V Games_Fresh From The Grave
Page 24
I vote we make a third option. One that includes YOU leaving with me.
Varick shifted even closer, his arm falling behind my back as he propped himself up, taking the tablet in his other hand. A flutter darted through my chest.
Your optimism is going to get you killed. Focus on getting through the game and the Helsings will let you go.
I dropped my head onto his shoulder and even though he stiffened in surprise, I didn't move.
I replied, glad he wasn't looking directly at me as my cheeks flushed hot from what I wrote.
I'm not leaving without you again.
His stubbly chin grazed over my forehead, his lips brushing my skin before he responded.
Not an option, sweetheart.
I frowned, placing the tablet down and turning to him, his eyes burning into mine the second I glanced up.
“I'm making it an option,” I breathed.
A growl rumbled through his chest and his fingers slid into my hair, the feeling turning my insides to mush. Picking up the tablet, he wrote out a response.
The Helsings have a kill switch in both of our heads. Even if we somehow escaped the game, how far do you think we'd get before they flip it?
I knew it seemed impossible. But I also couldn't accept that there was no way around the obstacles in our path. But we had to try.
I gazed up at him with hope in my eyes and saw it reflected in his. He smiled, broad and keen; the kind of smile that made me see right into his soul to the man that lived inside.
“I'm not going to talk you out of trying, am I?”
“Nope.” I smiled, at last feeling like there was some light at the end of this infinite tunnel.
“Are you ready for what might happen?” he whispered, leaning so close that I was consumed by his earthy scent and the electricity crackling through my veins.
I shut my eyes, relishing the feeling, hoping he'd be bold enough to take another kiss.
“You make me feel ready for anything,” I admitted and I could sense how close he was, how much he wanted me.
I felt him move away and doubt reared its ugly head, staring me in the eye and telling me I was foolish for believing Varick felt human things for me. That this wasn't just about my blood. But having him back at my side made me feel like even the weakest parts of me were strong again. His presence seemed to ease the weight of my past, my guilt, like he was shouldering some of it for me.
We walked toward the safe zone, hand in hand. I wasn't afraid any more with Varick by my side. He was a weapon stronger than any I could have been gifted by the Helsings. I had enough time left to spare, and I wanted to spare it on him.
The closer we grew to the safe zone, the more anxious I became.
The pale pink silk of a dress caught my eye through the trees. I lurched toward it, but Varick grasped my fingers tightly, shaking his head. “She's dead.”
A breath of sadness passed my lips, but I untangled my fingers from his all the same, moving toward the girl. I bent low at the sight of her ghostly pale face, her unseeing eyes, her twisted neck. Grimacing at the disgusting way she'd been left there, I gently shut her eyes, racking my brain for her name. I squeezed my eyes shut, furious with myself.
“Leave her,” Varick said softly.
I shrugged off his touch, determined for once to commit this girl to memory, considering it was all she had left now. “I want to remember who she is.”
“It doesn't matter,” he urged, evidently tense at us remaining still for so long.
“It's important,” I snipped.
His fingers suddenly wound between mine and my insides seemed to unravel. “Layla,” I gasped, relieved. I didn't know why it mattered so much, especially since I'd purposefully been avoiding the girls' names until now. But it did. And I wouldn't forget it.
The tablet on my wrist buzzed and the one in her hand lit up simultaneously. An idea took hold of me and I leant over her, concealing what I was doing with a curtain of my hair as I gently eased the tablet from her fingers and tucked it into the pocket with my stake.
Standing, I checked the notification on my tablet and my heart squeezed.
Killing another contestant will now award you with 2 rating points.
I snapped around to Varick, my throat tightening as I showed him the message.
He scowled, looking like he wanted to crush the tablet in my palm. “They're pitting you against one another. Alliances will be hard to come by now.”
I knew there was more to his words than he was saying.
Varick dropped his mouth to my ear, speaking in a hushed whisper. “You may need to remind them who the real enemy is.”
I nodded, a shiver rolling down my spine at his proximity. I took advantage of his closeness, sliding my hands between us and slipping the spare tablet into his jeans' pocket. His brows raised as I stepped away, but no explanation passed between us. I just prayed it had gone unnoticed by the cameras.
Varick encouraged me on and we marched through the thick wood until we finally broke free of the trees. Before us was a steep hill, running down toward a ringed fence. Within the silver ring was a waiting helicopter. The spinning rota whirred in my ears and from there, I could make out the colours of girls' dresses as they sat inside it. Twenty six of us had started the round this morning, how many would return to the hotel tonight?
I knew it wouldn't be as simple as walking to the gate. It never was. And with a shudder, I spotted the blood. Dark sheets of it oozing across the ground. But no bodies.
Where were the bodies?
Varick's hold on me became firmer and I looked up at him, wondering if his senses had picked up on something mine hadn't.
“What is it?” I breathed, the question hanging in a puff of vapour before my eyes.
“Wolves,” he growled, clutching my hand tighter. At his word, a howl split the air in two.
“The wolf on Raskdød helped us.” I stepped forward, but he yanked me back.
“Jameson told me Ignus was finding a way to make him obedient.” He sniffed the air. “And there's more than one close by.”
“Jameson?” I murmured and he nodded stiffly. “That's the wolf?”
Varick nodded once, his eyes never leaving the dark path ahead. A girl burst forth from the trees, panting, gathering up her dress in her fists. With my stomach lurching, I recognised the lilac gown of Eesha, her dark hair trailing in the breeze behind her.
I went to call out but Varick's hand clamped down over my mouth, crushing me back against him. I struggled against the cage of his iron-like arms, tears stinging my eyes as two beasts shot from the trees. One wolf was ghostly white, whilst the other a deep, reddy-brown.
No. Surely it couldn't be Mekiah and Reason? Had Ignus thrown them into the game too?
Varick's grip hardened and I fought it uselessly, watching with a tearing feeling inside me as Eesha tried to outpace them.
The white wolf leapt first – was it really Reason? - its drooling fangs snapping together as it came down atop Eesha. She screamed and I felt her pain rip right through me. The wolf tore at her dress and she wailed prayers into the sky.
The second wolf caught her by the throat and with a crunch of teeth, it stopped the final word on her lips, “Sita-” They dragged her away into the trees, her blood staining the ground behind her. My stomach rolled as I spotted her fingers twitching in death.
Tears burned two trails down my cheeks, meeting with Varick's icy palm. At their touch, he released me. I turned into him, pained and desperate. But I couldn't be angry with him, knowing I would be dead if he'd let me go. Instead I buried my face in his chest, trying to steady the rhythm of my erratic breathing.
Eesha, poor Eesha.
Her past was riddled with horrors and injustice. I knew what she'd done to her baby girl was abhorrent, completely intolerable to my own nature. And still, it hurt to see her die like that.
Varick stiffened suddenly, snapping around to face the trees, pushing me behind hi
m. Two yellow eyes appeared within the dense forest. The pale moonlight spilt across the ground, revealing the black wolf padding toward us, stalking, its head hanging low.
The moon picked out a collar around its neck, thick and silver.
Varick raised his palms. “Jameson, it's me.”
My heart skipped as I watched, clutching onto the gnarled bark of a tree trunk as Varick approached the beast.
The wolf snarled, its gaze fixed on me, hungry and unforgiving. Varick shifted into his line of sight, concealing me from view. He rolled his shoulders, evidently preparing for a fight. And I prayed to god it wouldn't come to that.
“Varick, please,” I didn't know what I was asking for. All I wanted was for him to be safe.
“Jameson...brother?” He lowered into a fighting stance as the wolf prepared to pounce.
Jameson launched into the air, his jaws wide and riddled with sharp teeth. Varick knocked him aside with the swipe of his arm and the wolf skidded across the mud. He righted himself in moments, launching at Varick again.
I gasped, barely able to focus on the speeding movements of the fight. Varick fought with grace and rapidity, blocking every attack Jameson threw at him.
But the wolf was unrelenting and his focus soon spun to me, speeding past Varick in my direction. The pounding of heavy paws tore across the damp ground.
I held up my stake up, pressing my back to the trunk, a tremor of fear rolling through me.
Teeth snapped inches from my face and I stifled a scream. The wolf yelped, the noise ripping at my eardrums. Varick had him by the flank, throwing him backwards onto the ground.
Before he could right himself, Varick threw his weight onto him, roaring as his hands clamped down over the wolf's collar. With a rush of clarity, I realised he was trying to break the collar off. Varick's hands were bleeding profusely, scolded by the silver.
The wolf battled furiously to get up and Varick dug an elbow deep into his ribs, holding him down.
I rushed forward, grabbing the largest rock I could carry and moving forward to help. Varick snarled his pain as the collar gave - just a little. He took the rock from my hand and slammed the rock where the metal was bending.
A clink sounded and the collar fell in two pieces onto the ground. Varick locked his arm around Jameson's neck, still holding him in place whilst his legs kicked and fought.
I kept my distance, my hands trembling as I watched, waiting.
Slowly, the wolf stopped fighting and he made a soft, whining noise. Varick hesitantly released him, standing. Jameson stood on wobbly legs, gazing up at Varick. He released a huff of air and nudged Varick's leg with his nose.
“Yeah, yeah,” Varick drawled, nodding to me. “It's her you should be apologising to.”
Jameson padded in my direction and I instinctively backed up. Varick gave me a look of encouragement and I paused, letting the wolf approach. Gently, he pushed his head into my hand, releasing a low whine.
I fought to stop my body from shaking, but it was impossible.
“We walk her to the finish line,” Varick instructed, moving to my side. Jameson stood on my other side, both of them flanking me as Varick encouraged me down the steep hill.
I clutched Varick's hand, bitterly aware that we would soon be parted. And when that happened, I knew there was a possibility we wouldn't see each other again.
The other two wolves poked their noses out of the trees, snarling at us, but a swift bark from Jameson seemed to keep them at bay. Evidently I wasn't worth the battle and part of me felt bad for how easy finishing this round was now. When so many had already fallen at the last hurdle.
They led me up to the silver gate and I turned to Varick, resting my hands on his chest, suddenly frantic.
“It's alright.” He looked so at peace, his eyes the calm waters of a pond. Those two words held so much in them. They were a promise that we'd see each other again. That we'd have a chance to make a plan.
They gave me strength and I nodded firmly, moving away, my eyes never leaving his as I stepped through the gate and it slid shut behind me.
“Selena!” Thames's voice carried from the helicopter. I was rooted to the spot, watching as Varick headed away into the trees with Jameson at his side. My heart cracked as I watched them go.
Be safe. Stay alive.
I moved toward the helicopter and hands were suddenly on me, dragging me inside. Thames, Veta and Twyla-Rae were already there, amidst a handful of other girls.
“Eesha?” Thames asked and I shook my head. Her face paled and Twyla shifted in her seat, visibly swallowing. I turned away, not wanting to face the grief rolling up my chest.
Thames placed something in my hand, but my eyes were pinned on two girls as they reached the gate. My gut knotted. Something was wrong.
The world became muffled as I realised what, shock invading my body. I barely heard their screams as blood poured out of their eyes.
The timer had run out. The capsule of poison in their heads had blown.
I felt ill as I watched them sink to the ground, still clawing at the fence, clutching onto each other.
The helicopter lifted into the air and Thames's voice seemed faraway as she gripped my wrist, forcing me to look at whatever she'd placed in my hand. My profile shone up from her tablet.
My rating had plummeted to a 2. How was that possible when I'd been on a 9 this morning?
I could barely register the fear as I took in my reality. If I lost one more point tomorrow, I was going into the Redeeming. And I had no doubt it had everything to do with my alliance with Varick. The spectators evidently weren't keen on my bond with a Vampire. And the Helsings had finally had enough of me.
I'd known Ignus was planning to use my wolves in the last round, but watching Reason, Mekiah and Jameson murder girls was too much for me to stomach. They were lost to the poison my own hands had made, keeping them in wolf form, forcing away all humanity from their bodies until all that remained was rage.
Ignus had found me heaving in the men's bathroom just off of the casino. Screens were erected everywhere in the hotel. There was no escaping it. My room wasn't a haven, it was a prison. No matter where I went, the games followed.
“You alright in there?” Ignus called from outside the stall.
Shame washed into my cheeks as I coughed up the remnants of my dinner.
“Fine,” I said stiffly, shutting my eyes to try and force back the searing pain behind them.
I bought time by faking a few more retches, taking out my tablet and finding a message from Selena.
Varick has Layla's tablet. We might need your help soon.
I deleted the message before tucking the tablet away.
Ignus knocked gently on the door. “Come on, I've got you some water.”
I stood on shaky legs, using a wad of toilet roll to wipe the corners of my mouth. Heading out of the stall, I exited into the grand bathroom of golden fixings and cream tiles, a small water fountain trickling away at the heart of it.
Ignus was in a white shirt, his collar undone and a crooked smile on his face. He rested a hand on my shoulder. “All better?”
I was humiliated, but I nodded all the same. “I had too much to drink,” I lied.
Ignus frowned, rubbing my back. “I can get you some water.”
I shook my head, moving to the sink and dipping my head to sip from the stream. When I turned to face Ignus again, he looked a little hurt at my refusal.
“I'm gonna go to bed.” I dropped my eyes from his, trying to hide my fury with him, wanting to escape.
Ignus slid his arm around my shoulders, guiding me from the room. “There's something I want to show you first.”
I grunted, shrugging him off.
“It will cheer you up, I promise.” Ignus's eyes shone at me.
I glanced away for a moment, knowing I should play along. It was hard to act cool when my head was spinning and I felt like I wanted to throw my fist into his face.
p; “Fine,” I said at last, letting him lead me downstairs through a door marked for authorised personnel only.
We entered a large control room. A hundred screens filled the wall, the feed on them blank now that the round was over. The room was quiet, but filled with desks where workers must have sat during the game to monitor the feed.
Ignus led me through the darkened space, picking up an iPad from someone's desk and flicking through hours of footage. Halting, he pressed play and I re-watched the moment Varick saved Selena, bringing her back to life in a cave. After that, the feed had cut out on the main screen and the moment she was seen again, she was walking through the gate into the helicopter.
I'd been curious as to where she'd ended up, but then again, a particularly bloody battle had taken place between a group of girls in the forest. The cameras had focused on them as they warred for the rating points - awarded by killing another contestant.
Ignus continued to let the feed play, until it became apparent that Varick and Selena were planning something together. They communicated through her tablet so we were unable to see their conversation. As I watched, my own tablet seemed to burn a hole in my pocket.
“This is why we had to cut her feed,” Ignus said, dropping the iPad onto the desk. “She's up to something.”
I nodded slowly, unable to fight the small spark of hope that rose in my chest. If Selena came up with a plan to help the others, then I wouldn't have to. She was still going to need my help, however, so I wasn't completely off the hook.
“I see,” I said, waiting for him to elaborate.
“We don't know what, obviously. But I thought it best to offer rating points in return for the girls killing another contestant. That way Selena won't easily make any allies.”
“Do you really think she's that much of a threat?”
Ignus considered it then shrugged. “Honestly? No. But my father is convinced she's a trouble maker. But I designed this island myself. There's nothing she can do but continuing playing the game until her inevitable death.”