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The King's Secret Bride_A Royal Wedding Novella

Page 51

by Alexis Angel

  My hands wildly reach out for my breasts, squeezing them and pinching my nipples. I just can’t get enough sensation on top of everything that’s already happening to my body.

  "Fuck, you look so fucking hot," Xavier growls out. His hands roam up and down my thighs, spreading me wider as rolls his hips to fuck me hard and deep in every long stroke. He finally pulls me against his lap and sets me up, and even though my legs are shaking like I’m housing and earthquake, I put my palms flat on the floor behind me and I ride that fucking cock like my life depends on it. He’s so close to coming, and my pussy is strangling that cock, ready to milk every last drop of what he’s got and then some. My thighs are such a sticky mess from my own cum. And I realize immediately what I want and tell him, "Come in my mouth so I can taste my pussy all over your cock while I swallow you."

  Xavier grins wickedly, pulling me off his cock and immediately laying me flat on the floor. He wastes no time in slamming his cock into my mouth and fucking my face with the same raw intensity he showed before.

  I taste the tangy sweetness of my pussy and the salty cum erupting from his cock. I suck so hard that my cheeks hollow in, tightened and tingling. He’s fucking into my throat, and I know it will probably be a little raw tomorrow, but it will all be worth it. Eventually I’ll regain control of all of my senses, but for now, I’m held captive by the lust he draws from my body.

  "Jackie, you looks so fucking hot with my cock in your mouth," Xavier says, shooting hot jets of cum deep down my throat, and he pulls back so that he’s loading up just my tongue. I’m gasping at my own thundering orgasm, and Xavier pulls back even more and just comes all over my body. He shoots my tits up with thick, creamy whiteness, slathers my belly, and has plenty left over to mix with the mess I made on my thighs. I’m coated in him, marked like I’m all his, and it is making me wild. I’m so wanton, running my hands all over his cum and soaking myself with it. I’ll need the hot post-sex washcloth or to soak in a tub to clean off this cum coating later, but right now I just want him all over me. I want to smell like his cum, and have so much on my skin that even after I’ve cleaned off tomorrow, I feel like I can still smell Xavier’s orgasm all over me.

  "Fuck," Xavier moans, releasing his cock from his grip and collapsing on top of me. We’re basically super glued together, but all I care about his that his lips are on mine. He kisses me with such a hungry passion; you’d think we hadn’t fucked in such a raw and intense way just now, and that we were just about to. It answers every question I might have about whether or not Xavier desired me, too, and I want to kiss him like this all night. My clit flutters and my pussy clenches just at the way his tongue feels on mine. All night, Xavier has proven to be this unique mix of rough and tender that could totally be used in brainwashing. Like, I forgot my name, I forgot where I was, and I became focused on kissing him and feeling the way he’s scooped me up into his arms.

  He carries me off to his shower, the master bathroom of his apartment containing a massive shower where he sits me on a ledge inside.

  Xavier says nothing, and just washes me clean. When he’s finished, he washes my hair and after I’m done, I watch him and I’m just enamoured with how fucking sexy he looks with the water dripping down his body. My fingers lazily touch my pussy, just a reaction to watching him and wanting to feel him there again, remember what that incredible body felt like when it was wrenching every last drop of pleasure from me.

  He smiles at me, raising his eyebrows at my hand on my pussy. "You wanna go again, Jackie?" Xavier asks.

  My hand shoots off my pussy. "No, I have to be able to walk...and work...and talk tomorrow!" I say, laughing. "I just couldn’t help myself," I explain.

  Xavier walks over and puts my sticky fingers into his mouth, sucking them clean.

  "I think I can’t resist tasting you, either," Xavier says. He drops his head between my thighs and so fucking feather softly takes his tongue and traces slow circles over my clit. His fingers spread my pussy and he gently laps at my sensitive folds.

  I thought I would be too oversensitive for this right now and I prepare for the overload that makes this almost uncomfortable, but I realize quickly that’s never happening because Xavier, the perfect fucking gentleman, has a degree in how to eat my pussy so good. I’m whimpering and shuddering but it is never too much. It is so exactly right that I’m moaning loudly and crying out with a happy surprise as a little miracle orgasm makes my toes curl hard. I squirt hard, rubbing my pussy all over Xavier’s face, my hands gripping his hair, when he finally brings me to an earth-shattering orgasm.

  He comes back to kiss my face, his lips coated in my cum, and I kiss him playfully, nibbling at him and enjoying sucking my pussy juices off his tongue.

  "Fuck," I say finally when I come up for air. "It is almost like we’ve both needed to get these orgasms out for a long time," I say.

  "Yeah, Jackie, I don’t think I’ve ever come so much or so hard in my life. I fucking need you, and I had to have you," Xavier says. He sounds so possessive, so genuine, and my heart is tugged at the intensity of it all.

  He turns off the shower and scoops me up again, getting me to a plush towel and back to his bedroom.

  "You are welcome to stay," Xavier offers. "But I know you probably want me to take you to your car...and that you’ve got work you’re probably thinking you’re doing tonight."

  I laugh. "Damn, you know me so well," I say with a smile.

  He takes me home and I do pore over the case files, but I do so deliciously sore from just how thoroughly Xavier fucked me.


  We're all here in my office. Marcus, Jason, and I are getting ready to meet with Damian Cain. I hope his reputation doesn't precede him and that he's not that hard to work with. If we can get him to rein in his bad boy status we just might have a chance at winning this thing.

  "So guys, are we prepared as to what to do to help Damian?"

  "Yeah we've got everything ready to go," Marcus tells me.

  "Good. I want this meeting to go smoothly.

  So, Damian walks in 10 minutes late and he's definitely handsome. He's wearing a leather jacket over some expensive collared shirt and pants. Damn. I can see why girls flock to him, and why the media does, and also I see the excitement in him that Emma was probably attracted to.

  "Hi, Damian. Please come in and sit down." I gesture for him to sit. "These are my partners on the case, Jason and this is Marcus. We are the best of the best and we plan to represent you well."

  "Well, you know I didn't do it right?" Damian says wryly with this ultra-smug grin. I'm surrounded by alpha males all the time; I swear, but honestly that shit never gets old. I just don’t want it to lose his case.

  "That's what we're here to figure out," Jason says.

  "Okay, but as my lawyers, I need you to know I didn't do it and I would never do such a thing. You have to understand that. Okay? We can't move forward if you think I could be guilty of this heinous act. I don't care what they say in the media. This case has given me a bad rap for life, and it could potentially end my life, so I need you guys to understand how serious this is."

  "We do, we do. That's why we're in this case, to get you free. We don't want anyone who's going to jail to be innocent, okay?" Jason's trying to settle him.

  "And, we're competent at our jobs and as long as you keep telling us the truth about what happened I think we have a real shot at winning this thing." Marcus also tries to make him feel better.

  I'm sitting back in my chair enjoying the view of the three alpha males going up against each other. It's hot to see them arguing back and forth and having this banter. I imagine I might like to have all three of them. But then I think how Marcus and Jason are about all I can handle. Plus, I need to be focused on justice, not men.

  "So, Damian tell us what happened," I say.

  "Well, I met Emma at a local club called Rotate. She was so sexy and things really got dirty between us. We flirted all night and she asked if I wanted to
come back to her apartment. Of course, I did and we had sex, obviously. We got together a few more times after that, but on the might of the murder, she acting super jealous of other girls she had heard I'd been with. We got into a huge argument and I left her place pissed about it. Emma was just acting irrational and I realized I needed to get out of there. I mean I wasn't her boyfriend or anything even close to that, so I didn't think it mattered. I left her apartment and just went home and passed out. The next thing I know, she was murdered by the next day. I swear I don't know how it happened. I was just traumatized after the event, thinking that I had left her there right before someone came in and took her life. I just couldn't believe that happened. She was so beautiful and gorgeous and she had a whole life to lead. I did not fucking do this and I would not have ever done some shit like this. There’s bad...and there’s fucking evil."

  His remorse at not being there to protect her seems sincere and I'm definitely starting to believe and to know in my heart that Damian did not do this.

  Not that it matters one fucking bit on a case. We're presenting a case, and the truth whether people like to admit it or not is that when you bring a case to court, only the best argument matters. The truth, and justice...well you just hope they win with that best argument.

  "Also, you know, I wasn't the only fling. She had other boyfriends, and I think she might've been upset over one of them. I don't know. I'm under the impression that they were boring guys, business guys. But she was definitely sleeping with other people. She liked me because I wasn't like them. I was a challenge to her and life with me is always thrilling so she loved that. It's not like I didn't want to be with here. I did. I just didn't want to be so committed. I don't commit to any girl. Not at this point in my life. But, she was wild. Who knows what she had going on in her life."

  "That's interesting," Marcus chimes in. "You said there were other boyfriends?"

  "Yeah, so what?"

  "We'll according to our paperwork the police didn't even bother to check them out. That's a major oversight and I think there might be an angle there."

  "You are so right Marcus, Any one of them should be suspects and I think we should hone in on that," Jason agrees.

  "Good jobs guys," I say. I also agree with them completely. This is a good opening for us to see what’s what on this whole case, and what might be waiting to be pointed out and crack this wide open.

  I turn toward Damien and let that little air of excitement cast a small smile over my face, but I need to impress upon him that he needs to take our jobs seriously. Innocent or not, if the case doesn’t go well, his ass won’t be wearing sexy suits and going to clubs, it'll be wearing an orange jumpsuit. Plus, his shoe, well, it would be a shame to see them go canvas. "Listen, Damian, that's what happens when you're completely transparent with us. We can help you. Because you told us everything, do you see how we found a new angle to go on? You've gotta keep in touch with us and consider us your team in everything. And, please tell us anything you remember, even if it seems insignificant."

  "Yeah, if you think of anything more, be sure to fill us in okay?" Jason knows the importance of getting all the facts.

  "Okay sure guys, thanks for listening and I'm trusting you on this. This is my entire future and you have to handle this thing right and defend me. God knows I'm paying you enough."

  "You are Damian, but it's never about money for us. We believe in representing the law and in providing justice and a fair trial," I say, feeling kind of offended he would ever think my job is only about money. "We will work hard for you, but our motto is innocent until proven guilty. We definitely want to help you because we know you're innocent. Okay? Believe in that."

  "Okay, thanks. Thanks for your time and I guess we'll be in touch."

  Damian leaves and we all sit around and look at each other.

  "Wow," I say "He's kind of a handful." I knew he was a smug, bad boy shit, but the attitude? Well, he doesn’t need to face off against anyone who isn’t trying to defend him. Prison will so clash with his assholish ways.

  "Yeah, he is," Marcus agrees. I sense a little pissing contest in the room because of all this testosterone. Ha, like we need that right now...and, yes, I know I’ve been getting my Vitamin D on the regular, but we’ve got work to do, you know?

  "I mean he's gonna hard to wrangle in court. We need to act professionally. He's got to get in line in terms of how he communicates."

  "I know that part will be hard."

  "Okay, so what do we have to go on?" I ask.

  Jason is all business. He says, "I think Marcus was right and the fact that she had other boyfriends is our best point of leverage at this moment. In fact, I will check it out tonight. Okay?"

  "Okay, that sounds great, Jason thanks." I thank him for giving us the night off.

  "Yeah thanks, man. Hopefully, we uncover something there."

  "All right I'll check it out, you two call it night."


  I’m driving all cautious with Jacqueline in the car. She’s precious cargo, and I can’t forget to control myself around her. She’s not some girl you get all messy with. She demands respect and I love that about her.

  "Know any great spots?" I ask her, staring all the while at her beautiful legs. I love when she changes out of her work attire into something more comfortable. She always does that, and when she lets her hair down after a long day, I’m all kinds of swooning, watching it fall over her shoulders. Man, she’s got me good because I’m thinking about things she always does and really, we haven’t known each other all that long. Still, I’m utterly focused on every fucking thing this girl does.

  "Well, there’s this place called The Robertson that’s pretty nice."

  "I know it," I say as I take a turn to head over there. How could I not know it? I’ve been to every bar in town, with every girl in town also. I used to be a playboy I guess you could say. All the rumors are true. But now, since I’ve met Jacqueline, all that is starting to change. "Now there’s a statement I never thought I’d make," I think to myself. I’ve got to impress this girl tonight.

  We go to the place and I’m thankful the doorman doesn’t announce me by name, giving away the fact that he knows me and that he’s seen me with a bevy of women. Jacqueline does not need to know that. She probably suspects it, but it doesn’t need to be rubbed in her gorgeous face. Mmm, I can think of something I’d rub all over those full lips. I’d like to see them sticky with my cum ... and now I’m getting distracted. We have a fun night before us, but I can’t put the cock before the drink, though.

  As we head in, she takes my hand and I'm pleased. It’s gonna be a great night, and after the day we’ve just had I’m sure we both need a drink to unwind.

  "Ahhh, “she says, climbing onto a leather barstool. "I need a drink."

  "Me too."

  I order us two shots of Patron tequila and two Coronas, nothing fancy.

  "Perfect. Thanks Marcus. So . . . you’ve been here before? Let me imagine, you and a girl? You and two girls?" She’s laughing at me now, teasing me all the way.

  "Yeah, I’ve been here before," I admit. "It’s one of the swankiest bars in town. I’m surprised I never saw you. You could have been one of those two girls." I rib her right back.

  She glares at me, but I know she loves it. "Don’t dish it if you can’t take it," I say, laughing.

  We cheers our drinks and guess what she says? "Here’s to the playboy, Marcus!"

  Can you believe that? She’s constantly giving me such a hard time. I’d like to give her something harder, and put her in line. I grit my teeth at the thought of having her right here over this bar and I’m rock-fucking-hard imagining her tight pussy squeezing around my cock.

  Instead of focusing on that, though, I turn to face her and pull my stool closer. I spread her legs enough to insert mine between hers. She closes her legs upon me and I can tell she wants me too. I can tell I’m getting to her, that we are getting closer. I love the feeling of just being near h

  She switches the subject. "You know this case is going to be a tough one to crack."

  "It is, but I think with Jason we can do it." I respect Jason. He’s a total boss. Plus, he’s got seniority and as much as I hate to admit it, I can learn from him.

  "Yes, Jason, plus you and me, and we’ve got this thing in the bag."

  We cheers to that and she sips on her beer, and I see her luscious lips surround the bottle and it amuses me and makes me wish they were around my cock instead.

  "You know, I think we have to work to keep Damian in line," she says. "He’s kind of a loose cannon. If we can make him realize how his demeanor in court could influence the case, then maybe we’ll get him off. Plus, there’s that new evidence. We’ve got to cross check our sources and get this thing under wraps." She’s all business it seems. And, when she talks like this, I’m reminded of how incredibly smart she is and that entices so much. I am so impressed by her.

  "It’s a good thing Jason’s on that," I say. I need him at this moment to pull through. This is my first case, and I’m assigned to do it with two partners. More than ever I’ve gotta win this thing. I want to prove it to Jacqueline too. I want her to know that I always win, that I always get what I want. Including her.

  "You know," I say wanting to turn the conversation from business to pleasure. "After the day I’ve just had, I could use more than a drink." I wink at her.

  "Well . . . I need a ride home. You could come up."

  With that I’m guzzling my beer back in a hurry. The sooner we get out of here the better. I take her hand and lead her out of the bar and to my car. I push her gently back so she is leaning on it and we share a deep and intimate kiss. There are so many layers to Jacqueline and I want to know them all. I, being the gentleman that I am, open the passenger side door for her and we drive to her place. I’m getting amped up just being with her, and with the thoughts of what I’ll do to her when we get there.


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