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The Reindeer's Easter Family

Page 9

by E A Price

  Plus Marcus had been arrested, and there was now a restraining order against him, and he was looking at jail time – or possibly worse, so she was free! Free to do whatever she wanted. There was no need for her to mate Tank. Nope, no need whatsoever.

  Tank and Dozer were playing with the kids in the garden. She’d already heard Dozer’s loud complaints that they didn’t play fair. Shedding her layers of blankets, she made her way out into the garden and watched as Dozer tried to teach Sophie how to kick a ball. She tried to copy him, missed her aim and kicked Dozer square in the groin.

  “Oh!” Marion’s hand flew to her mouth. That really looked like it hurt.

  “I’m sorry,” said Sophie.

  “It’s fine,” he wheezed as his face turned purple and he fell over. It was like a tree toppling over.

  Little wolves can kick hard.

  Tank jogged over to Marion and Teena took over the soccer lesson. She had a little more luck than Dozer who appeared to be taking a short nap on the grass.

  “Having fun?” she asked sweetly.

  He grinned. “Sure, almost as funny as when Izzy did it ten minutes ago.” His face creased in concern. “You okay?”

  “Fine. Full of tea, but fine.”

  Tank nodded and watched as Tamra and Trini joined the game. They watched the girls playing for a few moments before they both started talking at the same time.

  “About tomorrow…” she said.

  “So, here’s the thing…” he said.

  “You first.”

  “Oh no, you.”

  “I insist.”

  “No, no.”

  Marion snickered. “I was just going to say that I guess it’s not necessary for us to mate tomorrow.”

  Tank nodded thoughtfully. “Nope, not necessary.” He let a few beats pass. “Though, we do have guests coming.”

  “That we do,” she agreed solemnly.

  They were planning on mating at the center after the Easter play. Everyone attending the play was invited, plus Tank’s herd. Teena had called everyone personally to invite them. Temp had already organized marquees for the garden as not everyone would fit inside the center.

  “They’ve probably already bought us gifts, right?” she asked.

  “Definitely, the herd mates are very generous when it comes to a mating ceremony. Plus, there’s all the food.”

  Mira and Martha had gone all out for the food. They had apparently organized enough to feed about eight hundred people – eight hundred weren’t coming, but shifters tended to eat a lot.

  “Not to mention the cake.”

  Tank’s mom and Ariel had made that. They had no idea what it was like – they weren’t allowed to look and spoil the surprise, but apparently it was large enough to give everyone a slice and every time Tank’s mom mentioned it she giggled excitedly.

  “And I think the girls are pumped to be bridesmaids,” he said practically.

  “Yes, they were practicing their bridesmaid walk earlier. They were supposed to be practicing the play so Heather was very annoyed, but they were enjoying themselves.”

  Trini and Tamra had found the perfect bridesmaid dresses for all her girls, plus themselves and Teena. Yep, she had six bridesmaids who were all absolutely stoked about it.

  “Really, we’d just be letting lots of people down.”

  “Exactly,” she agreed, “so…”

  “Yeah, we might as well…”

  “It’s the right thing to do…”

  “No reason not to…”

  They paused and looked at one another.

  “I know it’s sudden, but I do… want to be with you,” she admitted gently.

  “Me too.”

  Marion grinned, and Tank leaned down for a kiss. He pulled her into his arms, swooping her up.

  “Mate. Mine.”

  She smiled smugly. “Yeah, I am.”

  Not even Dozer’s groans could ruin the moment.


  Tank smiled, holding up his phone to video Penny as she pranced over the stage hiding eggs. His girl was killing it.

  Marion let out another aww sounds, he pulled her a little closer, and she laid a hand on his leg.

  He pressed a kiss to her temple. Just another hour and they would be mated. Hard to believe considering he hadn’t known her a week ago, but he couldn’t wait.

  Much to the chagrin of the people sitting behind him, he was front and center for the girls’ big day.

  As Penny finished, on came the twins dressed as chicks. Damn, his girls were adorable.

  Less than a week and he was enamored, totally falling in love with the most wonderful woman in the world, and he had three gorgeous girls to dote on. Hopefully, more one day…

  “Giant!” squealed Izzy as she spotted him.

  “No, honey, don’t!” whispered Marion.

  But it was too late. Izzy had seen him and was now running towards him, flapping her wings. Naturally, Sophie followed.

  “Go back and steal the eggs!” hissed Heather from the wings as various parents started chuckling. “Stay in character!”

  But Izzy and Sophie were not to be deterred. Nope, they threw themselves at him and of course, he caught them. Marion was shaking with laughter. Tank threw back his head and joined her.

  He was one lucky reindeer - that was for darn sure.


  One year later

  Tank paced up and down in front of her desk.

  “You’re making me dizzy,” murmured Marion.

  “Can’t stop moving.” He glanced down at the baby nestled in the crook of his arm. “I stop, and he wakes and starts crying. I may never be able to sit down again.”

  Marion giggled. “Sweetie, he’ll want to eat eventually – he’s your son, after all, he’s not happy unless he gets his nine meals a day.”

  Tank grinned smugly. Their baby was just a few weeks old, but already he was the most spoiled little boy in the world. He had three sisters, three aunts and a grandmother who were slaves to his every whim – not to mention his parents.

  “You nearly done?”

  “Almost. Don’t worry; we are not going to be late for the Easter Egg Hunt.”

  It quickly became clear last year that the family Easter Egg Hunt was not a sweet little game between happy family members – no, it was a tournament, a bloodless fight for supremacy where the winner would lord it over the losers for at least four months or until they forgot all about it.

  Marion hadn’t played last year – she just counted the eggs for her girls. They weren’t involved in the fierce competition, they had their own Easter Egg Hunt, where there were no winner or losers, and everyone was happy because they got chocolate. Which was surely what an Easter egg hunt should be. Not a quest where the contestants try to lock each other in the bathroom to delay them. Didn’t work though – Trini escaped through the window.

  Yes, Marion hadn’t realized how cutthroat they were about their hunt until Tamra became convinced she was hiding an Easter egg on her person and tried to wrestle it away from her last year.

  Tamra’s merciless tactics were successful though – she won by a single egg, much to the dismay of Trini who came a close second. Tamra wore the Easter champion crown every day for over two months until it mysteriously disappeared. Suspicion fell heavily on Teena who stumbled early in the game and twisted her ankle.

  But this year would be different. They had been planning tactics for over a month. Tank would not be humiliated again – the new plastic Easter crown would be his!

  She filed the last of her paperwork and took a moment to watch her boys - her chubby baby was looking all cute and peaceful in the arms of his huge, protective father. What a beautiful sight they were. Oh, a year later and he still made her swoon.

  “Finished,” said Marion, before she started melting. “Love you.”

  “Love you too,” grinned Tank, who stopped to exchange a heartfelt look.

  They were just enjoying some eye flirting when a loud wail de
manded attention. Tank started jogging on the spot, and he soon settled. They smiled and set off for the hunt.

  The end


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  Best wishes





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