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The Crown Of Yensupov (Book 3)

Page 32

by C. Craig Coleman

  Sorcerer from Hador expelled when the dark presence moved in there.

  Highback Mountains (HI’ back)

  Three mountains standing well above surrounding hills in remote northern most Tixos

  Hoya (Hoi’ ya)

  Northwestern most city of Talok-Lemnos on the Pundar River at border with Graushdem and Sengenwha

  Hyemka (Hyem’ ka)

  Commercial Neuyokkasinian city on River Nhy on the western edge of the Vos Plain

  Icktak (ic’ tak)

  Greeter elf from Talok Tak Forest elf kingdom

  Irkin (Irk’ n)

  Upstart witch-wife of Minnabec III of Neuyokkasin, from city of Wodin. Usually called Earwig

  Jedrac (Jed’ rac)

  Heggolstockin general who founded Hador as it’s first duke at the end of the Wizard Wars. Carved out his dukedom from Heggolstockin and declared his independence from Graushdem.

  Keyock (KE’ ah k)

  Pigeon king

  Kious (KI’ us) King of Tixos

  Kieechee (KI E’ chE) Queen of Pigeons

  Konnotan (Kon’ oh tan)

  Capital of Kingdom of Neuyokkasin

  Lemnos (Lem’ nOs)

  Name of region in southern half, and lake in north of Talok-Lemnos

  Lyttia (Lit’ tE ah)

  Daughter of Henri Tulak, king of Talok-Lemnos; wife of King Minnabec II; Queen of Neuyokkasin, also last queen of Talok-Lemnos before absorption into Neuyokkasin

  Magwan (Mah’ gwan)

  Evil Dragon in time of the Third Wizard War; mother of Dragon Magnosious; Mate to Melnosious

  Magnosious (Mag nO’ shus)

  Dragon grown from egg by Earwig to destroy ruling family of Neuyokkasin; Son of Magwan and Melnosious

  Medrax (Med’ rax)

  Creature conjured by a sorcerer from an animal that combines both animal and man. The creature does the bidding of the sorcerer. Invariably evil.

  Melnosious (Mel nO’ shus)

  Dragon father of Magnosious from days of Third Wizard War

  Memlatec (Mem’ la tec)

  Ancient wizard at the Neuyokkasinian court; mentor to Saxthor

  Memtahhamin (Mem’ tah hah’ min)

  Kingdom of forest elves ruled by Ahkenspec in a forest on the between Lake Pundar and the Morass Mesas

  Mendentak (Men’ den tak)

  King of Talok Tak forest elves (all members’ names end in ‘tak) Son of late King Peldentak and Queen Merritak

  Merritak (Mer’ i tak)

  Dowager Queen of Talok Tak forest elves, widow of King Peldentak, mother of King Mendentak

  Minnabec (Min’ ah bec)

  Kings of Neuyokkasin

  Munattahensenhov (Mun ah ta’ hen sen hov)

  Central mountain and highest peak of the Ice Mountains in Dreaddrac

  Neuyokkasin (Nua yok’ ka sin)

  Kingdom at the neck of the Powterosian peninsular encompassing the River Nhy and the Vos Plain. Ruled by Queen Eleatsubetsvyertsin; home of Saxthor Claremendak Calimon

  Nhy (NI)

  Major river of the Powterosian peninsular and heart of the Kingdom of Neuyokkasin. Flows to the western sea at the port of Olnak

  Nonee (NO’ nE)

  Crown Princess of Neuyokkasin, sister of Saxthor, daughter of Queen Eleatsubetsvyertsin and Prince Consort Augusteros

  Occintoc (oc’ n toc )

  Ancient empire covering most of the continent before the Wizard Wars. It collapsed in the first Wizard War leaving the continent to fragment into the early kingdoms.

  Olnak (Ol’ nak)

  Second largest Neuyokkasinian city; Port for trading with Tixos and Harbor at mouth of the River Nhy

  Orc (Orc)

  Short, muscled, stupid foot soldiers bred by the Evil One to fight his enemies in battle as armies.

  Ormadese (or’ ma dEs)

  King Ormadese, King of the Hadorian Mountain Dwarves.

  Ornsmak (Orn’ smak)

  Communications device created by magic with flexible form, able to travel through air, water or on earth with encoded message. Can only be recrystalized and played by addressee.

  Pakwic (Pak’ wic)

  Clerk to Merchant of Tixumemnese working for Memlatec

  Persnella (Per Snel’ la)

  Wife of Hendrel the wizard and mother of Meklin and Hendrel Jr.

  Pindradese (Pin’ dra dEs)

  Pindradese II, Prince of Prertsten

  Powteros (Pow’ ter’ Os)

  Continent of the story; also largest empire and neighboring state to the south of Neuyokkasin; sometimes the continent was referred to as Powteros as well.

  Prertsden (Prerts’ den)

  Principality on western tip of peninsular, south of Dreaddrac and bordering Heggolstockin and Sengenwha on it south. Aligned with evil of Dreaddrac against the kingdoms of the southern peninsular.

  Pundar (Pun’ dar)

  River and lake of central peninsular serving as border to numerous states.

  Radrac (Rad’ rac)

  Enormous wharf rat pet of Witch Zerwin; eaten by Magnosious

  Saxthor (Sax’ thor)

  Second (spare) son of Neuyokkasinian Queen Eleatsubetsvyertsin and hero in the story. Full name Saxthor Claremendak Calimon de Chatronier

  Sekkarian (Se kar’ E an)

  Neuyokkasinian general sent to retake Castilyernov Hoyahof from the Dark Lord’s chatra agent

  Sekcmet (Sec’ met)

  Sekcmet Palace, palace of Kings of Sengenwha in Sengenwhapolis

  Sengenwha (Sen’ jen wha)

  Kingdom on west side of peninsular facing Tixos

  Sengenwhapolis (Sen’ jen wha)

  Another name for the capital of the Kingdom of Sengenwha

  Socockensmek (SO cok’ en smek)

  General of Neuyokkasin served under Minnabec I at the end of Wizard Wars, and Minnabec II. Retired to Tixos and watched for rise of Dark Lord’s forces. Mentor to Saxthor

  Sorblade (Sor’ blAd)

  Wizard forged magical sword with spell runes that glow in the presence of evil

  Tackenbeck (Tock’ en beck)

  Plant grown best in the soils and conditions found in eastern Neuyokkasin. Basis of agricultural wealth of the state and best trading product with other nations

  Talok (TA’ lok)

  Northern region of Talok-Lemnos and northwestern lake on the border.

  Talok-Lemnos (TA’ lok lem’ nos)

  Former kingdom assimilated into Neuyokkasin after death of King Tulak as daughter Lyttia inherited, she queen of Neuyokkasin

  Tashia (TA’ sha)

  Small city east of Hoya whose army once rescued the Prince of Hoya. Tashian soldiers always supplied the palace guards for the Castilyernov Hoyahof

  Tixis (TIk’ sis)

  Major River of southern Tixos

  Tixos (TIk’ sOs)

  Island born from the Wizard Wars to the west of the Powterosian Peninsular. Major trading partner of Neuyokkasin, home of the Highback Mountains. Ruled by King Kious

  Tixumemnese (TIx’ U mem nEs)

  Capital and port of Tixos

  Tonelia (TOn El’ ya)

  Tonelia Tezentok; Daughter of dungeon keeper of Castilyernov Hoyahof

  Tossledorn (Tosl’ dorn)

  Tossledorn Fortress, Graushdem fortress on the Southeastern border with Talok-Lemnos. Built by King Grekenbach III to defend against possible invasion from Neuyokkasin after Queen Lyttia took the throne of Talok-Lemnos from her brother.

  Tournak (Tour’ nak)

  Tournak Delphendor; Steward to the house of Memlatec, mentor and protector of Saxthor and Bodrin during their flight to Helshia, Assistant wizard to Memlatec

  Tulak (TU’ lak)

  King of Talok-Lemnos during reign of Minnabec I and II, father of Queen Lyttia and Minnabec III, grandfather of Queen Eleatsubetsvyertsin and great-grandfather of Saxthor Claremendak

  Vicksnak (Vick’ snak)

  Title of Bodrin Vicksnak ‘s father, Count George de Vicksnak

>   Vicksylva (Vick sil’ va)

  Country estate of the Vicksnak family

  Virax (VI’ rax)

  Vortex Virax, living vortex anchored in the sea outside the Veil of Helshian Mists to ensnare and suck down boats attempting to pass through the veil; Created by Memlatec

  Vos (Vos)

  Major alluvial plain of the Powterosian Peninsular with the richest agricultural development within Neuyokkasin

  Woelsin (WOl’ sin)

  Village where Witch Earwig was spawned

  Yamma-Mirra Heedra (Yamma Mir a HE’ dra)

  Dragon created from positive wizard energy by Memlatec after the Wizard Wars to hold the energy for future lord of the south to confront the Evil One.

  Yensupov (Yen’ sU pov)

  Crown/Necklace created by Memlatec from most of the wizard’s positive energy in the Wizard Wars to overthrow the Evil One. Its power was so extreme; the wizards disassembled it at the end of the wars. They ordered the power crystals scattered and hidden to prevent its power from corrupting its wearer.

  Table of Contents

  1: Edros Swamps and Dreaddrac

  2: Feldrik Fortress and Heggolstockin

  3: The Road to Prertsten

  4: Escape South from Prertsten

  5: Sengenwha and the Kettle of Conflicts

  6: Pain and Sorrow

  7: Turmoil & Fragmentation in Sengenwha

  8: Return to Botahar & Lake Pundar

  9: Home to Neuyokkasin and Konnotan

  Neuyokkasinian Dictionary




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