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The King's Secret Bride_A Royal Wedding Novella

Page 56

by Alexis Angel

  "So," I say leaning in to look Aimee in the eye. "Did you know Emma?"

  "Only a little. We talked sometimes when she came in, she was nice," Aimee sounds genuinely sad.

  "Did you ever see her with her boyfriend," I ask gently.

  She smiles. "You mean Damian Cain? Everyone saw them together. Emma was always talking about them and they were always all over each other. You couldn't miss them if you tried."

  "I see did you ever see them fight?" I ask in the same hushed voice that makes this all feel private enough that Aimee, likely a little shaken, will still open up to me.

  "Those two," she says and her voice raises a little and she starts talking faster. "They couldn't unlock lips long enough to fight. I can't believe he killed her." Her smile fades.

  "Nobody knows who killed her yet," I interject. I lean further over the desk and look at the security TV screens. "We have some footage of the night Emma was killed. Footage of the lobby," I say.

  As I speak I notice that she starts to shift from foot to foot.

  I continue, "And there's an irregularity."

  Aimee swallows. "An irregularity?"

  "Yes." I pause. If you’re silent long enough most people will start talking, even if it’s not in their best interest. People hate silence. It creeps up around them, and for a few seconds escaping that silence will make them say things they would have otherwise kept secret.

  "Look," Aimee says taking a deep breath.

  That didn’t take long at all.

  "I don’t want to get anyone in trouble and I don't want to lose my job." She puts her hands up.

  I take one of her hand. "You won't lose your job. I promise." I do mean that. I’m not going to let her lose a job, which she probably needs damned bad, because she helped me.

  "There's a guy that comes in sometimes at night late. He doesn't want to be seen on camera and he pays to have security pause and unpause the camera for him."

  Oh, hell yeah, this is what I need to hear. "What's his name?"

  "I don't know, "she says.” I swear I've never seen him. That's not normally my shift I covered it once so they explained the deal to me, the night shift guy did I mean, but the guy never showed."

  "What's the night shift guy’s name?" I press.

  She bites her lip and looks up at me.

  "Aimee." I say “This could save someone’s life. I need to talk to who ever saw this guy."

  "You promise you won't say I told you."

  "It will be our secret, Aimee. I promise this conversation never happened."

  "Okay…his name is Harry. He works the 7pm to 3am shift. I covered for him once and he told me this guy was important. When he comes in you turn off the camera until he’s in the elevator and when he leaves you turn it off until he’s out of the building. He gives Harry five hundred dollars a week to do it. He told me we would split the money with me but like I said the guy never showed up."

  "How were you supposed to recognize him?" I ask calm and cool but Aimee doesn’t know she’s changing my life right now. I can’t wait to tell Jacqueline.

  "He calls on a burner phone he gave Harry."

  "Sounds like this guy comes around pretty regularly."

  "At least once a week, I gather from what Harry told me. He said he made an extra two grand a month. I know that's probably not a lot of money to somebody like you but Harry has three kids. He won't lose his job will he?"

  "No he won't, and neither will you."

  "Do you think this guy could be dangerous?"

  "Maybe." No point in lying, this is a pretty shady thing she just revealed to me and the inherent danger in it makes her willing to keep this information secret, and perhaps helps her understand that of course I’d do the same.

  "So, you think he killed Emma?"

  "I think he’s got something to hide and people with secrets can be dangerous, Aimee. So I need you promise me you won't tell anyone about this conversation."

  "I promise," she says, looking into my eyes, "my lips are sealed."

  "Thanks Aimee." I shoot her a smile. "You've really helped." I slip her a fifty for her trouble and leave.

  I get back to the car and before I can even shut the door Jacqueline’s pumping me for information.

  "We have to talk to Harry," I say, adrenaline focus keeping me from explaining myself right away.

  "And who might Harry be?" Jacqueline asks, pulling me back to reality.

  "Harry is the guy who turns off the camera for 500 bucks a week." I explain and watch for the intended reaction.

  "What?" Jacqueline eyes go wide.


  I knew my girl would get excited at this lead. She loves the thrill of putting the puzzle together as much as I do. Maybe we should have been private detectives…but I’m not sure that high powered lawyers isn’t the perfect fit.

  "Well," I say, "My new friend Aimee informed me that there's a guy who pays the night attendant 500 a week to turn off the camera's when he enters and exits the buildings. He calls the desk beforehand on a burner phone."

  "So I'm guessing this guy has a wife…and a girlfriend." Jacqueline says.

  "Or he's high profile, real high profile," I counter.

  "It's a possibility, but wouldn't your little friend have recognized him?"

  "She hasn't seen him," I explain. "But Harry has."

  "So I guess we wait to talk to Harry." Jacqueline says, "But in the meantime, Jason needs to know about this." She’s right.


  I settle onto the black leather couch in the living room with a glass of Hibiki. It’s 21 years aged and one of my favorite small indulgences. I take in the spectacular view of the city, the wall of floor-to-ceiling windows in my living room give me, and I try to relax. I trust Jacqueline and Marcus. The Cain case is an uphill battle but I’m confident they're going to find a hole in the prosecutor case. What’s really concerning me are my feelings for Jacqueline. Fucking another partner is one thing, but a relationship is something different altogether. It's a risk but then again I've never been the type of man to play it safe. Besides I always get what I want, and I want Jacqueline.

  A knock at the door snaps me out of my thoughts. I sit down my drink and walk across the room to answer the door. It’s probably Jacqueline. The list of people I allow to bypass the building security is very short. I open the door to find Jacqueline practically vibrating with excitement and Marcus grinning like he just won the lottery.

  "I take you found something useful," I say.

  "We did," Jacqueline says, "and it was too important not to tell you in person."

  I step back and allow Marcus and Jacqueline to enter my penthouse.

  "That's one hell of a view," Marcus says taking in the skyline of the entire city spread out before us.

  "The apartment next door is for sale," I say. "If what you have is a good as you two say it is you should make an offer Marcus."

  "Oh, it's good," Jacqueline says, as she takes off her coat and makes herself comfortable in a chair facing the couch. Marcus does the same. I settle back onto the couch. "Well," I say, "let's hear it."

  "I was right; the tape was altered," Jacqueline says.

  "The girl working the door this afternoon told us that there's a guy who pays to have them turn the cameras off when he enters and exits the building," Marcus adds

  They're right, this is big. "If we can find out who he is and if he's connected to Emma in some way I think we can sleepwalk our way into an acquittal." I smile and sip my drink. "But that’s if," I have to add.

  "Well the attendant did say she thought the guy was married and he was seeing someone in the building but she didn't know who because it's not her shift," Jacqueline says.

  This is looking better and better. "So do we know who he actually bribed?"

  "Thanks to me we do." Marcus says, "And we're going to talk to him tomorrow."

  He sounds pleased with himself. "I take the lobby attendant that gave you all of this information was a woman."
  "Of course," Jacqueline laughs. "She didn’t have much to say to me, but Marcus managed to find out everything she knew." Jacqueline gives credit where it’s due.

  "I have no doubt," I say. "You're right Jacqueline if we can tie the mystery man to Emma it's over for the prosecution, but if we can't . . ."

  "We're right back at square one," Marcus finishes.

  "I know this case is an uphill battle but if we get Cain acquitted we may never have to try another case again," I say.

  "We?" Jacqueline says, smiling at me. "Jason, you haven't needed to work in a decade."

  She’s right. I don’t do this for the money. I laugh. "Fine you two won't have to ever try a case again of you don't want to but I know you'll want to. You both love it."

  "I do," Jacqueline admits. "There's nothing as exciting as getting up in front of that jury and getting the truth out of someone."

  "Nothing?" I say raising an eyebrow.

  "Well almost nothing," she grins and Marcus lets out a low chuckle and it occurs to me that their sleeping together and I'm not bothered by it in the least. Maybe that's because when I look at Marcus I see myself in my younger days. Jacqueline is the perfect partner for the firm and for me and in that way, for him, too. It makes sense it its own way and if makes Jacqueline happy, well, that’s more than enough for me.

  "You've done well." I say. "Drinks?"

  "Yes," Jacqueline says.

  I make, then hand, both Jacqueline and Marcus a highball glass of the spirits they indicate at my bar.

  "So," Jacqueline says, "what if we can't tie to Emma to this mystery man? What if he's cheating on his wife with someone else?"

  "Well I've done a little research of my own, with the building management company and pulled some strings at the bank. Emma paid her own rent every month in cash. So I think there's a damned chance that Mr. Incognito has everything to do with Emma." I say. "But if he doesn't, you're going to do what you best Jacqueline, destroy overzealous prosecutors who don't have airtight cases. It's going to be a battle but it's winnable."

  "True," Marcus agrees. "Their motive is flimsy, at best."

  "Yeah Cain's broken up with a million women. The idea that he'd kill Emma because she wanted to leave him doesn't fly, even with his temper," Jacqueline says.

  "I agree," I chime in. "Cain might be an asshole but that doesn't make him a killer."

  "Besides, Cain says that he and Emma weren't planning to break up. He says he thought she might have been seeing another the guy. This has got be it, so are you thinking what I’m thinking?" Jacqueline asks us.

  "That Mr. Incognito was the one who was about to got his walking papers from Emma and that he snapped and killed her."

  "Exactly," I say.

  "Now all we have to do is convince the jury he exists," Jacqueline says.

  "You're going to convince them." Marcus says. "Wolff is going down."

  "Well I certainly hope he's not the only one." Jacqueline looks at us both that dirty, wicked grin I love seeing spreading across her face.

  "Oh no he's not," I say.

  "Well if you're going to get Cain off I guess we should get you off too." Marcus says putting down his drink as I go over to Jacqueline and pull her into my arms.


  Marcus and I are at Jason's apartment and we've been here for a while. We came to tell him about our latest revelation, that Emma had a secret boyfriend and while Jason is pleased, we still don't have proper evidence.

  I'm excited because it's a lead and at least that's something considering we came from nothing. The mystery of Emma's murder is getting deeper.

  I hate to admit it, but I'm just so ready to quit thinking about this case for a minute. Every time I think of Emma, I feel sad in my heart and like I should do my job better. But, I need to take some time away to refresh my brain and hit reset so that I can come in with a better perspective.

  This has been a big case for me and while I'm happy to be working alongside Jason and Marcus, and even Xavier to a point, I still have had my head in the game.

  I'm not used to losing and I'm not about to start now. I'll win this case one way or the other, the easy or the hard way, but it's looking like I'll win it the hard way and that makes me really grumpy.

  So, here tonight at Jason's apartment I want us all to unwind and to take our mind off things. Jason's been eyeing me seriously the whole night and I'm sure that he expects to get sex, amazing, awesome, powerful sex. But Marcus is here too and there's no way I can blow him off now. Besides, I don't want to. I have real feelings developing for both Jason and Marcus. And while they're different men, that's what I love about them. They are each so different and there's a lot to fall in love with there. Jason, for instance, is a senior partner, a tiny bit older, he's more reserved and that makes him more serious and powerful in bed. Like, I would never want to piss Jason off...though seeing him pissed off and not at me may or may not make me squirm. Fuck, I love a fiery man who’s just a little too passionate, if I’m being honest. I love how he's protective of me and that he just knows he will have me and he will win no matter who else is in the picture. Jason and I have worked to together for a long time and we're finally able to explore those feelings we've had for each other. I want to fuck Jason. I want him to tie me up and to remind me of why he's the boss. I'm like his little kitten that he keeps close and would never get mad at. I can tell he desperately wants me and that he would never, ever hurt me. He may be a man not to mess with, but with me he never gets upset. He only lovingly allows me to be who I am.

  Marcus, now Marcus is another story. He's new and exciting, and yet there's something special there. We have a connection that's deep and it makes me feel like I can trust him despite not knowing him very long. We've had this rare chemistry since the moment we met and with Marcus, I feel like words are unspoken. He knows me at a soul level and that is hot. Plus, he's creative and super smart, and he's always up for a challenge. We're alike in that way and that makes us great partners. And God, I want to fuck Marcus all the time. Whenever I'm around him my panties immediately get wet because he's got that intense hold over me. He looks like a rugged bad boy yet also a model who happens to wear a suit that looks like it was designed with him in mind. He's so fun and I know I'm starting to fall for him.

  Xavier is never far from my mind, either, and more than a little, I wish he was here. I'm just grateful that these two men on my team seem more than willing to share me and do things to my body that make it feel like I’ve been wasting it before them.

  Fuck. Two guys. One night. What's a girl to do? Every fucking thing she wants, that’s what. Time to unwind.

  "How about some drinks?" I suggest breaking the ice. "Martinis anyone?"

  I head over to Jason's bar and take a seat. His apartment is so satisfyingly put together that it almost makes me feel like a kid to be in it. He's got very expensive antiques in here and yet a nice mix of masculinity.

  He asks me what kind of martini I would like and I tell him, "a very, very dirty one."

  I do this with a wink and he gets what I'm intending. I love when things get really naughty between us and then Jason has to put me back in line with his giant cock. Damn. It's all I can do not to start stripping right here, I want Jason so bad. He makes me so hot and horny. As he shakes my martini, Marcus saddles up to the bar.

  "I'll just have beer man if that's cool."

  "Sure thing," Jason says and grabs him a Guinness.


  Jason acts as though he barely notices Marcus and I'm sure that's he's not pretending. Whenever he's with me he makes sure that I know his focus is only on me. He could care less if there was another man or even another woman. Jason has eyes for me alone and that makes me feel so sexy.

  Marcus is pouring his Guinness into a glass and Jason has a dirty martini with me. We clink and cheers and then it's on. I can tell the race is beginning as to who will have me first. I'm innocently sipping on my martini when Jason comes behind me
and asks if he can have a taste, to make sure it's dirty enough. I give him my glass and he takes a slug before his lips are on mine and he's pouring the martini down my throat, from his mouth to mine. He always surprises me. We start making out and Jason's putting his fingers through my hair and forcing my face to his. He's got the right amount of passion for sure.

  "Mmmm, Jason, you taste so good. Let me taste the rest of you." He deserves a little attention after being the boss all day. I bend down to my knees and unzip his pants. His hard cock does not disappoint, not ever. I swallow it down my throat and deep throat it first because it's all I've been dreaming about. But then, I slow things down and pull out my moves. I love when Jason knows that I give the best blow job in town. He better know it. I'm licking it and sucking it and cupping his perfectly sized balls in my hand. I make them nice and wet how I know he likes it. He's moaning and breathing hard before grabs my head and forces it to him. I love when he does this. I can tell he really wants to come. My moves work every time. And my head is bobbing in and out and I moan and groan, letting him know how much I want it. This makes Jason go crazy and he cums deep into my throat, so much cum coursing down my tongue. I lap it up and suck the leftovers. Yum.

  Jason and I are intimately connected and this moment proves that. I will always be his girl—his one and only girl.

  He's smiling down at me and then he like instantly knows that I also want Marcus. I move to I kiss him and Jason's cum is still on my breath, but Marcus doesn't care. He just wants me. I kiss him deeply and I feel into his pants for his erection. I free his cock as quickly as I can and start pumping it with my fist. He seems happy to be at my attention and we kiss and I feel his lengthy cock with my fingers, it’s time to get his pants off so we can have some real fun. I bend down to my knees and pull his pants off. I love being submissive to Marcus. He stands up and forces his cock down my throat, almost to show up Jason? Or maybe watching us just made him want it this way too. Whatever the reason, I am now solely focused on Marcus. A perfect cock down my throat is always a good thing. He forces it so hard that I gag and that makes him go harder. Fuck, he really wants me to feel this. I moan for him as I deep throat him and this makes it grow bigger ... I swear, if that is even possible, but it does. He slows down his motion though and I lick and suck the life out of his cock. But Marcus wants something else because he pulls me up before he comes and he kisses me. But then he bends me over the barstool.


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