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The Silver Dragon

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by Tianna Xander

  Living life as sister-in-law to the king of the dragons is a pain in the rump and Iris can’t wait to get out from under his thumb. She almost regrets her decision to stay with her sister Tansy when the others go to Europe, until she meets the most handsome dragon she’s ever seen. Too bad he’s so ready and willing to die.

  Jean Luc d’Argent, otherwise known as the Silver Dragon has kept his secret for a long, long time. After living alone for over a thousand years, he’s ready to enter the dragon’s forever sleep, even though an ancient prophecy predicts he must help stop the end of the world. The last thing he wants is a woman mucking up his plans—even if she’s his mate.

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  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  The Silver Dragon

  Copyright © 2015 Tianna Xander

  ISBN: 978-1-4874-0253-2

  Cover art by Carmen Waters

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  Published by eXtasy Books Inc or

  Devine Destinies, an imprint of eXtasy Books Inc

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  The Silver Dragon

  Dragon Bound Book 9


  Tianna Xander


  To my family: Thank you for always being there. Your support means everything to me.

  Chapter One

  “I’m not sure we should ignore Tony’s warning.” Tansy took a sip of her coffee and wrinkled her nose before dumping a generous amount of creamer into the cup. “He always makes it too strong.”

  Of course, the fact that it could be old apparently never crossed her sister’s mind. “What warning? Didn’t he say we could go out as long as we had an escort?” Iris lifted her drink, guzzled the last of her coffee, stood, and carried her cup to the sink. After rinsing it out, she placed the cup in the dishwasher, turned and faced her sister. “We have two perfectly good male dragons who can go to the mall with us, Tanz. I’m going stir crazy here.”

  Tansy shook her head. “I should have known you’d be trouble when you begged to stay with us. Why didn’t you want to go to Europe with the others?” She, too, guzzled the rest of her coffee before carrying her cup to the sink.

  Iris found out long ago that sometimes gulping down Tony’s attempts at making coffee was the only way to get her caffeine fix. “Because I have a feeling that my man is here in the states. Fat lot of good that does me,” she groused.

  How could she meet the guy if she never got out of the house? Tansy had hated their other sister April’s attempts at matchmaking so much, she refused to introduce any of her sisters to her husband’s friends more than once a month. After suffering through months of April’s weekly matchmaking parties, Tansy’s penchant for staying home and watching TV was getting on Iris’s nerves.

  Certain she’d go mad if she didn’t get out of there, and soon, Iris paced the length of the counter. She couldn’t take another minute cooped up in this-this frigging mansion with her love-struck sister. “You’re right. I shouldn’t have begged to stay here. If anything, I should have begged to go to Europe, with the rest of them, instead of insisting I stay here with you and Mister Boring.” She didn’t dare call her sister Mrs. Boring. That was a good way to get punched. They might be adults, but they would always be sisters.

  Crossing her arms, she leaned back against the counter and glared at her sister. Tansy could talk that boring husband of hers into just about anything. Why wouldn’t she talk him into getting out of the house once in a while?

  “Tansy, you’re mated now. You have come into your powers. You alone could protect us, for crying out loud.” Iris wasn’t positive of that, but she was desperate.

  Unlike Iris, Tansy had complete control over her magic. Once mated, the sisters stopped having issues with their powers. Instead of zapping up frogs, and toadstools, a mated witch conjured whatever it was she wanted. All of her married sisters had oodles of control over their magic. Iris couldn’t conjure up a glass of water.

  “I’m going to go nuts here. You know that, don’t you?” She sighed deeply, knowing her dramatics would have no effect on her sister. They never had.

  “Oh, stop being so melodramatic.” Tansy waved her hand in a dismissive arc. “Soon, everyone will return from Europe and things will be back to normal before you know it.”

  “Okay, damn it. Who are you, and what have you done with my sister?” Iris glared at Tansy. “You used to be the adventurous one. Don’t I remember you escaping Drake’s house and running off with Rose?”

  Not only did she escape but she and Rose climbed a tree, jumped over to a stone wall and then onto the ground where they hurried into a waiting taxi driven by a madman.

  “Yeah. That was before I fell in love.” Tansy batted her eyes, wearing a dreamy expression.

  The wench actually batted her eyes.

  “What’s love got to do with it?” Iris pushed away from the counter, stalked back to the table and plopped back into her seat. She had to do something before she punched Tansy so hard she wouldn’t be able to open her eyes, let alone bat her lashes at her.

  “More than you know.” Tansy’s phone rang. Reaching out, she picked it up, touched the screen and held it to her ear. “What did you need, sweetheart?”

  “Oh, God.” Iris leaned back in her seat with a glower. “Speak of the effing devil.”

  Tansy only used that tone of voice with one person—her infernal dragon.

  “Of course we can, but we’ll need some time. Iris was just saying she’d like to get out and into the fresh air for a while,” Tansy said into her phone. “It’ll take us a few minutes to change, but we should be there within the hour.”

  Be where? Iris perked up. She didn’t really care where as long as wherever it was got her out of this blasted house before she lost her mind.

  “I love you, too, darling,” Tansy whispered into the phone. She giggled at something he said. “See you soon.”

  Tansy set her phone on the table and met Iris’s gaze. “Tony wants us to meet him at O’Leary’s on Fifth Street, for dinner. His business meeting ran a little late and he wants to celebrate the acquisition of a new company.”

  “Whatever.” Iris pushed away from the table and stood. “I don’t care what his reasons are. I just want to get out of this house. Even if it’s only for a few hours.” She almost danced toward the stairs. “I’ll just go take a quick shower and change into something nice.”

  After all, a girl never knew when she might meet the man—or the dragon—of her dreams.

  Chapter Two

  Luc stared across the restaurant. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t keep the bored expression from his face. He had agreed to join his soon-to-be ex-business partner for a celebratory meal, because, frankly, one did his best not to insult the fire dragon.

  Soon, within the next day or so
actually, he would have sold off all of his assets and given the bulk of the proceeds to a few lucky charities. After that, he would pay off what bills he had and end his existence. He couldn’t bear to wait another moment to find a mate who didn’t exist.

  He had lived too long, been alone for too many years, to hold out much hope that his mate would somehow magically appear before him at this late date.

  “You seem preoccupied.” Tony swirled the amber liquid in his glass, the ice tinkling against the crystal before tipping it up to take a long drink.

  “I am always preoccupied these days. Liquidating all of one’s assets is not an easy task.”

  “I don’t suppose I could talk you into waiting a little longer? I still have a few single sisters-in-law I would like for you to meet. Who knows? One of them might turn out to be a match for you.”

  “It is of no use.” Luc waved his arm with a shake of his head. “I have been alive too long. I have waited too many years, and shouldered more disappointment than I care to recall.” He stared down into his glass. “It is time.”

  It was past time. Luc had been tired of waiting a lifetime ago. If he met his mate tomorrow, he didn’t know if the attraction would be enough to hold him to life.

  Boredom was a dangerous thing. He’d learned that long ago. Bored dragons took risks and he had taken too many over the last pair of years. He’d taunted a powerful sorcerer in an attempt to keep the man from carrying out some nefarious plan. He didn’t know if his ruse worked, but he was certain the man would attack any minute.

  It didn’t matter. His affairs were in order, his will signed and filed. After he made provisions for the non-profit children’s hospital he’d acquired to impress his non-existent mate, he would welcome the oblivion of death.

  Luc took a deep breath, drawing in a mouth-watering aroma. “I have no idea what that smell is, but I intend to find out and inform the waiter that I wish to have it.”

  Tony glanced at the tables near them with a frown. “I don’t see anyone eating anything but cheesecake, and you know what that smells like.” He glanced behind Luc, and his eyes lit up. “My wife and her sister have arrived.”

  Luc followed Tony’s lead and stood to welcome the women. He might plan to end his life soon, but that didn’t mean he needed to exhibit bad manners. As far as he was concerned, his breeding would win out until the day he died. When he turned to greet the two women, the world stopped cold.

  He saw nothing, heard nothing, but the beautiful woman before him. Never in his life had he ever seen a female like the one standing next to his seat. He hoped to god that he wasn’t salivating over Tony’s mate. He might want to die, but he wasn’t ready to go just yet.

  Tall, and full figured, she wore her long, glossy black hair around her shoulders. Thick, sooty lashes framed her dark-violet eyes. Full lips, the color of ripe cherries, drew his gaze and made his heart pound.

  Every cell, every molecule of his being, seemed drawn to her. Slowly, as though he had all the time in the world, he drew in another long, slow breath. The delicious aroma had been her.

  He hadn’t felt physical attraction so strong in centuries. Perhaps this was the world’s good-bye gift to him. He could have one last fling with the only woman who had stirred his blood since the crusades.

  The sound of shattering glass brought him out of his reverie. He heard the distant cry of a woman’s dismay and looked around. The spell broken, he smiled at the women before him.

  “Hello, love.” Tony bent to kiss his mate. “Please allow me to introduce my partner, Jean Luc d’Argent.” He wrapped his arm around the pretty red-head and smiled at Luc. “This is my mate, Tansy, and her sister, Iris.”

  “I am enchanted.” Luc smiled into Tansy’s shining green eyes and bowed over her hand. Straightening, he released her slender fingers and turned to her sister. A powerful jolt of awareness shot up his arm when he took her hand in his.

  He swallowed thickly, enjoying the strange sense of recognition hovering between them.

  The woman’s beauty stuck him hard. Her exquisite scent permeated his very being. Everything about her made him long to spend time with her before he ended his existence.

  “Tony, why did you never mention that you had such a beautiful sister-in-law?” He stared at the woman. Perhaps he would spend some time with her. There was no reason he couldn’t take a little comfort where he could find it before he left the world, so long as she was willing.

  What was a few more days in the grand scheme of things? What difference would it make if he willed himself to the ether tomorrow, next week, or next month? What would it matter if the sorcerer found him and ended his life? Either way, he would be just as dead.

  For the first time in over a thousand years, a woman piqued his interest. What harm could possibly come from spending a few stolen moments in her arms?

  Chapter Three

  Iris’s cheeks burned. Her body reacted to the man’s sexy, French accent. She hadn’t expected that. She’d never found Frenchmen overly sexy in the past. What made this one different?

  Her heart slammed against her ribs when he took her hand. Bending, he pressed his warm lips to the backs of her fingers. Her pulse pounded and her breath hitched.

  Are you the one? He could be. He was one of Tony’s partners. That usually translated into dragon friend, as well.

  She stared up into the man’s strange, silver eyes. Did he have a title, too? Was he the leader of a dragon sept like Tony and her other sister’s husbands? Iris found that she didn’t care. The only way she could find out the things that mattered, was to kiss the man. So far, he didn’t seem as though he was in a hurry to do anything so rash.

  “d’Argent...why does that sound so familiar?” She bit her lip with a frown. Maybe she was remembering something from her high school French classes.

  “Argent is a common word in French,” Luc replied. “It means silver.”

  “Oh.” She touched her upper lip with her tongue. “Your last name is Silver?”

  He smiled and gave her an exaggerated bow. “Jean Luc d’Argent, the Silver Dragon, at your service, my lady.”

  He was the leader of his sept. “It’s nice to meet you, Jean Luc.”

  “Call me Luc, please.”

  “Luc it is, then. I like that.” She smiled.

  “Now that we’ve all been introduced, perhaps we should sit down to dinner.” Tony smiled at his friend. “Did you ever figure out what that smell was that you liked so much, Luc?”

  “Eh, no. I am afraid I did not. However, I am certain I shall find something satisfactory on the menu.”

  Iris didn’t know what she missed, but Luc glared at Tony for a minute. Was it some sort of private joke?

  “It’s not French. I hope you can endure.”

  “You insult me, Tony. I am not that insufferable ass, Armand. I like American food. Unlike him, my taste is not all in my mouth.” Luc held Iris’s chair while she took her seat then moved to his own chair next to her.

  “I’m glad to hear you like it.” Iris wrinkled her nose. I’m afraid the only French food that I really like is Julienned potatoes.”

  Luc smiled, took her napkin and shook it out before placing it on her lap. “Whatever we decide, I am sure it will be delicious. At least, I’m sure I will think so because I will be so distracted by your beauty.”

  Iris leaned over and whispered in her sister’s ear, “He’s a smooth talker, isn’t he?”

  “Of course I am.” He grinned. “As Armand would say, I am French.”

  Two hours later, their dessert finished, Tony checked his watch. “I’m sorry, but I have an early day tomorrow. I hate to call our evening short, but Tansy has a doctor’s appointment in the morning.”

  “What’s wrong?” Iris turned her attention to her sister. She felt bad for ignoring her all through dinner now that she knew she wasn’t feeling well. “I knew it. You never tell anyone anything. What’s going on?”

“Nothing that a few months won’t cure, if it’s what I think.” Tansy grinned.

  “A few months?” It took a moment for Tansy’s words to sink in. Iris stood and hurried to wrap her arms around her sister. “You, too? Oh, my God!” Tears streamed down her face. “Congratulations. I’m so happy.” She was happy for her sister. Really.

  “Perhaps you and your mate would like to ride home alone.” Luc said as he watched the drama unfold.

  Iris glanced at Tansy then at Tony and nodded. “You two should really be alone. Go on ahead. I can catch a cab.”

  Not for a moment, did Iris think anyone would let her ride home in a cab. She merely needed Luc to volunteer a ride and she could give her sister and her husband the privacy they deserved.

  “You will not take a cab.” Luc glowered at her. “I will take you home. Though I have never met him, do you not think that I know how closely Drake guards his wife’s sisters? He protects you almost as well as he does his greatest treasure.”

  Iris knew what he meant. Her sister April, was the Golden Dragon’s most valuable treasure. All dragons held their mates in such high esteem. Iris only hoped she could find a dragon who could love her half as much as her sister’s husbands loved their mates.

  “You’re sure you don’t mind?” One of Tony’s brows almost reached his hairline as he studied Luc’s expression. “I would trust her with you, if you’re serious.”

  “I am.” Luc inclined his head.

  Iris closed her eyes and prayed that he wasn’t only serious about taking her home. Something told her that he had more than taking her back to Tony’s house on his mind. She hoped it wasn’t just wishful thinking.

  “If you’re sure.” Tansy stood. “We don’t mind if you ride along, hon. Really.”


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