Burned by Deception (The Dark Side of Springwood Book 2)
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It was cute. Pens, notebooks and letter charms adorned it. It was totally Lyn’s speed.
Lyn was a decent writer. Tammy was a bit jealous. She knew she would never be as talented as Lyn, even though she had tried. No one knew it, but she had tried to submit short stories she’d written to a few magazines. She’d been turned down, of course. That short story she had started, that Becky stole and turned into her own book, was the first time she had felt more confident about something she had written. She never got time to finish it, though, due to recent incidents.
She forced those thoughts away, closing her eyes and hoping for sleep. She wasn’t sure how much time passed, but when she heard movement in the room, she opened her eyes.
She didn’t recognize the guy standing before her. He did have a comforting familiarity about him, though, as he smiled at her.
“Hi, Jocelyn. Merry Christmas.”
Leo gazed at Jocelyn Barnes as she lay in the bed. Her eyes searched him, trying to place him in her memory. “Do I know you?” she asked.
He smiled. “I’m afraid not. But I’d like to change that. I was a good friend of Brian’s. My name’s Leo.”
She blinked and propped herself up more. “Really?”
He nodded. “Uh huh. I’ve been wanting to meet you, but things have been crazy where I work, and—Oh, well, none of that matters now. I’m here, and that’s the good thing. It’s so nice to finally meet you.” He went on. “And, I’d like to be the first to ask you out once you’re released and doing well again.”
It was around nine when they all received the horrible news.
Camryn had miscarried.
“It’s my fault. I should have never taken off yesterday.” Justin chided himself, taking a drink of coffee out in the lobby with his brother.
“What? You took off yesterday?”
He shook his head. “Long story. One I don’t care to get into now.”
The two of them remained quiet for several moments, the hospital’s intercom the only noise in the background.
He then felt his brother’s hand on his shoulder. “It’s okay, man.”
Justin closed his eyes before returning the gesture as the two gave each other a one armed hug. Justin felt tears trying to flow, but he staved them off, gritting his teeth. He had to be strong for Camryn.
If she even decided to stay with him after this.
His thoughts were broken by his brother’s voice. “Toby? Is that you?”
Chapter 24
A phone call from his mother awoke Dan the next morning, wishing him a Merry Christmas. After talking to her for nearly forty five minutes, he fixed himself some breakfast before sitting in front of the computer.
A lot of his friends had wished him a Merry Christmas on his wall on Facebook. He rarely had a chance to log in there lately. He signed in and scrolled the length of the page, browsing through people’s posts until an instant message popped up.
It was from Becky.
Hi, Dan. Merry Christmas.
He sat up straight and typed in a reply. He’d almost forgotten he’d added her a few weeks before when she sent a request. She wanted to post an advertisement for her book on his page.
Merry Christmas. How are you doing? He typed, clicking send. A few moments later she replied.
Ok. Sorry about last night.
He shook his head. You don’t have to apologize to me. Another few moments passed before she wrote back.
I just feel so embarrassed and sick over it. I haven’t felt good ever since I got to my sister’s place last night. How did Jacob act when I left?
Dan sighed, reading the message. Then he reluctantly typed in a reply.
Just distracted. I left soon after you did. He paused, hesitating whether to bring it up. He had never been able to get that last memory flash out of his mind. The one where it was Lyn’s normal voice telling him she loved him.
He had to ask.
Becky, I need to know…has Lyn ever talked much about me?
Becky sat in front of her sister’s laptop, taking a sip of coffee as Dan’s next message came up. She set the mug down next to the mouse as she read it. “About you?” she repeated aloud before typing back.
What do you mean?
For a long while he didn’t reply, and she heard her sister urging her into the other room to open presents.
She finally logged off, missing Dan’s reply by seconds.
Justin turned to see a guy with bulky shoulders walking through the lobby. His hair was brown and a little scraggly, hanging nearly past his ears. He slowed, seeing them. “Hey, Mr. Barnes. Merry Christmas.”
Jacob managed a short chuckle. “Well, it must not be too merry if we’re both in here. Why are you here?”
“They admitted my mom last night. She had a heart attack.”
Jacob blinked. “Sorry to hear that.”
Toby nodded solemnly, walking on past them.
Justin turned to Jacob. “Who the hell was that?”
“Oh, that was Toby Matthews, the guy we hired at Cyber-Fix.”
Justin turned to watch the guy walk through the parking lot.
“Justin, did you hear me?”
He turned to look at Jacob. “What?”
“I said I’m going to go up and see Lyn, let her know what’s going on. You need to go back there with Camryn.” Jacob patted his shoulder before going the opposite way down the hall.
Justin turned back to look out the double doors of the hospital lobby. The tracks Toby made were still in the snow, but he had disappeared. He closed his eyes in hesitation.
The drug they had given Camryn early that morning would have probably worn off by now. As much as he hated himself for it, he dreaded facing her again. Just twenty four hours before, they were sitting with her brother and talking and laughing.
Or he should say, they were talking and laughing. The guy was nice, but Justin sat there most of the time, fighting discomfort and awkwardness as they talked about things, people, and memories he didn’t know. And Justin caught the few glances he did throw his way. They were the same he would give a boyfriend of Lyn’s that he didn’t like.
But he knew telling Camryn this would be a waste of time. She’d just deny it and become more upset.
He bit his lip, slowly making his way back into the ER to Camryn’s room.
Tammy was still reeling from the guy who’d appeared in her room, asking her out once she was released. Well, he was asking Lyn out. Who knew if he was aware of Tammy?
Tammy shook her head. She didn’t get surprised much, but this guy showing up out of the blue had done it. She was most definitely interested.
She heard a knock on her open door then. A moment later Jacob appeared, smiling.
“Hey, Sis. Merry Christmas.”
Two days later, Jacob got the call that Lyn was being released. He and Robin sat in his kitchen over coffee and danishes that morning discussing it.
“Do you think it’d be wise for me to leave?” she asked.
Jacob looked at her. “Why? Is it a breach of ethics if you stay?”
She sighed. “Not necessarily. But all things considered, I think it would be wise if I left.”
Jacob remained silent for a while, finishing up his coffee. He finally spoke. “If that’s what you want, I won’t stop you. But I really wish you would reconsider.” He went on. “And…if this has anything to do with Becky, I—”
Robin stood up in frustration, cutting him off. “You knew she had a thing for you, and you just let her kiss you. I don’t care what you say, Jacob. You could have turned your head away or at least gotten on her about it. Told her she shouldn’t have done it.”
Jacob closed his eyes, tilting his head back. “I can’t believe you’re reacting like this. Becky is—”
“—Like another sister to you. Yes, I know. But she’s not. You would never let y
our sister kiss you like that.” She went on. “Come on, Jacob. I know if the situation were reversed, you’d be just as upset.”
He got up and rinsed out his mug before sighing and turning to her. “I don’t know what else you want me to say, Robin. It happened, and it’s over. It won’t happen again. I’m sorry if you can’t accept that,” he went on. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to go pick Lyn up.”
Fifteen minutes later, Robin had gathered what she had brought over to Jacob’s and put it inside her knapsack, heading out to her car. She tried to fend off tears, but had no luck. She sat in her car, breaking down completely.
Was she overreacting to this thing with Becky? She wasn’t sure. She still had yet to tell Jacob of the developments with Lyn’s case. He had acted like he cared all this time, but was it all sexual attraction?
She sniffled, grabbing a tissue from her coat pocket, as her hand brushed over plastic pieces. She frowned in confusion before realizing it was that pen she’d stepped on the night of the fire.
Jacob’s Cyber-Fix pen. In her state of mind that night, she had placed the pieces in her pocket.
She blotted her eyes with the tissue then put her key in the ignition. Her eyes began blurring as she turned it…only to get nothing.
Dan sat across from Becky at a table in Taco Bell. Both had food before them, but neither was eating.
“You’re saying Lyn got pregnant at one point? As Tammy?”
He slowly nodded. “Yeah. Robin let it slip to me after you and Jacob left the room Christmas Eve.”
Her eyes grew wide, and she shook her head. “This just keeps getting more and more freakier.” She went on, peering at him with interest. “I just can’t believe…you and Lyn…”
“It was Tammy. All Tammy. That night we crashed into the credit union she dropped the first hint that something happened between us. God, Becky, ever since, I’ve been having these pieces of memory come back to me. And in the last one, I’m pretty sure it was Lyn popping in for a minute to say she loved me. It wasn’t Tammy.”
Becky raised her eyebrows. “Well, like I told you…if she did like you, it’s news to me.”
Dan bit on his lip, glancing down. “I was going to spill all this to Jacob Christmas Eve. But after you and he got into it, I thought I’d better stay quiet about it a little longer,”
She managed a weak smile. “I guess in some warped way, I kind of helped you out that night.”
Dan chuckled. Becky kept her head down. “I’ve actually thought about going to therapy. My sister thinks it’s a good idea after what Tammy did at the book store. And this thing with Jacob.” She went on. “Until then…I don’t think I want to be around either one of them.”
Tammy stared at herself in the bathroom mirror at Jacob’s. At the gauze that was still wrapped around her head. She had to have the gauze removed in less than a week. She dreaded it.
The ride home had been awkward. Not much had been said. The moment they arrived, Jacob started talking to that lawyer for Lyn who was in the living room, griping about a car problem. They were both still out there now, as she stared back at her reflection in the mirror…into Lyn’s eyes.
“How do I act like you when I can’t even stand sharing the same body as you?”
The next day Jacob awoke on the couch, and it took him a moment to remember why. Robin was gone. Lyn was back home and in his bed.
He quickly got up and went to his room to check on her. She lay sprawled out on the bed in a tank top and flannel pajama pants, the sheets twisted around her. She slept soundly.
He took a deep breath, retracing his steps back to the kitchen to brew some coffee. He sighed, leaning against the counter and massaging the back of his neck. Sleeping on that couch was killing him. It had been nice to have the bed for what little time he had it. Even nicer to have Robin in it.
Robin. He closed his eyes, remembering the previous evening. When he had arrived home to find Robin pacing, talking on her cell phone with a towing service, he had tried to get her to just stay there until morning. She’d adamantly refused, saying the tow truck would be there within the hour. He finally gave up trying to persuade her.
While the mechanic worked on her car, she started sneezing and reached into her pocket for a tissue, only to yelp in pain. She had cut herself on some sharp plastic pieces of what used to be a Cyber-Fix pen, which she admitted she had stepped on by accident the night of the fire. He had offered to at least get her a band aid, which she turned down.
What he never thought to ask was how Robin managed to step on a Cyber-Fix pen that night, let alone how it ended up in her coat pocket.
But that mundane detail was the least of his concerns.
He heard the coffee pot perk and quickly turned to pour some. That’s when the doorbell rang, making him jump and slosh coffee on the counter.
Leslie stood at Jacob’s door, turning to smile at her daughter. Ami looked apprehensive but excited as she held the small gift bag in her hand. “You’re sure about this?” Ami asked nervously. “I keep thinking maybe we should have called first.”
Leslie tucked some of her daughter’s hair behind her ear. “Hon, of course I’m sure. Besides, you really wanted to do this. And you have every right. After all, Jacob is your brother. And he saved your life.”
Chapter 25
Lyn stood in the middle of an empty room, panic building inside of her. She could feel heat and smell smoke, but had no idea where she was. Every now and then she could hear her brother’s voice, but she couldn’t see him. Tears stung her eyes as she swiped at them.
She started to turn around and gasped, seeing windows with flames licking up against them. There was a door now too, which hadn’t been there before! She bolted toward it despairingly as it did not budge. She started to bang on the door.
“Damn it; let me out! Let me out of here!”
Tammy awoke with a start, gasping. She released a deep breath, starting to run her hands through her hair. She winced, feeling the gauze under her fingers.
“Lyn?” Jacob’s groggy voice sounded from the doorway.
“Yeah?” she replied tiredly. But she already knew why he was in there. The same reason he had been in there for the past two nights.
“You all right? I heard you crying out in your sleep again.”
It was still dark so luckily he couldn’t see her rolling her eyes. “I’m fine. Just had another dream. Sorry if I woke you.”
Justin smiled, easing his leg up and down with the help of the physical therapist. He had just started the therapy shortly before Christmas, and they had weaned him off the crutches and helped him rely fully on a leg brace.
“Excellent work Justin. By new year’s, I suspect you’ll be a new man.”
Justin chuckled, sitting up. “I wish.”
His therapist, a guy about his age with blonde hair, sat across from him making marks on a clipboard. “So how are things coming at home? Are you able to move better?”
Justin sighed with a nod. “Yeah,” he answered dismally.
The therapist glanced up from his clipboard. “You don’t sound very sure.”
Justin looked down. “My girlfriend suffered a miscarriage over the holiday. Nothing’s been the same.”
The therapist frowned. “Oh, Justin. I’m sorry to hear that.”
Justin nodded, waving it off. The therapist stood up to excuse him, and Justin made his way back into the waiting area to make his next appointment.
After the receptionist handed him the card, he went outside into the hallway of the medical complex. Beige carpeting lined the floors of the corridor while a brass nameplate was affixed to the white wall in front of him, arrows pointing in each direction with a Doctor’s name on each, followed by a suite number.
Further down the hall, as he slowly made his way along, he could hear what sounded like a f
oreign doctor on his cell phone, talking away. He even saw the man, with his back to him, as he spoke in a low, hushed tone.
Justin paid no attention to the conversation until he neared the corner which headed to the lobby…when he heard the name Tammy Cauley.
Tammy sat at the table that morning picking at the eggs and toast on the plate before her. She wasn’t even hungry she had insisted to Jacob, yet he fixed her breakfast anyway. She felt like throwing it into the garbage disposal. It would enjoy it more than she would right now.
She took a deep breath then took a long sip of her coffee. It didn’t even taste all that great to her. She bit her lip, setting the mug down.
She slowly got up and wandered through the hall into the living room where the sheets and blankets were still tousled on the sofa where Jacob had slept. She closed her eyes, the sight of twisted sheets bringing back a memory. The morning she had awoke in bed with Dan and quickly left before Lyn realized what had happened. Of course, how was she to know Lyn would catch a glimpse of him naked and wonder why the sight seemed so familiar?
She had come to the bar that night just to have a drink and try to relax. She never expected to find Dan there, already buzzed out of his mind. She decided to go ahead and have a little fun with it. One thing led to another, and she wound up a little buzzed herself. But she knew Dan was a lot more drunk than she was. She ended up taking his keys and driving him to the hotel Lyn had already reserved for that night.
She couldn’t hold back a smile, remembering how everything went from there. Dan was an amazing lover. Tammy had been very impressed.
She walked over and sat down on the sofa, staring into space.