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Page 2

by Bianca Sommerland

  But I took some of everything. Including the pickles, which I didn’t even like. Who knew when I’d get to eat again? Hopefully, I could keep enough down to last.

  “Thank you, Luther. If you could give us a few moments alone?” Mr. Ashburne was very polite to his…damn, I didn’t know what Luther was to him. A bodyguard, probably. Anything less would be a waste of his obvious talents.

  Luther inclined his head and stepped out into the hall.

  Mr. Ashburne watched me eat whatever didn’t burn my tongue, not touching the food himself. After I’d downed a few mouthfuls, he leaned forward, putting his hand over the back of mine.

  “Don’t stop eating, but let me explain your situation to you.” His lips curved when I nodded. My mouth was full, so it was all I could do. “I could call the police, but I’m curious as to why Luther brought you to me. He’s not only my head of security but my partner. He knows me better than anyone, and he’s aware that I have one position I’ve failed to fill.”

  I finished chewing, swallowed, then ran my tongue over my teeth to make sure I didn’t have any food stuck there. “What’s that?”

  “I need an assistant. A secretary.” He smirked when I made a face. “I’m sure you have much more appealing prospects, but hear me out. In my business, it’s difficult to find a man I can trust.”

  “Aren’t secretaries usually women?” I wasn’t trying to be sexist, but a man like him could have eye candy, like most rich men did. A pretty blond chick willing to serve him in every way.

  He laughed. At me. I was sure of it. “Traditionally, yes. But I’m not traditional. The women who work for me are capable of the same level of control I manage. Ruthless businesswomen who can face their male counterparts in the boardroom. They all have male secretaries who are more than capable of…submitting to them. I envy the relationships they have and I’ve been looking for someone to fill that place for me.”

  “And you’re gonna choose the guy that stole your car?”

  “You don’t have my car, Alexander. Your brothers do.” He gave me a stiff smile when I blinked at him. “Luther gave me a brief summary while you were washing up. I believe your circumstances forced your hand. And either misplaced loyalty, or fear, has you protecting your siblings. I will get my car back, but what’s more important to me right now is the unique opportunity to fill this vacant position. Are you interested?”

  “Hell yes!” This couldn’t be happening. A job offer? The man had to be crazy, but I’d be crazier to say no. Except…well, could I be a secretary? I was a high school dropout. Willing to learn whatever he needed from me, but why should he put up with a man without skills when he could find a hundred guys who had plenty to offer? “I can’t type. I’m willing to learn, but I have to ask. Why me? I’m the last person you should even consider for the job. Not that I’m saying you shouldn’t hire me. I’ll work harder than anyone. I’m desperate and I won’t fuck you over. No one else would want me, but these other guys could find work anywhere.”

  You just answered your own question, idiot.

  “I can see you understand. You desperation is actually appealing, Alexander. And you may not know this, but I do have cameras in the parking garage. None so obvious as those on the lower levels. I park my car with the employees because they are all gone by five. I have management and fellow board members who work as late as I do. When I finish my day—or night, as happens more often than not—I prefer to avoid interacting with any of them.” He folded his hands on the table. “I can identify both your brothers with surveillance. I will use it to retrieve my car. It is not one of my most expensive, but I am fond of it.”

  Damn, he didn’t need to make me an offer at all. My ‘loyalty’ was irrelevant. If Mr. Ashburne wanted them, they were done for.

  And so was I. He had me breaking his window on video. Probably high definition, because why the hell not? I didn’t have a leg to stand on. He had me by the balls.

  But instead of using that, he was informing me of the facts as though giving me options. Options that no sane person would consider. Except…he was taking away fear as my only motivation for taking the job.

  Or…maybe he wasn’t? I didn’t have to turn my brothers in for them to get caught. He didn’t need me for that. If I turned him down, we could still go to jail. All of us.

  “What exactly do you want from me, Mr. Ashburne?” I used the napkin Luther had given me to wipe my mouth. Despite him having caught me and dragged me up here, I kinda liked the guy. He was cool. Didn’t play around. Unlike his boss, I had a good idea of where he was coming from. “If all you want is someone who can do the job, but can’t be grabbed up by a rival, I can do that. I’ll sign whatever you want. I don’t know anyone, and you’ve got shit on me, so not like I’d even consider a better offer.”

  “I will expect more than you can even imagine, Alexander. What you sign will not be in blood, but it might as well be. You will never find another job anywhere if you breech our contract.” Mr. Ashburne rested his hands on the table. Completely relaxed. But I sensed my answer was important to him. That he wanted me to say yes. “You will learn things about me that may make you reconsider your answer. As of tonight, so long as you work for me, you may not go back to the place you consider ‘home’.”

  No big loss there. I wouldn’t miss sleeping on a park bench. “Where am I gonna go then?”

  “We will work on your language. You’re not a stupid boy, Alexander. Please don’t let your speech have people believing otherwise.”

  “Fine. Where would you like me to stay?”

  “With me.”

  Holy fuck! I stared at him. Was he joking? He’d just met me and he was gonna take me home with him?

  He laughed again. “I do enjoy your reactions. Luther lives with me as well. My house is not small. You will have your space and you will be watched until you’ve earned our trust. Which will be a bit easier with Luther, since he found you worthy enough to bring to me. Show him he wasn’t wrong to do so, and you may earn yourself a very good friend.”

  “But…” I wasn’t sure what to make of all he’d said. What would happen after I signed his papers? “When does all this happen? I look at the contract and bring it back to you and then—”

  “You’ll look at it now, Alexander. I’m a busy man. If you don’t accept my offer, we’ll be having a very different conversation. It’s almost midnight. I trust you’ll make up your mind before then.” He stood and gestured to the food. “Please enjoy your meal. Luther will bring you the contract. He will answer any questions you have about it. I will see you again once it’s signed.”

  Okay, I didn’t like how fucking confident he was that I’d go along with what he expected me to do. My pride wasn’t dead, even though it might look like it was when I begged for spare change on the corner.

  I fisted the napkin in my hand. “What if I don’t sign?”

  Hand on the doorknob, he glanced back at me, his sharp features completely relaxed. “As I said, I don’t believe you’re a stupid man. Young, but not stupid. Proving me wrong would be a mistake.”

  A not so subtle threat. I stared at the door long after he was gone. For some reason, I didn’t think he was threatening to turn me in to the police. I had a feeling he could do so much worse.

  The contract was fucking weird. I read every single word of it as I tested my stomach’s ability to hold down more food than I’d eaten in a month. Chewing the last bite of my burger, savoring the bacon and cheese, I wiped my greasy fingers on my jeans then turned the page.

  A few things stuck out:

  *Employee will sign a non-disclosure agreement (hereby referred to as NDA) pertaining to all aspects of company and personal relationships involving the employer.

  I guess he doesn’t want me spilling his business to the press. Makes sense.

  *Employee will submit to a physical exam, as well as a blood test, every three months. All results will be fully disclosed to the employer.

  Little weird, but he probabl
y wants to make sure I’m not on drugs.

  I had to read the next section over twice because…what the hell?

  *Discipline for any infractions will be handled by the employer or the head of security. All aspects of discipline fall under the NDA.

  What the actual fuck?

  I kept reading, wondering if there would be any details about the ‘discipline’. Was I gonna be writing lines? Kneeling in the corner like a five year old? What kind of company used the word ‘discipline’ in their contracts?

  I struggled not to laugh as I considered Luther signing something like this. Did Mr. Ashburne spank him when he was bad?

  Luther shot me a curious look. “Any questions?”

  Shaking my head, I glanced down at the word ‘discipline’ again. And cleared my throat. “Did you sign this contract?”

  Letting out a sharp laugh, Luther sat back in his chair and folded his arms over his massive chest. “No.”

  “Oh…” I frowned when he smirked at me, like he knew something I hadn’t figured out yet. “What sort of discipline are we talking about here?”

  “That will be discussed after you sign the NDA.”

  “But Mr. Ashburne told me you’d answer any questions I asked.”

  “Yes.” Luther sounded amused. “I just did.”

  Great. Well, if that was the kind of answer I was gonna get, why bother?

  I continued on to the forms, which took up the last three pages. The first page was easy enough. Education, experience, former employment. Didn’t have much to write there. I used to take out the trash for the old lady next door when I was a kid. She paid me a buck a week. I didn’t think Mr. Ashburne would consider that a job.

  My lips parted as I started on the next page.

  * Number of sexual partners, past and present.

  He couldn’t legally ask that, could he? What the hell did who I’d slept with have to do with being a secretary?

  Not that I had anything to hide…well, except that I was lame for a guy my age. I jotted down a number that I thought would look good. Five was a nice number.

  Luther made a low sound of disapproval. “Lying on your application is a very bad idea, Alec.”

  “How do you know I’m lying?”

  His brow rose.

  I sighed, crossed out the five, and wrote the truth.


  He leaned forward and grinned. “That’s what I thought.”

  Glaring at him, I pulled the form closer to me. “Why the fuck do I have to answer all these personal questions? What does my sex life have to do with the job?”

  “That will be discussed after—”

  “After I sign the NDA. Fuck, you’re useless.”

  As I moved to continue filling out the insanely invasive form, Luther latched onto my wrist. “A little advice, boy. Do not swear at me. And if you have any brains in that cute little head of yours, you won’t ever swear at Mr. Ashburne.”

  Heat spread across my cheeks even as goosebumps rose all over my skin. Out of all the rules and questions, not swearing at my boss was probably the most reasonable request so far, but there was no mistaking the warning in Luther’s tone. It reached some primal instinct within, one that had wolves baring their throat to the leader of the pack, admitting defeat because defiance would cost them their life.

  I finished filling out all the papers, signed and initialed where indicated, and handed them over.

  Luther set the neatly stacked papers in front of him and gave me a level look. “I know this isn’t easy, Alec. And I know there’s a lot you don’t understand. It will be overwhelming, but I promise you one thing.”

  Nibbling on a fry, because I was full, but I had to try to test my limits a little, I met his eyes.

  “I will do my best to get you through this. I decided you’d be worth my time, and Mr. Ashburne’s, when you refused to turn your brothers in even after they ditched you. When you were willing to pay for their crimes. You’re a good kid.” His lips thinned. “I hope you’re strong enough to get through the next few days. If you are, you’ll look back and consider this the best thing that ever happened to you.”

  “And if I’m not?” I had to ask. I had no idea what I’d really signed on for. He wasn’t painting any pretty pictures for me.

  He lifted his shoulders and sighed. “Then you’ll probably be hoping it’s all a nightmare, and one day you’ll wake up. You’re not the first young man I’ve had this conversation with, Alec.” His lips curved slightly. “But you’re the first one I’d be willing to put money on. And I might do so, so don’t let me down.”

  Chapter Two

  The mansion was just as insanely huge as I expected, but I couldn’t make out much of it in the dark. Luther pulled up in front of a large, dark wood door at the far end of the right wing of the massive, light grey stone building and got out, opening the back door of his SUV for me before I could regain my senses enough to move. I swallowed hard as he reached out and offered me his hand.

  What am I doing here? What if they’re both serial killers and this is where I die?

  With all the landscape, the tall trees and hills surrounding us, it was easy to imagine bodies hidden away out there. Bodies of stupid guys like me who’d tried to mess with Xavier-fucking-Ashburne.

  But Luther, tough as he was, didn’t seem like the depraved-murderer-type. Sure, he’d probably take someone out if he thought Xavier was in danger, that was his job. But looking into his warm brown eyes, patient even as I kept him waiting, I wasn’t afraid. Not really. Nervous? Damn right I was. I had no idea what they planned to do with me.

  Whatever it was, I’d live through it.

  I took his hand.

  “Very good.” Luther’s lips slanted as he pulled me to his side, then placed his hand on the small of my back to lead me to the door. “But don’t expect me to put up with you keeping me waiting very often. Once you learn to trust me, that is.”

  “Will I?” I bit into my cheek, cursing myself for voicing the question out loud. Telling the guy who’d saved me from prison that I didn’t trust him was stupid.

  He didn’t seem to mind. Opening door, he motioned me forward. “When I’ve earned it? Yes. And don’t be afraid to speak your mind, Alec. Not with me. I can’t train you if I don’t know what you’re thinking.”

  “Train me?”

  “I took on the job when I brought you to Xavier.” Luther flicked on the lights in the small kitchen and went directly to the fridge. “This is my kitchen, by the way. Since you’ll be staying in my wing, you may use it whenever you want. But please leave a note on the fridge if you finish anything. Would you like a beer?”

  “I’m not old enough to drink.”

  “But you’re old enough to serve in the military or be tried as an adult.” Luther arched a brow as he pulled out a beer, standing in the door of the fridge, and regarding me with interest. “If you don’t drink, that’s fine. But you may do so here within reason.”

  I hadn’t had a beer since I was sixteen. At a friend’s house, celebrating his birthday. Just a few months before I’d left home. It had been nice. We didn’t get stupid drunk, just buzzed and relaxed.

  A feeling which would be more than welcome right now.

  “Yes, please.” I looked around the kitchen, sleek with stainless steel and gleaming white accents. Never in my life had I been somewhere so expensive looking and clean. Even when my parents had been alive things were always grungy, half the appliances barely functioning, only one lightbulb working if there were any at all sticking out of the one outlet in the ceiling.

  This room had so many inlaid lights not a single corner was dark. Which was somehow…comforting. Even in the middle of the night, I was somewhere bright. There were no sounds of trashcans being kicked. People screaming. Sirens blaring.

  Just the soft sound of the wind outside. Luther’s steady steps and he came to join me at the kitchen island, pulling out a stool and motioning for me to sit in the other as he set down both our beers.
  “Alec, I don’t want you under the impression that this will be easy. Now that you’ve signed the agreement, I will give you one chance to back out. Only one. After this, there will be negotiations, but I won’t let you go so easily.” Luther motioned for me to drink, took a gulp from his own beer, then continued. “The job itself will be easy. Filing paperwork, typing out Xavier’s notes, taking phone calls. You can do that.”

  “But he wants more from me?”

  “You have an idea of what he wants. What we both want.” Luther licked a drop of beer off his bottom lip, giving me a hooded look that sent a shiver down my spine, sweet and cool and speeding up my pulse. “What I saw in you wasn’t for him alone.”

  I wasn’t sure if that should scare me. Xavier seemed to be the one with all the power, but there was something in Luther…a presence I couldn’t define. With that last look, I couldn’t breathe. Couldn’t speak.

  He watched me. Waited as I finished my beer. Kept waiting until I couldn’t stand the silence anymore.

  “What do you want from me?”

  “Everything.” Luther finished off his beer. Set it aside. “I want to see that beautiful body exposed. I want to have you kneeling at my feet. I want to reach that moment when I tell you to come and you don’t hesitate.” Pushing off his stool, Luther went back to the fridge, grinning when I nodded at his offer for another beer. “You won’t ever have to guess with me, Alec. I don’t play those kinds of games.”

  “So…” I accepted the beer. Gulped it down. Would he let me get drunk before I had to answer?

  His steady look told me no.

  I chose my words carefully. “So I won’t just be answering phone calls.”


  “He wants to fuck me.”


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