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Running From Empty (Men of the Vault Book 3)

Page 8

by Aria Grace

  “I think we’re good, bud.”

  I walk up to Tanner’s bed and lean in, giving him a hug. Dad comes around, taking me in his arms and giving me a warm embrace. “You can take the car. I’m parked on level G3.”

  “You sure?”

  “Yeah, I’ve got everything I need in this room.” Dad’s gaze moves to Tanner, which makes my heart warm.

  “Great.” Dad hands me the keys from his pocket as I turn toward the door.

  “Ian,” Tanner calls out to me before I twist the doorknob. “I’ll have Rosa bring you some food.”

  “I’ll be okay. I’ll pick up something before I come back tomorrow.”

  “We’ll see you tomorrow, kiddo.” Tanner gives me a smile before wincing from a pain that hits him. “I’ll be fine… Go.”

  He’s not necessarily reassuring me, but Dad’s here to take care of him. And as much as Dad will want to stay with Tanner twenty-four seven, I know I need to come back tomorrow and force him to head to the apartment for a shower and some much needed rest.

  But tonight, I’ll head home and give them a chance to bond in a way they never have before.

  As boyfriends.

  The apartment is quiet when I step inside. Not wanting to hear the silence, I turn on the TV to some reality program while I head to my room to take a shower.

  Once I’m through, I throw on a pair of gym shorts and a tank before walking back into the living room. Someone on the TV is screaming at someone else for sleeping with their man when I enter the room. I’m not sure if a bitch-slap is about to happen, but the grumbling of my stomach averts my attention from the TV to the fridge.

  I grab a pack of cold cuts and some cheese to build a sandwich. By the time I make it back to the couch with my plate and a Coke, an all out fight is happening on the show. As much as I normally hate reality shows, for some reason, my attention is completely invested in these ridiculous characters.

  More than likely, my brain is just tired from everything that’s happened today and needs to veg out on nothing. Two episodes into the show, I’m practically talking to the television, yelling at Britney not to believe a word Bryant says about him not being a cheat.

  By the time the final episode of the evening plays, I catch myself yawning, so I put away my dishes and head to my room.

  I fall into bed and am asleep immediately, still grateful that Tanner is okay.

  And that he and Dad are together.

  Over the next week, Dad and I take turns staying with Tanner. He insists that he doesn’t need babysitters, but in reality, I think he’s glad that we’re helping to take care of him and that he doesn’t have to be alone during his hospital stay.

  Luckily, Tanner is healing quickly. Some patients who’ve had the same operation have had to stay for several weeks in the hospital while they recover. But by day six, Tanner’s doctor confirms he’s well enough to go home as long as someone around to help him, and he doesn’t try to do too much too soon.

  He agrees, especially after Dad and I both insist that we can take care of him. I’m not sure how much vacation time he has, but Dad’s been here the entire week, only stepping away to take a call here and there.

  Occasionally, he pulls out his computer to do some work will I’m watching TV and Tanner is resting, but for the most part, he’s completely committed to us.

  And I’m grateful for it.

  As expected, Rosa has the apartment clean and stocked for Tanner’s homecoming. When we walk through the door, wheeling Tanner into the corridor, Rosa greets him with a smile. She’s come to visit him in the hospital a few times, and her grandmotherly grin lights up the room as she gives him a hug. It’s obvious they love each other like family.

  She hangs around for a bit after we arrive, dolloping heaps of spaghetti onto plates and giving them to us. Tanner does his best to eat what he can, but after twenty minutes or so, I can tell he’s exhausted. Rosa and Dad must notice too, because she quickly grabs the plates and cleans up the kitchen.

  Dad takes Tanner back to the bedroom and stays with him most of the afternoon while I fiddle around the house. Tanner’s laptop is plugged in at the side table, so I sit on one of the bar stools and open up the website for UNLV. It’s a long-shot, but I decide to fill out my online application. It’s one step closer to obtaining an education that I never thought I’d get.

  I’m just hoping the good luck that suddenly seems to be shining down on me doesn’t come to a screeching halt anytime soon.



  “Are you sure you can’t stay?” Ian’s puppy dog eyes are looking into mine and making me wish I could say yes. But that’s out of the realm of possibility. Despite the fact that I want to spend every waking moment with Rod, I have a job and home waiting for me in Denver.

  The two of us agreed that we’d do this long distance, and I know we can. But that doesn’t mean I won’t miss seeing him every day—every minute. “I wish I could, kiddo, but the clients like to see my face every so often. You know?”

  “Yeah, I know.” His saddened frown quickly turns to a smile with a glimmer of hope behind it. “When are you coming back to visit?”

  Rod’s interest seems piqued as he watches the two of us from the chair in the den. He and I have spent the last two days preparing for my departure and neither one of us is excited about it. And as much as I want to stay, I’ve already used up all my vacation time.

  Not that I regret coming and being with my two favorite men, but now that Rod and I are dating, I want to see where this goes. Part of that is going to require me traveling back and forth for quick weekends. Especially since he’s in no condition to travel for the next month or so.

  “I’ll try to get back as soon as I can. Maybe in a couple weeks. Rod should be up and walking better by then, and we can all do something together. How does that sound?”

  Ian seems pacified by that. He has to be. He’s had to grow up quickly this past year, but my little boy, full of insecurities, doubt, and pain, is still in there.

  “I promise, bud. I’ll be back before you can miss me. Besides, you’ll have your hands full with the big baby over there.” I wink and tilt my head toward Rod.

  “Hardy-har,” Rod grunts. “We’ll be fine. But I want you to get on the road before it gets too late. You have a long drive.”

  “Okay, I’m going…” I give my son another hug, and he grasps me tightly, almost as if he doesn’t want to let go. But eventually he does, and I make my way over to Rod, kissing his mouth deeply. “And you… Get better. I want you up and ready to go when I come back.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Make sure to let us know when you get home safe.” Ian looks at me, holding my gaze until I nod in agreement.

  “I will. You two take care of each other.”

  “Will do,” Rod says, throwing a kiss through the air to me. I head out the door, trying not to look back, because I know that will make it even more difficult to leave.

  The drive home is long and lonely but necessary.

  After two stops along the way, I finally make it home. After schlepping my bag from the back, I head into the house. The house I’ve spent the last fifteen years living in.

  Coming home after a long trip used to feel like, well…coming home.

  But this time is different. I feel like I’m only visiting. True it’s my furniture spread throughout, my clothes in the closets and drawers, and my memories scattered around.

  But it doesn’t feel like home. Not anymore.

  Despite the wonderful things I’ve collected over time and the moments shared in this place, it’s not where my heart is anymore. That’s because it never really was. It’s always been with Rod. And now that both Rod and my son are in Vegas, suddenly being here is making me homesick for them.

  I huff out a breath, realizing that it doesn’t matter what I’m feeling right now. The mortgage on the house and Ian’s college bills need me to be a responsible adult.

  So that’s what I’l
l be.

  Two weeks somehow turns into six. I stay in touch with Rod and Ian, nightly. But work has me swamped. Somehow, I manage to convince my boss to give me another week away, promising that I’ll put in my time offsite and be available for any calls that come through. Susie, my assistant, seems perfectly happy for me to go away again. I think it’s because she knows about me and Rod.

  When I call Rod to tell him the news, he seems excited. A muffled sound in the background is answered with, “Your dad’s coming to visit.”

  “Great!” Ian’s yell fills in the background, and their enthusiasm brings a grin to my face.

  “I’ll be down Friday late, if that’s okay.”

  Rod’s answer is quick. “You know you don’t even have to ask. My home is your home.”

  His words melt my heart and cause a lump to form in my throat. “I know, but still…”

  “I’ve missed you so much.”

  “Same here, baby. You don’t know how much.”

  I can almost hear his smile over the phone.

  “So, you’re up and about?” I ask with a bit of a questioning tone. Rod and Ian both say he’s moving around as if nothing happened, but until I see him for myself, I won’t know for sure if I should still be worried.

  “We told you I’m good. I promise.”

  “I’ll make that determination for myself.”

  “Oh, you can definitely find out for yourself.”

  My cock begins to thicken just thinking about what pleasures might come from playing doctor with Rod.

  Rod’s response is sultry and warm. “I’ll be eagerly counting the days.”

  “I can’t wait. Later, baby.”

  The work week goes by as slowly as possible, each minute ticking away until five o’clock rolls around on Friday evening. But when it does, I’m glad I decided to pack up the night before and put everything in the trunk so I don’t have to stop at home before heading to the airport.

  The flight back to Vegas is long, but not nearly as long as the several weeks that have passed since I’ve seen my guys. By the time the Uber driver drops me off in front of Rod’s building, it’s almost midnight.

  I knocking lightly on the door and hear a shuffle of feet before the door swings open and Ian runs into my arms. “Dad, you made it!”

  “Hey, kiddo.” I pull him into a warm embrace, holding him tight against my chest.

  Rod’s voice greets me next. “Hey, stranger.”

  My smile quickly turns into a frown. “Rod, what are you doing up? You should be in bed resting.” I release Ian and reach for Rod, dropping my bag in the entryway.

  “I told you I was fine. I’m not an old man who has to be in bed by eight.”

  Ian grabs my bag. “I’ll take this to the room.”

  “Babe, we should get you in bed.”

  He winks at me. “Shouldn’t we at least wait until you’ve had a few minutes to catch up with Ian?” His eyes are scorching as he pulls me into his arms and squeezes my ass. “I’ve missed you.”

  Rod’s lips meet mine in a passionate kiss that sends my mind twirling. His shaft presses against mine as we both become aroused in each other’s embrace.

  Until a voice from the hallway reminds us we aren’t alone. “And you get to stay all week?”

  I clear my throat and back away. “Um, yeah, all week.”

  “Good. We’re having a get together tomorrow night to celebrate Tanner’s recovery.” Ian’s voice is light with joy.

  “Is that a good idea? Rod, you can’t be ready for a party.”

  Rod scowls at Ian before facing me. “It’s not a party. It’s just a get together with a few friends.”

  “I don’t know…”

  “Dad, don’t be a downer. Tanner’s been cooped up for weeks during his recovery.”

  “It’s just a few of the guys,” Rod assures me. “It’s not a big deal.”

  I raise an eyebrow at Rod, and suddenly, the same puppy dog eyes Ian normally gives me are shooting straight at me.

  “Fine. But promise me you’ll let me know if things become too much.”

  “Promise.” Rod places his hand over his heart, but it doesn’t do much to keep me from worrying about the love of my life.



  Edge and Liam show up first, bringing in a huge chocolate cake with the words “Congratulations” on it. Liam looks embarrassed, but Edge sets it on the counter with pride. “Hey, it was the only thing I could find on short notice. If someone had told me we were having a party…”

  “It’s not a party,” I say quickly, glancing around to see if Dad heard him. Dad’s eyes catch mine, but I try to act as nonchalant as possible.

  “Right…” Edge shakes his head. “A get together,” he says with air quotes.

  “That’s real sly, Edge.” Tanner appears from around the corner. “Can I get you guys a drink?”

  Edge perks up. “That would be great. An Ultra if you have one.”

  “Obviously.” Tanner walks to the fridge and pulls out a bottle, handing it to Edge. “What about you, Liam?”

  Liam looks over to me, noticing the bottle of Coke in my hand. “I’ll take one of those.”

  Another rap on the door puts me back in my semi-host duties. Johnny is standing on the other side of the door with some ice and a bag of clattering bottles, which I can only assume are filled with liquor. “Hey, Ian. Good to see you.”

  “You too, Johnny.” I usher him inside where the rest of the crew greet him. One thing about Tanner’s friends, they’ve all been really great about accepting me into their lives and treating me as if they’ve known me for years. It’s like having a huge new family.

  Tanner calls everyone into the living room, where a pop station is providing a bit of background music. “Remember this song?” Edge asks Tanner, taking a seat on the couch beside Liam. The two of them are definitely cute together.

  “I was thinking the same thing,” Tanner says with a mischievous grin. “That was a crazy night. You should hear what’s usually playing around here.”

  “Hey,” I say defensively. “You love the reality shows just as much as I do.”

  “Oh, my god. Tell me you’re not talking about Chicago Divas.” Liam is practically bouncing in his seat.

  “Yes,” I say with slight embarrassment. “Somehow, I’ve become addicted to it.”

  “I love that show! Did you see when Serena and Kristin had that huge fight over whose husband bought them a better anniversary ring? I literally thought Kristin was going to scratch Serena’s eyes out.”

  “Please, baby. Do we have to listen to this?” Edge places a hand on the back of Liam’s neck.

  Liam just shrugs him off and looks at me again. “What do you think about Conner? He’s so hot. I don’t know how in the world Marissa ended up with him. Lucky bitch.”

  “I’m sitting right here, you know.” Edge’s voice is playful, and a huge grin covers his face when Liam leans back and kisses his cheek.

  “I know, babe.” But he looks at me again and mouths the words, “So hot.”

  Liam is one of my favorite people in Vegas. We’ve been hanging out together and he always keeps me laughing.

  Tanner hands Dad his bottle of beer this scoots close to him on the loveseat. “Well, Ian watches it constantly. I think he watches the same episodes over and over.”

  “Only when they do a marathon,” I say, laughing as they pick on me.

  The conversation continues with light chatter about what everyone has been up to lately. Dad finally loosens up a bit when he realizes that we really are just having a few friends over and not the huge rager he’d imagined in his head. But still, he watches Tanner like a hawk, making sure he doesn’t stay on his feet too long.

  Johnny stands up from his chair, heading to the kitchen. “Anyone want another?”

  “Me,” Edge says, handing his empty bottle to Johnny as he passes.

  “I’ll take another Coke,” Liam adds.

  “Here, I’ll g
et us one.” I take his empty bottle and down the last swig of mine. “You know you can have a drink. You don’t have to drink Coke like ‘the kid’” I say with a smile.

  “Nah, I’m not a big drinker. Besides, I need to be sober if we want to talk more about our show later,” he says in a hushed tone.

  “Sounds good.” I walk toward the kitchen just as Johnny is opening the front door. I didn’t realize anyone else was coming over, but I’m not upset when I see who it is. The hot blond with blue eyes that steps into the kitchen makes my heart miss a beat. His mop of hair sweeps across his forehead, but he brushes it aside as Johnny greets him.

  “Asher, you came.” Johnny pulls the man into a hug. “Do you know Ian?”

  “Yeah, we met briefly.” Asher winks at me, not mentioning that it was at The Vault. “Tanner talks a lot about you. I’m Asher.” He walks over to me with a hand outstretched.

  I take it, gripping it firmly as he shakes mine. “It’s nice to meet you too. Glad you could come.”

  I don’t know how I managed not to stutter, but I’m completely mesmerized with this man. I thought he was good looking when I first saw him, but I must have been really nervous not to notice just how gorgeous he is. He’s not bulky like Edge or Tanner, but his frame is toned and muscular. He has to be closer to mine and Liam’s age than the rest of the guys, but my main question is if he’s single.

  Any crush I’ve ever had before seems like a minor note compared to the burst of heat I feel flowing through my veins. Damn, I need to calm myself before I have to run to the bathroom and take care of a boner that I don’t need to show right now.

  I release Asher’s hand and clear my throat. “Can I get you something to drink?”

  His bright smile glows as he responds. “Depends. Are you old enough to serve alcohol?”

  I know he’s just teasing, but the crimson blush that spreads across my features takes over before I can stop it. “Um, well… I can make you whatever you want.”


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