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Page 5

by Sam Crescent

  He saw her reach in her purse. Getting to his feet, he grabbed her bag and quickly patted down her body to make sure she didn’t hide any cash.

  “You’re not paying for a thing, Cheryl. Don’t even try it. This is all on me.”

  “Do you know how much these cost?” she asked, biting her lip.

  Cupping her face, he tilted her head back to claim her lips. “I don’t give a fuck how much they cost. I want to see you in them.” Kissing her lips once again, he moaned. His dick was going to cause him pain later. Blue balls was not a state he enjoyed, but for Cheryl, he’d gladly deal with it. “Test me and when I get you alone I’ll spank your ass for fun.”

  Her cheeks bloomed, and she looked down at Matthew. “I’ll spank you in a good way. I promise.”

  She left him alone looking sexy as hell with her flushed cheeks.

  Heading back to Nash, he took a seat.

  “I will remain loyal to the club. No secrets will pass my lips, but my time is done. I won’t become a rat or help any other club.”

  “The club takes care of us. We’re a family. You’re denying him and Cheryl that.”

  “Our women have lost babies because of this. I remember them miscarrying. They’ve been run over, shot, stabbed, and almost killed and raped. I’m not bringing Cheryl and him into that life.” Butch hadn’t made the decision in an instant. He’d taken his time weighing up all of his options until he couldn’t think straight. Leaving The Skulls was the only way he saw a future with him and Cheryl.

  “Everything we do comes with a layer of risk,” Nash said.

  Shaking his head, Butch glared at Nash. “If you could do it over you know you wouldn’t have left Sophia alone. These are our mistakes. Lash had to be sedated because of Angel. Do you really think they’d willingly put their women in danger if they could avoid it?”

  “We’re a family, Butch. A club, we can’t just walk away.”

  Reaching down, he helped Matthew pack away his few toys. “It doesn’t matter what you think. I’m done, and this is my decision. No one else can change that.” He picked up the boy then started heading toward the front of the shop.

  “This is not going to go away just because you want it to,” Nash said, shouting for him to be heard.

  Turning back to one of his friends, Butch simply stared at him. “I don’t expect you to.”

  He found Cheryl stood at the front of the shop looking nervous.

  “I really don’t like taking money from you. It’s not right.”

  Butch silenced her by claiming another kiss. Matthew wriggled in his arms, but he held the boy tighter. “There, no more talk of you feeling uncomfortable taking my money. What’s mine is yours and yours is mine.” He pressed a kiss to her lips again then pulled away. “Now stop your whining, woman.”


  Frederick Gonzalez groaned as Ashley rode his cock. She was a right fucking whore taking his cock deep into her body. The best decision Jerry ever made was taking this woman to use for his own pleasure. Ashley was up for anything. He’d claimed her pussy, her mouth, her ass, and he loved the fact she swallowed his cum.

  “That’s it, slut. Take it fucking all.” She rode him harder. The condom he wore glistened with her cum. He left her to do all the work. He loved watching her fuck him. It made him feel powerful to know she’d do anything he told her. He knew she had another reason for giving him what he wanted.

  Frederick wasn’t stupid. He knew the bitch was still talking to the Chaos Bleeds MC. In time he’d kill her and find another willing slut to do what he wanted, but until then he was keeping her alive. He wondered what Devil and that fucker Pussy would think when she turned up raped and dead. It’s what happened to whores like Ashley.

  Arching up, he closed his eyes as his orgasm exploded out of him into the waiting condom. Ashley slowed her movements down, gasping for breath.

  “Now climb off, take the condom off and lick me the fuck clean.”

  She did as he asked without a moment’s hesitation. When she finished, he climbed off the bed and grabbed a robe. He was staying at a hotel in Vegas. Frederick had always loved Vegas even as a kid when his father brought him here. Ashley didn’t say anything as he left the room, locking the door behind him. He didn’t want to give her a chance to leave. She was on his watch now, and when he was done, he looked forward to ending her life, causing more pain and misery in its wake. No one touched his playthings, not even the men he trusted. He was picky about where he shoved his cock.

  “So, where are we at?” Frederick asked, pouring himself a scotch.

  “We don’t know a lot. Tiny and Devil have met, and I gather it’s over you,” Ronald said.

  “I bet they are. I imagine they’re plotting and scheming to have me killed.” He took a sip of the thousand dollar a bottle scotch. “Search them all. I want to know what they eat, shit, and fuck. I want to know everything.”

  “You were going to leave The Skulls alone?”

  “The Skulls have a name. They’ve got connections and reputations. That’s what I want.” He moved to one of the computers his men had set up. Inside Ashley was taking a shower. Her tight body was on display for all to see. The crazy bitch didn’t have a clue she was being watched. “Chaos Bleeds was just the first step. Every man has a weakness to exploit. Tiny is connected to Ned Walker, who owns the fighters here. I want it all. My father was good enough before he died to show me how to obtain all the shit I want. This is how I get it. All the men taken have a female weakness. We simply reach out and take what we want at the right time.”

  “You’re going to go through the women?” Homer asked.

  “Nah, I don’t need all the women. What I need is one man who’s chasing a woman. I get him, I get The Skulls. It’s the simple way I got Devil and his fuckers to fall in line. Killing Jerry was just fun.” Taking another long pull on his scotch he took the file from Homer and started looking through it. A name from the past stopped him. Neal Coal Richards caught his attention. Staring at the picture of the boy on the photo, Frederick knew it was doctored. He remembered Neal Coal, the boy who’d gotten shot in the gut. At the time he didn’t think much of him other than how unlucky the bastard was for being part of the Savage Brothers. One of his father’s enemies from the past, or at least Neal’s father was. “Butch? What do we have on him?” Frederick asked. It would seem Neal’s father must have had contacts that helped his son.

  “Not a lot. He’s just recently left The Skulls. Fucker couldn’t hack the life anymore.”

  “Oh, he could hack the life. Butch was born and bred in the MC life.” Frederick snapped the folder closed. “Get me everything on the clubs, connections, women, everything. I don’t want you to leave anything out.”

  His men got straight to work, leaving him alone to watch Ashley bathe herself. She really was a beautiful woman. It was a shame her loyalties lay elsewhere. His father had taught him the basic rules of survival. Never trust a woman, kill the enemy, and walk away alive. He’d watched his father put a bullet in his mother’s head because she’d spoken to the pool boy. Frederick had learned a lot from his father. By the time he was eighteen he was more than capable of taking over the family business.

  He smiled recalling the shock on his father’s face when he’d walked in telling him he wanted a job. When his father offered him any job, Frederick had raised a gun and told him straight. “I want your job.” He killed his father and took the throne. Now business was thriving better than ever before. No one was going to get the better of him. His own father had raised a monster, and Frederick wasn’t going to be taken down easily. This world was going to be all of his.

  Chapter Four

  On Friday night her mother took Matthew for the night leaving her alone with Butch. He offered to take her out to a posh restaurant where they could be waited on hand and foot. She didn’t want that. After the amazing day at the mall they’d spent together Cheryl wanted to give him something back. Cooking was something she loved doing, and without wor
rying about Matthew, she devoted her time to making the perfect meal. Tomorrow they were heading to the fair with her son, so there would be no chance of getting to know one another. Chicken pasta bake was keeping warm in the oven as she made her way upstairs to change. After a quick shower, she dried her hair letting the length fall around her in waves. The dress she wore was the red cocktail dress Butch had bought for her. There was nowhere she’d ever go in such a luxurious dress, yet she enjoyed the feel of the fabric against her skin and wanted to show him the pleasure she got from wearing something he gave her. She put on lipstick and a bit of eye shadow before going back to the kitchen

  Tying an apron around her waist, she set the table ignoring the warnings she received from her mother. Nothing good would come from falling in love with a biker or being with a biker. Nothing good had come from her being with an older businessman. Shoving the thoughts aside she focused on dinner, which she was pulling out of the oven when the doorbell rang. Running her sweaty palms down her dress, she walked toward the door.

  You shouldn’t have done this. This is all too much.

  They’d shared kisses and a few secrets, nothing else. Opening her front door she froze in place as Butch stood in a pair of dark blue jeans and a short sleeved white tee-shirt. He looked normal almost.


  “Hey.” She saw all the ink up and down his arms displaying his past within the club. Instead of wanting to turn away from the raw masculinity staring her in the face, her pussy got soaking wet. This person in front of her was a proper man, not a boy pretending to be a man. He was in his mid-thirties, but even men that age are prone to act like children.

  “Do you want to come in?” she asked, finally finding her voice.

  He stepped through the door, and she moved out of the way for him to enter. “Thanks, babe. Dinner smells amazing.”

  She smiled. “Thanks. I’m about to dish up. Do you want to come on through?” Crap, she was starting to sound like some waitress.

  Butch caught her hand. “You’re not getting away from me that easily.” The door was closed, and he pressed her against it. “Where’s Matthew?”

  “At my mother’s.”

  Was he going to kiss her? She didn’t know what to expect, and the anticipation was killing her.

  “You didn’t have to get rid of him for me.”

  “I didn’t. Matthew loves spending time with my mom. She loves having him. I thought it would be nice for us to be alone.” He cupped her cheek, and all thought fled her mind at the contact. His palm was rough from years of hard work. Butch wasn’t shy about work.

  “We’re alone?”

  “Yes.” The word came out as a croak. He was invading her privacy, and her body was coming alive after years of being kept asleep.

  “I’ve been thinking about doing this all day.” Butch leaned in close. His breath fanned across her face, making her moan. Tilting her head back, she ran her hands up his chest wanting more than anything to feel his lips on hers.

  You’ve known him long enough to want this. Don’t feel guilty for wanting this.

  In that moment with his lips mere inches from her face, she didn’t give a shit either way. His lips were on hers, and she was in heaven. Tugging at the strands of hair at the back of his neck, she moaned at the feel of his hard body pressed against hers. Closing her eyes, she melted against him. The hand on her cheek sank into her hair, tugging on the strands while his other gripped her hip tightly.

  Lifting her leg over his hip, she felt the hard ridge of his cock pressing against her core. His tongue plundered her mouth as she rode his body. All sense left her as her body took over. She knew what she wanted even though her mind was trying to fight.

  Butch stopped kissing her. He was poised over her, waiting. “I’m not going to fuck you up against the wall.”

  His harsh words had her gasping. Humiliation swamped her as her stomach rumbled giving way to her hunger. “I’m also not going to fuck you until after we eat.”

  Heat bloomed in her cheeks, and she made to go, dropping her leg from his hip. He caught her arm as she made to disappear into the kitchen. His finger rested under her chin, and she had no choice but to stare into his eyes.

  “What’s the problem?”


  “You’re hungry. There’s no need to be embarrassed.”

  “I know. I’m going to go and serve up.” She tugged out of his hold rushing toward the kitchen. She couldn’t believe her stomach had growled during his kiss. It was humiliation. Within seconds she felt him filling the small space of her kitchen. Glancing over her shoulder she saw his eyes were on her.

  “I quit The Skulls for my own reasons, but I can’t change who I am.”

  She placed a slice of baked pasta onto a plate and served herself up a slice. “I’m not asking you to change who you are,” she said. Cheryl handed him a plate then took a seat herself.

  “I curse and tell things like I see them.”

  “I know.”

  He took hold of her hand, stopping her from eating. “I don’t think you do understand.”

  “Then tell me.” Whenever he touched her, she forgot about everything else. The only two people to exist in the world were him and her. But she loved her son and wouldn’t dream of forgetting about him.

  “I fuck. I’ve got a dick, and I fuck pussy. I don’t build it up into fake poetry and shit. This is what I’m like.”

  She stared at their joined hands. “I’m not an idiot. I don’t expect you to be anything else.”

  “You work at a church.”

  Laughing, she looked into his eyes. “The church was suffering for volunteers. I took the job for a very small income, but I don’t go to church, Butch. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a believer but nothing else.” Staring down at her plate, she licked her lips. “I’ve fucked, and I’ve got a kid to prove it. I don’t want you to pretend to be something you’re not. What I ask is for you to know that I’m not used to the way you talk. I need to get used to it, but I don’t want you to change.” Her mother believed in respect and hated cursing.

  “Tate would love you.”


  “She’s Tiny’s daughter and a total bitch. However, she seems to attract nice women toward her. Angel and Sophia are nice women. Wait, no, I think you’d be better around Prue. She’s the only woman I know to put Tate in her place.” He was laughing, and then he stopped. “Crap, that hurt.”

  “What did?” she asked, concerned.

  “I’ve been part of the club for so long I didn’t even give a thought about my memories of them. It’s not all bad, and I miss them.” He smiled even though it didn’t reach his eyes.

  “You don’t have to quit the club for me, Butch. We’re friends.”

  “I want more.”

  She licked her lips, picking up her fork for something to do. “I know you want more.”

  “Do you?”

  “I don’t know what I want.” She answered him as honestly as she could.

  “If you want me to leave you alone, tell me.”

  Shaking her head, she returned her gaze to his. “I don’t want you to leave. I love being around you. You’re funny, and I want something.” Pushing hair out of her eyes, she stared at him. “This is hard. I’ve never been with another man but Matthew’s father. He was my first, and after everything that happened, I didn’t think there would be another man. Who wants to look after another man’s kid?”

  “I do.”

  His words brought her gaze back to his.


  “You heard me. I don’t give a fuck who gave you Matthew. He left, and he’s not even in touch with you. I want to take Matthew as my own.” His hands were pressed down on the table. “I’m going to lay it out for you, and then you can decide what you want.”

  Do I want him to do this?

  Once they passed this line there was no going back. They were friends, but the moment he said what he was about to say, she knew in her he
art it was going to change everything. No one could go back when their emotions were laid out clear to see.

  “I want you, Cheryl. I want you in my bed, in my life. You’re here.” He placed a hand to her heart. Her own was pounding against her chest in panic. “I love Matthew as if he was my own. This is what I want, and I hope one day you can trust me to give you what you need.”

  “This is insane.”

  “Be honest with me. Do you want me, or was that an act out there?” he asked, pointing behind him.

  “It’s not an act. None of what I feel is an act.”

  “Then give us a try. I promise I will never let you go. I want to be with you. You’re my woman, Cheryl. You know it, and so do I. This is going to happen, and we can fight it all we want, or we can just do it.”

  She chuckled.

  “Talking about what I want has never been one of my strong suits.”

  “I’m not exactly a genius. I think you did really well.” His words were touching. They were not romantic or filled with fake lies and poetry. They were direct, straight to the point just like the man himself. She found him refreshing. Her mother may not like him, but Cheryl adored him.

  “Come on, babe. Give me a chance.”

  “Okay. I’d really like that. Does this mean we’re going steady?” She dropped her head as heat filled her cheeks even more. “I’m sorry. I didn’t date much through high school. I don’t have much to compare it to.”

  “I think we’re more than going steady. That kiss has to be second or is it third base? Shit, it has been that long since I’ve dated I don’t even know what bases we’re at.”

  “We could make it up as we go along?” she said, offering it up as a suggestion. He was putting her at ease with every passing moment.

  “I’m good.”

  Her nipples tightened as his gaze ran over her body.

  Their relationship had changed, and there was no going back anymore. She didn’t want to go back.


  Butch washed the dishes, conscious of Cheryl by his side. The red dress did wonders for her full curves. Her nipples were clear to see as they budded against the front of the dress. Most of the meal he wanted to lean forward and push her dress down so he could watch those tits move. Her full body was driving him crazy. All he wanted to do was bend her over the table and take her from behind. He was itching to get his hands on her naked.


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