lays me out on the bed, and I manage to open my eyes to see him caging me once again. I’m starting to see a pattern with this man. It makes me smile.

  Then I look down and see what he’s doing. He has pulled himself out of his boxer briefs and he’s stroking himself. It doesn’t take but a few strokes and I feel his warm cum hit my mound. I wish I would’ve looked sooner and gotten to see him stroke himself more.

  He moans my name as he continues to cum, more spurting out as his strokes slow down. Then with the head of his cock, he starts rubbing the moisture into my skin. The sight is the hottest thing.

  When he’s got me coated to his satisfaction, he crawls up the bed a little and gives me a lazy kiss. I can taste myself on his lips.

  “You really need to eat now, baby. Come on.” He pulls me from the bed, putting himself back into his underwear, still hard. He walks over to where he dropped my panties, picking them up bringing them over to me. He bends down and I step into them.

  “Don’t clean that off.” He glares at me like I might disobey him, but I just smile and nod.

  “I’m going to use the bathroom, then cook you something. Explore if you like, but don’t use the elevator.”

  “And go where?” I tease. I’m not even dressed.

  “Away from me.”

  I try to tell him I’m not going anywhere, but his mouth takes mine, stopping my chance. His tongue pushes into my mouth as he hungrily eats at me like we’re saying goodbye forever.

  When he finally pulls back, I’m out of breath.

  “I like your lips swollen like that,” he tells me, placing a chaste kiss on them before heading to the bathroom. He stops at the door, turning to look at me for a second.

  “Not going anywhere.” I know that’s what he wants to hear. I don’t know if I should be concerned about how much he’s worrying. It doesn’t bother me, but I just don’t want him to get himself so worked up. Maybe once the accident is a behind us, some of his fear will start to fade.

  He nods, disappearing into the bathroom, and I watch him go. I can’t help but admire his body. He’s built like a freaking tank compared to me, but where I’m soft, he’s all hard.

  Turning, I head out of our room and down the hallway. I pass an office and a spare room. Everything is just white and plain. No real life to it. It doesn’t feel like home.

  Until I hit the living room and see painting after painting on the floor, carefully propped up against the wall. They look like they need to be hung. All over them are images of Phillip and me. I wonder if they’re moments in our lives I can’t remember. I just stand and study them. They are stunning.

  “They’re yours,” Phillip says, and I look over my shoulder to see him standing behind me.

  “I painted them?” I look back at the paintings, hoping to remember something, but nothing comes. They feel right though. Not like this condo. “I must really like you,” I say teasingly, turning to look at him again. His hair is wet from the quick shower he must have taken, and he’s only wearing a pair of jeans.

  Something flashes in his eyes as he looks back to the paintings like he’s never seen them before.

  Chapter Ten


  I knew Carl had said all the paintings were of me, but I had no idea. It was like I’d filled her every thought like she does mine. That cools some of the bitterness that still rides me. When I’d woken this morning and she wasn't in bed, I’d almost lost it.

  I was shocked I hadn't felt her leave the bed to begin with, but last night was the best night of sleep I’d had in what felt like an entirely. With her in my arms, I drifted right off to sleep. Knowing she was safe. That I had her back and she would never be leaving me again.

  I should’ve felt guilt that I hadn’t woken her when I came back to bed after making her something to eat, but my need to crawl into bed and just hold her won out. I just wanted to wrap around her and forget about all the plans I’d laid.

  I was making sure reporters didn’t come near her. Making sure Cindy wouldn’t blow my cover. It had taken a lot of work and some heavy pull and money to get reporters to back the fuck off, but Cindy was the hardest. I think she could hear the desperation in my voice.

  “We’re waiting to hang them in the new house,” I half lie. I will be hanging them in the new house, I just hadn't really known about them before.

  “New house. That’s why this place is so blah. You already moved some stuff?” She looks around the condo with a scrunched face like she doesn't like it at all.

  I reach out and pull her towards me. She tilts her head back to look at me. One of her bare feet lifts and starts to run along my leg as she settles more into me. She may not remember us, but her body does. A deeper part of her does. We fit together. That comfort has always been there. It’s been there from the very beginning.

  I knew she didn’t love this place, but I didn't think she had such a distaste for it. How had I missed that? I didn't want to miss anything with her. When I made her happy, it made me happy. Just to light up her face seemed to light me up inside.

  “You could say that. The new place is almost ready. I promise you’ll love it.”

  “How can you be so sure? I’m not even sure I know what I want my dream house to be.”

  “If you don’t like it, I’ll rip it down and start all over again,” I tell her, leaning down to place a soft kiss on her mouth. God, how I missed this. I won’t be missing it again.

  She starts to deepen the kiss and I pull back, knowing where that’s going. It’s taking everything in me not to take her, but doing that seems wrong on some level. I won’t do it until she remembers or she tells me she loves me.

  I just hope I can make her fall back in love with me before she remembers. I still don’t even know why she ran, but this time I’ll make sure I do everything right. No more walls or hiding who I am. She’s going to see how much I need her. How I won’t be giving her any space.

  I scoop her up into my arms. “None of that,” I tease her before she can try and go for my mouth again.

  “Let me feed you. Then I’ll spread your legs open on the dinner room table and have my own breakfast.”

  Chapter Eleven


  It’s been almost a week since I brought Molly back home, and it’s been wonderful. We’ve spent every second together, planning for the baby and indulging her in every way I can think of.

  But there’s been a shadow around our time together. It’s the worry in the back of my mind, waiting to see if she remembers. It’s the reason I haven’t taken her fully yet. I’ve been between her legs at least three times each day, making a meal out of her sweet pussy. But every time she asks me for more, I just give her orgasm after orgasm until she passes out.

  The guilt of keeping her time away from me a secret is starting to build. Molly is my best friend and my soul mate. I don’t like the idea of keeping anyt

hing from her, but I fear that if she knew she left me, she might want to do it again. And that thought outweighs any guilt I could possibly have.

  My current plan of action has been to distract her with excitement over the new house. I’ve told her just enough to keep her guessing but not enough that it would ruin the surprise.

  Originally, before the accident, I’d had everything in place. I was ending work that week, and I was going to whisk her away to the new place and put the last year of stress behind us. I was finally going to stop holding back my obsession for Molly and give her all of me. We deserved it, and it was all falling into place.

  Until it didn’t.

  The home has sat empty, waiting for us to join it, and it’s the one thing that helps me push away the last of the shadows surrounding us. If I take her to the new home, it’s a fresh start. No more memories of the penthouse and no more memories of before. I will spoil her with decades of love, and this little blip will be long forgotten by the time her memory comes back. If it ever does.

  Ryan has been blowing up my phone every day since I’ve been back. I know there are one or two things I need to sign off on. I’ve just been avoiding it, not wanting to leave Molly by herself.

  “I need something from you, my love.”

  Molly turns around in the closet, small duffel in her hands. She’s packing up some of the things she wants to take to the new house. The movers will get most of it; she just wants a bag with a couple of changes of clothes.

  “Anything,” she says brightly, walking towards me.

  “Would it be okay if we stopped by my old office on the way to the new house? I need to sign some final documents, and then we’re on our way.”

  She puts her arms around my waist and smiles up at me. Her warm eyes are the things dreams are made of, and seeing them makes all doubt flit away. I would have done this a thousand times to have her back in my arms. There’s nothing that would ever kept me from her. Not even my own conscience.

  “As long as we stop for food after. Your son is hungry. Again,” she laughs and presses her body to mine, and I hold her to me.

  “I can make you food before we go,” I say, wanting to make sure she has what she wants.

  “No, I’d like to go out. We’ve been cooped up in this place for so long. It feels like a cage.”

  Her words make my back stiffen, but if she notices, she doesn’t say anything. Maybe it has to do with before. She’s only been here a week, and the comment throws me off. I knew she didn’t like this place when we first moved in, but I had hoped it would be a place we could have made ours. Instead, it sounds like this may have been the opposite for her.

  “Then that’s what we’ll do.”

  Kissing the top of her head, I take her bag and carry it to the door, placing it beside my own. When she’s ready, we go to the car and make the drive over to the office. I can feel it in my bones. The sooner I get her out of this city, the better.

  I hold Molly’s hand as we exit the elevator on the floor of my former office. I haven't been here since the night Molly left me, and now this place feels hollow and empty. Not like the place I'd spent years devoting every second of my life to. I'd built a great empire, but for what? I was lonely.

  I don’t know how I devoted so many years of my life to this place, especially the last year, knowing I had my Molly waiting on me at home. I’m beyond obsessed with her, and I thought my love would push her away. I thought that my overwhelming need would smother her light, and I didn’t want to do that to her. But now, there is no other option. I can’t hold back anymore. Once this is all taken care of today, never again will I let her out of my sight.

  We walk towards my old office and I look over to see Cary sitting behind the desk. It surprises me that Ryan hasn’t gotten rid of her, especially after the last time I spoke to him on the issue. As if hearing my thoughts, Cary turns from her computer to greet us with a smile on her face. When she sees Molly and me standing there, her smile drops, her face turning stark white as she stares at Molly.

  Suddenly, I feel Molly’s hand squeeze my own, and then her palm feels a little cold. I look at her and see she has a vague look of panic on her face.

  “Molly, you okay, my love?” I pull her to me, holding her chin so she’ll look in my direction. “Molly?”

  She shakes her head a little as if clearing a cloud, then smiles at me. “Yes. Sorry. Don’t know where I went for a second.”

  The door to my old office opens and Ryan comes out. We shake hands and he leads us in, closing the door behind us. Before we get to pleasantries, I ask about the situation at the desk.

  “I thought we discussed the assistant,” I say, giving him a stern look. The last thing I need is a scandal chasing my coattails as I leave the company.

  “I know, and I’m sorry. After you left in such a hurry, I didn’t have any back-up. There haven’t been any issues of what we talked about.” He looks over at Molly and then back to me. “I don’t foresee any turmoil, but I’ve got my eye on it in case there need to be changes made.”

  I nod, understanding that it’s his decision to make.

  Ryan goes to his phone and hits a button. “Cary, can you bring me the file for Mr. Tanner to sign?” He clicks off without waiting for an answer, and I’m glad to be getting this closed up.

  “Okay then. Let's get this signed so we can be on our way.”

  Moving to take a step forward, I feel Molly’s hand tug behind me. I look back at her and see her staring at the couch. Her eyes narrow, but she won’t look away from it. Before I can ask her what’s wrong, Cary walks in with a folder in her hands.

  Molly looks up at Cary, and then to the couch, and all the color drains from her face. It looks as if she’s seen a ghost, and her knees start to buckle.

  “Molly!” I shout, bending to catch her before she hits the floor.

  Cradling her in my arms, I walk her over to the couch and sit down with her in my lap, looking her over to make sure she’s okay.

  She starts to shake a little, and I open my mouth to tell someone to call an ambulance when her hand comes out and slaps me hard across the face.

  To stay the sting is a shock would be a vast understatement.

  “What the hell?” I say, looking down at her.

  “You,” she says and glares at me with so much hate and anger. It’s a look I’ve never in my life seen on her sweet face. Then she turns to Cary, who is standing dumbly a few feet from us, and points to her. “With her.”

  “It’s not what you think,” Cary says, taking a step towards the two of us.

  “Don’t you come near me,” Molly spits at her and tries to scramble from my lap. “Let me go, Phillip. Let me go or I swear to God, I will scream this place down.”

  “Scream all you want. I’m not letting you go. Now tell me what’s wrong.” I hold her tighter, showing her how true my words really are. “Be careful, Molly. Think of the baby,” I plead, not wanting to hold her too tightly.

  My worry makes her stop moving instantly, the fight going out of her. She’s breathing heavily like she’s been running, and she shoots daggers at me. I can’t remember a time she’s looked at me like this. It’s breaking my heart.

  “Molly. Talk to me. What is going on?”

  She lets out a laugh that lacks humor. “I saw you that night. I remember everything.”

  My stomach tightens at her words. Her memory coming back is not something I want yet. I need more time, but hearing her say she saw me…I’m confused.

  “You saw me…what?” I narrow my eyes on her. If she remembers, she can tell me the very thing that’s been driving me crazy. The why. “Why did you leave me?”

  Tears fill her eyes as she grits out the words. “I walked in this office and saw the whole thing.”

  Chapter Twelve


  The barrage of emotions is almost more than I can stand. It all came tumbling back, flooding my memory. I want to rip myself from Phillip’s arms and the firm hold he has on
me, but I equally want to burrow myself into him for comfort. The feeling of loneliness hits me again, worse than ever before. The last week has been… A sob tries to escape my throat, but I swallow it down, not wanting to let that emotion out. That was the whole plan, wasn’t it? To get away? Get myself together so I didn’t come back here a mess and look like some crazy woman, but I can’t seem to control myself with them both standing in the room together. The same room that... I chase away that thought, knowing that if I don’t I won’t be able to stop the next sob.

  A pained book crosses Phillip’s face. It’s like he can feel my hurt. Or maybe he just knows he’s been caught. No more faking it. Pretending we’d been together all along. That I’d never left, that he hadn't just swept this all under the rug, something my father and mother liked to do. I knew about sweeping things under the rug for most of my life, and that wasn't supposed to happen with us. It was supposed to be so different. Maybe I’m just as naïve as I thought I was. But how could he treat me so sweetly and do these things to me? It just doesn't add up. I can’t make the pieces fit.

  “Why’d you do this to me?” He just stares at me as if he doesn’t know what to say. I push on. “This week. I…” I struggle for the words. “Everything felt so perfect, but it was a lie just like before.” I try to jerk again, but I get nowhere. One of his hands comes to my stomach in a protective hold.

  This doesn’t make sense. Why did he do all this? He could have been with her. She’s clearly still around… Maybe they are still together.

  The baby. He hasn’t let me out of his sight. Hell, he hasn’t even let me out of the condo. He’d said it was because of the reporters. Everyone knew I’d been hurt and they wanted their story, but that was all a lie. They would have asked where I’d been for the last four months, not about some weekend getaway with my loving husband. He would have been busted right there. But no, he took me home and, hell, I don’t even know what he was doing.


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