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Page 9

by RGAlexander

  “Which is why I like fighting fires,” Noah chimed in, distracting Solomon from talking about Brady’s old job. “Short bursts of daring heroics framed by weeks of childish pranks and drinking.”

  “Plus, we’re the most popular months in this year’s calendar.” Wyatt toasted him again and Solomon shook his head.

  “Settle down boys or I’ll send you to the kids’ table.” He focused on Ken and Brady instantly tensed. “We may be missing a few family members, but I’m glad you’re here, Tanaka. I don’t think I got a chance to tell you how much I appreciated what you did to help the feds catch Burke and get my cousins out of the corner he’d put them in.”

  There was too much of Solomon the Elder in his brother’s tone for Brady to relax, despite the praise.

  Ken, too, seemed prepared for an attack. “I’d like to think anyone in my position would have done the same for a friend,” he said carefully.

  Solomon set down his fork and wiped his mouth with his napkin. “You do a lot for your friends. Make scandalous pictures disappear as if they never existed, give someone a roof and a job exactly when they need it. Stephen tells me you’ve even sent his old friend Trick one or two clients in the last few months.”

  Brady hadn’t missed Jen’s quiet inhalation at the mention of Trick’s name. Damn it. He was definitely going to have a talk with Dunham.

  Ken shrugged. “He was the right man for it, and Stephen trusts him. I didn’t see any reason not to.”

  Solomon didn’t react. “I suppose I’m wondering why a self-confessed hacker—even one who does freelance work for the feds—would take such a benevolent interest in this family.”

  The table was silent. Stephen put his hand on Solomon’s arm, giving him a look of disapproval, but Brady knew his brother wouldn’t respond. He was too busy staring Ken down. Daring him to react.

  Brady beat him to it. “I suppose I’m wondering why my big brother is acting like such a prick at the dinner table. Can anyone explain it? I know we didn’t learn the finer points of table manners from Sol, but I think I still remember his favorite rule—shut up and eat. Why don’t we do that?”

  Rory chuckled, but Ken’s hand gripped Brady’s thigh under the table and squeezed gently, either to hold him back or as a show of gratitude. Brady wasn’t sure which, but he responded to the touch instantly and held his tongue.

  “I completely understand your concern, Chief Finn. One thing about this family that’s always consistent is how protective you are of each other. I admire that.”

  Ken waited until Solomon nodded in acknowledgment before continuing, “I also admire the proficient officer who accessed my personal records and ran my fingerprints from a terminal in your police station four days ago. Since you know what he found, I’m not sure what else you would need to ease your mind.”

  Ken hadn’t said a word about Solomon’s intrusions, but knowing his overprotective brother, Brady wasn’t surprised. “Solomon, you’re an assh—”

  “How the hell could you know who looked what up and where they did it?” Solomon asked as if Brady hadn’t spoken.

  Ken shrugged. “Your precinct’s computers are secure and virus free, if that’s what you’re wondering. I’m alerted anytime someone searches my information. It’s a simple program that gives me the time and location of the search. I could help you incorporate it into your systems, if you’d like.”

  “I like,” Rory crooned. “Actually I might be in love with you, Tanaka. No one surprises Solomon. It doesn’t happen. You’re officially my new hero.”

  Brady glared at Rory, covering Ken’s hand possessively with his own. No one could see it, but it made him feel better. His oversexed brother wasn’t getting his hands on Ken without going through him. “You obviously didn’t find anything too damning, Younger, otherwise you wouldn’t have let him inside the house.”

  Solomon frowned. “You know I hate that nickname. And what I found didn’t ease my mind. It was confusing as hell.”

  “How so?” Ken asked, his serene mask firmly in place.

  “You’re rich.”

  “Money confuses you?”

  “Cops are so prejudiced,” Wyatt muttered to Noah.

  Noah nodded. “Damn the man.”

  “Shut it,” Solomon snarled. “I’m not talking to you two. I’m saying he doesn’t have to do what he does, which makes me question his reas—”

  “You’re saying the man you had pegged as a criminal hacker doing probationary work for the feds is actually a wealthy independent contractor who doesn’t hesitate to help out a friend in need.” Brady finished with grim satisfaction. “He’s a good guy with no hidden agenda and you can’t let it go because you hate being wrong.”

  “War made him wise,” Noah offered solemnly.

  Wyatt swallowed his food with a nod. “The giant redhead speaks sense.”

  “Shut up,” Brady and Solomon said in unison as they glared at Noah and Wyatt.

  Tasha started laughing quietly. It was contagious, but Brady held out, still a little ticked at his brother.

  Brady knew what Solomon’s search had discovered because Ken had already told him most of it. Whatever wasn’t classified. He’d been studying computer science and engineering in college, living easily off his trust fund, when curiosity and a little boredom led him into the profession he now quietly dominated.

  It started out as harmless snooping, a way to challenge himself. He’d been hacking of course, but never with malicious intent. Just poking his head in to see how far he could get. He got a little too far and discovered some disturbing vulnerabilities in network security programs that were supposed to protect “sensitive” and highly guarded servers.

  Ken had been unnerved by the holes he’d found, so he’d started creating programs—new protocols and patches—to fix them. After several visits and lengthy interrogations from men in suits to determine he wasn’t a threat, more than one government agency wanted to recruit him full time.

  Ken had declined, but offered another solution that made everyone happy. Now the Pentagon and some of the private security contractors on their approved list used his robust, adaptive security software and paid him more than two men could spend in a lifetime for exclusivity.

  He also worked for them on occasion, consulting on cyberterrorism cases as well as offering creative surveillance solutions. He enjoyed it, but he never gave up his status as a freelancer. He enjoyed his anonymity more, and having the freedom to help out friends if the need arose, without having to ask for permission.

  Ken really was Batman. And Brady was definitely developing a fetish.

  Tasha finally caught her breath. “Solomon? You still need to apologize. We were having a great Finn Again until you forgot you weren’t at the precinct and started interrogating our dinner guest. Ken’s practically one of the family.”

  “I’m sorry, Tanaka.” Solomon muttered.

  “It’s okay,” Ken assured him. “I don’t play by ordinary rules, and I know it. When I was at it full time, I’ll admit I got results by doing things that would have sent people without my connections to prison.”

  Ken paused, then fixed his dark golden gaze on Solomon. “Speaking of connections, you may get a phone call.”

  Solomon shifted in his seat uncomfortably, scowling back at Ken. “Already did. That’s why I had to ask.” His frown deepened. “So, not full time anymore?”

  “I haven’t been for years.” Ken shrugged. “You said it before. I’m comfortable enough that I don’t have to work. I do the odd favor here and there, but if it eases your mind, after this one I’m planning on taking a long, relaxing break.”

  “Why would it ease his mind?” Wyatt asked, confused.

  “Because Solomon’s observant,” Seamus stated, drawing everyone’s attention again. “Really rude, but observant. And Ken—quite the genius himself—understands what he’s really asking, so he’s assuring your brother that he isn’t dangerous. That he’s not going to put anyone in this family in harm’s
way. Even if they’re working together.”

  “Oh.” Rory looked at Ken closely, then sent a sly smile in Brady’s direction. “Oh, I think I get it now. Good job, Gigantor.”

  Oh hell. There was no way anyone knew about—

  “I don’t,” Wyatt groused. “Anyone want to fill the rest of us in?”

  “‘The rest of us’ is shrinking fast, brother mine. Catch up.” Noah grinned at Brady. “You big old blue-ox dog.”

  Heat climbed up his neck and he glared. Rory knew. Noah knew. And so did Solomon. Was that why he was being such a jackass to Ken? Was that his twisted way of asking about Tanaka’s intentions?

  Seamus obviously thought so.

  “Seriously, someone tell Wyatt,” Rory demanded with a grin. “He hates always being the last to know. I would, but I’m too sadistic.”

  Jen, who’d been so quiet Brady almost forgot she was there, was the one who volunteered. “Ken and Brady are having sex, Wyatt. With each other. Do I have to explain what goes where, or do they cover that in the firefighter’s manual?”

  “You are such a brat,” Wyatt praised, smiling.

  She stuck her tongue out at him. “Thank you. It’s a defense mechanism to deal with being the only female Finn who isn’t five years old and didn’t marry into the family. The only one who’s usually on the receiving end of all that overprotective, nosy…love.”

  “That’s my Little Finn. You tell him,” Tasha laughed.

  With that, everyone started talking at once, except for Ken. He was looking at Brady. “My turn to ask. Sorry we came?”

  Brady hesitated. Was he? He was embarrassed, sure, and still pissed at Solomon. But he wasn’t sorry. He was the opposite of sorry. He wanted his family to know that Ken was his. Wanted everyone to know that Tanaka was claimed.

  Adrenaline made his hand tremble as he moved it to Ken’s thigh and dug his fingers into the lean muscle.

  “Not sorry,” he managed. “But we can’t stay.”

  Ken’s gaze heated as he recognized Brady’s expression. “I’m not hungry anyway.”

  “I am.”

  Chapter Seven

  “Slow down, Brady.” Ken’s voice had that edge he loved. Need and excitement. Desire. “You don’t want to get us pulled over.”

  Brady smiled and glanced at Ken’s pants. He’d worn khaki for dinner and it did nothing to hide the damp spot from his arousal. His body was so fucking responsive. So ready to come.

  Some day when he had more control, he’d see if he could make it happen twice in one go.

  “I used to pull people over around here during my short career as an officer of the law,” he confessed. “It didn’t make me a lot of friends, but I know where the speed traps are.”

  Ken laughed breathlessly his hands gripping either side of his seat. “I bet you scared the hell out of everyone. A giant unfolding out of his cop car. Sunglasses shielding your eyes. Looking so stern and badass.”

  “You wouldn’t have been scared.” Ken wasn’t afraid of much.

  “You’re right. I would have tried to flirt my way into another ticket so I could spend more time imagining you, me and handcuffs. I would have done something to make you frisk me.”

  The idea didn’t make Brady cringe at all. It made him hard. Painfully hard. He glanced up at the freeway exit and hit his blinker, crossing two lanes to get onto the feeder.

  “Brady, that’s not our exit.”

  “I know.”

  There was a place nearby. It must still be there.

  Driving with one hand, Brady reached across Ken’s body with the other to open the glove compartment. He moved some papers out of the way and hit the jackpot—a flashlight. That would do.

  “What’s going on? Is something wrong with the car?”

  Brady turned onto the dark, vacant cul-de-sac and sighed in relief. Still here. He used to come here for lunch and to do paperwork. It had always been his place. He’d never told his brothers about it. The last thing he’d wanted was Solomon or James showing up in another squad car to chat. After so many years he couldn’t believe that nothing had changed. But he was damn glad it hadn’t at the moment.

  He put the car in park, letting the engine idle. “Stay there, Tanaka. Don’t move.”

  He got out and wished a little absently for a sedan as he walked around the car’s small hood. It didn’t matter. It would still work and he would still get what he wanted. What he had to have.

  He turned on the flashlight and used it to tap on the window. “Excuse me, sir.”

  Ken frowned and rolled down the window. “I didn’t hear a pop. Do we have a flat tire?”

  Brady skimmed the light over his face, watching his pupils contract in reaction. Damn, the man had beautiful eyes. “I need you to step out of your vehicle, sir.”

  Ken’s expression changed from concern to surprised pleasure the moment he realized Brady was playing a part. “Oh. Yes, Officer.”

  The words got Brady hotter than he’d imagined. Harder. It made him wish he still had his uniform and everything that came with it. A few minutes ago all he’d wanted was to get inside Ken again. To race for the satisfaction he always found there. Now he wanted to draw it out. To please his lover. To give them both what they wanted.

  Ken opened the door and climbed out, holding his arms out to his sides. “What seems to be the trouble?”

  Brady pointed the flashlight in the direction he wanted Ken to go. “We’ll get to that in a minute. First I want you to face the car and put your hands on the hood. You look like the kind of guy that knows this drill, so don’t give me any lip. Just assume the position.”

  Ken licked the lips in question, his steps steady and careful as he did as Brady asked. “I think you’ve pulled over the wrong man, Officer. I’m a law-abiding citizen. I’ve never been stopped or ticketed in my life.”

  Brady moved until he was right behind him and put one hand on his hip, using his feet to nudge Ken’s farther apart. “That’s what they all say,” he said in a brusque, authoritative voice. “Sir, do you have anything on your person that you’d like to tell me about? Anything you’re concealing that could be construed as dangerous and/or illegal? This will go easier for you if you tell me now.”

  Brady heard Ken’s breathing catch, saw the cheeks of his ass flex beneath the khaki fabric. “No sir, Officer. Nothing. I’ve got nothing to hide.”

  “We’ll see about that.” Brady held the small flashlight in his mouth and started to frisk Ken. The first pass was by the book, patting down his legs, arms and waistline. He found Ken’s thin wallet with his identification in one pocket, pulled it out and tossed it on the hood. In the other, he found a small travel-sized bottle of lube.

  He smiled around the metal. Leave it to Tanaka to be this prepared.

  Taking the flashlight out of his mouth, he set it and the bottle on the hood beside Ken’s hands. “Look what I found without even trying. If I take a closer look, am I going to come across anything else? Something you don’t want me to see?”

  “N-no. No, that’s all. I’m not hiding anything else.”

  He bit back a moan when he pressed his erection against Ken’s back. He felt a shudder rack that lean frame and closed his eyes, counting. “I want to believe you, sir, but I wouldn’t be good at my job if I didn’t take my time and make sure.”

  “Fuck,” Ken whispered, making Brady smile.

  “Don’t move,” he ordered. “Keep your hands on the vehicle.”

  “Yes, Officer.”

  “If I had my cuffs I could make sure of it, but I’ll have to take your word.” God, he really wished he had those cuffs.

  “My belt would work,” Ken offered weakly.

  He didn’t like kink, Brady reminded himself even as he eyed the belt hungrily. He wasn’t into bondage. All he wanted was to drive Ken crazy before he fucked him. “Don’t give me ideas.”

  He yanked Ken’s shirt up and lifted until it went over his head and down his arms. “Tattoos. You know what kind of man get
s his back covered in tattoos?”

  Ken shivered. “Someone who likes tattoos, sir?”

  He yelped when Brady’s hand popped his ass. “Some people like tattoos, yes. But no one likes a smartass. I think a man with this much pretty ink on his back wants to spend a lot of time bent over by his lover.”

  He leaned closer and kissed Ken’s shoulder tenderly, his touch at odds with his tone. “Do you like being bent over?”

  “Yes,” Ken moaned. “Oh, yes.”

  He reached around him and clumsily undid the narrow strip of fabric Ken had belted around his pants. He laid it down between Ken’s hands, away from him so he wouldn’t be tempted to use it. “Let’s take a look at what else you’re hiding without that in our way.”

  He unbuttoned Ken’s pants, lowering the zipper before taking a step back and yanking the fabric roughly down his thighs. “What do we have here?”

  The tightest, hottest ass I’ve ever seen, Brady groaned silently. No matter how many times he’d been inside it, it was never enough. “Lube and no underwear. No wonder you were in such a hurry. I was right. Someone was on his way to get lucky.”

  “Yes,” Ken moaned. “I have a date. He’ll be worried if I don’t show up soon. If you’ll just give me a ticket…”

  Fuck, he was playing his role just right. Brady’s adrenaline was through the roof, and he couldn’t take his eyes off Ken’s ass. He reached out and cupped it with his palm, caressing the firm cheeks. “You want a ticket? Well, I want to know what you’re hiding in here.”

  His thumbs spread Ken’s ass cheeks apart, letting the night air hit that small ring of muscles that tempted him. “I bet your date knows, doesn’t he? What’s inside? I bet he gets himself off just thinking about it when you’re not around. Thinking about how tight you are. Thinking about how loud you scream, how sweetly you grip him when you come with his dick buried inside you.”

  “Bra—Officer, please.”

  Brady took a hand away from Ken’s ass and placed it between his shoulder blades. “I want you flat, hands stretched over your head.”


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