Seducing Her Boss

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Seducing Her Boss Page 1

by Beverly Rae

  Evernight Publishing

  Copyright© 2014 Beverly Rae

  ISBN: 978-1-77130-890-8

  Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs

  Editor: Laurie Temple


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  Thank you, dear reader, for choosing my book. I hope you enjoy it.

  Beverly Rae


  Beverly Rae

  Copyright © 2014

  Chapter One

  “I’m telling you, nothing’s going to happen unless you make the first move.”

  Lauren Williams shot an exasperated look at her best friend, Karen Hokan. She’d only known Karen for the past six months that she’d worked at Kensington Enterprises, but they’d become fast friends from the first day when Karen had been assigned to show Lauren around the office. Within ten minutes of meeting her new boss, Carter Kensington, Lauren had already developed a crush on him.

  Six months later, after endless hours reading everything she could find on him, watching the sexy way he moved, and listening to his sultry voice, she was in love.

  “I can’t risk it. If his assistant hadn’t ended up getting seriously sick, I wouldn’t even be here. I still don’t know why they haven’t replaced me with someone more experienced.”

  Elaine Taylor had been Carter’s executive assistant right after his father, the great and powerful Luther Kensington, along with the board of Kensington Enterprises, had promoted him to the Chief Financial Officer position. At twenty-six, Carter was the youngest person to ever hold the job, but it had been inevitable. He’d been groomed from birth to one day take his father’s place as chairman. When Elaine, who was pushing sixty-five, had suddenly become ill, Human Resources had scrambled to fill her position.

  Lauren had gotten lucky, stepping off the elevator on her first day and running straight into the head of HR. In a rare show of guts, she’d seen the memo requesting a temporary replacement in his hand and had told him she was the perfect girl to fill the position. The fact that she’d embellished her credentials bothered her a little at first, but once she was in the job, she’d figured it was fate giving her the good luck usually reserved for others.

  Then she’d gotten a good look at Carter and she’d known she would’ve lied like a dog to get the job. One month later, Elaine had resigned, and since she was already filling in, they’d let her stay on.

  “Fuck it. A job’s just a job. But getting a man like Carter Kensington? That’s a once in a lifetime opportunity. If you don’t go after him, someone else will.”

  If she didn’t know better, she’d swear she’d caught him checking her out. His black eyes bore into her, studying every inch. She had a decent body, maybe even a good one, with rounded hips and tits that pushed the limits of her blouse. But millionaire Carter Kensington was out of her league.

  She bit her lower lip and risked another peek. And caught him looking at her again.

  “He’s so fucking hot. If it weren’t for Milton, I’d go in there, pull up my skirt, and tell him to stick it to me where it counts.”

  Yeah. Right. “I’d like to see you try it.”

  “Like I said. If it wasn’t for Milton, I would. That and because you’re wet between the legs for him. I’d never come between you and the man you want.” Milton was Karen’s boyfriend, an older, boring man who worked in the accounting department.

  Hot-enough-to-fuck-any-woman-he-wants Carter, with his sleek black hair and penetrating black eyes would never go for her. He was the type of man who had his photo in the society pages of the newspapers or in a celebrity magazine with his arm around a skinny, perfect-bodied Hollywood star. His type would never go for a girl who’d just graduated with an art degree. Landing the prestigious position as his executive secretary was more than she’d hoped for. To think she’d have a chance at the man himself was just stupid.

  And painful. A girl could only use a vibrator so much. Either her pussy or her favorite vibrator was bound to break soon.

  “Which is why you have to go for it. Not just for you, but for me. Hell, do it for every assistant who’s ever lusted after her boss.”

  Karen had a way of saying things that hit right at the core of the matter. But that didn’t mean she’d have the guts to try. Lauren spun her chair around, pretended to answer the phone, and kept on talking. “Look, you’ve got to back off. Carter and me? Not a chance.”

  Karen twisted her mouth from one side to the other. A sure sign that she wasn’t letting up. “Okay, I didn’t want to do this, but I’m going to. Later, you’ll thank me for it.”

  Lauren dropped the phone back on its cradle. “What did you do?”

  “Nothing. But if you’ll remember, you owe me one and I’m about to cash in that favor.”

  She’d been waiting for it. Karen had lent her the money for the deposit on her first apartment. It wasn’t much more than an oversized closet, but it was all hers. “I’ll pay you back. I didn’t say anything about seducing the boss.”

  “What you said was that I could ask you to do anything and you’d do it.” Karen leaned back in the chair and crossed her arms.

  She shifted around again and snuck another look. Damn, but he was gorgeous. Facing the window, he took off his suit jacket and gave her a good reason to marvel at the wide expanse of his shoulders. Muscles rippled underneath the expensive silk material. He planted his feet apart, highlighting his perfect butt, making her palm itch to cup a cheek. Every inch of his six-foot, two-inch frame was magnificent, a god come to life. He was all Corporate America Man at the office, but if the tip of the tattoo she’d seen peeking out from under his cuff was any indication, he had a wilder side. The huge, glistening-chrome motorcycle he rode to work hinted that he wasn’t an all work and no play kind of guy.

  He’s definitely not the Milton type.

  “Besides, can you think of anyone better to use your V-card on?”

  She sucked in a breath and prayed no one else had heard. “Damn. Why don’t you stand on a chair and make an official announcement?” Being a virgin was hard enough without the world knowing she hadn’t so much as let anyone finger her.

  She checked the intercom to make sure it really was off. “What do you expect me to do? Walk into his office and fuck him on top of his desk?”

  “Sounds like a plan to me.” Karen stood, bringing Lauren along with her. “And give him a little to look at.”

  Lauren swatted her friend’s hands away as she fiddled with the top buttons of her blouse. “I am so not the type.”

  “Then fake it until you make it.” Karen shoved her around to face his office, then pushed her toward it. “Or should I say, fake it until you make him.”

  “Karen, damn it. I’m not going to try and fuck—”


  The air clogged in her throat. Why hadn’t she heard the intercom beep? Had he heard her? Breathing became even harder.

  Karen grabbed a stack of files as a wicked grin spread across her face. “Uh-oh. I better get out of here.”


  Pulling herself together, Lauren pivoted toward his office. Her sexy, eat-me-please boss. Thanks to Karen’s shove, she was already halfway to his office so it just made sense to keep going.

  If he heard us, I’ll die. />
  He turned away from the window to find her standing in the doorway like she was taking cover during an earthquake. “Come on in and have a seat. We need to talk.”

  Shit. Those words were hard enough to take from a boyfriend, but from her boss? Shit and double shit.


  Fuck. If she walked any sexier, he’d have to add a shower to his personal executive bathroom. Carter’s cock twitched, threatening to turn from a flaccid appendage to a fucking steel rod in seconds.

  Lauren Williams was the hottest woman he’d seen in a long, long time. Although she wasn’t as traditionally beautiful as the starlets and socialites he usually dated, she had an indefinable quality that made her so much more enticing. Unlike the others, she wasn’t stuck up on her looks or money. Instead, she possessed a regal quality not often found in a twenty-two-year-old woman. Since she’d been assigned as a temporary replacement and then as his full-time assistant six months ago, he’d only gone out with a couple of other women. He just couldn’t give a shit about the others. Not after seeing Lauren.

  Her body curved in all the right places, with hips a man could lay claim to as he rammed his cock deep inside her pussy. The simple blouse she wore strained at her full, ripe breasts, yet unlike so many women, she wasn’t trying to make her tits stand out. He’d had his fill of women who thought showing him some skin would grab his attention and capture his heart through his cock. His hand slipped toward his crotch before his mind noticed the malfunction and diverted it to the papers on his desk.

  His desk. Fuck. If I could, I’d push her onto the top of it and fuck her brains out, front and back. He groaned. And end up with a sexual harassment lawsuit. Wouldn’t Dear Old Dad love that?

  He was a pro at keeping his mind on business, but Lauren was one woman who made that challenge hard to win. He couldn’t put it into words, but after the first week, he’d started watching her, studying her, listening as she talked with others. She was beautiful, sexy without being overt about it, but there was more to her than her luscious body. She had a good mind, a kind heart, and a joy for life that few possessed.

  He’d never said it out loud, much less admitted it to anyone else, but he could see her as more than an employee or even a good lay. To his surprise, he realized she was someone he could love.

  “Have a seat, Lauren.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Please don’t call me sir. I’m not my father.”

  “Oh. Okay.”

  She bit her lower lip, an action that never failed to make him want to bite it, too.

  “It’s Carter, remember?”

  Damn, but he liked her chuckle. It wasn’t a high-pitched silly giggle, but a warm, rich sound. He’d change it into a long, low moan if he had his way.

  Moving with her usual silky grace, she slid into the chair in front of his huge mahogany desk. Instead of crossing her legs, she sat with her knees together, looking like a schoolgirl sent to the principal’s office.

  His gaze settled on her chest, noting that the top button of her blouse was undone. His mouth watered, taking in her generous spillage. The white bra underneath wasn’t anything special, but she didn’t need all that sexual hype. She had sex oozing out of her with each breath.

  Her gaze followed his, her eyes widening just the slightest, before she redid the top button. He jerked his attention away like a dirty old man that had gotten caught in the act of ogling a pretty young thing.

  “Lauren, I hate to spring this on you at the last minute, but I’m going to need you tonight.” He winced. Hell, yeah, he needed her. Maybe then he wouldn’t end up jerking off to the fantasy of her on her knees in front of him, her luscious mouth moving back and forth along his length.

  Keep it together, man. She’s your employee.

  She shook her head. “No problem. It’s what I’m here for.”

  He would’ve sworn, at the moment when their eyes met, that she was thinking the same carnal thoughts he was. But that was bullshit. The rumors around the office had her pegged as sweet and innocent, maybe even still a virgin.

  He sat down, needing to hide his cock’s betrayal as it once more started to fly its flag high. “Great. Then plan on eating dinner here, too. My treat, of course.”

  “Yes, sir.” She smiled and showed her dimples. “I mean, Carter.”

  He shifted in his chair, needing to do more than that. Once she was back at her desk, he’d visit his bathroom and take care of business.

  Damn. Jerking off at the office. What’s next? Banging her in the supply closet?

  Hell, yeah.

  “Okay, then. That’s all I needed. Thanks.” It wasn’t half of what he needed or wanted. But office policy prohibited “fraternization between superiors and their subordinates.” If he broke the rule, then he’d risk a lawsuit and office scandal. If she broke the rule, she’d get canned. For her sake, he had to keep his hands off her.

  She swayed out of the room and, as much as he knew he should, he couldn’t look away. How could any man with a pulse look away from her firm, round ass? Once he was able, he strode to his bathroom, locked the door, and gave himself much needed relief.

  Chapter Two

  Lauren watched the clock, counting down the hours until quitting time. Slowly, the rest of the employees filed out of the office, until at last, by the time it was six o’clock, only Carter, Karen, and she remained.

  When Karen finally scooted by her desk to say good-bye, Lauren was already a nervous wreck. “Hey, girl. Ready for your big night?”

  “It’s just work.” She had to keep that in mind and not let her feelings get in the way of her doing her job.

  “Uh-huh. But it could be the start of something great. If you’ll just go for it.”

  She was nervous enough about staying late without anyone else around. Sitting at her desk and daydreaming about him was one thing. To work side by side, leaning over paperwork, had her lustful thoughts doing their own overtime. And Karen wanted her to seduce him? Would she have the guts? Or would she try to, then end up embarrassing herself? If he rejected her, she’d have to quit.

  “Lauren, if you don’t get with it, one of the other girls will. You’ve seen them. Dropping by his office to see if there’s anything they can do for him. Besides, I’ve seen the way he looks at you. Like you’re prey and he’s a starving lion.”

  They’d had the same discussion often enough, but she’d always dismissed it as crazy. Until today, when she’d caught him staring at her tits.

  “Oh, shit. You’re actually thinking about doing it, aren’t you?”

  Her first impulse was to deny, deny, and deny again. But Karen would know. “Maybe. I mean, I’m sure he doesn’t think of me as anything but his assistant, but I did catch him checking out my boobs.”

  She had to grab Karen’s arm to keep her from whipping around and gawking at him. “No, don’t. And I’m not promising anything. But if you don’t leave, I won’t have the chance.”

  Karen’s grin was as wide as her face. “This is so fucking great. Okay, I’ll leave it alone for tonight, but in the morning, I want a full report. Details, girl. Every little—” She paused and held back a laugh. “Or should I say every big detail? I want to know how long, how thick, and if it’s curved at the end.”

  “Get. Out. Now.”

  “Okay, okay. I’m going.” Karen took a glimpse of Carter sitting at his desk, then wiggled her eyebrows. “In the morning, bitch.” She strolled past the glass wall of his office, taking her sweet time, then picked up the pace toward the elevator.

  This is it.

  Lauren stood, smoothed out her skirt, and held her head high as she walked the short distance to his office. Those few feet seemed like walking a mile.

  “I finished the spreadsheet on the Robertson acquisition.”

  He lifted his head, his dark eyes focusing as his attention shifted from his computer to her. “Good. Come on in.”

  She smiled, felt it waver, but kept on going. Before she could sit down, however
, he motioned for her to come to his side.

  “Take a look at this.”

  Did he notice when she drew in a big whiff of his aftershave? Damn, but he smelled good.

  “Here. Sit down.”

  She took his executive leather chair and dropped into it, thankful since her knees had almost given out once she’d gotten within a foot of him. Now all she had to do was concentrate on the document displayed on the monitor. And yet, with him so near, that wasn’t easy. Her heartbeat skipped into a different pattern, erratically pounding in her chest so loudly she was sure he’d hear it.

  He leaned over her and pointed at a number in the spreadsheet. Although she nodded, she had no clue what he meant. The numbers jumbled together, like ancient hieroglyphics she couldn’t decipher.

  He was so close, with one hand on the chair next to her shoulder and his face pressed close to her ear. His voice was deep and filled with sexy undertones normally reserved for soulful singers. The warmth of his breath tickled her hair, and Lauren had no choice except to brush her hair behind her ear, hoping to feel him on her skin. Her nipples grew hard beneath the thin material of her blouse. As he leaned forward, she knew he’d get a good look at the soft mounds of her breasts and the idea excited her even more. His hands were large enough to hold most of her tits, and unlike so many men who worked in an office, they weren’t soft and tender. She was tempted to skim her finger along the roughness, then beg him to run his palms along her skin.

  Her pussy clenched just thinking about having him between her legs. He was the one she longed to give her virginity to. He could take it, and even if he never spoke to her again, she’d be happy that he’d been her first.

  Think. Work.

  She studied the spreadsheet, forcing her mind to work. “Carter?”


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