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Killer Curves

Page 6

by Regina Carlysle

  “Another surprise? I don’t know if my heart can take it,” she teased as she allowed him to draw her naked from the bed.

  J.T. led her into the bathroom and Carrie stopped dead in her tracks at the site of what seemed to be a carefully planned seduction. Fat candles sputtered on the wide ledge of the huge tub that sat along one wall casting a soft golden glow upon the walls. Bubbles frothed, moving gently on the surface of water. Carrie looked up at J.T. and smiled. “Looks like you’ve thought of everything.”

  “I try. Come on.”

  The tub was sunken, so he stepped down into the steaming water and took her hand to help her. Such care. Carrie’s heart tightened at the gesture and when she followed him down into the water, she sighed and closed her eyes, moving her bare arms through the fragrant bubbles. “This is wonderful. I ache everywhere.”

  J.T. chuckled as he settled back against the tub. “Wish I could say I feel badly about that but considering what got you that way, I’m just not all that sorry.”

  His teasing made her feel light and young and happy. Playfully she flicked a mound of bubbles at him and then she giggled like a little kid when he grabbed her close and blew a raspberry against her neck. Finally, she settled against him, loving the feel of his strong arms wrapped around her. “Come here,” he whispered, bringing her back against his chest. His longs legs stretched out on either side of her and without argument, she leaned back against his chest and sighed.

  “You trying to seduce me here, J.T.?”

  “Mm. Think I already did that, gorgeous.”

  “Can I ask you a question?”

  He moved her hair aside and pressed a warm kiss to the side of her neck. “Ask away.”

  “If you’ve wanted me for three years, why did it take you so long to get here?”

  Behind her, he went quiet. She leaned a bit and looked up at him, saw him shake his head. “I thought about coming to get you just about every damn day but you forget, honey, I was there the day Mark died and you took it really hard. The whole thing just about killed you. I saw it like this. You’ve always been such a sweetheart and kind of serious about things. You never were one of those party-girl types who just wanted a good time. You’re the kind of woman who deserves something that’s forever.”

  “Hm. You make me sound kind of dull.”

  “Not dull. Not at all. You’re real and believe me, I’d know. With the life I lead, I’ve met my share of shallow people.” Casually he reached up and played gently with her breasts. With a sigh, she arched into the touch. “I knew it would take you time to get over Mark’s death and I aimed to give it to you. He’d treated you badly and things were crazy then. Later, Gus told me that your mom was sick and I knew you had your hands full. He kept me posted though. If you’d needed me, I would’ve been here in a matter of hours.”

  “I know that, J.T. Thing is, you’ve always been here for me when I’ve needed you.” Carrie turned in the water and looped her arms around his neck. Beads of water caused his darker than night eyelashes to clump together. His expression was so serious that she just had to kiss him or die. “I’m glad you’re here now. As it turns out, your timing couldn’t have been better.” Giving in, she leaned in and settled her mouth against his.

  Immediately, her breath stilled as she waited for him to devour her whole and she didn’t have to wait long. He dived in as if starved for the taste of her, sweeping his tongue deep, tasting her thoroughly. Sinking against him, she felt her breasts settle decadently against his muscular chest, felt his cock, stiff and hard, prod her belly.

  “So why’s my timing so good now, sweetheart?” he breathed against her parted lips.

  Carrie took his mouth again and did some devouring of her own. Behind J.T. on the heavy shelf of the tub she saw a handful of condoms. Oh yeah. Her man knew how to plan a seduction and she was more than willing to be seduced.

  Emboldened by his touch as it cruised the globes of her butt and dipped into the shadowy crease, Carrie moved closer, bringing her legs up and around until she was sitting on him, facing his downright sexy face. Feeling brave and free and ultra sure of herself, she nipped his bottom lip and grinned up at him. “As it happens, I’m sick to death of living like a vestal virgin. I just happened to be in the market for a lover, so, darling, you got here just in time.”

  Chapter Five

  He was wet and warm. Carrie felt the rub of his erection between her legs, right where she wanted it. Ravenous, hungry, she rotated against the rigid length and heard his rough groan vibrate against her ear. Eager to please him, she raked her teeth gently over his nipple. His sharp intake of breath caused her pulse to speed up. She’d meant what she’d said about taking a lover. It had been her plan all along but suddenly she knew it just wasn’t in her to pounce on some man she cared little to nothing about. J.T. was different. He’d always been different.

  Emotion grabbed her heart as she flicked that coppery nipple with her tongue and then buried her nose in the dark hair of his muscular chest. She writhed against his cock. It was sandwiched between them, pressed to her belly and she needed to touch. Reaching below the water, Carrie ran one finger around the head in a circular motion, dipping below the heavy ridge and lower to trace the veins that ran down his length. Lightly, she pressed those distended veins wishing her tongue were there. She wanted to make him wild with need for her.

  “You trying to make me crazy, Carrie?” J.T.’s teeth sank tenderly into the tendon at the joining of her neck and shoulder and she shivered despite the heat of the water. Sweat beaded her brow. She rubbed her pussy harder against his cock as she stroked it with her hands, pressed and pleasured. Her thumb found the tiny slit at the head and she traced with deliberate intent.

  “You make me hot,” she whispered, lifting her face to him. Carrie kissed his chin. Passion flared, wild and hot, burning between them. J.T. squeezed the globes of her ass then dipped his fingers lower to tease the opening of her passage. He slid two fingers into her sheath and it was her turn to groan as her inner flesh gripped, needing to hold him deep.

  “That’s the idea.” His fingers stroked deep. “Looks like my little seduction is a double edged sword. Wanna fuck you so bad I can’t stand it.”

  “Yes. Oh, please, yes.”

  Taking control, she reached just behind his shoulder and plucked up a tiny package. Watching him, noting his stillness, she tore it open and without breaking eye contact reached down to roll the condom onto his cock. Her fingers were so close to his balls, she gave in to temptation and took them in her hands. J.T.’s low, sexy moan was like the sweetest song. “Feels so good.”

  “It’s gonna feel better once you’re inside me. You make me so hot I feel like I’m melting. I don’t want to wait anymore.”

  “Hell no!” J.T.’s teeth flashed white in the semi-darkness as he gripped her waist and lifted her until she hovered over the head of his erection. Sinking down over that thick length, she sucked in a breath and held it. Marvelous. Wonderful. J.T. shifted his hips and plunged deep. Carrie’s back bowed and she cried out.

  Her legs went up and around his waist and she locked her ankles together as he gripped her ass and plunged, high and hard. Odd how the absence of pubic hair made her feel everything, feel more. She rotated, rubbing her clit against him and then it got another rub from his cock with every parry and withdrawal. A fine trembling set up deep inside, she wanted to howl with frustration. God, she was close, so close.

  Squeezing hard, she could feel everything, the shape of him, the ridges, the way his balls had drawn tight and were nestled against her. He latched onto her nipple and scraped with his teeth. He sucked hard sending a whip of sensation through her body and straight to her core.


  “Yeah, honey. Come for me. God, you’re sweet.”

  His words, coupled with the sublime fucking sent her reeling over the edge of a very sharp blade. Trembling, quivering, she cried his name as the frantic pulsing shook her. Shivers coursed over her arms, he
r scalp as he held himself still, letting her come over and over. As she stiffened sharply, she heard him make a low, frantic sound and knew he was coming too. “Yes. Yes. Yes. So good.”

  Together they came, clinging and panting, kissing and touching. Yeah, this was about burning, hot sex but it was about more, too. Suddenly, Carrie knew it was all about J.T. and the things he made her feel. Together they were combustible in a way she’d never been with another man. Even Mark.

  Later, when she lay curled naked beside him in her bed, she realized this was what she’d always imagined a real relationship would be. His front was pressed against her back. He was sleeping and she absently stroked the hand he held splayed across her belly. When she’d married Mark all those years ago, she’d thought this was the way marriage must be and she’d been sorely disappointed. With J.T. there was the most glorious attention to every little detail of her body. Yeah, he’d just arrived but she had him for two more weeks and planned to enjoy every single moment of it. It wasn’t forever. It was just right now. That had to be enough.

  * * * * *

  Several days later, Carrie maneuvered her neat little compact car around the curves in the road on her way into town. She had a hungry man to feed and a trip to the local grocery store was in order. Her fridge and pantry looked like those of most single women. Lots of salad stuff, fruits and veggies, a few low cal frozen dinners. Certainly nothing to satisfy a big man who had a big appetite.

  J.T. had offered to come with her but he’d been sprawled on the sofa in her den watching something on ESPN and he’d seemed so riveted by the action, she didn’t have the heart to drag him away from his guy stuff. Smiling, she inhaled deeply as she drank in the spring beauty of the hill country. A Carrie Underwood song filled the interior of her car and she tapped her nails on the steering wheel, keeping time as she took in the view. Everything was green and lush. Cows munched grass in pristine fields among patches of bluebonnets. This was home and she never wanted to leave it again.

  Growing up here, she’d barely glanced at the things she now noticed as a grown woman. She’d taken so many things for granted and it had taken moving away to make her appreciate the gifts of home. Mesquite Creek didn’t offer much in the way of sophisticated living but she’d had that and was done with it. Here she had the best of everything. She had her privacy but could always make the ten minute jaunt into town when in need of company. Perfect. No glitz or glamour here and that suited her just fine.

  As Carrie hit the outskirts of town, she glanced at her watch and noted the time. She would hit the grocery store, stock up and head over to Teresa’s house for a cup of coffee and maybe wrangle a sandwich and a handful of chips from her best friend. Lord knew, she needed to talk. Her life was changing rapidly, moving faster than the speed of sound and it was time to regroup a bit. Slow things down.

  An hour later, she pulled into the drive of Teresa’s modest home and rang the doorbell. It didn’t take long before the door swung open. She had to laugh at the sight of Teresa’s harried expression. She balanced a toddler on her right hip and had a dishcloth slung over one shoulder. What had no doubt once been a neat little pony tail was askew, leaving strands of dark brown hair poking about.

  “Are you sure you’ve got time for this, hon?” Carrie asked as she followed her friend into the house.

  “My life is always chaos and you know it. If I waited for my life to be somewhat normal, I’d never see anyone. Let’s sit and have a bite.”

  For a woman who had her own housecleaning service, her kitchen was a wreck but Carrie figured Teresa had a pretty good excuse considering she was the mother of three small children. A jar of mayonnaise and an opened loaf of bread sat on the counter and a portable crib occupied the center of the floor. Carrie leaned over and watched baby Chloe, who was all of three months old, sleeping soundly.

  “Ooh, I’d love to pick her up but I’m afraid of waking her.”

  “Wake Chloe up and I’ll kill you,” Teresa said, chuckling. “She’s been fussy all morning. She finally wore herself out.” She bounced her chubby two year old on her hip and gave him a look. “And Mr. Jake needs some lunch so let’s get to it.”

  “Here let me take him,” Carrie said, reaching out. Jake greeted that announcement with a wide smile and held out his little arms coming to her easily. He was such a cutie. Carrie grinned at him and took a seat at the scarred oak table and settled the child on her lap. “Have you been a good boy for your Mama, honey?” she asked him just before planting a kiss on the top of his head. While she played with the child, Teresa set a platter of sandwiches and a bag of chips on the table along with two glasses of iced tea. With the experience of a woman accustomed to motherhood, she swept Jake up and settled him in a booster seat. He immediately grabbed up a spoon and started eating some kind of spaghetti looking stuff.

  “This whole scene seems to agree with you,” Carried said as Teresa took a chair and picked up her sandwich. “I think I’m jealous.”

  Teresa laughed outright. “Wanna switch places for a few days?”

  Carrie shook her head and looked around the room. Looked like a bomb had exploded in there. “Um. On second thought—”

  “Yeah, just what I thought!” Teresa laughed. “Big talk.”

  They chatted about small things and eventually, Teresa got Jake cleaned up and sat him down in front of his favorite cartoons. While the two of them sat having a cup of coffee, Teresa eyed her steadily. “You look different. You look like a woman with a secret. What’s up with you? Did you hear from Dan?”

  Carrie suddenly straightened and gasped. “Oh, my God. I forgot all about Dan.”

  “You forgot about— Hey, what’s going on?”

  She blew out a breath and buried her face in her hands for a second before looking up at her friend. “I have a houseguest. He just showed up a few days ago.”

  “Huh? He? Who is it? Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Um. Well I haven’t. I’ve…uh…actually been too busy having screeching monkey sex to think about anything but J.T.”

  Teresa’s eyes opened wide and she leaned forward to grip the table. “J.T. Sims? Are you kidding me? Your friend from the days with asshole Mark?”

  “One and the same. He showed up a few hours after you left the other day.”

  “Oh, my God! What happened?” She stopped and shook her head. “Never mind. Dumb. I know what happened. You finally got some.”

  “Stop. I did but now I’m worried I’ve just opened a huge can of worms.”

  “Explain that. You have a gorgeous, world famous racecar driver staying at your place, sleeping in your bed and screwing you silly. What’s so bad about that?”

  Carrie sighed and slumped into her chair. Yeah, what was so bad about that? Unfortunately, she knew the answer. Gathering her courage she looked at Teresa. “Okay, I’ll tell you. He’s like this steamroller. This gorgeous, sexy, knows-all-the-right-moves steamroller and he’s wanting way more than I have to give.”

  “What do you mean? You’re scaring me. You have tons to give.”

  She shook her head. “I don’t. Not anymore. He’s waited three years for me to recover from Mark’s death and all the stuff that happened in my marriage. He’s been waiting all this time and I think he wants a serious relationship.” She stood and went to grab the coffee pot to give herself something to do. Her hands were trembling and she hoped Teresa wouldn’t notice. As she poured refills, she steeled herself. “I don’t want that.”

  Teresa gave her a steady look and Carrie wanted to squirm. “Liar.”

  “Don’t start.”

  “You’re a liar. You think you can go the rest of your life without letting anyone in but that’s not possible for you, honey. You’re warm and loving and you have so much to give. I know you. You’re a small town girl and I know you want more. Why do you seem to think you’re not deserving of love?”

  “That’s bullshit,” she snapped.

  “It’s not. Like I said, you’re lying to yourself
if you think you can tuck yourself away in the country and forget about life and love and all the other messy things that go with it.”

  Carrie felt the fight seep out of her and she looked away feeling ashamed. “I’m a coward.”

  Teresa reached across the table and took her hand. “No you’re not, darlin’. You’re just scared and you’ve been through so much. It’s hard for you to trust and J.T. represents a part of the life you left behind when Mark crashed into the wall that day.

  Silence fell between them. Carrie took back her hand and took a tiny sip of steaming hot coffee. It settled her and she finally looked up at her oldest friend who gave her a wicked grin. “So?” she asked with a lift of her brow. “How is he?”

  She had to laugh. “Incredible. Makes my body do flips and cartwheels. Feels like the Fourth of July.”

  “Ah, honey, that’s good to hear. Now come on, tell me all about it.”

  * * * * *

  J.T. looked up from the computer in Carrie’s home office and logged out when he heard the sound of her car pull into the front drive. With her permission, he’d made use of her stuff. He might be on a little vacation but he still had business affairs that had to be handled and calls to make. Everything was fine at his house in North Carolina, he’d learned after talking with Doreen and he’d also called Gus in the home office in Houston. Now he stood, and walked into the living room as she came through the front door carrying two paper grocery store sacks.

  “Here, let me get those,” he said, coming up to take them from her arms.

  “Thanks, J.T.” Her breathless response had him smiling and his heart thumped hard in his chest when she went up on tiptoe to kiss him. He hardened instantly but that was the way it was for him every time he got around her. She was one delicious woman and his body leaped to life. He shifted the bags and leaned in. More. One little kiss wasn’t enough.


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