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The King's Secret Bride_A Royal Wedding Novella

Page 62

by Alexis Angel

  Jason laughs, and the sensation vibrates us both so hard that we both start yelling, "fuck," and we both come so fucking hard that I can’t believe Jason actually stands, holding me impaled on his cock.

  "Goddamn, I feel like I should alert the news, Mr. Big Tough Lawyer Dude…" the words just trail off.

  "What?" he is laughing at me. "You’re cute."

  "How are you standing?" I ask.

  "I’m splaying you out on this desk so I can look at how beautiful you are after you’ve come with my dick buried in your ass. I want to watch your face while I slowly pull out of you." Jason’s words are dripping with not just lust, but genuine emotion.

  Can your heart have an orgasm? I swear, Jason, Xavier, and Marcus could write a book about the things you should say to women. They’d be doing a real public service.

  He lays me out on the desk and I our eyes lock as he slowly pulls out of me.

  "I’m so glad you and I finally stopped holding back," I tell Jason.

  "I’m so glad to be more part of your life, Jacqueline."

  I lay there, vulnerable, naked, shaky, and I Protected. Cared for.

  And to think that all my filthy boss fantasies ended with such sweet words.

  "God," I say, trying to breathe. "I think I better do some actual work, boss," I say...and the thought turns me on. How funny is that? I do still enjoy the whole he’s my boss dynamic of our relationship, whether or not it is completely true. It is the way he’s so incredibly competent and driven that makes me all tingly to think about working for him...or just tingly thinking about him.

  "Fuck, yeah, we could fuck all day, but there are cases to handle," Jason says, kissing my forehead. He turns and gets me a glass of water.

  Now, that’s a gentleman, ladies. Get a man who can fuck your ass and bring you a water afterward. And if you can call him boss...well, that just all the better. I believe in that whole fulfilled life thing, don’t you?

  "I’m going to work with Marcus on some more legwork on this case," I say, sipping the water he handed me.

  It doesn’t occur to me at first that right after we fucked, maybe Jason doesn’t want to hear about Marcus.

  I look at his face, though, and he seems to only agree with me. "Good thinking. Let me know if you find anything."

  I grab his hand and give it a little squeeze. "Sure thing, boss."

  I stand, and he smacks my ass as I bend to get dressed, his hand lingering to squeeze right afterwards.


  I head over to Marcus's apartment, hoping that maybe he's got a good lead. Everything has fallen into place and I'm thinking about everything I just experienced with Jason. It's so intimate and comforting to know I've got a guy like him on my side. And, yet as my car veers down the winding streets, into the depths of the evening, I'm just as surely thinking about Marcus. I'm so looking forward to seeing him, and also I feel glad that I have a reason to stop by. I hope my spontaneous visit makes him happy. It's the perfect, poetic, romantic kind of night with the stars shining in between dark clouds. The city lights are twinkling in that special way that makes me feel so blessed about where I live. I never get tired of the view around here. How can I be thinking about three men?

  Yes, three. Xavier is lingering in my mind with my whole harem of men and I’m like, fuck, if I'm like an enormous slut, then so be it! Who knew one woman could have so many incredible men in her life.

  I find Marcus’s place and the doorman waves me through. I'm in the elevator trying to prepare myself to see him again. I check my outfit one more time and situate my breasts. When I check out my lipstick in the mirrors that line the inside of the elevator, I realize it needs some liner so I add that. I want to look perfect for him.

  Marcus lives in a pretty posh building and it's clear he probably has so much money that he doesn't need to work a day in his life, but he does work, and that means he has a real sense of integrity. And the fact that he's a lawyer means he has a sense of justice too.

  I knock on his door and he answers promptly, wearing nothing but an expensive pair of designer jeans that fits every inch of him perfectly. His tanned torso, rippling abs, and arms of muscle are greeting me. Finding him this way takes my mind off work and puts it more on him. He's got an amazing physique, and I picture myself biting at his stomach before my head makes its way down to the V shape that is born of muscle and which leads into his pants to the best fucking part. Mmmm, that cock is just waiting for me right now...

  Damn. Was not expecting this kind of reception.

  "Hey, hi, Marcus. I just stopped by to see if you have any more leads. Have you thought of anything that might help us through the Cain case?"

  "Jacqueline!" I'm so glad to see you." And he looks genuinely pleased. "Please come in and make yourself comfortable. Let me just grab a shirt...I was going to hop in the shower."

  "Oh no, it's no problem. In fact, go ahead. I can wait. I mean I didn't even call or anything so..."

  I'm secretly wishing he would just stay like that, half dressed for the entirety of this little meeting, but of course, I say nothing. I just sit on his spacious, gray sectional sofa and let myself stare at him.

  "At least let me pour you a drink to relax first."

  "Okay. Whiskey. Neat."

  "Nice." He comes over with a bottle of blue label something and he pours me what I asked for.

  "I can't drink alone, that would just be sad."

  He gets a glass for himself and we both take long, hard, sips and look into each other's eyes. Ahh, the whiskey is going down so smoothly.

  "Okay, let me just take a quick shower and I'll be right out."

  "Do what you gotta do," I say, happy to relax for a minute.

  There's jazz music playing over his hidden speakers, and I settle in and enjoy my drink. Marcus has a great place and great decor. It's very him. Very downtown, moody, dark, and broody. His place is covered by a lot of blacks and a lot of grays. I get up to look at his art that is on an exposed brick wall. Some classic Ansel Adams pieces, some pieces that I love but don't recognize. Yeah, he's got great taste for sure.

  He's out in no time and he's wearing new jeans, a black t-shirt, and his hair is all wet, falling into his eyes. God, he looks gorgeous. Like some kind of man-God. He's probably what Hercules looked like.

  "So you're an art aficionado?" I ask.

  "I am. You caught me."

  "There's nothing to catch. You've got wonderful taste. I love your place."

  "Thanks, Jacqueline."

  "So why I really stopped by...the Cain case. Have you tracked down the other security guard by chance?"

  "No, you know what? He's on vacation. So that's holding things up."


  "But I think that's odd, don't you? The only other witness or person with possible information is suddenly on vacation?"

  Hmmm, he's right, He's exactly right. "Gosh, Marcus, you are so right. That makes him a suspect."

  "Exactly what I was thinking."

  Wow, he's really smart. He found this way to penetrate the case and it might be our golden ticket. I think about him penetrating me across this couch and it's all I can do not to smile.

  "You've got really good instincts Marcus."

  "Oh yeah? Does that mean I'm not just another big cock to you?"

  I look at him like, "What?" Did he really just say that?

  "I'm joking, I'm joking. Don't take it so seriously."

  "I am serious about you though Marcus." I look at him, imploring him to understand. It's time for my reckoning. "I'm starting to fall for you more and more each day. I love the sex, obviously but I'm starting to really admire you and to actually develop feelings for you. I care what happens to you."

  This is an extremely intimate moment between us, where he's staring at me with affection, searching me to know that what I've just said is true.

  "You really think that?" He says and I see a hopeful expression on his face.

  "Of course. I think you ar
e incredible in a lot of ways."

  He smiles, and I know he understands. So I bring things back around to the case at hand.

  "Do you think Damian is innocent?"

  "I do. I really do. You know why? Because a guy with a temper like that could never have committed this crime the way it was done. He would've acted in rage and left his fingerprints and evidence all over the place. This is premeditated. It's different."

  "Yeah, but Marcus, if we don't find something soon, he'll be found guilty."

  "I know. It weighs on me every day. We can't let an innocent man go to prison. And, Jacqueline, I’m happy to be one the big cocks in your life," Marcus says, and we both laugh.


  I'm getting ready to meet with Jason in his luxurious, I'm-a-senior-partner office. Man, if I kill in court enough maybe I could rise in the ranks and be a partner like Jason, a senior partner. The guy appears to have it all—rank, prestige, power, charisma, and about a million sports cars. Despite our mutual interest in Jacqueline, I'm starting to really become fond of Jason. He's a good guy and he's actually someone I aspire to be like, but I will, of course, keep that information to myself. No need to fluff his feathers, peacock that he is.

  I knock on the door and he says to come in. I do and I'm armed in my Armani suit and various files for us to go over concerning the Cain case.

  "Ahh, Marcus, there you are. Just the man I want to see. So I presume you're here about Cain? Anything more for us to go on?"

  I take a seat in one of his tufted leather armchairs that face his massive desk.

  "Well, I'm sorry to say it but the security footage came up negative. We just can't find anything there worth using."

  A look of consternation crosses Jason's face. He's my boss and I know he's deeply concerned about this case, not just for the company's image, but because he has a vested interest in the truth. I'm hoping to deliver that to him on a silver platter so that he will know he can always trust me. I'd like to be his right-hand man in a way, the person he comes to rely on. I want this because I know I'm good at law and I know that working together Jason and I could achieve a lot.

  "Don't be concerned just yet, because I have another lead."

  "You do?" His face perks up and he's looking at me expectantly. Hope he finds this news as good as I did.

  "Emma had a friend. A co-worker. And I'm going to talk to her because something's off there. She told the cops that she and Emma didn't have a relationship outside of work. The girl who gave me the security footage, however, proves otherwise because she says this co-worker has been seen going in and out of Emma's building."

  "Hmm, this is interesting. Why would she lie?"

  "I don't know, but I'm going to get to the bottom of it. Just give me a little more time."

  Jason walks to his window that has a view of the city. He's thinking about Emma I know, but then a part of me wonders if he's thinking about Jacqueline. Does he see me as a threat? He's never indicated such, but I did kind of come in on his turf. Jacqueline is of course not a prize or a trophy, but damn, I can't let her go now that I've met here. Jason's probably thinking the same thing. We both want this one goddess, this dream girl. But he's known her for years and never made a move. I mean, I get that he was her boss and everything and that he didn't want to jeopardize her career, but come on. If I had met Jacqueline that long ago, I would have made her mine no matter what the situation. She's too good, and she's too rare, like a mystical; unicorn or some shit. You have to jump on that. You have to make her yours and close it down, otherwise, you end up in a situation like we are in . . . having to share. My timing was just so that I happened to meet her when she was interested in two other people. If I had met her at another time she would be all mine, no sharing. But as it is I can see that both Jason and I resigned to the situation. We will both make do with what we have. We don't each other or anything, in fact, like I said I respect him. But no one really wants to share, right? The thing is, I admire Jason, and Xavier, so much that I actually kind of don’t give a fuck. I just want Jacqueline happy.

  "Marcus, you have done such a good job on this case. This is only your first trial with us and already I can see that you bring new and interesting ways of doing things to this firm. So far I have been able to count on you to squirrel up evidence when it seems like there is none. I want you to know that I appreciate, I appreciate your work, and I'm excited to move forward in the future. In such a short amount of time you have become an invaluable asset to us."

  Wow, I was not expecting such genuine praise from him. It shows that really is a professional guy and he would never let a personal issue stand in the way of anything at work. I so appreciate that. I mean, he could be a total dick to me if he wanted and he hasn't been that at all. If anything, he's been the opposite. He's been a really great boss.

  "You know what Jason, I appreciate that so much. You've been an outstanding boss to me and I'm really grateful to work for you. I feel privileged that you allowed me to work on this, my first case, with you. It's such a big one and I'm really honored that you let me onto such a prestigious case that could bring a lot to this firm."

  "You're a good guy Marcus."

  "Thanks, man."

  "Now, let's find this motherfucker who messed with us. We will find the criminal and he's gonna go away for a very long time. This I know for sure."


  I'm home in my sanctuary after a long day. This case has been overwhelming me and I need to relax. My mind has been cluttered with fears about what really happened to Emma and the fact that the killer is still out there. It's up to us to put him behind bars and that is a grave responsibility. I take my job seriously, probably too seriously at times and I know that I need to reset and refresh before moving forward so that I have my sharpest wits about me and a clear mind. One thing I know about myself, having worked as a lawyer for so many years is that if I don't come in with a fresh perspective then I have nothing at all. Taking care of myself results in better work. And for this case, though it's been overwhelming, I need to be as competent as possible. Cain's life is on the line and as that thought reverberates in my head over and over I can feel myself drowning under the weight of it and I'm as determined as ever to set myself on the right track and to achieve justice for him.

  I've just lit some candles and poured myself a glass of wine when there's a knock at the door.

  "Xavier! Hi! Come on in." I open my door to him, curious about this evening drop by,

  "I was just having some wine, want some?"

  "Actually, I would love a glass, thanks, Jackie." I pour him a glass in my new stemware and takes it gratefully. “Ahh, Jackie, I wish I could say I dropped by for some flippant, easy reason, but that's not the case. I have work on my mind and I need to talk to you."

  He looks slightly disturbed, not relaxed like he usually is. I usher him to the couch.

  "Okay, well, let's sit down and talk about it."

  He takes a seat and I curl up beside him, interested to know what's been on his mind.

  "We've known each other for a long time, Jackie. All those years at law school made me feel like you are someone I can trust."

  "Yeah," I say. "We spent many hours dabbling over hypothetical cases, didn't we? And now, here we are in the real world doing the same thing, except this time all bets are off and people's lives hang in the balance."

  "That's exactly why I'm here. You know Jackie that my one concern in any case is to achieve justice, put criminals behind bars, and generally follow the compass that my inner integrity dictates. I would never underhand you, or anyone. I just want the truth to come out."

  "Yeah, I know. Xavier, what's up? Why do you seem so concerned? Of course, I trust your motives."

  "Okay then, I have to admit something to you."

  "What is it? You can tell me anything you know. I'm not here to judge."

  "Well, you might judge this and I just want you to know my intentions are pure."


  "The other night at the hotel with Jason and Marcus, I forgot my phone and I had to come back into the room after I left. I heard you guys talking."

  My eyes widen. Did he hear what we were saying about the case?

  "Jackie, I overheard everything. I know you guys think that Emma had more than one boyfriend and that information is pertinent to me. That throws off my entire perception about what happened."

  "You did? You heard us talking?"

  "Yes, I didn't mean to and I only listened because it was regarding the case and it seems like we, the people at my office, might have the wrong person."

  "Oh." I'm shocked to hear that Xavier did this but he's not a bad guy and maybe he's interested in fighting for Emma by putting the real murderer behind bars. Still, I can't be sure. He is on the other counsel.

  "I need you to tell me everything you know about Emma's other boyfriends. Please, Jacqueline, I have to find out."

  "Xavier, I can't do that. That would jeopardize our entire case and we've just worked too hard on it."

  "Listen, I'm only interested in nailing the true criminal on this. I get that we're on different sides, but if you help me, I can help you. I promise to only put the information to good use."

  I look into his genuine, pleading eyes and I know in an instant that he's telling the truth. I would never doubt Xavier's intentions anyway. I know he wouldn't use the information to get back at me and that he will only put it to good use. I trust Xavier implicitly.

  "Okay, here's what I know. There was a guy who paid off the security guard to turn the cameras off when he came and went from the building. We noticed a skip in the surveillance tape that made us find this out. We know she was definitely seeing other people besides Cain and someone went out of their way not to be seen on the night of the murder. We still don't have enough proof to convict. But, we're getting close. That's all I know, okay? Does that help you?"

  He sighs a deep, burden-laid sigh. I can tell that Xavier feels the same way I as do, overpowered by the rising evidence in this case. He probably thought he had it all handled, but with new proof like this, who can ignore that the killer is still out there?


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