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Page 13

by Sam Crescent

  Her fingers stroked through her slit, hiding the sight of them together. He watched her stroke her clit even as he fucked her.

  The moment she cried out in orgasm, he let go, thrusting inside her that final time. Butch filled the condom with his cum. Growling, he pressed his head to hers loving the feeling washing over him from the explosive orgasm.

  Collapsing over her, he kissed her lips then caressing down to suck on her neck. By the time he finished, there were red marks all over her neck from his possession.

  Sliding to the side, he tucked her against him. The smile on her face would stay with him forever.

  “You’ve just ruined me for any other woman,” he said.

  “Same, only men for me.” She chuckled, stroking his chest. “That was amazing.”

  “I’m sorry I didn’t last. I’ll make up for it soon.” Kissing her head, Butch felt complete. She was his woman, and it felt so right having her resting in his arms.

  “It can get better than that?”

  “Yeah, a lot more.”

  She moaned. “I can’t wait to see what more we can do.”

  Pulling out of her tightness, Butch left the bed. “Stay exactly like that, and I’ll be back. I’ve just got to get rid of the condom.”


  Tiny cursed as the police officer he didn’t know shoved him to the floor. “I want this compound searched. Weapons, drugs, alcohol, I want it swept floor to fucking floor.”

  It was one in the morning, and the cops were doing a fucking search of the clubhouse. Usually he was notified by one of the men he paid off about a search, but this one was a fucking surprise. Eva was sitting in a chair while a cop stood over her. Nash was comforting Sophia. They were all staying at the clubhouse waiting for Gash to get out. They had decided not to do anything with regards to Gonzalez until their other brother was out. Devil and his crew were long gone. Alex was on the floor beside him, cursing. All the men who put up a fight were on the floor with a gun trained to their heads.

  “You better know how to use that fucking thing. My wife will own your ass if you kill me,” Tiny said, growling.

  “Tiny, don’t.” Eva’s voice was small, scared even. Turning his head an inch he saw how scared she looked. She shook her head. Eva didn’t recognize any of the men who were waving guns and shining warrants around as if they were a fucking fashion statement.

  “This is bullshit,” Murphy shouted.

  A grunt was followed by his daughter’s man being thrown to the floor.

  “We’ll find something, and you men will be locked up in fucking jail for the night. I’d like to see how you men like a cell. I bet some of you would make a good bitch to a hungry man.”

  This fucker was going to end up six feet under. Tiny was fast losing his patience with this shit. He never kept crap at the clubhouse or around the compound. In the early years of The Skulls, he learned that mistake quickly.

  None of the men searching his place were known to him. The Fort Wills police knew when to steer well enough alone.

  “Hey, don’t fucking think about it.” Tiny looked up in time to see Eva’s phone taken out of her hands. “Leave my wife alone.”

  The cop who thought he was better than Tiny landed a blow to his head. “Let’s see you talk when you’re a fucking vegetable.”

  “Leave him alone.”

  These men were not your average cops. Glancing around, ignoring the pain, Tiny made sure to remember what each one looked like. They were not part of Fort Wills. This was a special unit, but he didn’t know what the fuck for.

  “Sir, we found this.” Another voice from the corner lifted a bag of white powder up for all to see. The men were smirking. They were being fucking set up.

  “Well, it’s time to take that trip down to the cells.”

  Tiny was hauled up. Staring at the man who hit him, he knew he was going to have his revenge. This fucker was going to be squealing like a little bitch by the time he was through with him. Tiny couldn’t wait to show this man who the real fucking boss was.

  “Take the women. I don’t want anyone given the chance to bail these little shits out. Take them all down to the cells. It’s going to be a fun couple of days.”

  The bar was trashed as he was walking out. The men, who he gathered were working for Gonzalez, trashed his clubhouse. Tate was crying out. Gritting his teeth he watched the men carrying his kids out of the house. With no one around to look after them they were going into care for the night. He was pissed. Tiny was going to kill any motherfucker who got in his way. Gonzalez had just started a fucking war as far as Tiny was concerned. No one fucked with his family or his club.

  There was only one man who wasn’t at the club, and that was Lash. He couldn’t get the other man to come to him on such short notice. The only other person was Butch. Maybe it was time to start Alex’s plan in motion. A little blackmail went a long way.

  Being led out to the truck in cuffs, he saw Frederick laughing with the man who’d been the lead in the raid. Yeah, there was a new enemy in town.

  Tiny spat on the ground as he heard his kids crying, his men cursing, and his woman shouting. Revenge was going to be so fucking sweet.

  Chapter Ten

  Butch’s cell phone woke him up. He was asleep on the bedroom floor with the sunlight glinting in through the windows. Cheryl was curled up against him. He didn’t know how it was possible, but his cell phone was beside his head. After all the time away from The Skulls, he still kept his phone within easy reach. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, he answered the call without checking the caller identity. The feel of Cheryl, naked and pressed up against him, filled him with a buzz. They’d come a long way, and they’d done a lot of talking last night as well as a lot of not talking. He smiled recalling the sounds she made when he drove her crazy. She really was a passionate woman.

  “Hello,” he said.

  “Fuck, Butch, we need your help.” Murphy sounded enraged on the other end.

  “What’s up?” he asked, running a hand down his woman’s naked back. His cock was thick, wanting back inside her body once again. He’d not been able to stop fucking her. Around four they’d both collapsed into an exhausted sleep. Butch never did need a lot of sleep. He’d taken all the rest he’d needed, and he was ready to start again. Once the phone call was over he was going to fuck her again. Her body was amazing, and he loved watching her tits bounce as he rode her hard.

  “I wouldn’t be calling, but we all agreed you’re the only one we can trust. We’ve all been trying to fucking call you. Mason, the brother who helped with Killer and Kelsey, is too far, brother. You’re the only one left, and we’re calling in that favor.”

  Frowning, he sat up, and in the process he woke Cheryl up.

  “What’s going on?” From Murphy’s tired voice, he knew it was serious. Tate wouldn’t let Murphy out of her sight unless he was fully rested. Ever since the incident with The Darkness a year or so back, Tate had been overprotective of him.

  “We’ve been fucking set up, man. There was a raid last night on the clubhouse. All of us were there to try and deal with Gonzalez. It looks like the bastard stepped up his game.”

  “That makes no fucking sense.” He pushed the blanket away and stood up.

  “Butch? What is it?” Cheryl asked.

  He held his palm out, showing her he needed a minute.

  “Makes sense now, they got us on possession of coke or some shit. They’re in now talking with Tiny. We saw Gonzalez here, man. Shits about to get serious, and we don’t know what the fuck will happen. We need you to bail us out and talk to our lawyer.”

  “Why didn’t you call him first?” Butch asked.

  “They wouldn’t let us. They fucked up the call. Butch, we need you, man. They took our women along with us.”

  “Where are your kids?”

  “In with the fucking social services. The coke was planted, Butch. Please, help us out.” Murphy sounded desperate.

  Butch knew it was a set-up. Tiny
wouldn’t allow any of the drugs to be in the clubhouse, not with children around. Tiny hated drugs. Nash had come a long way and was completely sober from the drugs.

  Rubbing a hand down his face, he nodded. “Sure, I’ve got the cash to bail you all out, and I’ll get the lawyer on releasing the kids and shit. Fuck, Devil was right, you’re all attracted to disaster.”

  “Be careful,” Murphy said, releasing a sigh. “Tiny is not happy about this, and he knows you’re pissed about all of this.”

  “Nah, don’t worry about it. I’ll get Cheryl to help me. We’re all good.”

  Ending the call he turned to a worried Cheryl.

  “They’ve been arrested,” he said.

  “Oh, no. What for?”

  “I don’t know, possession with intent to sell I imagine.” Running fingers through his hair, he glanced around the room. “I didn’t want to deal with club shit this early in the fucking morning. I’m not even supposed to be part of the club anymore.”

  “You’re not just going to leave them there, are you? You’ve got to help them,” she asked.

  “No, I’m not going to leave them. Shit. I’ve got to get dressed and start helping.”

  “I’m coming along.” She stood up, making her way toward the bathroom.

  “Baby, you don’t have to come.” He reached out taking her hand. Drawing her closer, he wrapped an arm around her waist. “None of this is your business.”

  “Well I’m making it my business. I like Eva and the other women. Okay, so Tate’s not really my style, but I’m not letting a bully take their children away from them. It’s not fair, and besides, they’re your friends, if only you’d get your head out of your ass.” She wrinkled her nose, smiling up at him.

  “And here I thought I’d fallen for a sweet, little innocent woman who liked to work at the church.”

  “I do like to work at the church. It’s nice, quiet, and I get a small income from there. Don’t let the job deceive you, buddy.” She went up on her toes and landed a kiss to his lips. “I love you.”

  He gripped her ass, loving the way the supple flesh filled his palms. “Fuck, baby, I love you, too. So much.”

  Cheryl pulled away first. “Then come on. Let’s go and help your friends out. There’s no way either of us would have enjoyed a night spent in cells.”

  She wandered off into the bathroom, leaving him alone with his thoughts. His woman didn’t know how serious this was going to be. It would only be a matter of time before Gonzalez came hunting for him. He needed to start thinking about the future. Staying in Fort Wills was no longer logical. He needed to convince Cheryl that leaving town would be best.

  Butch listened to her humming in the bathroom as he grabbed his clothes and headed downstairs. Putting the coffee pot on he dialed the lawyer’s number, bringing him up to speed on everything that had happened so far. There were no questions or anger. The lawyer simply did his job and promised to start making calls. After he finished with the lawyer, Cheryl walked in wearing a nice white summer dress. She looked beautiful and refreshed.

  “Hey,” he said, groaning.

  “What’s the matter?” She tucked some of her dark strands behind her ear and glanced down her body as if there was something wrong with her. There was nothing wrong. She looked so fucking beautiful.

  “I want to go back to bed and kiss every inch of your body. There’s nothing wrong with you. It’s all to do with me,” he said, watching her ass sway as she poured some coffee.

  “You’ve always got sex on the brain. I can’t even keep up with you,” she said, chuckling.

  “Baby, you’re the one responsible for my dick getting hard. I think it’s time for you to cut me some slack.” Butch glanced at the clock and moaned. “Fuck, we can’t do anything about it. We’ve got to get to the jail to post bail.” He was really looking forward to another round of hot, sweaty sex.

  “Too bad. I was getting all hot and bothered over it as well.” She gave him that smile he adored before turning away.

  Fuck, when did he get so lucky with his woman?

  “I’ll deal with you when I get back. Come on, we’ve got to go if you want to come along.”

  They took his bike, and by the time he pulled up at the police station in town, the lawyer was turning up. The man’s name was Rupert, and he looked concerned.

  “What’s the matter?” Butch asked.

  “Someone’s frozen my accounts. I’m being put under investigation,” Rupert said.

  Cheryl climbed off the bike, handing him back the helmet. “Who the fuck would do that?” Butch asked.

  No one needed to answer. Butch got all the answers he needed as Gonzalez appeared out of the back of a large, expensive car.

  “Good morning, gentlemen,” Gonzalez said.

  Ignoring him, Butch turned to Cheryl. “Whatever happens, do not talk to that man, got it?”

  “Yeah, I’ve got it.”

  “Good.” He took her hand, leading her into the station. Butch left her in one of the chairs as he approached the front desk.

  “Bringing your woman to the station wasn’t very smart,” Gonzalez said.

  “This payback because I beat you down like a bitch with your guards watching?” Butch asked, turning to the other man as the woman started to deal with the bail money. “I can do it again, and you’re going to hit out, setting up my friends.”

  “Are they really your friends? They called you because they had no one else. You’re not part of the club anymore. I mean, what are you to them besides a money fund?”

  Smiling, Butch shook his head. “You’re acting like we know each other, but we don’t.”

  “We’ve got a past. I mean, my dad killed your dad and all of the club you were with. I think it gives me a little leverage,” Gonzalez said.

  “No, it doesn’t. It was a long time ago.”

  “Yet the bitch doctor figured it was necessary to hide you from me. I do find that a little curious. I mean, she hid you from my dad, so it had to have been out of fear. My dad wasn’t well known or well liked.”

  “Are we seriously going down memory lane?” Butch asked. It had been years since he got over what happened to him. There was no way he was going to let this man get to him.

  “Why not? You’ve got so much to lose.” Gonzalez smiled then chanced a look behind him. “She’s nice. A little round for my tastes, but I like them on the skinny side.”

  Fisting his hands, Butch glared at the other man. “What the fuck do you want?”

  “I’m getting what I want. You’ll see, in time.” Gonzalez smiled as Butch was led away from the reception room. If Gonzalez thought he could threaten him then the man was mistaken.


  Cheryl tapped her fingers on her leg while she waited for Butch to appear. The man he’d been talking to was making his way closer to her. She didn’t like the look in his eyes. Looking down at her lap she did her best to ignore him.

  “So you’re dating Butch?” The man sat beside her, closer than she would have liked.

  “I don’t know who you are.”

  “I’m Gonzalez.”

  “You’re not close with Butch,” she said, doing her best to stay away from him.

  “What makes you think that?” He turned toward her. His knees touched hers.

  “I’ve seen Butch with his friends. He looked ready to hurt you, not hug you.” Come on, Butch. This man was making her uncomfortable.

  “He’s protecting criminals.”

  She didn’t know who Gonzalez was, but her gut was telling her, he wasn’t at all the kind of man he was making himself out to be.

  “You’ve got nothing to say.”

  “I don’t know who you are. Please, leave me alone.” She stood up taking a step toward the message board. The town posted up job interviews along with other job descriptions available throughout the town of Fort Wills. Gonzalez didn’t leave her alone. He stepped up right close beside her, invading her space. Gritting her teeth, she forced herself not to
show any discomfort.

  “He’s going to hurt you. The Skulls are always hurt. The women more than any others.”

  “Why are you doing this?” she asked, turning around.

  He leaned in close putting a hand beside her head.

  “Do you really want to know the truth?” She nodded. He closed the distance until he was close enough to kiss. It took every ounce of strength for her not to pull back or pull away. “I’m doing this because it’s fun.”

  Gonzalez withdrew, chuckling.

  She jerked back, glaring at him. The evil in his eyes was clear to see. Without thinking what she was doing, she slapped him around the face. “Stay away from my friends. I mean it, keep away from them.” Cheryl didn’t know where the strength came from, only that she needed for him to stay as far away from them as possible.

  “Is the mother hen showing through?” he asked, rubbing his cheek.

  Glaring at him, she refused to back down.

  “Stay the fuck away from my woman,” Butch said, appearing. Not only did he appear, The Skulls all appeared, looking ready to commit murder.

  “It’s okay. It’s going to be fun. Enjoy your freedom while you’ve got it,” Gonzalez said, chuckling. “You’re a little firecracker.”

  Not backing down, she waited for him to take the first step away. After several seconds passed, he took the first step back, then the second until he was completely away from her.

  When he was gone, she allowed herself to relax, collapsing against him.

  “What the fuck was that about?” Butch asked. His arms were around her, holding her close. She closed her eyes, basking in the warmth from his touch. She wanted to go back to this morning before the phone call. Last night had been magical to her.

  “We’ve got problems,” Tiny said, holding Eva close to his side. He turned to Rupert. “Get our kids back and there’ll be a nice bonus in it for you.”

  “I’m on it. I could do with the money,” Rupert said, signing some paperwork. Cheryl stayed by Butch’s side as he led her out toward the bike. There was no transport for the rest of The Skulls.


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