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Riptide Love (

Page 4

by Melissa Lopez

So he winked. “They’ll ruin him for life.”

  “Nate, eat your breakfast for me, okay?” Urgency had entered her voice. A tone he didn’t quite understand. Unless… What if she didn’t care for his family? After being a pig’s arse to her and Ace’s rudeness on the phone he could understand how she might lump them together. But hopefully soon she’d learn his family was the best.

  Scrutinizing her, he took in the tension in her shoulders. Her fingers were jerky as she tore a bite from her own sandwich.

  Nate took a bite that looked too big for his mouth. De, on the other hand, toyed with her food. Such graceful hands. How those long fingers had teasingly played over his body. Wantonly gripped his prick… He shifted on a rush of lust.

  Focus, mate.

  “I was joshin’.” His jaw clenched, he hated not being able to read her clearly. In their short time together in the past, he’d discovered she was shy and enthusiastic. He shook it off. It’d been a while since they’d been together. Maybe he hadn’t known her as well as he’d thought. All he knew for sure was they’d sparked one another to an undeniable blaze.

  Sitting here, at least for him, the spark still existed. This intrigued him.

  De moistened her lips and dropped the bread she’d been fooling with.

  “My brothers are the best mates. My cousins too. Rowdy as hell, but bloody fine mates.”

  Nathan sat up straight. “You cussed.”

  “Eh.” He took in De’s tight lips. Obviously, he had a lot to learn. Even more to remember. No cursing. This rule would be tough to follow. “Sorry about that, little mate.”

  She nodded. “Will you be inviting them here then?” Absently, she brushed Nathan’s hair back after he took another big bite.

  Muscles along his back tensed as frustration grew. Bring his family here? “Listen, De, I’m going to go home for a visit.” He had to. Christ. He had to talk to Miller in person. And his mum. Yeah, telling them about Nathan wasn’t something he’d do over the phone.

  “I see.” She got up and threw her food away. “Tiger, finish up so we can get you your bath.”

  “Do you?” He abandoned his own meal to join her at the sink. “Listen, De. I’m going home, and I want to take Nathan with me.” He back peddled. That’d come out wrong. “I meant…”


  Green eyes blazed when she turned her gaze on Ethan. “You’re not…”

  “Will you wait a sec?” Sweat beaded on his palms. “Listen, I want you to come too.” She had to travel with him. He’d not have a clue how to care for the boy alone. Though his family would step in if he screwed something up.


  “I want us to introduce Nathan to my family. It’s time.” He invaded her personal space. “Long past time the Thorns met him. You’ve got to know that.”

  Long lashes lowered as she glanced down before moving slightly away from his body.

  Ethan turned away to grasp the counter in both hands.

  Nathan no longer ate but stared.

  De brushed by him to move to the table. “You all done, tiger?” At his nod, she picked him up.

  “Is SpongeBob on?”

  “Not yet, I want to get you cleaned up first.” She cradled Nathan close. “We’ll talk in a few minutes.”

  “Sure, listen.” He moved in their direction. “I thought, if you don’t mind, we could hang out at the beach?”

  Nathan’s head came up with a big smile in place. “I like the beach.”

  “I’ve got the day off.” He focused on his son. “Would you like that, Nate?” For the first time he used the nickname De had given him.

  “Mummy.” Nate caressed her cheek to get her attention. “I like the beach.”

  “All right.” She agreed, not looking the least bit happy about doing so.

  He sighed. Dammit. He supposed he needed to discuss things with her first. “I’ve got to get cleaned up myself. How about I pick you up in two hours?”

  “I guess we’ll be ready then, won’t we, tiger?” She kissed the boy on the forehead.

  Their son still grinned.

  “Hooroo, Nate.” A tightness settled in his chest. Damn if he didn’t want to stay. What if she took off? Sure, he’d be able to track her down, he had the resources, but still. He didn’t like the idea of leaving them so soon.

  “G’day.” Nate waved.

  Ethan grinned. “De…”

  “You’re welcome to finish your breakfast. I’ve got to get Nate cleaned up to face the day.”

  Nate’s arms clung to De’s neck. “I don’t like baths, Mummy.”

  Lashes lowered, she turned away.

  Left alone, he didn’t have an appetite so he tossed his meal. And made sure the door locked behind him when he left.

  At his truck, he turned back to the flat. The constriction in his chest intensified. He hated the thought of leaving Nate so soon after their first long meeting. Hated it. He glanced into the back seat of his truck to the booster seat De had put Nate in.

  The sight eased the discomfort somewhat. But not enough. He’d hurry back. He had to. There were three-plus years to make up for.

  Denae was spazzing out.

  Worse, she shouldn’t be this upset. A trip to the beach was no big deal. Only it was. An outing she and Nate had made dozens of times had already knotted her stomach. She shook her hands out to her side, trying to get rid of the jitters.

  This is crazy.

  She needed to calm down.

  Ethan Thorn had invited them out for the afternoon.

  No big deal.

  Wasn’t like he’d invited them for forever.

  Still, her pulse didn’t slow. The churning in her stomach threatened to send her rushing to the bathroom. Taking Nate to the beach was far different than hanging out with a man. A man who was quite literally perfect. Closing her eyes, she pictured him standing there. Steady blue eyes, quick to lighten in amusement. So tall with shoulders made for clinging. His blond head always held so proudly. So confident in himself.

  Liquid heat simmered in her core. Arousal sent her blood surging. It heated her skin. Swelled in her breasts.

  Oh yes, Ethan was all male.

  Only, she shouldn’t think about that.

  He was Nate’s father. That was the only thing she should remember. Whatever they’d shared was over and done. Had been for a long time.

  Other than Jack, she hadn’t spent any time with another male besides Nate since… Well, since Ethan had told her to get lost.

  God, how he must hate her with his every breath. He was only out to do what was right by Nate. And that was what was important. Making things right for her baby.

  Their son.

  The doorbell rang causing her to jerk. “Nate, I’m coming!” she called out, not wanting her baby to head for the door.

  Even though it was most likely Paige. She’d called her friend for support as soon as Ethan had left. Paige was supposed to meet them at the beach in another hour but knowing the woman, Paige probably wanted to prep her.

  Although Denae had explained everything in detail, Paige was no fan of Ethan’s.

  As she passed by, she saw that Nate hadn’t moved from his spot in front of the telly. God, he loved SpongeBob, while she thought the show the silliest thing ever.

  She pulled the front door open to find Ethan already there. “You’re early,” she accused, then wished she could pull back the words.

  “I am.” He smiled.

  A quiver raced along her spine. Even now, she remembered how easily he smiled. And the sweet things that smile did to her.

  Amazingly, the man had gotten better looking in the last few years. Downright dreamy to look at. Not her though. She’d gotten ugly in their time apart. And she had the stretch marks on her lower stomach and hips to prove it.

  What they said about men aging well was true. Ethan Thorn was picture proof of that.

  “You gonna invite me in, luv?”

  She stiffened. But forced herself to relax. It wa
s just his way. She needed to get used to it. Needed to get through this day for Nate.

  It was clear—at least for the moment—Ethan wanted to be part of Nate’s life. For her son, she’d deal with the silly names he used out of habit. Her son needed to know his father. For him, she could do this.

  “Nate’s in front of the telly.” She waved him in. “I still need to change.”

  “He watching SpongeBob?”

  “Yeah, he loves the silly show.”

  “I’ve watched it a few times in the rec room down at the station.”

  Picturing some of Aussie’s finest watching the show, she shook her head. Blokes, with their video games and cartoons.

  Instead of going into the living room where Nate sat, he followed her to the hallway. “Did you think about the trip? Are you up for it?”

  “I don’t think I have a choice.” She didn’t. Not when it came right down to it. She owed Nate this time with his family. He needed to get to know them. To make up for the lost time he’d not had with them.

  “Not really.” He turned to his side as if not to dominate her. “Listen, I don’t want to come across as a pig’s arse but I want my family to meet Nate. And I don’t want to wait to do it.”

  “I know.” She did understand. “I know your family needs to get to know him.” She bit her lip and closed her eyes. God, she didn’t want to have to go back home and face everyone. I’m such a coward. Please give me strength to get through this trip.

  Opening her eyes, she met his steady gaze. “I know. I’m fine with it. I’ll go. Nate will be thrilled at being on a plane.” Most importantly, Nate deserved to meet his grandmother. Maree would love him.

  Pressure built under her breasts as her shoulders slumped. It was as if a weight landed on them. The guilt returned in full force. God, she’d thought she’d die from the feeling in the past. Didn’t want to cope with more of the emotion now.

  She’d wronged a great many people by some foolish decisions.

  Sorry just didn’t seem enough.

  “You all right, luv?”

  “Yeah, but you should know I’m not welcome at my parents’.” She compressed her mouth so she wouldn’t say more. Spill every detail of her past. It wasn’t just that she wasn’t welcome. She had no desire to have her baby around her parents. After months of being on her own, along with the guidance of Paige’s minister, she’d finally realized that she’d grown up in a very unhealthy environment. One she didn’t want her son to be any part of.

  She’d made so many mistakes in her life trying to escape the madness of her parents’ web. Nate was a good boy. And she’d never allow anyone to tell him differently just because of the circumstances of his birth.

  “No worries, luv. I know you and Nate will be welcome at my mum’s.”

  “And Miller?”

  “Miller…” He shook his head. “Might wind up in a bunk house.” For the first time, he didn’t meet her gaze. “Or he can always crash at Co’s or at Ace’s.”

  “Ace, your cousin?”

  “Yeah, that’s right.”

  So, she was going to run the only man who’d been nice to her out of his own home. Her hand went to her stomach at the sudden churning.

  God, if I’d only had the courage to talk to him…

  Stop this. You cannot change the past. Only make up for what you can. This is a start.

  “Mummy?” Nate stood at the archway to the living room.

  “SpongeBob over?” A smile spread across her lips.

  “Can I watch it again?” He nodded, causing his hair to fall forward over his brow. “I like SpongeBob.”

  “I know you do.” She laughed. “Sure. Ethan likes SpongeBob too.”

  “I didn’t exactly say that…”

  She lifted a shoulder in shrug. “Think you can start the show over for him?”

  “You bet, luv.” He made his way over to her son. Their son. She had to get used to this. This sharing business. But was there a need? Was she just opening up her baby for heartache?

  The uncertainty of the future would drive her to distraction.

  Denae barely got her bedroom door closed before tears overflowed her lowered eyelids. Tonight, she’d talk to her baby about daddies and she’d tell him that Ethan was his.

  Ethan sat in the beach chair and watched De play with Nate in the surf.

  The boy wanted to go in deeper, but De wouldn’t let him in past his knees. Ethan kept a keen eye on the water. For the second time in his life, he was uncertain.

  It didn’t matter that they were on a beach with life-savers, or clearly within the safety flags. Even at the beach’s edge, Nate was small compared to the crashing waves. He knew how dangerous that water could be.

  Christ, he doubted the boy was able to swim yet.

  Hand in hand, the pair splashed in the shallows.

  He eyeballed De’s arse again. Lust stirred, thickening his prick. Enjoying the feeling of arousal as much as he did the view, he studied her figure.

  De wore a two-piece. Only it wasn’t like the two-piece he recalled from their past. Back then, she’d worn the tiniest string bikini ever. One he’d used his teeth to untie.

  He shifted as his semi-erection went wood stiff.

  The old flame he’d had for her hadn’t gone out. Hadn’t extinguished. He was in bloody trouble. She’d visited him quite regularly in his dreams. He’d assumed the fantasies had been born out of the guilt he’d felt about his treatment of her. But not so. Much more was going on.

  His gaze lingered over her curves hidden beneath the material. The two-piece she wore now covered a great deal more skin. Though how the top separated from the waistband of the shorts caused him to salivate. He wanted to explore the exposed inch or two of skin.

  The way she’d pull it back down into place made him even hotter.

  “I see someone is getting himself an eyeful.”

  Ethan glanced up to see Paige standing at his side.

  “Found us, huh?” When De had mentioned her cousin planned to join them later, he’d wished for more alone time instead.

  “I just looked for the biggest flea on the beach.” The woman smirked.

  Ethan ground his teeth together. He wouldn’t get into an insult match with a woman. Though he’d enjoyed many in the past with his brothers and cousins.

  Abruptly, Nate broke away from De to race up to Paige. He threw his little arms around her legs. “Paige.”

  “G’day to you too, Nate.” She rubbed the boy’s head. “Did you save me some lunch? You know I’m eating for two.”

  Nate laughed. “Mummy made us wait.”

  “Hey, I brought a small cooler and radio.” Paige waved in the direction of the parking lot.

  She eased out of Nate’s embrace. “Maybe you can show the buffoon here to my car? We can’t sit here without music.”

  Tight-lipped, he purposely allowed his gaze to bore into Paige’s.

  “Paige, not in front of Nate.” De shook her head.

  Amazingly, he kept his mouth shut. Though he understood somewhat why the woman disliked him so much. But he wouldn’t be able to put up with too many insults in front of Nate.

  “What’d I do?” Paige’s smirk was back in place.

  “What’s buffoon?” Nate looked questioningly from De to Paige.

  De opened her mouth, but Paige beat her to it. “It’s a big monkey.”

  At the insult, he brought his hands up to rest on his hips. Christ, the sheila was pushing it…

  Nate made a face. “Ethan’s not a monkey.”

  “Paige…” De spread out a beach blanket. “Nate, think you can show Ethan to Paige’s car?”

  “Yes, Mummy.” The boy nodded excitedly.

  “Keep hold of his hand, all right?”

  Ethan swallowed before reaching out for the boy’s small hand. Christ it was small. And soft. He clasped it gently with his fingers as they walked along.

  Along the edge of the pavement, he urged the boy to a stop. Over his should
er, he saw De help Paige down. Within seconds, the two women were engaged in conversation.

  He gazed down at Nate. “So, what kind of car are we looking for?”

  “A red car.”

  Glancing around, he counted eight vehicles in different shades of red. That was helpful. “Anything else?”

  “Uh-huh, it’s Paige’s car.”

  Ethan smiled. “Okay, then.” Now, he knew why he had Nate with him. The women would have plenty of time to talk. He ran his free hand through his hair. He wasn’t sure if leaving the two alone was a good idea. Would De smooth things over with Paige? “Is it a truck?”

  “It’s a red car.” Nate shuffled a rock under his toe.

  They were now down to six choices. Why he hadn’t asked after the car’s make and model before he’d left the beach, he’d never know. He smiled at his own idiocy. Dealing with an ankle biter was real work. And the women had known what he was in for.

  “Is the car big or small?”

  Nate appeared puzzled. “All cars are big.”

  “Yeah, yeah.” Of course to a three-year-old they were all big.

  “So which one do you think is Paige’s?” He wasn’t going back to ask. He’d find it if he had to try them all.

  “The red broken one.”

  “Broken one?”

  “Uh-huh, the broken one.”

  “She had an accident?”

  “No.” Nate shook his head.

  A frown creased his brow. He didn’t see De until she was at their side.

  An engaging smile lit her face up. “I’ll collect Paige’s things.”

  He grunted.

  She still smiled.

  Damn if he didn’t want to kiss her. He could still recall the first time she’d smiled at him. Lust flickered to life. The look had made him feel about sixteen again. So captivated in the expression that night he had kissed her full on her pouty lips. He took a half step forward. Right now, the urge to claim her was just as strong.

  “Nate, Paige has you a plate.”

  The boy took off at a run toward their spot on the beach.

  “I was set up.” He tried for a glare but knew he wasn’t pulling it off.

  De shrugged a shoulder. “Maybe. Help yourself. I made cheese and peanut butter sandwiches.”


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