Seducing Her Boss

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Seducing Her Boss Page 2

by Beverly Rae


  Her voice was lyrical. A poem without the need for accompaniment. If Carter heard nothing else for the rest of his days, he’d be content to hear her say his name. His dick sprang to life again, urging him to forget policies and rules. She smelled sweet, yet not cloying with perfume or hair spray, or whatever the hell women wore. Her scent was natural, like flowers floating on a spring breeze.

  He wondered how sweet her pussy would smell.


  Say my name again.

  Her breasts tempted him, begged him to slide his hand over their swell and slip it down the V of her blouse. Her skirt had ridden up, not too far, and obviously not on purpose, but enough that he could see her silky thighs and almost feel her soft skin. All he’d have to do was to ease his hand along her thigh, then between her legs. Would he find her wet, waiting for him to lick up her juices? If she was a virgin, would she scream when he plunged into her, breaking the thin barrier and making her his own?

  Then he saw the question in her eyes and came back to reality. “What’d you say?”

  “Um, I’m not sure, but this number doesn’t look right.”

  I’m her boss. It’s against company rules.

  Maybe if he kept thinking of the reasons not to have her, he could break the spell she’d placed on him.

  She’s young and naïve. Inexperienced.

  He cleared his throat. That was more of a reason to have her than to resist. He forced himself to concentrate on the work. Or at least, he tried.

  Is she wearing panties?

  Damn it. Get a grip.

  And yet, even a stronger man couldn’t have resisted her. Her fucking nipples were erect little mounds just pleading for his touch. Her hair begged him to tunnel his fingers through it, to measure its fullness.

  “You might be right. Go ahead and change it. See what you come up with.” She’d split him in two. Part of him wanted to screw the company policy, grab her by the back of the hair, and crush his mouth to hers. The other part argued against the idea, demanding that he listen to reason. Yet, until now, he hadn’t realized that reason had left him six months earlier.

  “Would you like a drink?” How he made it across to the wet bar, he’d never know.

  “I don’t think I should.”

  “Mind if I do?” Without waiting for her permission, he poured an inch of whiskey into a crystal glass, then gulped it down. Pausing with it at his lips, he studied her long, auburn hair and big brown eyes that dove into him and captured his soul. Her alabaster skin and full lips completed the picture. And when she smiled? Aw, hell, the dimples took hold of him and pushed him toward insanity.

  The innocence that made his balls draw tight became the same reason he couldn’t give in to his carnal needs. He’d ruin her, her first boss taking her that way. Unless, of course, he kept her, making her his for as long as she wanted him.

  What he was thinking was dangerous and exciting as hell.

  She tore his heart apart when she took her gaze away from his and back to the monitor.

  “I think this is better, but you should check it. I haven’t had much experience with this program.”

  She’d come to the company after attending college part-time for three years, then having to drop out due to financial reasons. From what he’d seen of her work so far, she had a sound instinct for business. If nothing ever happened between them, he’d make sure she went back to college and got her business degree.

  He checked her work, and as he’d expected, found that it was dead on. “That’s great. I don’t know how I missed it. Good work, Lauren.”

  When she lifted her head, craning her neck to smile up at him, he let out a rush of air that took the last ounce of resistance with it. He drank her in, from her plump lips to her tempting breasts, then back up to those mesmerizing dimples. He couldn’t think, much less convince himself to stop. Six months of waiting was long enough. Too long.


  Whether it was the sound of her voice saying his name, or the look of trust that enclosed his heart and made it hers, he’d never know. Like a starving man reaching for food, he took her arm, then cupped his hand around her neck and pulled her to her feet.

  “Damn, but you’re so fuckin’ hot.”

  She let out a small mewl, making him want her even more. He wrapped his arm around her, sliding his hand down to palm her generous ass. Tugging her to him, he made sure her tits crammed against his chest so he could feel the hard peaks. He kissed her, and to his delight, she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back.

  His tongue swept inside her, drinking her flavors. She tasted better than he’d hoped, sweeter than honey. He turned her neck loose, then found her breast and squeezed it, getting a good feel. If they did nothing more for the rest of the night, he’d be okay. Not satisfied, but okay. Satisfaction would only come once his cock was deep inside her.

  He tugged on her bottom lip, before traveling his kisses and nibbles down her neck. She arched her back, her quick pants telling him she was ready and willing.


  Fuck, but he loved it when she said his name.

  He lifted her then, bringing her sweet ass down on top of the paperwork. Taking her by the knee, he slid his palm along her leg and up her thigh. She clung to him, her hair making an auburn waterfall behind her, as the tip of his thumb found the lacy material of her panties. He buried his face between her breasts, then eased his thumb under the elastic band.

  Just one quick tug…

  The ring tone announcing his father’s call jarred him, breaking him away from fulfilling his fantasies.

  Damn it. Not now.

  Yet his father wouldn’t call if it wasn’t important.

  He stilled, not ready to turn her loose, even though he knew he had to. Groaning, he took a step back, removing his hand. He’d been so damn close. His cock screamed to finish what he’d started, but he had no choice. When Luther Kensington called, he answered.

  “Dad, what’s up?”


  Lauren wasn’t sure what to think. She hadn’t been rejected, as she’d feared, but having Carter drop her like a hot potato didn’t make her feel irresistible. She pulled her blouse together and her skirt down, then hurried around the desk, putting herself as far from him as she could.

  He turned to her, even as he continued his conversation with his father. “Yeah. Tonight?”

  The muscles in his jaw clenched, reminding her of how he’d done the same thing a moment before crushing his mouth to hers. She trembled, her need still controlling her body. Her panties were wet and warm, her pussy throbbing.

  “Yeah. I can ask Lauren. She’s right here. Hang on.”

  Ask her? What would her father want her to do? It was impossible, but she had the insane feeling that his father knew what they’d done.

  Carter pressed his phone against his chest. “I need to go to Los Angeles tonight and I’m going to need an assistant. Are you willing to go? If so, we’ll head to the airport right now.”

  “Right now? But I don’t have anything here. No clothes, nothing.”

  “Don’t worry about that. I’ll have everything you’ll need waiting for you at the hotel. We’ll be back tomorrow evening.”

  What else could she say? “Sure. Of course.”

  In the space of a phone call, they’d gone back to their professional ways as though nothing had happened. Was that how he thought of it? Just a quick office kiss and grope, and nothing more?

  “It’s a go, Dad. We’re leaving right now.” He ended the call, then started straightening up his desk. “Grab your computer and whatever else you’ll need. Be ready to roll in ten minutes.”

  That was it? No “Hey, Lauren, about that kiss?”

  At first, she could only stare at him. Was he for real? She’d put herself out there and he’d gone right back into boss mode.

  His dark eyes latched onto her. “Is there a problem?”

  Damn straight, there’s a problem. />
  But she couldn’t bring herself to say as much. “No, sir, Mr. Kensington. Ready in ten.”

  Chapter Three

  Lauren kept her attention away from Carter. At least, since she’d never flown on a luxurious private jet, she had a lot of things to look at. They’d talked about the trip, the meeting he had in the morning, and about other business matters. But not one word about their sexual lip-lock in the office.

  If he was going to ignore what they’d done, then she’d do the same. In a way, it was a relief. Obviously, it had meant nothing more to him than fun with his secretary.

  “So do you have it, Lauren? Are the necessary files up to date?”

  If only his voice weren’t so masculine, reverberating with testosterone that coated the air around her. He sat across from her, in a leather chair that was more comfortable than her bed in her tiny apartment.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Good. Then I guess we’re ready for the meeting tomorrow.”

  He hadn’t corrected her about calling him sir. Maybe it was his way of putting more distance between them. She gathered up the material on the glossy table, but left her laptop open. If she had to, she’d pretend to be engrossed in other work. Anything to keep from staring at him.

  “Lauren, we need to talk about what we did in the office.”

  Shit. Please don’t.

  But what the hell? Her embarrassment couldn’t get much worse. “I’m sorry if I acted inappropriately.”

  “You? I’m the one who acted inappropriately. I made the first move.”

  She had to look at him then. When she did, he leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. Was he to blame? Or had she given off signals, enticing him to kiss her? She certainly hadn’t resisted.

  “It’s okay. I mean, if you want to just forget about it, it’s okay.” She sounded like an idiot, but she couldn’t help it. He’d always made her nervous, tense with desire, but now it was even worse.

  “No, it’s not okay.” He lowered his voice and leaned even closer. “I hope you don’t feel like I harassed you in any way. I’ll understand if you want to speak to Human Resources and make a report. It’s my fault and I’ll take full responsibility. I just hope you can forgive me.”

  He couldn’t have surprised her more. “Harassed? No. That’s not at all how I felt. Or how I feel.”

  The corners of his mouth tipped up. “No? Then how do you feel?”

  She’d waited too long, hungering for him every day and fantasizing about him every night. And here he was apologizing for kissing her. Apologizing with his deep, soulful eyes and testosterone-dripping body.

  She had to think. If Karen were here, what would she say?

  “Mr. Kensington, Ms. Williams, may I get you anything else?”

  The breath Lauren had held blew outward. Lucy, the jet’s hostess, strode over to them, then clasped her hands and waited for their answers. Lucy was a statuesque blonde with a movie star body. Her face was that of an angel and a vixen all in one, and her blue eyes could pierce anyone with a sultry gaze. She was exactly the type of woman Carter Kensington was meant to be with.

  And Lauren wasn’t.

  It gave her a little thrill when Carter didn’t even glance up at the bombshell. “No, thanks, Lucy. We’re good. You can go forward to the cabin and relax. I’ll buzz you if we need anything.”

  “Are you sure, Mr. Kensington? I’m happy to help you with whatever you might need.”

  The statement was loaded with innuendo. In fact, it wouldn’t have surprised her if Lucy laid down on the table and offered him her pussy. Jealousy hit Lauren hard and fast, but what right did she have to feel that way?

  “Thanks, but no.”

  Lucy stalled, lingering for a moment, before she finally swayed down the aisle toward the crew area.

  “You were about to tell me. How do you feel?”

  In that moment, she knew she had two choices. She could either go back to New York and quit her job, or she could tell him the truth. She’d either never see him again or she’d fulfill her dreams.

  “Let me show you how I feel.”

  She was on her feet at the exact moment the turbulence struck. Falling to the side, she would’ve ended up flat on her butt if Carter hadn’t grabbed her around the waist. He pulled her onto his lap just as the plane dropped again, sending them lurching upward.

  “Oh, shit. We’re going to die.”

  He chuckled and held her tighter. The plane veered up, then to the left, then just as quickly, took another sudden drop.

  The captain’s voice echoed over the speakers. “Mr. Kensington, as you’ve noticed, we’re experiencing a little turbulence. Please hold tight while we take the plane to a higher elevation. We should level out any minute now.”

  “See? I promise you. We’re not going to die. Life wouldn’t be that cruel.” He reached to the side of the chair where the control buttons were, then punched the call button for the hostess. “Lucy, please hold all my calls and give us some privacy.”

  “Sir?” Lucy cleared her throat, obviously getting the real message. “Yes, sir.”

  Lauren wrapped her hands around his neck and held on, not entirely convinced that he or the captain was right. “Why cruel? Because we’re so young?”

  “Yeah.” His dark eyes gleamed with the same kind of yearning that clawed at her stomach. “But also because, after wanting you for the past six months, I’ve finally got you in my arms.” He didn’t turn her loose, but he didn’t tighten his hold on her, either. “Unless you want me to let you go.”

  He wanted her. His cock pressed hard against her bottom, telling her just how much he wanted her.

  “No. Hang on to me. I don’t want to go flying into the air again.”

  “Don’t worry, baby, I’ll keep you safe.” He smiled, the easy-going smile of her employer morphing into a wicked one of desire. “At least, safe as far as the plane goes. As for protecting you against me? I’ve done that for the past six months, but I can’t stand to do it for a moment longer.”

  His declaration was all she needed. It touched her, as much as his hand could’ve, and sent her pussy convulsing into a mini-orgasm, wetting her panties. She reached for him, with her mind, with the pulsing of her clit, and now with her hands clutching his hair.

  “I wished you’d said something before now.”

  “Then it’s all right? I’m not stepping over the line?”

  Her nervousness was gone, lost in the knowledge that they’d both spent the past six months holding back when they hadn’t needed to. “Yeah, you are, but so am I. I know the policy, but I don’t care. I want you, Carter Kensington. Damn it, take me.”

  He dove in, pushing his mouth against her, his need evident in his deep groans.

  She kissed him back with everything she had in her, the long-awaited yearning about to be fulfilled. At last. His hand swept up her leg, bringing her skirt along with it.

  Her panties were gone, ripped from her, then thrust aside, before she knew it. His hand forced her legs apart as he went for her sweet delight. She fumbled with his shirt buttons, each one freed with hard-won effort, then pushed the silk aside to expose his mountainous chest and brown nipples. As much as she hated to, she slid off his lap just far enough to loosen his belt and undo his zipper before getting yanked back on top of him. Unknown territory lay before her as she groped between the flaps of his slacks, then behind the boxers, until she found his thick, warm shaft.

  Did he realize how inexperienced she was? Should she tell him? She couldn’t bring herself to do so, fearful that he might think her too young and vulnerable.

  His tongue ravished her mouth, swiftly moving from one side to the other. He nibbled on her lips, tugging them inside as he skillfully popped the hooks on her bra, freeing her breasts. Within minutes, her blouse was pulled aside and her bra shoved out of the way. His hungry mouth found her nipple, pulling it in with his teeth as he tortured first one, then the other hard nub.

  A groan wafted over her
skin, then suddenly, he lifted her and set her back in her chair. She feared he was going to stop when he fell to his knees in front of her.

  Her teenage fantasy of the love of her life proposing hit her, but she pushed away the silly idea. Instead, he looked up at her with that wicked smile of his growing, then grabbed hold of both her legs.

  “I’ve ached to taste you and that’s what I’m going to do. If you want me to stop, you’d better say so. Letting me go any farther would be heartless, and once I get going, there’s no turning back. I want to bury my face between your legs and lick you until you scream for mercy.”

  His earlier words had made her wet, but now he’d started a damn flood. “I’m not stopping you.”

  He ran his hands along her leg, taking her skirt farther up to her waist. Hooking her knees over his shoulders, he dove in and pressed his face to her pussy.

  She cried out in joy as much as in surprise. He was skillful with his tongue. Even in her innocence, she recognized a master of cunnilingus. His flat tongue flicked over her clit time and again, a warrior wielding his weapon of mass seduction. His head bobbed up and down as he ate at her, demanding she open wide and let him take all she could give.

  Her pussy screamed for his fingers, if not his cock, and she gripped his hair and hung on. He caused a whole other kind of turbulence in her body, the kind she’d gladly ride for a lifetime. Her body twitched and squirmed as though she wanted to get away from the torturous heaven, and yet somehow, get even closer.

  “Fuck, you taste good. Better than I imagined.” His mouth glistened with her juices. “Do you like it, baby?”

  She moaned, speech an impossibility, as he brought his thumb into play. He circled her clit, round and over, back and forth, then brought his tongue back to lash over her hole. Her body was tense, on the verge of exploding. She clutched his hair more, to the point where he had to move her hands to the chair’s arms. Gripping them until her knuckles turned white, she watched him, awed at how long he could stay there and how fast he could move his tongue over her weeping pussy.

  The sounds he made echoed her own softer moans, reverberating into her and spiraling her need even higher. She gasped as he thrust his tongue deep inside her, then drew her clit into his mouth.


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