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The King's Secret Bride_A Royal Wedding Novella

Page 27

by Alexis Angel

  I’m glad that Derrick and his father speak regularly now and they’ve finally started to heal some of the words that they had dividing them all this time.

  Okay, fine. Sometimes, just sometimes – and not all the time – I get a little irritated if the King calls and we were about to have sex. But the feeling of irritation goes away as soon as the Prince lays his hands on me again. And it’s forgotten as soon as I cum. Derrick Blaine literally fucks it out of me.


  That’s how many articles I’ve written as Abigail Adams since Derrick and I had sex. Each one gets better and better for him. It’s strange though – at first when Mike and Danielle put me on the Abby desk, they wanted me to trash Derrick. And I did. Savagely. But saying good things or having flattering stories where we only poke fun at him in a good natured way sells WAY more papers. People don’t like to see others torn down – they want to feel happy.

  And Abby’s column on Page Eight is starting to reflect me. I feel very happy when I’m with Derrick. No one has made me happier in my entire life. Every moment I’m with him seems to go by so fast. I feel like snatching them and never letting them go. I miss him when he’s not around and my heart leaps like it’s the first time I’m seeing him when I do see him.


  That’s how many times I’ve gotten to talk about his other love in his life. Alicia Bayer.

  Which is, well, I guess…me.

  He’s sat with me on his balcony as we’ve curled up in a blanket and admitted to me how much he used to tease her when he was very young. Because apparently he never knew how to approach someone so pretty. At first it brought up bad memories. But then I remembered certain things. How he’d help me up after he pushed me down on the ground as a kid. Or how he’d always have a look in his eyes that was worried I would cry. I never did, but I remember the look.

  We’ve laid in bed after sex and I’ve asked him why he never told me (Alicia) how he felt. He’s searched his soul and told me after his Mother died, he really felt like he’d lost the capacity to love for a long time. But that every time he saw me he felt at peace. He didn’t know how to approach someone who could affect him so much.

  One day as we walked through Central Park I asked why he ignored her and didn’t let her know how he felt before she left once they had grown older. He looked off in the distance and realized as he spoke to me that deep down, he always thought Alicia hated him because of all the times he tormented her. Because he never learned how to talk to her. How he asked his mother once and she dismissed Alicia because she wasn’t royalty. Said she would never have him because she’d be too intimidated.

  One morning during brunch, I even found out that Samantha Bayers – my mother – is dating the King! I mean, she had already kind of told me, but it’s so weird hearing it from him. Talking about how he respected Samantha the whole time and the only reason he never rebelled against her as she set up interviews for him was because one day he hoped to find her daughter. I don’t know what to say. Honestly.

  One day on his boat I asked him why he never spent more time trying to find her. He answered after some thought and his eyes were pained. He told me it wouldn’t be fair to me. That he was already so in love with me.


  That’s how many people we used to be. And that leaves…


  That’s how many people we are now when we’re together.


  “All rise,” the Bailiff announces as the entire courtroom gets to its feet and an elderly looking judge comes in from his office attached to the back. The Bailiff continues. “The Honorable Judge Walter E. Byrd is now presiding over the Federal Court for the 10th Circuit. Please be seated.”

  I sit down. Larry is sitting next to me in the seat that's normally reserved for Counsel. Daphne’s sitting behind me. I turn my head back to her and give her a quick smile. She’s wearing a silky navy blue dress. We fucked hard this morning – she got on top and squeezed her eyes shut as she rocked back and forth on my monster fucking cock until she came so fucking hard that her body literally trembled for hours on end afterwards.

  “Prince Derrick Blaine,” the judge says and looks at me. Fucking hell. It’s fucking game time, mate. I’ve been in front of this judge so many times that I figure I should start sending him Christmas cards going forward.

  I stand up along with Larry and he opens my file. I look back. The courtroom is filled with your usual suspects. People waiting for the judge to plead their cases, reporters, and casual observers.

  Across the table is Samantha fucking Scar.

  “I see here that you’ve paid all your fines this month,” the Judge says looking through the file. “Not just what you racked up but everything you’ve accrued.”

  “I did, Your Honor,” I say. That’s why I’m here today. It’s really just a formality, unless the Judge wants to impose additional sentencing based on what I did on camera. That’s why Larry is here with me. That’s probably why that fucking DA, Samantha, is here too.

  “So it looks like the NYPD are going to be able to afford that summer barbecue based on all the fines you’ve paid,” the Judge chuckles to himself. Despite the surroundings, I can’t help but smile and be amused. Every time I fucking parked in a loading zone, all the red lights I’ve run, all the driving on the other side of the road is now paid off. Hell, I once landed a helicopter on Park Avenue – snarling traffic. That was a pretty hefty fine - $50,000. I paid that off to in preparation for this court date. In fact, it was just a matter of listening to Larry telling me that the best thing I could do for legal issues was to start by paying off all the claims against me.

  “I also see that you’ve managed to keep yourself out of trouble for the last six weeks – there have been no citations against you so far,” the Judge went on, his eyes widening. “Not a single citation,” he repeats with awe.

  I smile at him. I’ve been holding back. Redirecting all that energy towards fucking Daphne.

  Like literally fucking her.

  After talking at length with my father, I now know that there are demons that I’ve inherited from my mother that will destroy me if given half an opportunity. Honestly, if it weren’t for Daphne, then I’d probably be neck deep on the spiral of self-destruction by now.

  “That’s right, Your Honor,” I say, giving Samantha a sideways glance. “I’ve been staying out of trouble.”

  “Well, I daresay that it will be carving a hole out of the city budget that’ll be a rather nasty surprise,” the Judge says with amusement. “Although it’ll be a good one for me to not to see you in here again.”

  The judge is smiling at me and I decide to humor him and smile back. I can make out the DA, Samantha, bristle.

  “Your Honor,” Larry says to the Judge. “My client would like to file a motion to dismiss all summary actions against him at this time,” Larry speaks up.

  Judge Byrd, who I’ve seen in and out of Court over the last few years’, sighs, looking up from his file towards Larry.

  “I’m inclined to agree, Counsel,” Judge Byrd says. He looks over at Samantha. “Do you disagree?”

  Samantha visibly darkens. “Your Honor, Prince Blaine has utter contempt for the law and the rules of civilized society,” she begins. “A few days of good behavior could just as well mean he was out of the country on a debauched vacation.”

  The Judge looks at me. “Now, Prince Derrick,” he begins. “I read the papers just like anyone else. I’ve seen you open battered women’s shelters, animal shelters, drug counseling clinics, pop up food pantries, you name it.”

  I nod. Best to stay fucking silent.

  “Let me ask you this, Prince, and I can tell when you’re lying,” the Judge continues. “Is this all just the calm before the storm?”

  I shake my head indicating that it's not and I say, “Have you ever had a better angel, Your Honor?”

  The Judge takes a long look at me. He notices Daphne staring at me and my sideways glance back
at her.

  Finally, he smiles. “All charges dismissed,” he says, banging his gavel. Photographers start flashing their cameras and taking pictures as I turn around and take her hand to walk out of the courthouse.

  * * *

  “It’s beautiful, Derrick,” Daphne says gazing out at the city. “How did you ever manage to book this?”

  We’re at the Top of the Rock at Rockefeller Center and I’ve managed to buy the entire observation lounge. It’s just me and Daphne and all of New York City.

  “Do you like it, love?” I ask her, coming closer. “I wanted to take you somewhere to celebrate.”

  I pick up two glasses of champagne and hand one to Daphne. We clink our glasses and take a sip.

  “What are we celebrating, baby?” Daphne asks me.

  I grin at her. “Complete freedom, love,” I say and draw her closer. “No more legal troubles to worry about. No more entanglements with the law.”

  Daphne leans closer and kisses me. “No more deportation?”

  I shake my head. “And a trade deal that's almost ready for signature.”

  Her eyes go wide. That’s right. I may have forgotten to tell you. I’ve been on the phone back and forth with my father the last couple weeks. I’ve been getting pretty into the trade deal that he’s working on with the States.

  And so tonight, I have two things to celebrate.

  I look at the beautiful angel next to me. Make that three.

  My life is finally starting to actually go in the right direction. Problem was, I never even knew how far off it was before I met Daphne.


  We are on top of the world, the greatest city in the world at our feet. Standing there with Derrick by my side, I can’t think of anywhere else I’d rather be.

  “What are we celebrating, baby?” I ask him.

  He smirks that infuriatingly cute smirk at me. “Complete freedom, love,” he says.

  He comes closer and I breathe in deeply, smelling his body. “No more legal troubles to worry about. No more entanglements with the law.”

  I give him a wicked grin and I can’t resist it. I kiss him and say with a smile, “No more deportation?”

  He’s become much more serious and he shakes his head and tells me with pride, “And a trade deal that's almost ready for signature.”

  I can’t believe this is the same man.

  “Well then I guess we should celebrate,” I whisper on his lips. I can already feel that tree trunk of a dick pressing through his pants, begging to be freed.

  “Why do you think I booked the entire floor?” His eyebrow raises as he speaks.

  “Are you gonna sex me all over New York City?” I begin tugging at his tie as the smirk on his handsome face spreads into an all out grin.

  “I was planning to fuck you all over the world… If that would be okay with you, Ms. Apple?” He teases and my heart sinks just a little.

  There are times when I completely forget the deceit, or elephant, in our relationship, and others when it’s just so obvious or unavoidable. This is one of the times it sneaks up on me in a perfect moment, ruining everything. I don’t want to lie to him, and yes I understand I can just tell him the truth so don’t even say it.

  Of course I want to tell him everything. Of course I do! But will he still love me? I know he thinks he’s in love with Alicia, so that shouldn’t make a difference, right? But what about when he finds out the only two women he’s ever loved have both lied to him and deceived him, even worked with his enemy? Will he still feel the same then?

  “Come here,” he pulls me arm, jolting me from my thoughts.

  There’s a small private room in the back corner, the outer wall is made of glass overlooking the city, but to the cooks and servers on the top floor, we’re invisible.

  “I love you, Daphne,” the words just roll off his tongue now. I can’t even count how many times he’s said it, but it never depreciates in value, every time I hear it my heart skips a beat and I wonder how I could be so lucky to be loved by a man so special.

  “I love you, Derrick,” I rise on the balls of my feet to kiss him after my declaration, and we share a long passionate kiss, sliding our tongues slowly against each other, until our lust grows unbearable. As always, Derrick grips my neck, twisting and turning me to his will, dominating me with his masterful mouth.

  “I really wanted to make love to you at home,” he groans, ripping my blouse open.

  “We can still do that,” I seductively remind him. It’s a rare day when we only have sex once, so I don’t really understand his feigned apprehension.

  Running my fingers down his pants, tracing his hard length, he freezes as he always does the second the second I touch him there. Those beautiful blue eyes hidden as he closes them and bites his bottom lip. Slowly, I unbutton his pants after unbuckling his belt. I can see his abdomen muscles flexing through his thin white button down shirt. He knows what I want, and he’s eager to get what’s coming to him.

  Settling onto a seat, I pull him toward me, so his pelvis is right at my mouth level. He can’t hide the smirk as he prepares to feel my wet tongue lapping along that monstrous cock.

  “Why are you torturing me?” He asks while running his hand through my hair, forcing me to look up into his eyes. Regardless of what I’m doing, whenever I look at him its always there, that look of pure love and desire in his gaze. I’ve been in relationships before, even thought I’d loved other men, but nothing like this. Our connection is electric and all encompassing. We’re inseparable and constantly seeking to please each other.

  “Ever heard of delayed gratification?” I tease him further, while slowly unzipping his pants. When I pull his boxers down, his cock flies out and I catch it with both hands. Derrick is already tilting his hips forward, desperate for the warmth of my mouth.

  “Are you eager for something?” I scrunch my nose in confusion.

  “Suck it, love,” he pleads and I decide he’s head enough teasing.

  Running the flat of my tongue across the head of his pre-cum glistened manhood, I hear the breath escape him. Glancing up, his head has already fallen back before I’ve even traced the thick vein to the root of his cock. Twisting my head as I lap all eleven inches with my saliva, I can feel his pulse through his member, he’s throbbing already.

  Taking him into my mouth is not just for him, I love sucking Derrick off. It’s the most power I get in our sex, which he usually dominates. Don’t get me wrong, he finds a way to control this too, but not as much as the other things we do. He’s a bit of my slave when I’m sucking him off, completely at my will and he’s never as desperate or needy. I small part of me likes him that way. He’s at my complete disposal, and I always seize the moment.

  This isn’t even accounting for how good he tastes. There’s always a small sampling of cum when I first push him to the back my throat, while the shaft of his cock tastes more of his regular flavor – a blend of body wash, sweat, and another component that can only be described as Derrick.

  I know what you’re thinking, I can see it on your face. You’re wondering why I keep taking things further with him, keep letting myself fall further in love, when I haven’t yet told him the truth. I’m going to have to guess you’ve never seen an eleven inch cock, because it has a way of stealing your thoughts and distracting you at all times. I’m not trying to brag, and I don’t want you to feel bad, but listen, it’s hard to explain. I’m addicted to him and can’t find my reasoning or critical thinking skills whenever I’m around him. Besides, right now I’m thoroughly enjoying myself, so don’t disrupt me with guilty thoughts again.

  Derrick’ member hardens even further against my tongue, I love that part. It’s like I turn him on more and more until he can no longer take it, and he just explodes wherever he is. It doesn’t matter, I’ve had his spunk all over my body. He cums in quarts so I’ve pretty much bathed in it.

  “Ungh!” He grunts when I begin jacking his base with both of my hands, swiveling in opposite
directions like I’m grinding pepper. As much of him as I can take is shoved down my throat, my head bobbing and swiveling while my hands work overtime.

  “Fuck!” He bites out and I know he’s close. Derrick tries to fight back his orgasm every time, but I know it only makes it more intense so I don’t complain.

  My jaws are sore from the stretching, but I can’t let that bother me when he’s so close to release. My hands and mouth begin working overtime, my pace rapid as the salty taste of his cum first shoots in short squirts while he grunts and grips my hair. He’s really going to make me work for this one, but I know I’ll be rewarded, so I keep going. Reaching my hand behind his cock, I grab his heavy balls and massage them roughly, squeezing them as I keep jacking him with one hand and bobbing my head on his tip.

  “Oh fuck, love!” He growls and I know he likes it. I keep this up for a few more moments, as he spreads his legs wider so I can really grip his balls.

  “Do the two hands, baby,” he grunts, his hand on the back of my head as his hips thrust forward, seeking more of my mouth. He loves when I twist him like a pepper grinder, so I jack him hard this way while looking up at him.

  Derrick gets some sort of kick out of watching his cock go in and out of my mouth, but when I look at him while doing it, it takes him to a whole different level.

  “You’re gonna make me cum,” he bites out, as I stare up at him with watery eyes, from my gag reflex as he jams into the back of my throat.

  “Mmmm,” I hum while holding his tip at the back of my throat and he loses it from the vibration. Thick, creamy cum shoots out of his cock and I immediately cup his balls, massaging every drop out. His eyes are closed in pleasure while his hips continue to slowly surge forward, and his member spasms in my mouth.


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