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Honey Babe (A Lovely Dearest Series Book 3)

Page 10

by Nikki Bolvair

  Weston drew the hand he held up to his mouth, letting his lips graze against the top, telling me without words that he was here. Not planning on going anywhere.

  Aaron, who held my other one, gave me a squeeze. I shut my eyes tight when we started down the runway.

  Things were going to be okay, I needed to believe that.

  My head drifted to Weston’s shoulder, seeking comfort as my eyes claimed Seth's across the way.

  I was in a plane. No one could get me. My guys were here. They were going to keep me safe.

  When we were up in the air, I took notice of the other men with us. The two beside Seth.

  It was intimidating being surrounded by all these men.

  Seth noticed my gaze leave him and called me out, “Hey, I know you don't know these people,” he paused before raising his voice, “Hey, guys, you all know about Amber, but she has no clue who the hell you all are.”

  The one to the right of Seth started first. “I'm Garrett.”

  I gave a nod and then the one to the left gave me a wave. “Dallen. Garrett and I are with Melissa.”

  “I’m Triton, but it’s okay to mix me up with my brother.” My gaze went across the walkway to the other alcove where four other men sat. Twins.

  The one on the far side shook his head. “Tristan. My brother and I are with Trisha. I’m glad you’re okay.”

  “Me, too,” I responded shyly.

  All those T names confused me. I couldn't imagine if they decide to go with it naming the children in the same fashion when they had them. They’d have to be crazy to do that.

  The next guy chuckled. I found out his name was Kellan, and he was the mind reader. “I helped Corbin get you two out.”

  I gave another soft thank you and glanced at who I could only assume was Corbin. He gave me a tight smile. “I can speak to others in their minds and give them the ability to speak back. Between Kellan and I, we were able to free you.”

  No one else spoke about what had gone down back there. I think they were trying to spare me, but from what Aaron had told me, I got the gist of it. We no longer had to worry about Bane or the doctor. But what about their families? I couldn't help but wonder who that woman was who was with them at the hotel. Did they get her?

  Our flight took roughly two hours, and we landed at the Denver Airport where we once again got into a helicopter and flew over the city toward a mountaintop off to the northeast side of the state.

  We landed on a helipad that could have been considered a large driveway from where the house stood.

  Seth helped me out. I grabbed his hand and let him guide me inside the two-story estate that looked more like a hotel than anything else. Who needed this much space?

  The two women whom I talked with over the web were waiting in the front foyer. I'd like to say they were waiting for me, but they were immediately surrounded by their men.

  The other guys drifted off as Seth tugged on my hand. “Come on, you can talk later.”

  Nervous and not sure what to expect, I allowed myself to be drawn down a massive hallway that led to a room, but it wasn't really a room, it was more like an apartment within the house. Three bedrooms, a bathroom, and a kitchen. Unbelievably big for just little me.

  When I walked in, the kitchen was off to the side. I’d liken it to one that would be found in a small apartment, but without a range. A microwave, though, sat on the counter. The small island in the center was large enough for two bar stools.

  Off to the left was a small sitting room with a couch, two recliners, and a flat screen on the wall opposite to them. All the furniture was masculine in colors of gray, black, and blue, with clean lines. No pictures hung on the soft gray walls.

  I realized this apartment wasn't just my space. This was where Seth, Aaron, and Weston lived.

  Was I supposed to take over one of their rooms?

  I twisted around to stare at the three men who stood wearily behind me. “I'm not sure what I’m going to do. I don't want to put anyone out.” I gave a helpless, broken chuckle. “I don't even know what I'm doing.”

  I moved to the couch, sitting down and drawing my knees up to my chest. The fight had gone out of me, and I wasn't sure where to go from here. What was my life going to be like now?

  Aaron came over and crouched down, placing his hands on my bare feet. “Hey.” He waited until I met his intense gaze to continue. “I know you have a lot of questions. We have some answers. Ask them, honey.”

  “Fuck,” Weston growled as he tossed his gear off to the side. “That’s why she looks so fuckin lost. Didn't even think about questions. Ask us, babe. We’ll answer.”

  Seth slid his hands into his pockets. “Same as Weston. You can ask me anything.”

  I pursed my lips, then took a deep breath. “Okay, where am I sleeping?”

  Weston was the first one to answer. “Babe, I know this is all new and everything, but you're in my room tonight. Next to me. And if you decide to sleep with Seth or Aaron, same goes. We’re not letting you sleep alone.” He strode over to me, crouching down at the side of the couch by the armrest. “No sex. This is not the time to be doing that, but when you're ready, fuck, we're going to want it. But I'm going to be honest, we're going to start this right. You in with us, going to sleep with your sweet body cuddled against one of ours. Much like we did the last time. And if those nightmares come, one of us is going to be there to take care of it. Got it?”

  I gave a short nod, not wanting to be alone either.

  Weston relaxed. “Good. What are your other questions?”

  I swallowed and looked at the three of them. “Am I…with you guys now? Do I get any say in this?”

  They all tensed.

  “Do you not want this?” Seth asked stepping forward. “Because if you don't, you need to tell us right now. It would be hard, extremely difficult. No one's ever tried it, but if you don't want that kind of relationship with all three of us, you need to let us know so we can start separating ourselves from you now. Never in our wildest dreams did we figure you wouldn't want this. That you wouldn't want us.”

  My heart broke. It wasn’t that I didn’t want them, it was about if whether I had a choice. “I do want you. I just want a choice. So, we’re all together.”

  “Yes.” All three of them said at the same time.

  “Only with you,” Seth added.

  “And how will this work with three of you?”

  “We work it out as we go,” Aaron said, speaking up for the first time. “If we have any problems with one another, we’ll fix it between ourselves. Same with you. If you have an issue with one of us, talk with us. We want you to be happy, to be ours and to be safe. We haven't worked out all the details on what we're doing here, but this is where we’re going to stay. If you want to learn how to cook, learn how to cook,” Weston stated. “If you want to build a damn library and stick it downstairs in the basement, do it. If you want to remodel, talk to Melissa. I'm sure that you three girls will figure something out. If you want to get a hobby and start quilting, we'll make it happen. We're going to be gone sometimes for work, we want you to be busy, not worried.”

  “Currently, there’s a no leaving the mountain rule. You can't anyways without a pilot, but I'm sure as time goes on that that rule may become lenient. But for right now, let's just start with tomorrow. Deal?”

  I pursed my lips, then they tilted upward into a small smile. “I think I could deal with that.” I know I could do that. My goal wasn’t going to be building a library, I'm sure they already had one. No, it was going to be looking for my friend.

  “Good, now let's get you settled. The doc is coming in to check both of you out.” Seth stated, and when Aaron started to argue, he told him to shut it. “Both of you have had a trauma. Both of you are going to get looked at.”

  Aaron stood, and I knew there was going to be an argument, so I inched off the couch.

  “I don’t need to be fuckin looked at,” Aaron growled at Seth. “I’m just fine.”
br />   Weston rose and folded his arms so that both he and Seth squared off with Aaron. “You may feel fine, but who knows what the fuck that man did to you. You need to get checked out.”

  It was time to intervene. Bravely, I spoke with a confidence I didn’t feel and threw Aaron for a loop. “If he’s not getting checked out, then neither am I.”

  Aaron whirled to me, his eyes wide and mouth popped open. He closed it. “Honey.”

  I straightened my shoulders, held my head high, and raised a brow.

  His mouth snapped closed as he muttered, “Shit.”

  My arms folded as if to ward away the memories. “The way I see it, if you don’t feel the need to get checked, we must be good. Right?” I gestured to him, getting down to the nitty-gritty of things. “I mean, it’s not like we were violated or anything.” I swallowed. “Not like someone drugged you and restrained you so you couldn’t defend yourself when they…touched you. Did things that you don’t remember, but you ache on the inside.” My lips pressed together to stop the tremble. My voice went high as it cracked. “If I don’t have to face another doctor in all my lifetime, I wouldn’t.” I squared my chin and challenged him head-on. “If you’re not doing it, neither am I.”

  Aaron’s shoulders dropped as he reached out a hand to grab my forearm and bring me to him. My arms wrapped around his waist, my forehead resting on his chest as his arms surrounded my frame. “Amber, honey,” his voice rumbled. “You have to get checked out.”

  “Don’t make me do it alone,” I whispered.

  His arms tightened. “Hell, alright. I won’t, honey.” He kissed the top of my head. “I won’t.”


  I felt gross and wanted a shower, but the guys informed me I couldn’t take one until after the Doc saw me. I had evidence all over my body. Same with Aaron. After the Doc came, we could both take a shower, but until then we waited in one of the back bedrooms.

  While we waited, Seth, Aaron, and I squeezed ourselves onto the king bed and watched a movie. Weston slipped out to talk with the others and wait on the doc. When Doc finally showed up, it was the middle of the night.

  We were into our third movie of that night when he came into the room along with Weston. He dragged an enormous, rolling suitcase beside him, and he wore a white shirt with a gray vest with slacks. He was an older man with graying hair, and when his gaze landed on me, he gave me a genuine smile. “Hello, my dear. I’m Dr. Gregory Fitz, but you may call me Doc. You can either tell these guys to hit the hallway, or you can consent to have them stay. Either way is fine.”

  I gave a hard swallow and answered shakily. “They can stay.” Then with a bit more conviction, I added, “I want them to stay.”

  He nodded and edged closer to me. “I hear you’ve had a rough time. Tell me about it.”

  I answered as he checked me, and I filled out paperwork. He took blood and checked my vitals. When it came down to checking my womanly areas, he sent Seth and Weston out but let Aaron stay. He took test swabs, checked for tearing, and the whole time I was a mess. My body shook, breaking out in a cold sweat, but I was glad I had someone there to hold onto. Someone I knew I could trust.

  When the Doc was done, I curled up into a ball, relieved to be finished with that part. Doctors always made me jumpy. Even before I had the serum, back when I was dying. Chalk it up to my experience with cancer. Another body joined me on the bed, most likely Aaron, then another one who I saw was Weston. I clung to them as much as I could, trying to calm my nerves before I drifted off to sleep. As I did, I couldn't help but wonder where in the world Amy was. Did she get a funeral? Was she cremated or buried? I needed closure with her. My heart burned with sadness. I wanted to find out what happened to my friend.

  Melissa’s Mountain

  Three months later

  A few days after I arrived on Melissa’s mountain, the guys let me call the Jameses. I couldn’t tell them anything about the serum or how different we were, but I could talk to them about my friends, my past with a little alteration, and that I was safe.

  I called Mrs. James several times for her recipes and just to chat. I loved it.

  Early one morning, a hand slid up my bare thigh as I sighed between two warm bodies. Teasing touches. That's all they did, teased. Only a touch here, a kiss there. They were making me crazy. Even Weston was in on it. I thought surely he’d break. I was fine. My emotional state was better, and the three of them decided to hold off on moving to the next level… for three months. How do they even do that? Yes, I was shy. No, I wasn’t going to put on the first move. They could move things along!

  I moaned, gave in, and whispered, “Please.”

  It was like that one word gave them permission, let them know I was ready for whatever they were willing to give me.

  Aaron and Seth didn’t disappoint. Clothes were thrown off in a mass frenzy, the two of them unable to wait any longer. Lips met mine as another pair kissed their way down to my most intimate area. My nipples pebbled into little rosebuds as desire struck through me.

  Aaron lifted his head, eyes dark. “Don't be afraid. We just want to give you pleasure. Love you the best we can.”

  I wonder what he meant as his hand traced down to my fingertips, grabbing a hold of my wrist, lifting my arm above my head. He settled my arm at the top bed where the headboard met the mattress. There were ties there.

  I chuckled. “You are kinky.”

  While Aaron tied up my wrists, Seth lightly slapped the outside of my thigh and drew my attention down to him. “Hey!”

  He grinned, his gaze focused on mine as he returned his hand to the top of my thighs, tracing lightly just to see the reaction we created together. “I’m told by the others that these… sparks between us when we touch won't last once our bodies get used to one another. It’s part of the bonding process. Even so, it’s fascinating to me.”

  Aaron caressed his fingertips along the delicate skin on the inside of my arm, causing the same reaction until he reached my neck, placing a thumb at my mouth. I kissed it and rubbed his thumb across my bottom lip, causing it to become sensitive. I bit his thumb, and he pulled back with a hiss before bending down for a kiss.

  “I guess we're done talking,” Seth mused as his hand drifted down to my nether lips, testing my wetness.

  I gasped.

  “You’re good and wet, honey. So pretty down here with your little clit peeking through like a diamond jewel ready to be touched.”

  I trembled, moaning against Aaron’s mouth as a sole finger traced my forbidden place. One pet, two, before he leaned down, his shoulders between my thighs, as a hot breath swept across my skin. He loved me until I felt like I was ready to fall apart.

  Aaron’s hand on my stomach eased up, sliding to one of my breasts, giving the plump mound a squeeze.

  My body tense and my breath came in pants as a groan escaped when my core started to flutter.

  “Good girl.” Aaron groaned as Seth’s mouth lifted.

  A kiss on my thigh was all I got before Seth slid home in one swift thrust. I gasped at the fullness, and he stilled, waiting for me to adjust.

  Seth whispered words of encouragement as he started to move in a rhythm that brought my body back to the peak once again, and he paused, pulling me tight to him as he found his release.

  Still revved up, Aaron moved in as Seth kissed me and slid away.

  Aaron shifted me on my knees as he came up from behind and thrust inside. It was like all my nerve endings were alive and ready to explode.

  He kissed the back of my neck and my shoulder, then he sunk his teeth into my skin. I cried out, exploding around him. He shifted upright, grabbing my hip, increasing his rhythm until he tensed, jerking inside of me.

  The two of us rolled to the side, and Aaron curled up to my back when Weston climbed in with a wet rag that he placed between my thighs and cleaned me up. He pushed Aaron’s shoulder. “Go get cleaned up. I’ll untie her.”

  Aaron groaned, kissing my forehead before rolling out
of bed. Weston tossed the washcloth to the end of the footboard and untied my wrists before he climbed in beside me, bringing me in close.

  “You okay, babe?” Weston’s low rumble beneath me curled my toes.

  I swallowed. “Yeah.”

  With Aaron gone getting cleaned up, Seth came back and slid up next to me, his hand smoothing over the dip in my back as Weston cupped my butt cheek on the opposite side.

  What ever troubles come our way, it didn’t matter, we had completed our bond, and it felt like we could handle anything.

  Today, though, we weren’t going to handle anything. The only thing I was going to handle were my three men all day in bed.

  A sound echoed into our room from the front door of our suite.

  Tristan called out from the other side. “Weston!”

  Weston lifted me up off his body, scooting me beside Seth. He got off the bed and yanked on some pants, grabbing his phone from the side table as he went out the bedroom door, closing it as he left.

  I twisted, as Seth, too, reached to the side table and grabbed his phone. They had put them on silent for the night. I guess it had vibrated during our fun time and none of us paid attention.

  A moment later, Weston came in with a piece of paper copied from a computer. He handed it to me. “Do you know these women?”

  I looked at the small list of names, there were only four, and shook my head, handing it back. “No, why?”

  “This is the list of women Bane and the doctor gave the serum to. Three of them are now dead and the fourth one left the country.”

  My gaze lifted to his. “What does that mean?”

  “We need to find the last woman, but she can’t be located. It’s like she’s gone off the radar. We’ll keep our ears to the ground, but as of now, the only other person who is missing is your friend.”

  I grabbed Weston’s forearm. “No, she’s dead. I saw her get hit by that c-car. There’s no way she could’ve survived that.”

  “With the serum in her system, you never know.” Seth came over to us. “Let's keep looking, but while we do that, let's continue to live our lives as well.”


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