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Polio Wars

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by Rogers, Naomi

  Platt, Philip, 305, 309

  Pohl, John Florian

  at AMA meeting, 99

  on AMA report, 217–218

  cerebral palsy and, 374

  Cohn and, 413

  courses for physicians, 94

  disassociation from NFIP, 306

  early skepticism of, 95–96

  gender discrimination awareness, 233n118

  JAMA articles and, 54, 58, 322

  as Kenny ally/supporter, 20, 56, 100, 107, 197, 374, 409

  The Kenny Concept and, 121f

  Kenny’s praise of, 23

  NRC visit and, 204–207

  orthopedic committee visit and, 103, 104

  physical therapists’ assessment of Kenny and, 46, 48–50

  Sister Kenny film and, 252, 255, 276

  statistics on Kenny’s patients, 267, 273

  study of Institute patients, 212

  technical film use, 247

  as textbook co-author, 87, 109, 115, 116–121, 166, 271

  Pokorny, František, 355, 357


  cause/spread of, xii, xv, xvii, 40, 313

  clinical symptoms/pathology relationship, xiv

  infection fears, 5, 20, 91, 161, 178n74

  link to WWII, 149–150

  misdiagnosis of, xvii, 5, 86, 98–99, 186

  new concepts of, x–xi, 36–38, 39–40, 91, 100–101, 108, 118, 123, 260–261, 306, 342, 351, 376–377

  as new disease, xii–xiv

  outbreaks of (early 20th c.), xii, 5

  race politics in, 209

  virological science and, xvii, 39, 102, 246, 313, 317, 342, 349, 352, 365–366, 373, 376, 379

  Polio and Its Problems (Berg), 242n280, 321, 386n67

  Polio epidemics

  in early 20th century, 43, 51, 150, 277

  in 1930s, xv, 16, 42, 86, 169, 355

  in 1940s and 1950s, 46, 53, 58–59, 101, 110–111, 161, 165, 185, 188, 190, 201, 211, 223, 245, 266, 274, 307, 319, 326–327, 344, 352–358, 369, 377–378, 412–413, 419

  Polio films, 44, 88, 166, 202, 211, 218, 224–225, 246. See also The Kenny Concept

  Polio Hall of Fame (NFIP), 402, 412, 413

  Poliomyelitis A Systemic Disease (Kenny), 377

  The Polio Paradox (Bruno), 420

  Polio philanthropy, ix, 14–16, 39, 110–111, 156, 186–187, 193. See also Birthday Ball Commission; Georgia Warm Springs Foundation (GWSF); Kenny Foundation (KF); National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis (NFIP)

  Polio Pioneers, 402

  Polio sera, 127n13

  Polio survivors

  adult, 156–158, 160–161, 165, 421, 422–423

  African American, 208–209

  disability politics and, 15, 150, 156–158, 167–168, 173, 380

  reemergence of, 419–420

  Roosevelt and, 107, 154–155, 407

  Polio therapy/treatment. See also Immobilization therapy; Iron lung

  alternative options, 169–170

  comparing results of, 61–62

  conservative turn in, xiv

  in Europe, 342–344

  home care, promotion of, 346–347

  hydrotherapy, xiii–xiv, 97, 343, 355

  immobilization, xiii, xiv, 5, 173

  Kenny’s efforts to transform, xix

  muscle testing, xiii, 48, 50–51, 54, 72, 86, 89, 123, 152, 319, 344, 378, 418, 424

  NFIP funded therapies/studies, 15, 39–40

  NFIP’s experience with, 16, 39, 159

  observations to assess, 7, 45, 86, 159

  orthopedic surgery, xiii, 45, 62, 97, 100, 119

  pain in, 161–163, 168–169, 343–344, 420

  “physiological rest,” 5

  power relations in, 17, 91, 112

  public say in, 158, 165

  racist policies in, 209

  research/clinical practice vacuum, 40

  rest/enforced straightening concepts, xii–xiii

  Polio vaccines

  discovery of, xx

  Kenny’s fascination with, 306, 379

  Kenny’s legacy linked to, 407, 416

  O’Connor on, 373

  Sabin/Salk rivalry, 402, 417

  Salk experiments with, 373

  testing in 1930s of, 6, 15, 313

  testing in 1950s of, 402–403, 408

  Polio wars

  AMA reports and, 197–201

  cerebral palsy treatment in, 213–214

  Kenny Foundation campaign in, 218–226

  March of Dimes in, 192–196

  National Research Council and, 204–208

  NFIP funding and, 186–188

  “organized opposition” in, 215–218

  “Pennies for Kenny” campaign and, 208–213

  in popular culture, 191–192

  popular press in, 199

  populist movement in, 201–204

  public outrage and, 188–191

  research expansion and, 226

  University of Minnesota and, 196–197

  Pollock, Lewis, 317

  Pooler, James, 215

  Populist movement

  emergence of, 218

  polio wars and, 187–188, 201–204

  Populist science, 303

  Poster child, 202, 219, 224, 308, 366, 403, 425

  Post-Polio Syndrome (PPS), xx, 419–421, 423

  Posture and Pain (Kendall and Kendall), 418

  Potter, Robert, 57–58

  “The Present Status of Poliomyelitis Management” (Visscher et al), 200–201

  Progressive Citizens of America, 307

  Prostigmine (neostigmine), 122

  Psychosomatic Medicine, 164

  Public Health Service. See United States Public Health Service

  Pye, Aubrey

  background of, 29n69

  as Kenny ally, 11, 12, 381

  Queen Mary’s Hospital (England), 9–10, 213, 346, 351, 352

  Queensland government, as force for medical progress, 6

  Queensland lottery, 25n18

  Queensland Royal Commission (Report of)

  commissioners, 9, 27n46, 268, 421

  compared to Minneapolis physicians, 23, 46

  on Jungeblut’s work, 313

  Kenny’s prognoses in, 27n47

  on Mills’ defense of Kenny, 27n49

  Quigley, Walter, 57–58

  Race politics, 208–209

  Race-segregated institutions, 360

  Ransohoff, Nicholas, 122, 142n268, 318

  Ray-Bell Films, 206, 259

  Reader’s Digest, 64–66, 72–73, 102–103, 106, 110, 122, 163–164, 187, 209, 210, 247

  Red Book, 115–120, 355, 357. See also The Kenny Concept of Infantile Paralysis (Pohl and Kenny)

  Red Feather campaign, 305

  Rehabilitation, assumptions of, xii, 15, 42–44, 120, 149–152, 158, 169–170, 172–173

  Renoir, Jean, 251

  Republicans/Republican Party

  and African American Minnesotans, 209

  fundraising appeals to, 210

  NFIP and, 302, 417

  support of Kenny, 22, 196, 214, 221, 223, 270, 302, 311–315, 325–326, 380

  Research funding

  models of, 304

  as unbalanced, 305

  Research populism, 304–305

  Reynolds, Arthur, 22, 221

  Riley, Glenda, 416

  Rivers, Thomas, 14, 39, 324, 412–413

  RKO Studios, 154, 194, 223, 228n30, 248–253, 255f, 256–258, 272, 275–276

  Robinson, Jackie, 361

  Robinson, Ray, 209

  Rockefeller, John D., 321, 323

  Rockefeller Foundation, 305, 312

  Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, 14, 101, 306, 373, 412

  Roebling, Mary, 223

  Roosevelt, Eleanor, 106, 154, 306, 308, 323, 363, 371, 375

  Roosevelt, Franklin

  death of, 216–217

  declaration of war, 84

  O’Connor and, 16

  polio survi
vors and, 154

  in True Comics, 150

  Warm Springs and, xiii–xiv

  on work of NFIP, 213

  Rosner, Emil, 53

  Ross, Helen, 59

  Rountree, Martha, 365

  Royal College of Physicians of Ireland, 343

  Royal North Shore Hospital, 11

  Royal Society of Medicine, 265, 267

  Rudikoff, Sonya, 415

  Rusk, Howard, 172, 182n157

  Russell, Rosalind

  acting career, 248, 250–251, 283n31, 428n30

  funding of Kenny film, 259

  on Kenny’s legacy, 382, 407

  role in Sister Kenny, 154, 249, 251, 255f, 257–258, 272, 276

  support of Kenny, 224, 248–249, 252, 320, 363, 372, 380

  Russell, W. Ritchie, 317

  Sabath, Arnold, 217

  Sabin, Albert, 308, 402, 417

  Sadistic health professionals, 168, 180n129

  Salk, Jonas, 323, 349, 369, 373, 417

  Salk vaccine, 402, 408, 417

  Salter, Larry, 71

  Sanchis-Olmos, Vincente, 352

  San Fernando Sun, 320

  Sare, Helen, 357

  Sarnoff, Jacob, 246

  Saturday Evening Post, 57, 85, 96, 126, 186

  Saunders, W. B., 62

  Savage, Joseph, 320

  Sayre, Ruth Buxton, 370

  Scheele, Leonard, 315

  Schenck, Joseph, 222

  Schenck, Nicholas, 222

  Schumm, Herman Charles, 105, 198

  Schwartz, Plato, 102–103, 108, 116, 123

  Science, 122, 304, 324

  Science News Letter, 123

  Scientific Films Association, 270

  Scientific innovation, gendered understanding of, xi–xii, xvii–xix, 55, 250, 256, 405

  Second International Polio Conference, 372–374

  Seddon, Herbert, 317–318, 378, 405

  Sera, types of, 127n13

  Serum treatment of polio, 86, 313, 355, 376

  Sheppard, Harry, 320

  Shipstead, Henrick, 22, 34n133

  Shriners’ Hospitals for Crippled Children, 18, 43, 45–46

  Shryock, Richard, 305

  “The Significance of Muscle Spasm” (Schwartz and Bouman), 123

  Sister Kenny. See Kenny, Elizabeth

  Sister Kenny (movie)

  in Australia, 280–281

  “deformed” children in, 257

  featured cast of, 285n62

  film rights, 248

  gender relations in, 253

  Kenny portrayal in, xviii, 253–255

  Kenny’s response to, 278–281

  love interest in, 252

  making of, 250–251

  medical right/wrong dichotomy in, 254

  message assessment of, 272–276

  portrayal of scientific discovery in, 256

  premiere/promotion of, 258, 272–276

  proposal for/pre-production of, 247–250

  public response to, 277–278

  scripts for, 251–259

  still from, 255f

  as “true story,” 257–258

  “Sister Kenny and the Foundation” (Deutsch), 319

  Sister Kenny Day, 210, 220, 422

  “Sister Kenny: Saint or Charlatan?” (radio show), 421

  Sister Kenny: The Woman Who Challenged the Doctors (Cohn), 415–416

  “Sister Kenny vs. Infantile Paralysis” (Miller), 64–66

  “Sister Kenny vs. The Medical Old Guard” (Miller), 210

  “Sister Kenny Wins Her Fight” (Miller), 103

  “Sister” term/title, ix, xvii, 6, 17, 218, 225, 375

  Smith, Kate, 224

  Smith, William Forgan, 3, 16

  Snite, Fred, Jr., 149

  Socialized medicine, fears of, 310

  Social Security Act, 150

  Sock Polio

  campaign, 218–226

  container/cans, ix–x, 219, 219f

  Solandt, Donald, 100

  Soldiers/veterans, as physical therapy patients, 6, 42, 149–150, 156, 172

  Southern Medical Journal, 107


  drugs to treat, 121–122, 214, 343

  as Kenny’s term, xv, xvi, 10–11, 55, 65–67, 70–72, 96–97, 99–102, 108, 115–117, 198, 211, 317–319, 344, 378, 409

  measurement of, 102–103, 143n268, 178n82

  not Kenny’s term, 414

  occurrence of, 59, 317

  Spence, James, 344

  Spinal taps, use of, xvii

  Stanford, Brian, 266, 269

  Steindler, Arthur, 68, 107–108

  Sterne, Elizabeth, 370

  Stevens, Marvin (Mal), 151, 307, 321, 322, 376

  Stevenson, Jesse, xii, xiv, 88

  Stewart, Lucy Lily. See Kenny, Mary Stewart

  Stimson, Julia, 88

  Stimson, Philip

  at Jersey City meeting, 321

  as Kenny convert, 96–97

  Life article of, 278–279

  McSweeney and, 343

  on patient participation, 164

  on Sister Kenny (movie), 274

  study of Kenny’s methods, 101, 103

  Stoesser, Alfred, 206–207

  The Story of Louis Pasteur (movie), 19, 248

  The Story of the Kenny Method (NFIP pamphlet), 193–195

  Sullivan, Ed, 275, 364

  Survivors. See Polio survivors

  Sydney Sun, 9

  Sylvia stretcher, 6

  Talbott, Harold, 220

  Technical film. See The Kenny Concept (film); Nursing Care of Poliomyelitis (film)

  Teece, Lennox, 9

  Telethons, 364

  Television, 364–365, 373

  Textbooks, on polio therapy, 62–67

  Thelander, Charles, 9, 268, 421

  Therapeutic change

  history of, xi, 145

  Kenny’s claims to, 19

  medical progress and, 85

  And They Shall Walk (Kenny and Ostenso), 87, 106–107, 213, 253

  Thompson, Dorothy, 154, 363

  Tibbett, Laurence, 126

  Time, 89–90, 106, 124, 173, 276

  Toomey, John, 98, 166, 167

  Toomeyville j. Gazette, 419

  Toowoomba Chronicle, 281

  Trained Nurse and Hospital Review, 88

  Treatment of Infantile Paralysis (Lovett), 261

  Treatment of Infantile Paralysis in the Acute Stage (Kenny), x, 62–63

  Trial by Fury: The Polio Vaccine Controversy (Klein), 417

  True Comics, 149–150

  Truman, Harry S.

  Fishbein on, 310

  health insurance plan of, 307

  Kenny’s comments to, 271

  on science foundation grants, 302

  Truman, Margaret, 322

  “The Truth About Sister Kenny” (Deutsch), 210

  Truth-telling to patients, 167

  Tulsa Tribune, 188, 190

  Tuskegee Institute, 209, 360

  Twin City Observer, 209


  of American nurses during war, 89

  of Kenny technicians, 101

  United Artists, 248, 251

  United Fund agencies, 305

  United Health and Welfare Fund, 305

  United States Public Health Service (USPHS), x, 200, 320–321

  University of Cincinnati, 308, 431n72

  University of Illinois, 201, 273, 319

  University of Michigan, 105, 205

  University of Minnesota

  distrust among groups at, 207, 325, 416–417, 422

  Kenny as guest instructor, 89

  Kenny’s initial lecture at, 18

  Medical School evaluation of Kenny’s work, 23, 56, 193, 267–268

  in polio wars, 113, 196–197, 200–201

  special polio clinic, 38

  sponsor of Kenny courses, 91, 124–125

  University of Pennsylvania, 40, 108, 205, 227n1

  University of Queensland, 26
8, 409, 423

  University of Rochester, 102–103, 125

  University of Virginia, 104, 198, 203

  Vaccine. See Polio vaccine

  Valentine, Alan, 125

  The Value of a Life (film), 272

  Van Paing, John, 16

  Van Riper, Hart, 273–274, 314–315, 320, 322, 323, 345

  Variety Clubs of America, 106, 245

  Veterans Administration, 42

  Vetterova-Pastrnkova, Marianna, 355, 357, 366

  Viets, Henry, 70, 72

  “Viremia” stage, of polio, 376–378, 404

  Visscher, Maurice, 122, 200, 212, 267, 273, 280, 416

  Vocational rehabilitation, 172, 411

  Voluntarism, American system of, 305–308, 310, 323–324, 411

  Von Morpurgo, Henry, 348, 369

  Walking, as “Holy Grail of recovery,” 151

  Walton, Lancelot, 351, 379

  “The Waltons” (TV show), 417

  Woman’s Home Companion, 369

  War Department, 119

  Warm Springs

  functionality emphasis of, 43, 49

  history of, 14–15, 37, 402

  Kenny technique and, 86, 89, 92, 120–121, 155, 226

  PPS conference at, 419

  Roosevelt and, xiii–xiv, 3, 16, 43, 154–155, 216, 402

  as whites-only institution, 208

  Warner Brothers, 253

  Warren, Earl, 224, 307, 325, 347

  Washington Post, 151, 189, 365, 410, 416, 417

  Washington Times-Herald, 165, 201, 217, 224, 311

  Watkins, Arthur, 123

  Weaver, Harry, 331n43, 365

  Webber, Charles C., 89, 113

  Webber, Margaret, 89, 366, 372

  Webber scholarship girls, 89, 92, 93

  Wells, Marjorie, 360

  Westchester Medical Bulletin, 276

  “What’s My Line” (TV show), 377

  White, Jean, 156–157

  The White Angel (movie), 253

  “Why Chapters Cannot Sponsor Research” (NFIP), 225–226

  Whyte, William Foote, 162

  Wilbur, Ray Lyman, 199

  Wilkinson, Herbert, 11, 12, 17, 169, 381

  Willard Parker Hospital, 59, 96, 101, 343

  Williams, Milton, G., 209

  Williams, Rex, 367

  Wilson, Daniel, 168

  Wilson, John, 421

  Wilson, Leonard, 415, 422

  Winnipeg Children’s Hospital, 58, 59, 101–102, 214

  Winsten, Archer, 274, 275

  Wolverton, Charles, 311–312, 313, 315, 426


  as allies of Kenny, 21, 195, 223–224, 245, 256, 268, 320, 363, 366–367, 370

  as allies of NFIP, 194–195, 218, 223, 225

  emerging role of, 366–368

  featured in comic books, 189, 191–192

  promotion of home care and, 346–347

  Women’s clubs, Kenny’s talks to, 21–22, 223, 366

  Women’s Weekly (Australian), 8, 429n49

  Wonder Women of History (comic book), 189f, 191–192

  Woods, Lucy Chase, 151

  Works Progress Administration (WPA), 150


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