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The King's Secret Bride_A Royal Wedding Novella

Page 42

by Alexis Angel

  “Go fuck yourself, then.” I tell her.

  She takes a step back.

  I need to get my shit together. This is just a cluster fuck.

  But even though I don’t want to admit it…I know I’m hurt. I’m lashing out.

  I’m proving to be just as bad as she thinks I am.

  Christ, maybe she’s even right.

  “You wanted to be different, then. Is that it, Kat? Because this shit you’re pulling right now—you’re fucking proving to me that you’re just more of the same. You might have a tasty pair of tits, but other than that, you’re just like the rest of the pack. You say this is your fault? Fuck that—it’s mine. I guess I didn’t fuck you hard enough to convince you that this where you belong.”

  She steps back, and her face falls in between expressions for a moment, so I know I’ve hurt her.

  “Every woman is just a fuck to you,” she starts. Her voice sounds like it’s about to break. “I don’t have to take this personally. You get bored with every pair of tits that crosses your path. Don’t think I’m going to fucking grieve for you. I’m not angry—no, fuck that.”

  I watch her brow furrow in frustration.

  This is tearing her apart. I know it’s fucking true.

  I can feel it tearing me apart, too.

  “Go on then, Kat. Say your fucking piece,” I urge her.

  “I’m—stop fucking looking at me like that, Will.”

  I step closer to her, and she doesn’t step back.

  Arms crossed over her chest, she looks up at me defiantly.

  I can smell her.

  Christ. Even now, she’s fucking wet for me.

  It’s warm and thick, and there’s heat rising between her breasts.

  I want to grab her. Oh fuck do I want to.

  I want her to yell at me while I fuck her.

  I want to taste her when she’s fired up like this.

  My cock is so stiff right now, it’s going to start aching for her soon if I don’t do something about it.

  I usually exercise it several times a day on different women, and now, the damn thing lies there quietly until it senses Kat nearby. Then it bounces up and points at her like a fucking bloodhound.

  ‘I want you,’ I want to say.

  It’s the most honest thing in me.

  So I do it.

  “Look, Kat. I fucking want you. I want you more than I have ever wanted any woman. And guess what? I want you more than once. In fact, I can’t fucking stop thinking about you. I think that’s pretty fucking special. But since you can’t see that…”

  She gulps, face turning down as her eyes keep on mine. She doesn’t blink at all, just like a cat. It’s frightening.

  “How can I believe anything you say?” Her voice is so quiet, and I can’t tell if its rage or loss. “You probably tell every single woman the same fucking story.”

  “You know what?” I say, taking a step back, pulling out my wallet. “I’m done with this shit.”

  I pull out all the cash I have on me in a big wad and throw them at her.

  She flinches but doesn’t move.

  “I’m giving you a full refund. No more rides on this fucking cock for you. Consider this a good faith payment as a return on your damaged goods. And you can keep my fucking job too. I don’t give a fuck. I’ll make sure the rest of your rebate gets paid in your next bonus. Until then, kiss this hard ass goodbye.”

  I slam the door hard on the way out, just hoping to have broken some of her shit.

  I don’t fucking need this.

  What I need is her—and if she can’t fucking see that by now, I’m gone.


  I thump my sorry ass down on the couch, wine in one hand, food in the other.

  I get the cork off the bottle and take a swig.

  Who the fuck even needs a glass?

  I pull over the laptop and click on Bea.

  I’m way too mad to just sit here or do some work. Too tired from the long day to work out.

  The brown paper bag full of Thai food is giving off an amazing smell, and I decide to have a look through. I pull out some crispy rolls and start munching on them.

  I didn’t realize I was so hungry.

  I guess fucking my whole life up in an instant does that to a girl.

  I have to admit, Will does have excellent taste in food.

  Shitty taste in women, though.

  At this point, myself included.

  I decide then and there that I’m going to eat everything in this bag. I shove in another pile of noodles in my mouth.

  Then, my screen lights up.

  Video chat from Bea. I answer immediately.

  “Hey sis, what’re you doin’?” Bea smiles widely across the screen.

  “Ruining everything,” I tell her, forcing a smile. “And destroying like a billion calories worth of Thai food while I’m at it.”

  It comes out too loud. Bea immediately takes a closer look at me.

  “Babe, honey, what the fuck? You look like you just went ten rounds with an ostrich.”

  “Bea, I seriously don’t want another run through of that time you were a zoo keeper.”

  “The bitch has a bite tonight! What’s the trouble bubble?”

  “Will,” I say. One word, and my eyes burn with tears. Fuck this. “Will is fucking trouble. I should’ve known it. I fucking should’ve seen it coming. But here I am, crying into my fucking wine.”

  Bea chuckles. “Babe, you don’t know how to fucking cry. Remember that time—”

  “No,” I shake my head. “I don’t want to wander off down memory lane tonight. I just want this to be over, Bea.”

  “Why don’t you tell me what happened?”

  “It started with his sister today. She gets up in my face about Will, being all fucking catty about it too. So, I wasn’t fucking happy. Then I get in, and he’s not here. So, I decide to do some snooping. Well, I’m not going into the details—but Google knows a lot about Will. There’s so much smut under his name I’m surprised it doesn’t sync data with the local garbage collectors.”

  Bea gives a chuckle and a nod. “But you love him anyway.”

  At least, I’m breathing more easily now. I’m still fucking mad, but I’m starting to think clearly.

  “Probably,” I sigh. “But he’s a dick, and he’s gone. C’est la fucking vie.”

  It’s a real fucking shame that with the thoughts come feelings.

  Will’s blue eyes getting dark and stormy. That split second of hurt I saw across his face. Those sweet dark eyelashes against his pale cheeks as he sleeps.

  “I don’t give a fuck,” I mutter, not even realizing I’m still on call with Bea.

  “Sounds like you do, babe.”

  Suddenly, a buzzing noise fills my apartment. Someone’s ringing me at the gate, wanting to be buzzed up.

  Bea and I say our goodbyes as I head for the door. Will doesn’t always use the buzzer. He gets into most buildings just by being Will Ambrose, and he’s been here before so the desk probably wouldn’t care.

  Intellect and emotion rarely meet in the middle. All these good reasons still add up to my heart whispering at me.

  It’s Will, come to declare his love.

  Fuck off. As if.

  “Hello?” I push the button.

  “I have a Mr. Paxton here for you, ma’am. He says he would like to talk business with you. He is your associate?”

  I think for a second. This is a bit weird.

  It’s getting late. I’ve never had a client visit me at home before. But, then again, I’ve never been CEO of a big company before.

  I increased Paxton’s profits significantly in the last few days. Maybe he wants to make new investments. Really, he shouldn’t be calling on me personally.

  I know that. I also know the rules at the top are not everyone’s rules.

  Rich, busy people do things that they shouldn’t because they know that they can.

  I know how to deal with Paxton. And I wan
t to deal with anything other than my fucking feelings for Will right now.

  This can only work in my favor.

  Besides, it’ll be nice to rub Will’s nose in it after I add investments and increase profit.

  If he ever talks to me again after all of this, I guess.

  I click the button.

  “Let Mr. Paxton up, please.”


  I smoke it out to the country club as fast as I can. As I roll up to my private area, I see a couple of caddies get up and come running, even at this time of night.

  There’s some kind of function going on in the main rooms, and I know they keep the place fully staffed for rich pricks just like me.

  I wave a hand at the caddies and push into my rooms.

  I’m not in the mood for that shit. I grab my pack and my whiskey and set off in a golf cart.

  I push the little beast far out on to the course, where it’s nice, quiet, and dark.

  I throw my clubs on the ground and tip back the bottle, gulping down a good measure before I can even think.

  I bend over, gripping my knees.

  Who the fuck is she? This hot cunt, thinking she can speak to me like that? What makes her so special, so smart?

  I put the bottle down carefully and thrash the fuck out of my golf bag before I can actually get the clubs out.

  This is what you have caddies for. I set up a few balls, grab a nice heavy iron, and swing the shit out of it. After hitting the balls, I whip the grass a bit, bending the iron.

  “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” I yell out loud.

  This night is fucked. Everything is fucked.

  I didn’t know there were women in the world like Kat.

  It’s not something I ever thought about.

  Surrounded by sharks and bimbos, I made the only defense I could.

  Be the bad boy, fuck the shit out of them, and never look back.

  Simple. Everything in life was just fucking simple.

  I sit down on the grass, leaning my back and head against it as I tip the whiskey back again.

  I know what makes Kat think she’s special, and smart.

  Because she fucking is—that’s why. She knows it.

  She’s fully aware of her self worth.

  She can speak to me like that because I’m a womanizing cunt with a reputation as long as my rock-hard cock. I don’t know why I ever thought anything could happen.

  I just took one look at her and thought, well, here I am with my cock in my hand…or in a bow, whatever, and there’s a foxy bit of woman in a sexy thin shift—and why the fuck not?

  How could I have not known the difference between banging girls and making love with a woman?

  I honestly thought making love was messed up bullshit in movies or something. No one alive ever actually did it.

  But now, I can’t stop thinking about that velvet skin under my hands. The way she swallowed my cock—not just playing with it or sticking the head between her lips, but really getting it down her throat.

  The way her eyes roll back with pleasure as she’s doing it.

  I want her. I want her so bad I’d be happy to just sit next to her and hear her talk…with a great big raging boner, of course.

  But if she never wanted to fuck me again, I’d take that sweet scent and throaty voice over nothing at all.

  I run through a list of casual bimbos in my mind.

  Sluts I can bang any way I please to take out my frustration.

  No feelings, no love—just bare ass fucking.

  My cock doesn’t even twitch. It refuses to rise.

  But if I run Kat’s gold eyes through my head, it instantly stiffens up.

  There’s a faint sound of crunching grass, and I jump up, swinging my poor bent club.

  Might as well be my fucking cock for all the use it is.

  “Thought I’d find you here.”

  “What the fuck, Sarah? How did you find me?”

  “This is where you always go. In the rough of the ninth…Didn’t you realize? This is where you came that day you struck out on the Anderson account.”

  I have to laugh as I sit back down and swig the whiskey. “Yeah, that was a cool five million in the dust.”

  “You had to fuck the daughter, didn’t you?”

  “Sarah! I told you before—she tied me to the bed. For fuck’s sake. You expect me to not get hard when she jumps on me?”

  “Alright. I didn’t come here for disgusting details which are likely untrue.”

  I leave that the fuck alone and take another swallow.

  Sarah sighs.

  “Look, Will. I’ve been looking for you all day. I spoke to Kat today and…well, I don’t know. I kind of felt bad about it. Something was off.”

  “She mentioned it.”

  “Oh, you spoke to her?”

  I gulp down more whiskey.

  “If yelling counts as speaking, then yes.”

  “Oh, Will. What the fuck now? Is she going to leave the firm? I don’t—”

  “Will you shut the good goddamn fuck up about the company?” I yell.

  I come up, flinging the bottle down in a rage.

  “As if I have ever gave a fuck about that! You care more about the company than you do about me, and you always have! I’m here fucking hurting, you bitch, because…because I…”

  “Holy fucking shit, Will.”

  Sarah is standing a few feet away, and she’s brought her arms around herself, as if she’s cold.

  “You love her.”

  “No, I don’t. I…I don’t know what I fucking feel.”

  I put my head down.

  Take a deep breath.

  I want to feel Sarah’s arms go around me. I want her to pull me close.

  “I’m so sorry, Will. I wanted something like this to happen, but I didn’t think you actually had it in you. I was trying to scare her off today, because I thought by now, you would have found a new fuck toy. I’m so sorry I didn’t realize. But I’ll tell you what.”

  She takes a step back, and her grin is kind of like the one she used to wear when we broke into Dad’s liquor cabinet as kids.

  “If you’re in love, I can’t be happier for you. She’s a great girl. The two of you make an awesome team.”

  “So what the fuck do I do now?”

  “Go to her, you fucking idiot! And don’t be a jerk! Tell her how you feel!”

  “It’s that simple?” I question.

  I want to believe it.

  Sarah grins. “It’s just that simple. Honestly.”


  I let Mr. Paxton in with a wide smile.

  “How are you this evening? Come in, come in,” I greet him.

  I have my work face on, with a smile that looks welcoming but allows me to weasel out what people are really thinking.

  It’s not working tonight.

  Maybe I’m scattered. Maybe Paxton isn’t playing an angle.

  That’s the thing though; everyone is.

  We sit down together on the couch, and since the wine is there, I offer him some. He’s flattered to accept a glass, and he immediately begins to loosen up. He’s talking about a couple of offshore investments, things I’ve actually been looking for at his portfolio.

  “I’ve had those on the read list for some time,” I say, pandering to him.

  My smile is wide and genuine now, enjoying this moment of mental mimic. I’ve also probably had too much wine.

  “How soon can we move on this?” he asks, taking another sip. “I’m hoping to move several million into this from the others on slow return.”

  “Of course,” I say.

  I take a quick look at my computer. Always on. Like Will.

  Shut the fuck up.

  “So, I think—hey!”

  As I turn back, I see Paxton taking off his jacket.

  He gives me an out of place, something’s off, kind of smile.

  “It’s so hot in here,” he comments.

  His voice is very quiet, I’m not su
re what to say.

  I’m getting a weird vibe now. It’s not that warm. This is awkward as fuck.

  I invited him in, so I don’t feel like I can’t just kick him out because I feel weird.

  He’s a top client; I have to try and handle this delicately.

  “Look, Mr. Paxton—”

  “No, honey, no,” he interrupts as he shakes his head.

  His eyes seem to crawl all over me.

  “I’ve got to be honest. When I heard Ambrose was getting a new CEO, I was mostly relieved. Will’s a top business man, but he blows meetings all the time. I was happy to have someone new on the job. The way you handled that phone call…”

  His eyes take on a dreamy look.

  Oh, fuck.

  The phone call when Will was fucking me.

  What did this old pervert hear?

  “I’ve never been inspired like that,” he admits.

  He reaches out and squeezes my knee.

  Right, that’s it.

  I quickly stand up and take a step back.

  “I cannot allow you to touch me, Mr. Paxton. This is unacceptable behavior.”

  He falls on to his knees in front of me and gazes up at me like a lovesick boy at his first dance.

  “Yes, honey. Do me just like that. Tell me what I can and can’t do. I need you to punish me.”

  “What the fuck!”

  “Yes! Swear at me! What next? Lick your shoes, oh, please tell me I can lick you shoes. Make me.”

  I take a step back, “Ah, I think, we had a cross in communication, somewhere…”

  “No! Don’t lose it! No! Talk to me in that stern voice! Look, I’ve got cash—a lot of it—on me. I know you’re an important woman, buying your cooperation in this won’t come cheap, but—”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Yes! That’s the tone! Call me your pay pig, your money hunk, human ATM! Make me give you that cash, honey!”

  Oh shit.

  I keep backing away towards the balcony. I really don’t know what to do now.

  This is some freaky kinky shit I have wandered into. I know some guys like being dominated—but fuck.

  This is just weird.

  He goes back to his coat and pulls out a handful of money. He gets up, green pieces fluttering everywhere as he advances on me.

  “Look how I blow for you honey, I blow my hot, hard, cash all over the place, just for you. Because you’re special. I haven’t had a boner like I got on that phone call since I was a teenager. What were you doing? Handling my money? Oh, tell me you had those sweet hands all over my money.”


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