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by Rogers, Naomi

  166. Kenny to Dear Mr. Moise, February 16 1945, The American Weekly, 1943–1945, MHS-K; John F. Pohl to Dear Mr. Kline, February 5 1945, [accessed in 1992 before recent re-cataloging], UMN-ASC.

  167. John F. Pohl “The Kenny Concept and Treatment of Infantile Paralysis: Report of Five Year Study of Cases Treated and Supervised by Miss Elizabeth Kenny in America” Journal-Lancet (August 1945) 65: 265–271. See also J. A. Myers “Poliomyelitis (Infantile Paralysis) in Minnesota Including the Elizabeth Kenny Episode,” Box 19, Sister Kenny Institute 1938–1946, Myers Papers, UMN-ASC 38–40.

  168. DWG to SLJ [Memorandum] Notes on Questions Frequently Asked and Answers, January 2 1945, Public Relations, MOD-K.

  169. Don W. Gudakunst “It’s a Fifty-Fifty Chance” Parents Magazine (July 1944) 19: 32, 48, 50; and see Don W. Gudakunst and Marion O. Lerrigo “Minimizing Fear of Infantile Paralysis” Understanding the Child (June 1944) 13: 22.

  170. Ephraim Fischoff and Don W. Gudakunst “The Fight Against Infantile Paralysis Continues” American Journal of Nursing (June 1944) 44: 533–546.

  171. Gudakunst to Dear Sir [Kline], February 5 1945, Public Relations, MOD-K.

  172. O’Connor [in] “Basil O’Connor Interview, Monday, Nov. 15 [19]44 10:05 to 10:15 KMOX The Voice of St. Louis,” Public Relations, MOD-K.

  173. Roosevelt to Dear Basil, December 1 1944, in “President’s Birthday Fund” Archives of Physical Therapy (December 1944) 25: 743.

  174. Peter J. A. Cusack to Dear Sir [Kline], March 16 1945, Mr. Marvin L. Kline, 1942–1959, MHS-K. See also “Rejected by Trustees 3-15-45” Application No CE CTAE, Public Relations, MOD-K.

  175. PJAC to DWG Memorandum: Re Letter of January 7 1945, January 16 1945, Public Relations, MOD-K.

  176. “Sister Kenny to Leave U.S.” Minneapolis Star-Journal March 20 1945; Roland Nicholson “Parents of Ousted Child Tell How Sister Kenny Aided Boy” Washington Times-Herald March 28 1945.

  177. “Sister Kenny Delays Plans to Leave City” Minneapolis Morning Tribune March 21 1945.

  178. Elizabeth Kenny Infantile Paralysis and Cerebral Diplegia: Methods Used for the Restoration of Function (Sydney: Angus and Robertson, 1937). See also her comment to Australia reporters that her first textbook would be for “all kinds of paralysis”; “Queensland Nurse’s Generous Action! Sister Kenny’s Treatment for Paralysis a Gift for the Sick Poor” Australian Women’s Weekly February 23 1935.

  179. F. H. Mills “Treatment of Spastic Paralysis” British Medical Journal (August 25 1937) 2: 414–417; see also “The Treatment of Paralysis at the Elizabeth Kenny Clinic Royal North Shore Hospital of Sydney” Medical Journal of Australia (November 13 1937) 2: 888–894.

  180. Kenny with Ostenso And They Shall Walk, 70–73.

  181. “Yearly Program for Kenny Institute” [1944] [enclosed with] Marvin L Kline to Dear Mr. O’Connor, July 18 1944, [attached with] O. H. Perry Pepper to Dear Doctor Winternitz, November 10 1944, Review Committee, 1944, NAS.

  182. Many children were cared for by relatives or placed in institutions for the feebleminded; Winthrop M. Phelps “Recent Significant Trends in the Care of Cerebral Palsy” Southern Medical Journal (February 1946) 39: 132–138; see also Editorial “The Problem of Cerebral Palsy” JAMA (October 25 1947) 135 [abstract] in Physiotherapy Review (1948) 28: 39.

  183. Phelps “Recent Significant Trends in the Care of Cerebral Palsy,” 132–138; see also “Medicine: Help for Spastics” Time (August 5, 1946) 48: 57; Howard J. Schaubel “Prostigmine as an Adjunct in the Treatment of Spastic Cerebral Palsy” Physiotherapy Review (1944) 24: 236–237.

  184. “Birth-Spoiled Babies” Time (May 30 1932) 19: 45–46; “Tightrope Doctor” Time (February 17 1941) 37: 65; Earl R. Carlson Born That Way (New York: John Day Co., 1941).

  185. “Kenny OKs Probe by Congress” Minneapolis Morning Tribune March 22 1945.

  186. “Parents Win Return Of Spastic Children To Kenny Institute” Minneapolis Star-Journal March 21 1945; “Sister Kenny Delays Plans to Leave City” Minneapolis Morning Tribune March 21 1945; “Parents Win Return Of Spastic Children To Kenny Institute” Minneapolis Star-Journal March 21 1945; “Back In Kenny Institute” Minneapolis Daily Times March 22 1945.

  187. “Kenny Resignation Refused by Board” Minneapolis Morning Tribune [March 1945]; Roland Nicholson “Parents of Ousted Child Tell How Sister Kenny Aided Boy” Washington Times-Herald March 28 1945. See also “Spastics Go Back to Kenny Care” Minneapolis Star-Journal March 21 1945; Myers “Poliomyelitis (Infantile Paralysis) in Minnesota Including the Elizabeth Kenny Episode,” 36–37.

  188. “Back In Kenny Institute” Minneapolis Daily Times March 22 1945; Roland Nicholson “Parents of Ousted Child Tell How Sister Kenny Aided Boy” Washington Times-Herald March 28 1945; “Sister Kenny Delays Plans to Leave City” Minneapolis Morning Tribune March 21 1945.

  189. “Kenny OKs Probe by Congress’ ” Minneapolis Morning Tribune March 22 1945.

  190. Clara Stoll to Dear Sister Kenny, April 2 1945, Congressional Investigation, Letters of Support, April–May 1945, MHS-K.

  191. Deacon to Williams, March 10 1945, Minutes, Board of Directors 1938–1955, Children’s Hospital of Winnipeg MG 10B33, Box 7, Province Archives, Manitoba.

  192. Kenny to My Dear Mrs. Klock [Chicago], April 10 1945, Requests for Treatment 1942–1945, MHS-K.

  193. “Sister Kenny Fights On” Time (April 2 1945) 45: 14; see also “O’Toole Invited By Sister Kenny to Visit Clinic” Washington Times-Herald March 30 1945; J. Earle Moser “Sister Kenny Hearing Asked” Washington Times-Herald April 11 1945.

  194. Robert Conly “Only One in 1,500 Opposes Kenny Inquiry by Congress” Washington Times-Herald March 27 1945; “Sister Kenny OKs Probe by Congress” Minneapolis Morning Tribune March 22 1945.

  195. Donald L. O’Toole to Dear Mr. President, March 26 1945, Public Relations, MOD-K; “Asks President’s Aid” New York Times March 28 1945. See also Nat Fine “Probe Plea Declared Bid to Expose F.D.R. Patronage” Minneapolis Morning Tribune [March 1945], Public Relations, MOD-K; E. B. Cunningham and S. W. Whidden to President Franklin D. Roosevelt [telegram], March 28 1945, Public Relations, MOD-K; J. Earle Moser “Langer Seeks U.S. Supported Kenny Clinic” Washington Times-Herald March 29 1945; “Langer Asks 20 Million For Paralysis Clinic” Washington Post March 29 1945.

  196. Nat Fine “Probe Plea Declared Bid to Expose F.D.R. Patronage” Minneapolis Morning Tribune March 1945, Public Relations, MOD-K.

  197. “O’Toole Invited By Sister Kenny to Visit Clinic” Washington Times-Herald March 30 1945.

  198. Kenny to My Dear Mrs. Fisher, March 28 1945 [accessed 1992 before re-cataloging] UMN-ASC; “Sister Kenny’s Protest Taken to Roosevelt” Chicago Daily Tribune March 28 1945; Kenny to My Dear Mrs. Holman, March 26 1945, Case Files-Misc.: A-K, 1943–1946, MHS-K.

  199. “Sister Kenny Would Air Row With O’Connor” Washington Times-Herald March 25 1945; Morris [Fishbein] to My Dear Basil, March 30 1945, Public Relations, MOD-K; Chicago Nurses Committee “We Urge You Now To Write or Wire Your Congressman … ” [notice] March 27 1945 [enclosed with] Morris [Fishbein] to My Dear Basil, March 30 1945, Public Relations, MOD-K. See also Kenny to Dear Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen [of Board of Directors], [January 1945], Board of Directors, undated and 1944–1945, MHS-K.

  200. “Fishbein Denies Kenny Polio Bias” Los Angeles Times March 24 1945.

  201. Peter A. J. Cusack to Basil Waters, [telegram] March 24 1945, Public Relations, MOD-K; Basil L. Walters to Dear Mr. Cusack, March 28 1945, Public Relations, MOD-K. Pooler was one of 5 Free Press reporters who received the Pulitzer Prize for reporting in 1932, for an account of the American Legion parade in Detroit; “Best Reporting” Time (June 6 1932) 19: 28.

  202. James S. Pooler “Fishbein Denies Unfairness Was Shown Sister Kenny” Detroit Free Press April 2 1945; Fishbein “Physiologic Nonsense and Poliomyelitis” JAMA (January 22 1944) 124: 236.

  203. “Sister Kenny Fights On” Time (April 2 1945) 45: 56.

  204. Kenny to Dear Sir [James Pooler], April 10 1945, Michigan-Newspapers, 1945, MHS-K; James S. Pooler to Dear Sister Kenny, [April 1945], Michigan-Newspapers, 1945, MHS-K. 945.

  205. “Kenny Hearing Set for Tuesday” Washington Times-Herald April 12 1945; J. Earle Moser “Sister Kenny Hearing Asked” Washington Times-Herald April 11 1945.

  206. “Sister Kenny Rebuffed” New York Daily News May 4 1945; “O’Toole to Talk On Kenny Case” Washington Times-Herald May 7 1945; “No Hearing for Sister Kenny” New York Times May 5 1945; “House Rules Group Agrees Not to Hear Sister Kenny” Washington Post May 5 1945.

  207. J. Earle Moser “Sister Kenny May Appear On F.D.R. Memorial Talk” Washington Times-Herald May 11 1945.

  208. “Decision Today On Hearing Plan For Sister Kenny” Washington Times-Herald May 4 1945.

  209. Edward J. Noble to Dear Sister Kenny, April 25 1945, Blue Network, 1942–1943, MHS-K; see also “WTCN Radioscript: Sister Elizabeth Kenny, Fri. Apr. 13. 1945,” Speeches (Radio) 1942–1945, MHS-K.

  210. William Lawler [Illinois General Assembly] to Dear Nick [Keller], April 11 1945, Nick Keller, MHS-K; “Sister Kenny Visits Chicago” Minneapolis Sunday Tribune April 29 1945.

  211. “Sister Kenny Tells Illinois About ‘Organized Boycott’ ” [unnamed paper, maybe Times-Herald, May 1945], Kenny Institute, Box 10, Hubert. H. Humphrey Papers, MHS; “Kenny Method Boycotted, Nurse Tells Legislature” Chicago Daily News May 1 1945; Kenny “At the onset … ” [May 1945 speech to Illinois legislature] Nick Keller, 1945, MHS-K.

  212. “Experts Oppose Kenny Methods” Brisbane Courier Mail June 16 1944; see also [Elizabeth Kenny] “Elizabeth Kenny Institute (Physicians Class) March 19, 1945,” Ray J. Lerschen, [Shorthand Reporter, Minneapolis], Kenny Collection, Box 1, Fryer Library; “Back to the Bush She Loves” Australian May 20 1945, Box 2, Folder 7, OM 65-17, Chuter Papers, Oxley-SLQ.

  213. Frank E. Harrington, Stephen H. Baxter, and John F. Pohl [medical committee, Kenny Institute] to Honourable [sic] Sir [Sir Owen Dixon, Australian Legation], August 9 1944, Box 1, OM 65-11, Chuter Papers, Oxley-SLQ.

  214. Later exposés detailed what were only rumors at the height of his career: his drinking, his temper, his violent disciplining of his 4 sons, and his neglect of his first wife Dixie (who died of cancer in 1952); see, for example, Charles Thompson Bing: The Authorized Biography (New York: David McKay Company Inc., 1975); Jib Fowles Starstruck: Celebrity Performers and the American Public (Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1992).

  215. “Bing Crosby Will Head Kenny Institute’s Drive” Chicago Daily Tribune July 25 1945.

  216. Smith Patenting the Sun, 64–87.

  217. “American Salutes President’s Birthday” National Foundation News (January 1945) 4: 11.

  218. On anti-Catholicism continuing into the postwar era see Paul Blanshard American Freedom and Catholic Power (Boston: Beacon Press, [1949] 1958), 59–61, 90–91; Philip Jenkins The Last Acceptable Prejudice (New York: Oxford University Press, 2003).

  219. Joe Savage to Dear Jim [James Bryan], November 8 1946, Public Relations, MOD-K; see also [Cohn interview with] Morris Fishbein, November 16 1953, Cohn Papers, MHS-K.

  220. [cartoon] “5,000,000 Elizabeth Kenny Institute Campaign” Los Angeles Herald-Examiner November 20 1945.

  221. See, for example, Lawrence J. Linck to Dear Mrs. Morey, November 30 1945, Public Relations, MOD-K; Minutes of November 14 1945 meeting of Hennepin County for Elizabeth Kenny Foundation Appeal, Box 10, Kenny Institute, Humphrey Papers, MHS; “S.F. Sets Tomorrow as Sister Kenny Fund Day” San Francisco Examiner December 7 1945.

  222. Bing [Crosby] to Dear Mr. Parkin [form letter], December 4 1945, Public Relations, MOD-K.

  223. William C. Bowen [Executive Assistant to the President] to Dear Mr. Comer, October 29 1945, Public Relations, MOD-K; Harry Brundidge “The Sister Kenny Controversy” Cosmopolitan (October 1945) 119: 56. On the support of Crosby by newspaper man Rocky Parks of Chicago “on loan” from the Hearst corporation as a field officer, see [Report] California Intelligence Bureau, November 30 1945, Public Relations, MOD-K.

  224. Brundidge “The Sister Kenny Controversy,” 56, 58, 131–132; James S. Pooler “Cripple Discards Crutches, Walks” Detroit Free Press March 29 1945.

  225. Honorary County Chairman [Sister Elizabeth Kenny Foundation Infantile Paralysis Drive] to Dear Sir [form letter], December 4 1945, Public Relations, MOD-K. On therapists who could “only be trained” at the Kenny Institute; Bing to Dear Mr. Parkin [form letter], December 4 1945, Public Relations, MOD-K; see also R. Kenneth Kerr [Ohio State Chairman KF] to Dear Friend, December [1945], Public Relations, MOD-K.

  226. Michael F. Comer [Bloomfield, New Jersey] to Mr. O’Connor, October 18 1945, Public Relations, MOD-K.

  227. Dorothy Ducas “Points in Kenny Article, Cosmopolitan, October 1945” October 25 1945, Public Relations, MOD-K. On the NRC report as “entirely independent of the National Foundation” see O’Connor to Dear Roy [Naftzger], September 7 1945, MOD-K.

  228. Statement by Dr. Don W. Gudakunst, October 10 1945, Public Relations, MOD-K.

  229. James P. Jennings to Dear Mr. [Walker] Wear, December 8 1945, Public Relations, MOD-K.

  230. Frank E. McDonnell [Montana] to Mr. Stone Memorandum Re: Kenny, November 13 1945, Public Relations, MOD-K.

  231. Hubert Humphrey, Fletcher Bowron, and Joseph J. Kelly to Dear Fellow Mayor, November 27 1945, Box 10, Kenny Institute, Humphrey Papers, MHS.

  232. Mr. Wear to Mr. La Porte [Memorandum], November 20 1945, Public Relations, MOD-K; Chester LaRoche to Dear Marvin [Kline], December 3 1945, Clara and Chester LaRoche, 1945–1948, MHS-K.

  233. Mr. Wear to Mr. La Porte Memorandum Re Elizabeth Kenny Campaign (Arizona), November 28 1945, Public Relations, MOD-K.

  234. Dan Marovich [San Francisco] to Mr. D. Walker Wear Memorandum Re [Kenny Campaign], November 28 1945, Public Relations, MOD-K.

  235. Roy E. Naftzger to Dear Basil, August 22 1945, MOD-K.

  236. Mr. Stone to Mr. Wear Memorandum Re Scotts Bluff County, Nebraska, August 17 1945, Public Relations, MOD-K.

  237. Harriet Pittman to Dear Mr. Wear, November 26 1945, Public Relations, MOD-K.

  238. Arthur D. Reynolds to My Dear Mr. O’Connor, November 22 1944, Public Relations, MOD-K; see also Maurice B. Visscher to Dear Dr. McCarroll, October 19 1945, Minnesota Poliomyelitis Research Committee, Box 1, UMN-ASC.

  239. Portland Better Business Bureau Inc. “Report: Sister Elizabeth Foundation, Inc.” November 13 1945, Public Relations, MOD-K. The final goal was intended to be 5 million dollars; Dan Marovich [San Francisco] to Mr. D. Walker Wear Memorandum Re [Kenny Campaign], November 28 1945, Public Relations, MOD-K.

  240. Dan Marovich to Dear Mr. O’Connor, August 16 1945, Public Relations, MOD-K; and see Dan Marovich [San Francisco] to Mr. D. Walker Wear Memorandum Re [Kenny Campaign], November 28 1945, Public Relations, MOD-K.

  241. Roy E. Naftzger to Dear Basil, August 22 1945, MOD-K.

  242. Robert G. McIntosh to Gentlemen [NFIP], November 26 1945, Public Relations, MOD-K. Harris was city editor of the Cincinnati Times Star.

  243. John McGovern [Minnesota state KF chair] to Dear Sister Kenny, March 6 1946, [accessed in 1992 before re-cataloging], UMN-ASC.

  244. Honorary County Chairman [Sister Elizabeth Kenny Foundation Infantile Paralysis Drive] to Dear Sir [form letter], December 4 1945, Public Relations, MOD-K.

  245. Thompson Bing: The Authorized Biography, 114; Fowles Starstruck: Celebrity Performers and the American Public, 146; Donald Shepherd and Robert F. Slatzer Bing Crosby: The Hollow Man (New York: St. Martin’s, 1981), 188–192.

  246. Britton Budd to Dear Mr. O’Connor, September 20 1945, Public Relations, MOD-K.

  247. Abner E. Larned to Dear Mr. MacRae, August 22 1945, Public Relations, MOD-K; Frank E. McDonnell [Montana] to Mr. Stone Memorandum Re: Kenny, November 13 1945, Public Relations, MOD-K.

  248. Warren T. Kingsbury to Warren D. Coss Memorandum Re: Sister Kenny Campaign, Dec
ember 4 1945, Public Relations, MOD-K.

  249. John B. Middleton to Mr. George H. La Porte Memorandum, November 29 1945, Public Relations, MOD-K.

  250. Robert H. MacRae to Dear Mr. Larned, August 19 1945, Public Relations, MOD-K.

  251. “Just Between Us” National Foundation News (March 1943) 2: 21 [“those polio kiddies in the Greer Garson Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer trailer”]; see also “O’Connor in Nationwide Broadcast, Opens 1945 Fund-Raising Appeal” National Foundation News (January 1945) 4: 9; “Movie Preview” National Foundation News (January 1945) 4: 10.

  252. Franklin D. Roosevelt to My Dear Mr. O’Donnell [Dallas] February 4 1943, FDR-P PF-4885, (1939–1945), Comm. Celeb. Pres. Birthday 1943, FDR Papers; Karl Hoblitzelle [Dallas] to Dear Jesse [Jones], January 19 1943, FDR-PPF-4885, (1939–1945), Comm. Celeb. Pres. Birthday 1943, FDR Papers.

  253. Mr. La Porte to Dr. Gudakunst Memorandum Re Sister Kenny Camp[aign], July 26 1945, Public Relations, MOD-K.

  254. Daniel W. De Hayas to Mr. D. Walker Wear Memorandum Re Sister Kenny Drive, October 12 1945, Public Relations, MOD-K.

  255. “Foundation Tells Of Aid to Sister Kenny Treatment” Motion Picture Herald November 10 1945.

  256. George La Porte to Dear Miss McGinn, January 4 1946, Public Relations, MOD-K; see also “S.F. Sets Tomorrow as Sister Kenny Fund Day” San Francisco Examiner December 7 1945.

  257. George La Porte to C. C. Gaule Memorandum Your memo of August 27th, August 28 1945, Public Relations, MOD-K; Dan Marovich to Dear Joe [Schenck], August 2 1945, Public Relations, MOD-K.

  258. [Bing Crosby to] Hulda McGinn [secretary of Board of Governors, California Theaters and Affiliated Industries, Inc.], November 21 1945, Public Relations, MOD-K.

  259. J. David Larson to D. Walker Wear Memorandum Re Kenny Fund Raising—Bing Crosby, August 13 1945, Public Relations, MOD-K.

  260. Dan Marovich to Dear Joe [Schenck], August 2 1945, Public Relations, MOD-K.


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