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Page 38

by Tiana Laveen

  “Eva Zaire Ellington, would you please marry me? Will you be my wife?” His voice trembled, more than he cared for.

  “Yes!” He took her hand and slid the ring on her finger, then she caught him in a tight embrace. Wrapping his arms around her, he kissed her cheek and squeezed. Her body jerked, for the woman was crying her eyes out. He ran his hand up and down her back, soothing her, unable to quell the wave of joy that took him under.

  “I can’t even tell you in words how much I love you, Eva. This is it… we’re getting married!” He kissed her once more, this time on the lips, and stood to his feet, helping her up.

  “Oh, my God! Max, you were so slick, I had no idea you were planning this. I am in shock right now!” She giggled, then eased her left hand from his grip to study the ring. “It’s beautiful! It’s exactly the type of ring I would have wanted, too! How’d you know?” He led her to the terrace, where they stood hand in hand, observing the guests.

  “When I took you out to the desert on our first date, I saw how you loved gazing at the stars.” He pulled a pair of binoculars out of a bag and handed them to her. “Look up there, at the sky. What do you see?”

  She brought the binoculars to her face.

  “I see a bunch of stars.”

  “That’s how I saw you when I first met you…” She slowly lowered the binoculars from her eyes. “I said, this woman is amazing. She’s so damn smart, bright and sexy… I was wowed by you. So, whatever type of ring I got you would have to match the stars we saw that night. The night of our first date. But what really helped me the most was a paper trail you’d left. See, when I was in your studio while you did your show that time, I saw a couple of bridal magazines. They were dated, at least a few years old, but you had a couple of dogeared pages. I saw those rings, so I made a mental note of it. Then I went down there again after that, while you were asleep, and took notes about the images you’d marked.

  “I knew those rings had nothing to do with me; like I said, the magazines were old. They’d been for your ex, the guy before me, the one you thought you were going to marry before he cheated and put his fuckin’ hands on you.” She dropped her gaze, her face flushed. He reached for her and gathered her close to kiss the top of her head. “I’d never do anything to you like that, Eva. I’d never try to hurt you in a million fucking years!”

  “I know.” She wrapped her one free arm around him.

  “Look, tonight went better than I expected. I honestly thought you might say no.”

  She frowned. “Why would you think that?”

  “Because… see…” He took a deep breath. “I know I can be a bit much sometimes, so I just wasn’t sure what you’d say, you know. But I had to take that chance. Anyway, despite me being the happiest man in the world right now, we have to keep this on the low-low.”

  “Oh, no!!! Why?” She pouted, looking downright pitiful. “I want to tell my father. He loves you, by the way! You made a big impression on him by showing him your bike.” Savage chuckled lightly. “And I’m glad you weren’t phased by my mother saying your arms looked like a newspaper with all your tattoos. She can’t help herself.”

  He grinned. “No, baby, all of that was cool… no problem. The reason why you can’t say anything right now is because I can’t let anyone get wind of the fact I’m getting married. I promise we’ll be able to tell people soon though, okay? Just give me a little time.” She nodded. “So, before you go back outside, slide that ring back into the box. It’s on the floor by the chair over there. Then I want you to put it away in your purse. Put it up somewhere safe, but whatever you do, don’t wear it.”

  “Damn! Okay… Soon though, right?”

  “Yeah, I promise. Trust me, I’m just as excited as you to tell the world, but we need to hold off for a bit. I’ll explain later. It’s complicated. It’ll be resolved though.” She pulled him in for a kiss. “Go back out there and dance. I like seeing you shake that big, fat ass of yours!” She winked and walked away, her expression bright as the sun. Picking up the box off the floor, she slid her ring off and place it inside. She blew him a kiss, and exited the bedroom, leaving him there by himself.

  Yeah, I wish we could tell the whole world this amazing news, but if somehow these motherfuckers find out I’m getting married and the beneficiary to my insurance and estate is no longer my mother, but Eva… then they may try to hurt her when I’m not around. I can’t let that happen…

  Savage slid his phone out of his pocket, and began to text:

  Savage: Dad, I can’t come by tomorrow. I have a business trip.

  As he placed his phone back into his pocket, he was surprised to hear it vibrating. Dad rarely returned his texts that fast.

  Dad: WTF.

  Savage: LOL. Not now. I need to take care of something.

  Dad: OK. You owe me. I told everyone you would be here. You’re a coward. Come face Tommy like a man!

  Tommy was one of Dad’s MC pals, a brother. Savage had known him since he was a kid but Tommy had scared the shit out of him way back then. He was a good guy, but had a rare birth defect that caused his hands and feet to look like lobster claws. Tommy would chase Savage around, making pinching motions with them like a crustacean, making him cry, and Dad and all of his drunk friends would laugh at the antics until Mom stepped in, demanding they stop.

  Ahhh, good times…

  Savage: I’ll make it up to you, promise. Love you, crazy old man.

  Dad was having a get together he’d promised to attend. His bros were all going to be there, and he’d invited him to join. Savage hadn’t seen some of his ‘uncles’ in a long ass time. He regretted missing it, especially after Dad had let them all know, in no uncertain terms, ‘Max is fucking a sister. He’s knee-deep in some Black pussy and he isn’t coming out of her snatch anytime soon. He loves her. Say anything about it and I’ll split your fucking skull open with a rusty razor blade and toss your ass in the Pacific Ocean for shark food. Now, let’s get shitfaced.’

  He placed the phone back inside his pocket and smiled at the sight of Zaire and her friends drinking, dancing and acting silly. She glanced up at him and he waved, then blew her a kiss.

  Moments later, he checked online for his flight information. Tomorrow morning, he’d be paying some relatives a nice little visit.

  It’s almost showtime, boys ’nd girls. My mother may care about your acceptance, but I don’t give a single fuck about any of you motherfuckers. I’m not a doctor like my soon to be wife, but I sure as hell make house calls. Dr. Savage is about to be in the motherfuckin’ building and I know you love money, so I’m about to make it rain…


  It Runs in the Family

  Allapattah, Miami wasn’t a place where people drifted about late in the evening just for the hell of it. Notwithstanding its rough reputation, Savage felt right at home amongst the grime and grit. Spanish music blasted from the various open windows of the project buildings surrounded by dying palm trees. Some cars were parked in a liquor store parking lot, all of them filled with party people trying to make a dollar out of fifteen cents. He kept on driving, his burner phone in hand, taking in the sights. The strong aroma of cooking pork and blunts full of weed filled the air as he drove past a little general store. A large BBQ pit emitted hazy, fragrant smoke alongside one wall, making his mouth water. He met eyes with a pretty woman, her long dark brown hair covering half her apple-shaped face.

  A sizeable group of Dominicans stood huddled together in front of a small store advertising Arizona Iced Tea – buy one get one free. Savage slowly turned the corner in the tan Chevrolet Impala he’d rented at a rather unusual rental car store near the motel he’d checked into under an alias. They specialized in older models, and the place was actually illegal. Their license that was taped haphazardly on the wall was expired, their prices ridiculous, and the car he was in smelled like a million drunks had had a pissing contest inside it. Perfect for his needs.

  He traveled closer to the address his
mother had given him. His cousins were expecting him, or so they said. He’d feigned excitement twice on the phone, speaking with the bastards in Russian, expressing his jubilation to meet them at last. He was literally driving to his death. Nothing was more beautiful than a meal being brought to a starving lion… no hunting required. Their previous efforts had failed, so now they probably felt like they’d won the lottery. That the God they worshiped and cursed had finally allowed their ship to set sail. He slowed down a bit and glanced at a picture of him and Zaire. Running his thumb along it, he smiled, though his joy was tinged with frustration and concern.

  There could be no happy ending. Either there would be a bloodbath, or he would lose his life in the process. He weighed his odds; this was simply the nature of the beast. There was no way they wouldn’t try to rob him right then and there and beat his fucking head in, or perhaps they planned to get it over with quick and dirty and simply attempt to shoot him in the face. They’d then bury his body… but not in a remote area. They’d need him to be found so the death certificate could be issued.

  I gotta hand it to you motherfuckers, you bided your time, didn’t you? You planned this out to the letter. That takes patience and talent. I damn sure can’t knock the hustle… Moved to Miami… easier to get in and out of here than California and the price of living is cheaper. Kept your foot on mom’s neck, pumping her for information… Sending money back to Armenia and investing the rest in your little project. Saved up enough money to fly a couple of you out to Vegas. That didn’t end well though, did it? Tried again with the guy in the van, but whoever that was got freaked out and took off. You were probably devising another plan and couldn’t believe your luck when I fell right into your lap. I have to do this for my mother. She deserves to be set free. I have to do it for Zaire and Dad, too…

  He leaned over and grabbed the one and only cigarette he had. His lucky cigarette. The poor thing was slightly bent in the middle. He’d decided to stop smoking them several years prior, and this was the last one from the Parliament pack he’d bought back then. He wasn’t even quite sure why he’d made that decision. Could have been his father’s bronchial issues, the tightness in his chest he’d once felt during a workout, or the thought that, without his health, his job was as good as gone. Regardless, he couldn’t completely divorce himself from the flames…

  What was the Devil without his inferno-filled lair? Blazes were simply a part of his life; they were painted on two of his motorcycles and etched upon his body. His cigars, on the other hand, he refused to part with; they’d become second nature, his shadow in need of the light. Twisting and turning the lucky cigarette about in between his fingers, he grabbed an old BIC lighter and flicked it.

  Let’s see what’s on the radio… He blew swirls of smoke out the corner of his mouth, turned the knob on the transistor and out of a scratchy speaker came ‘International Players Anthem’ by Outkast and UGK.

  I haven’t heard this in a long time. Let me turn this shit up.

  He turned it up to full volume, pulled his dark shades down over his eyes and bobbed his head to the music. Taking his time, driving slow, he passed a bunch of whores and drug addicts who were eyeballing him.

  He ran his hand over his low-cut black waves and smiled when he spotted two people begin to dance to the music pouring out of the car. Soon, the song switched to UGK’s ‘Diamonds and Wood’.

  Only in Miami. They’re playing a bunch of UGK songs from yesteryear… Wow.

  Nasty, beautiful memories flooded his mind of some of the orgies he’d had to such music. Harlem had introduced him to some of these hits. He’d never been a big rap fan until he started to travel more. Then, some of the songs felt so damn good to his soul, he kept them close to his heart.

  That shit was fun back in the day. I’ve moved on though, gotta beautiful ass woman who knows how to fuck the shit outta me… makes sure I get my dick wet when I need it…

  As he drew closer to the address, he assessed the area, his eyes moving about like tiny cameras, snapping his surroundings in a series of memory shots. He parked between two cars, one of which was on blocks.

  It’s dark as hell here. Perfect. The street was dark, and that included the apartment buildings and small houses around him. He raised one of his cellphones and used the Flashlight app to illuminate the area. A car door opened up the street, allowing some light to streak the road like a line of piss. He sat there for a moment, then grabbed his phone and called Harlem.

  “If you don’t hear from me when you’re supposed to, drop that dime.”

  “Got it. Ride out, mothafucka.”

  Savage ended the call, grabbed a small suitcase, and got out of the car. Black boots on his feet, dark jeans, metal chain belt, and a leather jacket over a white wifebeater, he made his way towards the apartment building, cigarette dangling out of the side of his mouth. A few people yelled to get his attention. Ignoring them, he kept his mind on his money and his money on his mind. Soon, he was at the door, crushing his cigarette beneath his boot. He gave the door three big bangs and waited a moment or two. A short guy with straight black hair, light tan skin, and bright green eyes answered it.

  “Ты семья? (Ty sem’ya)? (Are you family?)”

  “Я твой двоюродный брат, Maximus Savage. (I’m your cousin, Maximus Savage.)”

  The man’s face lit up as he reached out to give him a hug. The guy smelled of oil and sweat. He called out to everyone in that tiny space and walked him inside the small, crowded room filled with cigarette smoke. A studio apartment, one space housing a living area and bedroom combo, a small bathroom in the corner, and a kitchenette no bigger than the inside of a mid-sized truck. The television was playing commercials, and about five other men, all with dark hair, sat at a table on folding lawn chairs, eating fries, burgers, and a shitload of ketchup packets. The other men in the room smiled and waved, talking over one another to vie for his consideration. But one in particular drew his attention. His eyes turned to dark slits as he chewed a burger slowly, hatred drawn all across his face. The man placed the food down, never saying a word. He lit a cigarette and drew on it, the scowl on his face growing bigger by the second.

  I have to keep my eye on him. He’s going to cause me problems.

  All of them introduced themselves, offering their names.

  “How was trip?” the man who’d answered the door asked in broken English, offering him something in a red plastic cup. Savage accepted it and pretended to take a sip, then set it down on a nearby stool.

  “It was good.”

  “Down to business now,” the tall, big man with anger in his eyes stated, cutting the little happy-go-lucky party short.

  “Down to business we go…” Savage smiled. “So, uh, my mother, your Aunt Karina, told me everything. She’s been talking to several members of the family and understands the situation. She made me aware of it.” He rocked back on his heels, playing his part in this ridiculous after school play. “As I told you on the phone, I can help. We’re family.” Two of the men quickly nodded in understanding, eagerness in their eyes. The one with the evil glare kept his eyes on the suitcase in his hand, barely blinking. “I don’t think it should take too long to get you guys squared away.”

  “Karina say you rich.” One of them chuckled. “How nice. She not say what job… Can we work where you work?”

  Most of them burst out laughing, including Savage. He shrugged.

  “I work in investments. Property, casinos… things like that.”

  They oohed and ahhed, as if impressed with his answer.

  “Very good!” one said, showing a missing tooth. “Karina’s living good life.” The man sounded as if he, too, should be living a good life simply by association.

  “Yeah, things are good. So, uh, let me explain something to you.” Savage hesitated, pretending to not know what to say next. “You got into the country easy, but moving around the country, from state to state or even right here in Florida, won’t be as easy wi
thout getting I.D.s. Eventually, your luck will run out. What we can do is—”

  “Where is the money? We need the money. Show money, talk later,” The brooding one set his cigarette down in an ashtray, wiped his hands on his pants and stood to his feet.

  “I have the money, but we need to go over some things first.”

  “I want to see it. Now.” The other cousins began to yell at the guy, speaking all over each other in Russian and telling him to be patient, that his behavior was no way to treat a guest. A bunch of bullshit, when Savage knew damn well they all felt the same.

  “Why are you in such a hurry, Grigor?” Savage asked with a smile. “Money won’t solve your problems until you know how to ensure you won’t be busted by immigration.”

  “No trust you.”

  “Well.” Savage crossed his arms and smirked. “I don’t trust you either, Grigor, but luckily, trust doesn’t really have shit to do with this. It’s about family, and doing what’s right by our loved ones… making sure they’re not abandoned and forgotten like trash.” His eyes narrowed on the big motherfucker that kept his gaze on him and his suitcase. “Now, as I was saying, we can—”

  Suddenly, the man pulled a gun out and aimed it straight at Savage’s head.

  “Put case down on floor.”

  Savage assessed his options in quickfire spurts, then slowly placed the suitcase down and lifted his hands in the air as the man drew near. The man picked up the case and studied the lock, then dropped it back down on the floor.

  “Open case.”

  “I’m fucking sick of you, you know that? You should be thanking me, mate. Since you know so much, jolly Albanian giant, you fuckin’ open it.” Grigor slapped him across the face with the butt of the gun. Savage tasted blood in his mouth, and throbbing pain came when he rubbed on his jaw. He never backed down from the man’s gaze. The others kept silent. In fact, being the betting man that he was, Savage surmised they were seeing exactly what they all wanted. A nice little show before the final blow.


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