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Page 9

by Sam Crescent

  Butch admired the sway of her hips as she walked out of the room. Standing up, he made his way toward the back needing the fresh air. The moment he opened the door his cell phone rang. He was surprised he got to spend time with Cheryl and Matthew before someone called him.

  “What the hell is going on?” Lash asked, the instant he accepted the call.

  “Who phoned you?”

  “Nash. My brother is keeping me up to date on everything. Is it true? Is Alex a father and he abandoned that woman?” Lash sounded angry.

  “It’s all true.” The Skulls were a family. They took care of each other, but they’re loyalty was going to be tested when a member left a child behind. Tiny had some rules to keep everyone protected. Alex had fucked up big time.

  “Fuck, this is not going to go well. You want her for your own, don’t you?”

  “There’s no question about it. Cheryl is my woman, and I’m not giving her up just because Alex has come out of the woodwork and demanded his rights.” He stopped as he started to yell. “This is all fucked up.” Butch rubbed at his eyes feeling the beginning of the headache he was about to get.

  “I’m going to come home. Shit is about to hit the fan, and I’m not in the mood to be kept in the dark.”

  “No, you’re not coming back. Angel deserves this vacation. You’ve put it off for a long time. Enjoy being away from all the drama. There will be plenty of it when you get back.”

  Lash sighed. “Why can’t you guys not find trouble for a few months?”

  Butch laughed. “I’m not even part of the club, and there’s drama hitting me.”

  “You’re part of the club, Butch. You’re never going to get out that easily. We’ve all got enemies. You know the danger.” Lash was serious.

  “Not me. I’ve kept my nose clean.” Apart from the Gonzalez connection, Butch hadn’t caused any more trouble.

  “You’re an idiot if you think that. The club is for life. You know that.”

  Closing his eyes, he listened to the quiet of the night. “Don’t, Lash.”

  “We’ve all caused problems in our time. The Skulls is a family, and we keep each other’s back. Leaving is not an option. Our enemies will hurt you, Butch. You’re a weak link. This is going to have to stop. You’re going to have to take the jacket and come back to the club.”

  Butch hadn’t made the decision to leave easily. It had taken him weeks, even months before he made the final decision. Remembering the pain of his past, and thinking about Cheryl in that position had cleared everything in his mind. He couldn’t pursue Cheryl with the risk posed by the club.

  “I’m not going back. Any danger I can take care of.”

  “You’re being an asshole on purpose. This is not your call. We do things as a fucking team, a family. You’re going to get yourself, your woman, and that innocent young boy killed. Do you want all of their deaths on your conscience?”

  Pulling the phone away from his ear, he closed it up. He couldn’t listen to Lash berate him. Any danger his woman was in, Butch would take care of.


  He spun around to find her leaning against the kitchen doorway.

  “What’s the matter, baby?”

  “I heard the call. If it’s dangerous then I’m going to need to know, and I’m going to need to know now,” she said.

  She looked petrified.

  “There’s no danger. You’ve got to trust me. Lash was just being his usual, alarming self. His woman has been in the line of fire too often. It scared him.”

  “You’re not lying to me, are you?” she asked.

  “No, I’m not lying.”

  You’re an asshole. You don’t have the first clue what’s going on. Anything could happen, and you wouldn’t know it.

  He wrapped his arms around her, inhaling her scent. Closing his eyes, he walked back in the house.

  “Go on upstairs and get ready for bed. I’m going to lock up.”

  She didn’t argue with him. Cheryl made her way upstairs as he closed up the house, locking the doors, checking the windows on his way upstairs. When he got to Matthew’s door, he checked on the boy before going into Cheryl’s room. She didn’t look shocked to see him.

  “We’re not going to have sex. I simply want to hold you, baby. Is that okay?”

  “I want to be held.” She pulled the blanket off one side of her bed. Butch had never been with a woman to hold her. When he got a bitch in bed, he fucked her brains out, taking what he wanted before moving on to the next available cunt.

  Cheryl was not any ordinary woman. She was the woman who’d awakened the need to be a good man.

  He kept his boxers on and slid beneath the blanket. Wrapping an arm around her waist, he tugged her in close against his body.

  She caressed his arm, and he kissed her neck.


  “Yeah, baby.”

  “Is everything going to be all right?”

  He looked down into her troubled face.

  “Everything is going to be more than fine.” Kissing her cheek, he smiled down at her. “I wouldn’t let anything happen to you.”

  The words were the truth. Butch would do everything in his power to protect her and her son. They were his lifeline. If he had to kill Alex in the process, he would.


  “He’s a real threat, baby. I need you to take the kids and leave,” Tiny said, climbing into bed. Eva lay naked waiting for him. Her curvy body was on perfect display calling to him.

  “I’m not going anywhere. You’ve got no chance of Tate, Sophia, Prue, or even Angel leaving. None of the women will leave their men no matter what the threat is. We’re all in this together, including Butch and his woman.” She ran her hands down his body, pushing him to the bed.

  Her tits pressed to his chest, and his cock hardened in response. There was a time when he thought he’d need medical assistance to get hard. The moment Eva got naked, Tiny was rock hard, begging to be inside her.

  “This Gonzalez guy means business.”

  “More so than usual?” she asked, straddling his waist. She gripped the length of his cock and pressed the tip to her core.

  “Yes.” He groaned as her tight heat slid down his shaft. “Fuck, baby.”

  She cried out, whimpering. He took hold of her hips and slammed her down hard onto his cock. Their moans echoed off the walls. Her tits bounced in front of him. He was desperate to feel her cunt tighten around him so he could lose himself in the pleasure.

  Forcing the fear to the back of his mind, he fucked his wife, watching her shatter apart in his arms. Once Eva found her release, he pushed her to the bed and plunged in deep. He didn’t let up, fucking her deeper and harder than ever before.

  “Please, Tiny.”

  “That’s it, baby, take my cock.”

  He pressed a hand over her mouth so no one would hear her screaming. Those screams were for him when there were no children in the house. He made a note to ask Tate to take them for the night. It had been too long since he’d been alone with his wife.

  Tiny thrust in deep, and his cum filled her to the core. He collapsed over her, wrapping his arms around her keeping his dick deep inside her.

  “I’m not letting you go,” he said.

  “You’re the one trying to send me away. I’m not going anywhere, and neither are the women.” She kissed his cheek.

  He turned so he wasn’t crushing her with his weight.

  “Gonzalez is a real threat, Eva. I don’t know when it’s going to happen or how. I only know it’s a matter of time.”

  She stroked his cheek. “I’m with you all the way. Tell the boys and they’ll back you.”

  Tiny shook his head. “Something isn’t right about this. He’s forcing Devil’s hand. Why isn’t he mine?”

  “You’re a businessman. He’s waiting for leverage, and you’ve got to make sure he never gets it.”

  “How?” he asked.

  Ever since he’d married her and his boys had taken on w
omen of their own, the threats made it hard for him to concentrate. He knew it was only a matter of time before he gave the club over to someone else. Tiny was only getting older. There was no way he’d be riding into his seventies. It wasn’t possible.

  “Bring Butch back. One of us away from the club makes us weak. Gash is going to be out, and we’re going to need to bring him up to speed,” Eva said.

  They were a team. She took care of the club just as much as he did.

  “I can’t let anything happen to you.”

  “And I can’t let anyone hurt you, Tiny. I love you too damn much to risk losing you.” She kissed his lips. “I’ll work with you to bring Butch back, but you’re going to have to think about what will happen if we can’t get him back.”

  “Alex had a suggestion, but I don’t want to use it. Blackmailing my men has never been an idea to me.”

  She shrugged, tears filling her eyes. “While we’re in a desperate situation, it may have to be something you consider.”

  “Forcing a brother back to the life is no life at all.”

  “I know.” She ran a finger over his lips. “But a dead brother you will not come back from. I know you, Tiny. If Butch and his new family end up dead, then we’re not going to have a family to look forward to.”

  He knew it was the truth. Closing his eyes, Tiny hoped it didn’t have to come to that.

  Chapter Seven

  Frederick Gonzalez smiled down at the report in his hand. Devil was doing everything he could to stop transporting girls from the coast. Piston County was no longer controlled by Chaos Bleeds. He had all the power. Glancing over at Ashley, he saw her gaze was plastered to the television. Her chin rested on her knee as she watched the screen not paying any attention to him.

  She was a good, hard fuck, but it wouldn’t be long before he got rid of her. Ashley served his purpose of taking what he wanted. The Skulls were having a little spat with one of the members. Butch, he recognized the man for the boy he once was. He felt sorry for the young boy in the room, dying.

  The doctor who saved him was going to be in trouble. He needed to find out who tried to hide Butch’s existence from his father.

  Looking at Ronald, he signaled the other man to the room.

  “What’s up, boss?”

  “I want you to find all information out on Neal Coal and add Richards into your search. I want to know who treated him and where he was moved to.”

  “Is there a reason for this?” Ronald asked.

  “Yeah, I want Fort Wills and Tiny licking the shit from my shoe. Get me what I want, and when you’re done, set the wheels in motion for Ashley to find a painful end.” He was done playing games. His father had taught him to take what he wanted. Frederick never got his hands dirty, and he wasn’t going to start now. He had men to kill who he wanted. Killing women always left a bad taste in his mouth. He didn’t know why, but it always had.

  Everything he did was about business.

  “Consider it done, sir.”

  Nodding, Frederick walked back into the room. Ashley was in the same place he’d left her. The stupid bitch didn’t have a clue what was coming to her. He gripped the back of her neck, turning her toward him.

  “I need your pussy.”

  He could at least enjoy her for the remaining days she was going to stay alive.


  Cheryl groaned, wiping at her eyes as the alarm blared away beside her. She pressed a button turning the alarm off. Blinking the sleep out of her eyes, she became aware of the large masculine arm across her stomach. Glancing down at the heavily inked arm, she followed the arm to see Butch still asleep beside her.

  Staying quiet, she listened for any signs of Matthew. The house was quiet. The previous day’s events came to her, making her pause. Alex was out there, and he could be expecting rights to see Matthew.

  Crap, her life had gone from good to bad within a matter of seconds.

  “Stop thinking badly,” Butch said, squeezing her waist.

  She turned toward him to see his eye open. “How did you know I was thinking anything?”

  “You were frowning and tensing up by the second. You’re going to need to trust me about stuff like this.” The way he stroked her hip was sending heat straight to her pussy. Crossing her legs, she tried to create some friction to relieve the ache building. “I know what you’re doing,” he said, leaning up on his hand. He stared down the length of her body. She wore a light nightgown. It was modest yet left nothing to the imagination.

  “I’m not good at playing these kinds of games,” she said.

  “What games, babe? I’m not playing anything other than life.”

  “Why do you even want me?” she asked. Insecurity crept up inside her, taking over.

  “What do you mean?” He frowned, rubbing a hand down his face.

  “I’m a single mother. I’m not skinny or have anything interesting going on in my life. You’ve just found out I slept with one of your friends, and you’re still here.”

  He smiled. “Baby, if we didn’t have a risk of getting caught I’d spank that sweet ass of yours right now.”

  Cheryl frowned. “No, I mean it. What do you see in me?”

  Placing her hands on her stomach, she stared up at him waiting for him to answer.

  “I’m only going to say this once.” He placed a hand over her heart. The heat of his palm was easily felt through the thin material of her nightgown. “I like being with you, Cheryl. You’re not stupid, or immature. You’ve lived your life and done shit to survive. I respect you for everything you’ve gone through. You don’t judge anyone, not even me.”

  She looked at him, smiling.

  “Shit, I’m not doing this right. Crap, I can talk about everything I like doing to you, but it will never be enough. I want you, baby. I want to fuck you and spend the rest of my life getting through our lives together. You don’t see yourself as sexy, yet it’s all I see.” His fingers glided to her breast. The nipple hardened at the slightest touch from him. “I’ve never been good with words. I finished school but never went to college. I just want to be with you, Cheryl.”

  As far as words went they were not the most romantic, yet she liked what he said.

  “You like me?”

  “I think like is too mild a word to describe it. Why do you want to be around me?” Butch asked.

  He fired the question at her, taking her by surprise. “I like being around you.” She licked her lips, trying to clear her throat as it suddenly went dry from him touching her. “You make me want to forget how serious life is just to be around you. I like how you treat my son when you don’t have to.”

  Could she do it? Could she be honest with him the way he’d been honest with her?

  “I want a future with you.”

  “You can do this, baby. Open up, let yourself be honest with yourself.”

  “Butch, I want you. I want to be with you.”

  He smiled. “Do you want to fuck me, or do you want me to fuck you?” he asked.


  “Then tell me what you want. Don’t leave me waiting.”

  “I can’t.” Her cheeks were red hot to the touch. Even with Alex she’d never demanded anything for her own.

  “I left the club of my own free will. I’m not going to change who I am. I need my woman to tell me what she wants. If you want this sweet pussy to be licked, I need to know.”

  She whimpered, crossing her legs trying to relieve the tension.

  “Tell me, Cheryl. I’m not going to see you any differently. Give yourself to me, and I promise you, you’ll want for nothing. I will satisfy you at every opportunity.”

  Give in, stop fighting.

  Holding herself back made no sense to her. All she wanted to do was be with him. Butch made her feel things Alex never had. She wanted this as much as Butch did.

  “I want you to fuck me, touch me, and make me forget about everything.” The words slid from her mouth as if they had a mind of their own. She c
ouldn’t take them back.

  “We’ll work on that later.” He reached up pushing the strap of her gown down her body. She didn’t fight him even as the cool air crossed her naked breasts. Staring into his eyes, Cheryl couldn’t stop the nerves running through her body at his touch. The pads of his fingers were rough. She loved the feel of them as they glided across her skin.

  “Don’t be afraid. I promise I will never hurt you.”

  “I’m not afraid.” She lied easily.

  “I know you’re afraid, but not of me hurting you.”

  Biting her lip, she stared up into his eyes as he circled her nipple with his fingers.

  “Tell me what you’re afraid of?” he asked.

  “I don’t want to disappoint you.” The words spilled out of her with ease.

  “Baby, you’ll never disappoint me. Trust me, open up and I’ll give you whatever you need. I promise.”

  He didn’t need to keep promising her anything.

  Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath and started to relax. Wet warmth surrounded her breast. Opening her eyes she saw his head bowed over her body. Crying out, she couldn’t stop the sudden onset of pleasure. From her nipple to her pussy, the sensation erupted. Jerking off the bed, she cried out.

  Butch pulled away. He motioned for her to be quiet. Feeling stupid, she stared into his eyes waiting. How could she be quiet when he was sucking on her clit? The idea of it seemed foreign to her.

  “Your tits are sensitive,” he said.

  What should she say?

  “Lie back.”

  Taking her time, she lay back against the pillows and stared at him. He placed a hand over her mouth as he went back to sucking on her nipples. He tugged on the bud, flicking across the tip then back again. Butch bit down creating a small spark of pain that was transformed into pleasure as he sucked on the tip.

  His hand stopped her from making any sounds. She liked the feel of him holding her down, in place. She was there for his will alone.

  Butch moved onto the next breast, devoting his time to each nipple then pulling back again. He lavished time on each never moving from one bud to the next. She was going crazy with the sensation he was building with her. Butch took his sweet time with each nipple. Her pussy was on fire with need. When he sat back she saw the hard ridge of his length. Cheryl craved to feel the hard length of him inside her, drawing the pleasure out until she came over his cock.


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