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Curves for Shifters

Page 5

by Zoey Thames

  Damn you, Aaron Duvall.

  And it didn’t end there. Not for his wolf, the mad creature that the human part of him sometimes could not understand. Because this woman with them…his wolf had claimed her as well. His wolf had claimed a damn human. Yes, years ago he and Aaron had often shared women in their bed. Humans. Shifters. It did not matter. All that mattered was the passion. The women were caught up in the whirlwind desire between Jackson and Aaron. He remembered those women with a deep and warm fondness that would never fade. But their wolves had always seen each other as mates. He and Aaron, running together in the forests and the mountains. Training together in martial arts. Going to the shooting range.

  But then this curvaceous female had burst in on that kiss, just when the passion they’d long held in check was flaring back to life. She’d destroyed the moment in more ways than one. He had reacted so strongly because his wolf had immediately honed in on her and growled that one word, the one undeniable word, into his mind.


  He had fought it. He had rejected it. He had accused her of being a reporter, a spy. Anything to push her away. To stop this madness before it went far enough to shatter his heart. He’d spent years armoring his heart, and her look of hurt and outrage when he’d accused her of being a spy had cracked it. He wasn’t sure how much more he could take. Between fighting with Aaron and dealing with this troublesome woman—his mate, his wolf growled again in his mind—named Michelle, this might just be what broke through the wall of ice he’d frozen around himself.

  He couldn’t let that happen. Love would make him weak. And love with a human? What would that do to his reputation in the shifter security world?

  The wolf might think of this human as the perfect third to complete what Aaron and Jackson had, but he knew better. She was nothing to him. Her long, dark hair beneath that adorable chauffeur cap did not matter. Her eyes that sometimes lit up with humor or, more often when he was around her, with defiance and fire did not tug at him from deep inside. He did not ache when he heard Jackson and Michelle laughing together and he couldn’t join in. He did not want to touch her. No part of him was jealous. He was strong.

  Jackson turned from the city lights and glanced at her. The passing streetlights cast moving slashes across her face, showing him her cupid bow lips, her smooth skin.

  That was all a lie. He ached to touch her. To touch Aaron. Both of them at once…

  How was he ever going to survive tonight? He’d wanted to take two limos, just to keep himself apart, to deny what could not be denied. He’d almost gone with the security detail in the SUVs that followed behind the limo, but when Aaron had called him out, he’d known he couldn’t show weakness. Couldn’t allow them to run him off.

  He turned away again. Michelle was laughing at a joke Aaron had made. The gentle sound of her laughter warmed him in ways he didn’t expect…ways Aaron’s laughter had always warmed him, the heat coming from deep inside. He wanted to hear it again. He wanted to be the one who made her laugh. And Aaron…the man was the best, most attentive lover Jackson had ever experienced. Never selfish. Responsive. Vocal. Tender when he wanted, powerful when he wished.

  He’d known meeting with his wolf mate would be a challenge. No, that wasn’t exactly right. More like he’d known it would be absolute hell. There was so much between them, pain and love and betrayal.

  It hurt to think of. It ached like an infected wound.

  And this woman, this limo driver Aaron had hired to take them around town, had brought it all to the surface. Everything he’d been trying to hide.

  “We’re here,” Aaron said gently.

  Jackson jerked at the sound of his voice, startled out of his brooding thoughts. The limo had stopped and he hadn’t even noticed.

  He hid his surprise behind a cold stare and allowed his lip to curl. He could not allow Aaron to find out any of these feelings he’d locked away. That kiss had already been bad enough. He certainly couldn’t let Michelle know. He doubted she felt anything for him but anger for his distrust and for kidnapping her and dragging her all the way to Chicago.

  Somehow, he also doubted that simply leaving her a big tip would mend all the damage he’d done, behaving like such a cold bastard.

  The driver opened the door and stood there holding it for him. Michelle climbed out first. He noticed her give her Mirage comrade a smile and a nod. Then she stood there peering up at the glass-and-steel structure of the Lakefront Madison building. Six floors of sleek, ultra modern design. A huge, metal piece of abstract sculpture dominated the courtyard, surrounding a flagpole that flew the US flag, followed by the Illinois state flag, followed by the High Shifter Council flag. A dark purple flag with white silhouettes of wolves, bears, jaguars and the like, all set around a cluster of stylized stars.

  Jackson was so busy watching her taking it all in that he flinched when Aaron slapped a hand on his shoulder. Dammit, he was so jumpy. It was really starting to get on his last damn nerve.

  “You coming?” Aaron said, a friendly smile spreading across his face. “Or if you simply want to forget this challenge bullshit and just go get something to eat, I can arrange that. Hell, I’d be happy to pay. Even buy you a few drinks.”

  Jackson felt a growl rumbling in his throat. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you? Just like before. Ignore it and hope the problems will go away.”

  He didn’t wait for an answer. He only climbed out of the limo, adjusted his tie, and made his way to the front doors of the building.

  It was time this all came to an end.


  Michelle only wished she’d been properly dressed for the evening as Aaron offered his arm and she took it. Back home, she had an elegant, ballerina-length cocktail dress that would’ve been perfect. Oh, and she would match it with her Saint Laurent pumps she’d bought herself back when she’d been a stockbroker and had the chance to wear them to parties. Tonight, she probably looked very odd dressed in her chauffeur uniform and cap while being escorted by a handsome man in a designer suit. She wondered if all these shifters and security guards were smirking at her behind her back.

  “Don’t worry about what they think,” Aaron murmured in her ear, sending shivers of delight cascading up and down her body.

  She arched an eyebrow at him. “Can werewolves read minds?”

  He laughed gently. “No, but I’ve made a career out of getting accurate reads on people.” Then he looked Jackson’s way and frowned.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked softly.

  Aaron shrugged, the motion causing his muscles to bunch where she held his arm, sending a wave of weakness straight to her knees. “I used to be good at it. Or so I thought. But I don’t know what is up with Jackson lately.” He shook his head, then grinned at her, and his eyes lit up. “Enough of that. At least let me be a gentleman for a little while.”

  She grinned back. “Sounds like a plan.”

  Aaron escorted her up the wide concrete steps to the large, modern-style glass and concrete building. They walked past the metal sculpture lit from below by spotlights, and followed a clever series of illuminated water features that filled the air with the tinkle of cascading water. She’d been to plenty of fancy places in her time as a driver, though she mostly saw them from outside, or at best, the lobby. But this place screamed classy, exclusive, and rich. Her mind whirled at the realization that she was going to be allowed inside as part of some secret meeting. She only hoped things worked out between Aaron and Jackson. Ever since she’d interrupted that kiss, the two men seemed to be on edge, seemed to be circling each other warily. She really hoped she hadn’t ruined something. Teach her to be impulsive.

  Security guards from the SUVs walked in front and behind them, including Mr. Rhino who’d started this whole thing by not letting her onto the plane. Two more security guards trailed behind Jackson, who had stormed off ahead of them without a word or even a glance backward.

  “Why do we need so much security?” she asked Aaron as the
y approached the main doors where a man in a suit was already letting Jackson inside.

  “We don’t need this much, really.” He smiled and jerked a thumb at Mr. Rhino. “You already met Davis. He’s a big fan of yours.”

  She cleared her throat. Big fan. Yeah, she just bet. “Who are the others?”

  “Security from the High Council.” His tone grew more serious. “When a challenge like this is given, they make sure everyone follows the rules and they keep everyone safe.”

  She hesitated. Safe? Her grip involuntarily tightened on his arm. Pretty building or not, what exactly had she agreed to here?

  He leaned close to her, meeting her gaze. “Don’t worry, Michelle. You are a guest. My guest. Your safety is sacrosanct.”

  She lifted an eyebrow. “I hope that’s a fancy word for ‘safe as a babe in her mother’s arms.’”

  “Or safe as a woman in her lover’s arms.” He gave her that warm look again that instantly heated her center. “Then again, I’m naughty that way.”

  They reached the doors and headed inside. The lobby was floored with dark marble and lots of modern-design furniture. Sleek and a little stark. Lots of chromes and metals. But the place did look elegant.

  A middle-aged woman in a brown pantsuit spoke briefly with Jackson and headed their way. Her hair was cut in a kind of modern bob style with side bangs. She had the look of a judge or high-powered attorney. Maybe a politician—something like a governor. Michelle recognized the look of someone used to being in charge. Both Aaron and Jackson had the same bearing, the same competent demeanor.

  “Exciting evening, Mr. Duval,” she said. One perfectly curved eyebrow lifted. “I hope this is worth all the fuss.”

  Aaron shook her hand. “I’m sorry about involving the council in this. It wasn’t my choice, but Dark Howl will gladly help pay for all costs, and, of course, the council’s time. Regardless of the outcome.”

  The woman nodded and turned to Michelle. “Welcome, Ms. Ross. I’m Councilmember Bickford. Mr. Duval informed us you were his guest tonight. I know this situation is a bit odd. But both Mr. Smith and Mr. Duval are influential members of our community of shifters. The security they provide is highly sought after, so I’m sure you understand how important this is.”

  Michelle only nodded, not quite certain what she was expected to say. She felt out of place, the odd woman out in a building full of rich and powerful members of the shape-shifter community. Also, her track record tonight with impulse control had been absolutely terrible, so she was also nervous about saying or doing the wrong thing.

  Without her good luck charm, anything could happen.

  So she was absurdly grateful when Aaron smoothly took up the reins of the conversation. “Ms. Ross will be attending the events, including the hearing. I spoke to the chairman already.”

  “I understand.” The woman swept a hand around the fancy lobby area. “Ms. Ross, please make yourself comfortable. There are refreshments down in the cafeteria. Feel free to help yourself. Someone will notify you when the hearing is set to begin.”

  “Thank you,” Michelle managed to say.

  Bickford nodded and turned her attention back to Aaron. “Mr. Duval, if you will follow me. We have a conference room ready where you can prepare to address the council. We’re still waiting on two more council members to arrive by helicopter.”

  Before he followed, Aaron took Michelle’s hand and gently lifted it to his lips. Those lips were very warm. A delicious thrill shot up her arm and sizzled along her spine. She’d never had a man kiss her hand before tonight. It was like something fancy out of those classic movies.

  And she liked it.

  “Please excuse me, Michelle,” he said, holding her gaze. “This should be over soon.”

  “Of course.” She tried to keep her nerves under control, but she was afraid that every shifter around her could tell how anxious she was.

  She watched quietly as Aaron left with Councilmember Bickford. Then she glanced around the lobby with its extravagant chandelier, the warm, inviting light, and the smooth and wavelike modern art sculptures. No sign of Jackson anywhere—not that he’d welcome her company. She was alone. That was, she was alone if she didn’t count the security guards looming near the doors like huge statues. Somebody really needed to teach those guys how to smile and relax. But it sure as hell wasn’t going to be her.

  She wandered around the lobby, admiring the artwork, and then watched a looping informational program about the Chicago chapter of the High Shifter Council on one of the HD televisions. By then her stomach had made a growl that rivaled any sound from the muzzle of a wolf, so she headed to the cafeteria to help herself to some of the food there. There were pizza boxes laid out on one counter, along with fried chicken, and even some sides of vegetables. And, of course, donuts. She’d never been to any kind of official meeting where there hadn’t been donuts.

  He stomach growled again. She grinned as she helped herself to some pizza. She wondered if she should bring Aaron some food. Would that be too forward? And maybe Jackson was always in such a pissy mood because he was hungry all the time. She’d read somewhere that men got grumpy when they hadn’t been adequately fed. She didn’t have that problem, because she had the brains to eat when she was hungry, but males… She smiled to herself. Shifter or human or whatever, they were all hopeless.

  Since no one else was in the room with her, she quickly grew bored with the emptiness and the chatter from the HD television screen mounted in the corner. Michelle carried her pizza slice with her out of the cafeteria, along with plenty of napkins. She had to be careful with the uniform after all. It was dry clean only, and that got expensive fast. But she didn’t mind taking Bickford up on her offer to make herself at home. She wandered the halls of the extravagant building, looking at the artwork on the walls and in alcoves, admiring the high-tech kiosk displays, and taking in the view of the city lights through the large windows.

  There didn’t seem to be that many people here, but she finally caught glimpses of a few of them. Some looked like high-ranking council members, others like their assistants, mixed with the security and a few administrators. A few of them looked worse for wear, as if they’d been dragged out of bed to be here. And even with the time zone change from New York to Illinois, most of them had probably been interrupted from dinner or their evening at home.

  Great. She was trapped in a building filled with grumpy, food-deprived shifters who looked like they’d rather be anywhere else in the world. Nothing could possibly go wrong with that.

  As she wandered one of the corridors, she heard Jackson’s voice echoing off the marble tiles. His voice was coming from an open door off to her right, between her and her path back to the building’s lobby and the audience chamber.

  “I understand that,” Jackson was saying. “You’ll thank me when our stock shoots through the ceiling.” Another pause. She didn’t hear anyone respond, so she guessed he was on the phone. “Our history together isn’t going to get in the way, you have my word.”

  Michelle decided to hurry past the open doorway before he found her and accused her of something stupid and outrageous. Like spying. If he ever learned she had once been a stockbroker, he’d no doubt accuse her of securities fraud and the entire banking crisis.

  As she zipped past the doorway, she was surprised to find he was already moving toward the room’s door. Their gazes met. He gave her a sour smile and lifted his hand, indicating she should wait.

  She almost didn’t. She didn’t want to hear anything he had to say. Also, the image of Aaron and Jackson locked in that passionate kiss suddenly flashed back into her mind with a vengeance. It made her wish she were at home alone with Big Blue, the dildo she saved for her favorite fantasies. Because if she talked to Jackson right now, she suspected he was only going to come across as an even bigger alpha-asshat. And that kind of alpha strutting was fine when she was working out with Big Blue, but it wasn’t something she wanted to deal with. In Chicago. After being
sort-of abducted.

  But when she took another step, meaning to leave him behind, Jackson shifted the cell phone away from his ear and called to her. “I need a moment.”

  She considered running for it. Instead, she said, “Moment granted! I’ll leave you alone with it!” in her chipper-est voice. She started to edge away from him.

  He glared. “With you.”

  “Oh.” For the life of her, she wasn’t entirely sure why she stopped. Probably because, billionaire kidnapping and travel across state lines in a luxury jet aside, she was still technically on the clock as a Mirage driver. And Mirage clients received the best service in the country.

  “Thank you,” he said, though he sounded as if it cost him a kidney to tell her so, then he spoke into his cell phone, “Look, Mike, I’ve got to go. Call you with the good news as soon as this is done.” He disconnected and narrowed his eyes at her. “Caught you again.”

  She took a step toward him, hands on her hips. She met and held his gaze. There was no submission here. She was so tired of his crap. Mirage could kiss her left butt cheek right on her dimple.

  “Buddy,” she said. “You have no idea what you’re talking about. They told me I could look around, so I did. They make pills for paranoia, you know. I’m sure you can afford them.”

  One eyebrow slowly lifted. It was very quiet. His face was so damn attractive, it only made her angrier that he kept treating her this way, suspecting her all the time. Where Aaron was dark and powerful and warm, with his ready smile and bright eyes, Jackson was blond and Nordic and dominant, with those ice-blue eyes and his perfectly measured words.

  “It has been a very long time since anyone dared talk to me like that,” Jackson said. She couldn’t read his tone—it was carefully neutral.

  She opened her mouth to reply, not sure what would pop out next, but she was thankfully interrupted by a voice behind her.

  “We’re ready for you, Mr. Smith,” a security guard said, causing her to nearly jump out of her skin.


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