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Only Her Heart (The Jaded Hearts Club)

Page 21

by Olivia Linden

  “I never hated you for leaving me again, even though I did destroy the shiny phone you gave me,” I replied. Julian looked at me reproachfully. We were both damaged by this, torn apart. The silence grew louder around us as we both just sat there in a state of shock, until he put an arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him. I leaned into him, feeling the heavy weight of tiredness settling in.

  “Are you going to tell me why you’re here?”

  “We have a lot to discuss. It’s a long story,” he answered.

  “Well tell me later,” I yawned. “I’m too tired to listen.”

  Julian lifted me up, pulling the covers back and then settling me into the bed. He hesitated for a moment, but then curled up behind me. The fight we had moments before dissipated when he wrapped his arms around me, and I felt his warmness seeping into me. I vaguely remember hearing his deep breathing before I drifted into my own dreamland.

  Ch 25 Meeting with Hector

  When I opened my eyes the next morning, I found another pair of inquisitive hazel eyes staring back at me. Angel was standing next to my bed rubbing her forehead in confusion. Julian’s soft snores reminded me of the randomness of my situation. I motioned for her to hush, as I gently wiggled my way out of his embrace. He was out cold, content to cuddle with my pillow in my absence. I watched him for a moment, admiring how peaceful he looked for a change, and then lead Angel out onto the balcony. It was still early, the sun still not fully risen.

  “I came to check on you, I didn’t mean to” Angle stammered at the end of her apology.

  “I know, I know. He’s like fucking Waldo. I still don’t know why he’s here, but I have the feeling that I’ll find out more than I want to today.” I leaned against the railing, enjoying the freshness of the morning air.

  “This is just too Random. I swear you’re going to have to write a book about this shit. I’ve seen some shit in my life, but your shit? Takes the cake,” she surmised.

  “Ohh lucky me! I have the shittiest cake!” We both laughed and then she headed back to her room. I crawled back into bed, taking my rightful spot back from my pillow. I had a few hours before I needed to meet with Hector.

  The house was unusually quiet as I headed for my meeting. Or maybe that was the thick layer of clouds that surrounded me since talking to Julian this morning. I felt numb. I was missing him, and he was hating me. Kind of cancels each other out in a way. Truthfully, I just didn’t know how to feel. He said we could talk more later on tonight and then slipped out of my room.

  The door to Hector’s office was open at the end of the hall way, and I heard whispers coming from his office as I approached. One of his grounds men nearly ran me over as he exited the office.

  “Señora.” He greeted me and continued down the hall. I knocked on the mostly open door before I entered.

  He smiled at me as he stood and motioned for me to enter. “Ah, good morning Ms. Jade. Have a seat.”

  I conjured up a weak smile as I sat opposite him, behind his large wooden desk. The atmosphere was awkward, to say the least. The tick-tock from his grandfather clock filled the air between us until he finally spoke.

  “So, I’ve been looking over all the work you’ve done for me and I am very pleased. The articles that have been printed about the company have all been very favorable. All of your ideas have been considerably successful.” He sifted through his papers before laying them on his desk.

  “I’m glad to hear that. I have been working very meticulously with your business manager. We have accomplished all of the goals that we plotted for this year.” I tried not to fidget as we spoke, but I really wasn’t focused on business. My mind was a million miles away. Hector took a long look at me and sighed, leaning back in his chair.

  “You know, in the short time that I’ve worked with you, we have come to be comfortable with each other. I would not be able to say that I couldn’t tell you were a bit, distressed. That bothers me. I think I can help you with that.” He rose and walked over to the door, pushing it completely closed. I sat in anticipation of what he could possibly think was wrong with me, and how he could fix it.

  “I think part of the reason we have this relationship is that I almost view you as family. You know, I’ve been friends with your aunt for quite a few years now.” I raised my brows in question as he sat back across from me.

  “I wasn’t aware of that. She never mentioned any of this to me.” My nerves were on edge, not quite sure what kind of bomb was coming next.

  “Yes, well we were much closer in the past than we are now. I met her not too long after she moved to the US.” He looked to me for any sort of response or maybe recognition of what he meant. My mind immediately went back to the story she told me about Julian’s family. Was he around for all of that? Maybe a relative?

  Sensing I wasn’t going to elaborate on his story he continued. “We were both very young, and rather foolish, and things transpired that I have regretted for years.”

  My stomach started to flip-flop as I feared where he was going with his story. “So you knew my mother too.” I stated.

  “Yes. Jade. You may not remember, but you knew me too. I was in love with your Aunt. I was around a lot.”

  “But, she was with someone before she met Jackie’s father. I don’t remember you when we lived in Brooklyn.” Our eyes met and instantly I knew what he was going to say next.

  “Jade, I wasn’t Hector Delgado back then. I was Alex Garza.” His expression was solemn as he waited for me to respond. I nodded my head in comprehension as his words sunk in. Even the shroud of numbness that had engulfed me couldn't keep me from feeling this new ache that was growing inside me. This was the man that had caused my family to be ripped apart? Had destroyed my mother. Oh God! How could this be? This is how Julian knew where to find me.

  A cool sheen of sweat had misted across my skin as the pain drifted up through my chest. Suddenly I was four years old wondering where my mother was. Everything was a lie. Was I the only one who didn’t know? I lurched forward in my chair, gripping my stomach, gasping for air. Hector jumped out of his chair to come to my assistance. But, I threw my arm up to stop him.

  “Please! No! Don’t. I just need to breathe,” I cried out. How could my aunt do this? Why would she allow him to be part of our lives? Allow me to be so close to him? I stood slowly, on shaky feet, and walked over to the window. I just wanted to be home. Needed Drew or even John. Anyone to get me out of here.

  “I know you’re probably confused, but I wanted to explain all of this to you. Your aunt didn’t feel it necessary, but considering the unexpected situation you are in now, I felt like this was the time to explain things.” He walked over to me, and I shied away.

  “Please Jade. I know you’ve been through a lot. I’ve lived with the guilt of the past all of these years. I just wanted to find a way to make things right. Please sit down, let me help you to your chair.” His voice was soft and full of anguish.

  “No! I just want to go home!” I Yelled. “Please, I just need to leave. I can’t be here.” I held onto my stomach trying to contain the violent sobs that wanted to escape. Just as I tried to catch my breath, Julian came barging into the room.

  “Jade!” He stalked over to me and helped to hold me up.

  “I can’t do this anymore.” I felt weak. Hector handed Julian a glass of water and watched as Julian held it to my mouth and I took long sips. Julian looked to his Uncle and then back at me.

  “What the hell happened?” He asked.

  “So you did go to her. I knew you weren’t going to be able to stay away.” Hector, or Alex, whatever his name was, sat perched on the edge of his desk, watching as Julian help me back into my chair. I found a pattern in the wood grain of the desk to focus on while I tried to get it together. There was no way this was reality. And to think, after this I was headed to Jamaica to see my mother for the first time. What was gonna happen next?

  Julian stood next to me like my personal security, with h
is arms folded, staring his uncle down.

  “No, obviously we have seen each other already. I didn’t mean for her to see me, but she did. But what did I just walk in on?”

  “I see you don’t know much more than Jade does. Well since you are both here I guess it’s better to do this in one shot,” Hector replied.

  Little things that I missed where starting to add up. When I met “Hector” he could barely speak english, there was no amount of training that would allow him to speak it so fluidly, so soon. Especially since it was supposed to be his second language. It also made sense why he hadn’t invited John on this business trip. And just watching the two men standing there together I saw the unmistakable resemblance. Only difference being Julian’s eyes.

  I sat quietly as the story of how our families were connected was retold. There were some parts that were different, some added. I figured Vivian hadn’t told me all the details. There are always two sides to every story. This story explained why my aunt was able to be so successful all these years. She had helped him build an empire underneath his brother’s nose. Julian, unlike myself asked plenty of questions, but looked slightly stunned by the end.

  “But,” Hector continued, “ you still have a problem on your hands. Until we figure out who is really targeting you, it’s not safe for you to be around each other. “

  Julian glanced over at me, and I nodded my head for him to speak. He seemed to hesitate for a moment before he began to speak. I couldn’t imagine how hard it must be for him to know his own uncle, his family, was trying to have him murdered. As I watched him I noticed the tension lines in his face that hadn’t been there before. He seemed to be serious at all times, no signs of that playboy charm he used to possess.

  “I believe we have that answer. Evidently, Edward is behind this. He just threatened Jade last week to tell him where I was or else. He also never gave her any of my letters. He was the only person that knew where I was staying at the time of the fire.” Julian rubbed his hand across his jaw as he spoke. The anger was barely checked as he explained the latest development to his other uncle.

  “Ah. I would like to say that this comes as a surprise, but it does not. Your mother recently expressed her concern over his new activities. Apparently, in your absence he has decided to work with some of your father’s associates. I’m pretty sure he wants in on that side of the fence, while using your mother as a cover for legitimacy.” The older man really didn’t seem unnerved by this info, which reminded me that he was once apart of this life. Once again, another person that wasn’t who I thought he was.

  “But why kill me? I don’t want anything to do with that.Why not just go to Cuba and become apart of that life?” Julian questioned.

  “Because, sobrino, your father wants you to be that person, and as long as you are alive, Edward will never be in a position of power.”

  This was all way too much for me to deal with. More composed and sure of my ability to walk, I interrupted the two men as they talked.

  “I’m sorry, but I’m just worn out right now. I really just want to get back to my room and have a moment to take it all in.” And change my flight so I can leave asap!

  Julian rose with me as I stood to leave, walking me to the door. I never glanced back at Hector.

  Once back to my room, I headed straight to my I-Pad. Every time I thought about Hector being Alex Garza I was on the verge of freaking out. I wondered if John knew about this? No, I doubt he would have kept that from me, but who knows. I couldn’t be sure of anything anymore.

  I was in the middle of emailing Drew when there was a knock at my door. With a heavy sigh, I put my tablet down, and went to the door. Julian announced himself from the outside as I was opening the lock. He walked in looking defeated, and headed straight to the bed, flopping onto his stomach like a child on punishment. Closing the door quietly, I leaned up against it unsure of what to do next.

  After he made no attempt to move or talk, I cautiously walked over to the bed. Sitting indian-style, I watched his back rise and fall with each breath as he laid there silently. My heart went out to him, knowing he was suffering. Not able to go home, and not knowing how to solve his troubles. I wanted to console him, but I needed consoling too and wasn’t sure I had it in me.

  Reaching out tentatively, I stroked the back of his head. He turned to face me, and I noticed his red rimmed eyes before he moved closer to me, cradling my waist as he rested his head in my lap. The site of him crying broke my heart, and I held on to him even tighter as my own tears began to well up. It was surreal that we had gone through so much emotional trauma together.I could feel the tiny trembles that shook Julian’s body as he tried to control his emotions. Gently I caressed and stroked his hair and face hoping to impart some type of love, or warmth into him. He reached up stilling my hand at the side of his face, and then gently kissed it.

  Feeling too emotional for my own good, I was overly sensitive to the chemistry between us. Yes, I knew that we would not work out. No, that didn’t change the way I felt around him. The way he made me feel. If I never met another man to make me feel this way, I wouldn’t be upset. There is nothing worse than for a control freak to be around someone who diluted their control.

  Stretching my legs out, Julian lifted his head to gaze at me in apprehension, waiting for my next move. God, I was so weak for this man. I should tell him to leave, but I just can’t freakin’ do it!

  Instead, I laid down next to him and curled up as close to him as I could. Facing him, I continued to trace his face as he just looked at me with a vulnerability I had never seen from him before, not even after we came home from the hospital. I closed my eyes when I started to feel the lump in my throat growing. This was silly and depressing all at the same time, lying here like two lovesick teenagers. Neither one of us able to talk about the fact that it was over.

  “Why are you crying?” Julian’s voice finally broke the silence between us. With my eyes closed, like a big baby, I cleared my throat to answer him.

  “Because. I don’t know.” My words came out in a whiny voice that I didn’t even know I possessed, and I heard him chuckle softly as he wiped my tear soaked cheeks. I felt the bed move as he eased closer to me.

  “I don’t like it. What can I do to make it better?” His voice sent shivers down my spine as he kissed my cheek. I blinked my eyes open, to clear out the tears and looked at him when I said in all honesty, “I don’t know.”

  Julian’s expression turned serious again as he leaned closer, tipping my chin upwards as he kissed me. It was a soft, gentle kiss that somehow seemed to make me even sadder than I was before.

  “Please don’t cry, Please don’t cry. It’s ok. You’ll be ok, and I’ll be fine. You’ll see.” His words were a soft whisper against my lips. We stared at each other for a few moments before I pressed my lips into his. This wasn’t passion or desire, but comfort and consolement. Somehow the odds were continuing to be stacked against us, but here we were. I understood his frustrations about having things kept from him, and having the people you trust, make decisions for you without your knowledge.

  “Julian, I can’t stay here,” I pleaded more than informed. I needed to get away, but that would entail dealing with Hector. I wasn’t ready for that. Plus, I dragged Donna and Angel into this mess, I couldn’t cancel on them. Damn it. Damn it all.

  “I know. And your friends are already enjoying their vacation, but I have a plan, conejito. Tell your girls you’ll see them later and meet me out front.” The authority and mischief in his voice caused me to perk up. I didn’t even question his plan. I was just glad he had one.

  Ch 26 Peru with Julian

  Our renegade outing was a short ride to a farmhouse near the edge of Hector’s property. Julian pulled his motorcycle into a small, winding driveway that lead to the entrance. I wondered what surprises waited for me inside as he helped me off the bike. The expression on his face gave little away, almost more serious than I’ve ever seen him to be.

walked up a narrow staircase that led to the front door. I spied a slight grin tug at the corners of his mouth as he unlocked the door and pushed it open, pulling me in with him. The first surprise was the unexpected decor of the house. From the outside it was nothing special, quite unremarkable to be honest. On the inside it was breathtaking.

  “Mi casa,” he said with his heaviest accent.

  The farmhouse had been totally renovated on the inside to a modern living space. The walls were a stark white with a splatter of artwork strategically spaced, under the slanted roof with exposed wooden beams. I looked to Julian in astonishment.

  “Oh. My. God. Julian! It’s gorgeous in here. Is this where you live?”

  His face shone with pride at my appreciation of his home and he nodded in acknowledgment. My feet were too bewildered to make a step, so I continued with my visual tour of the cozy space.

  “C’mon, querida. Let me show you the rest.” Julian gently grabbed my hand and led me thru the house. The bottom floor was an open space, but a large alcove towards the back housed the quaint kitchen. The back door lead out to a patio area, complete with terrazzo floors and a hammock with a view of the countryside. Next, he took me upstairs which was his bedroom. This room was even more simple, decorated with a king sized canopy bed with the white curtains hanging open to reveal the matching sheet set that was slightly rumpled. What really caught my eye was the lone portrait of a young woman that looked all too familiar. Me.


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