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Filthy and Rich: A Billionaire Menage Romance Box Set

Page 18

by Opal Carew

  Cade pulled my chair out. I sat, and he whispered in my ear, “You look hot as fuck in this dress, but it belongs on the floor of our apartment.”

  I smiled, my pulse racing, as they took their seats. “How was your trip?”

  “Fuck our trip. Did you miss us?” Gaines slid his hand on my knee under the table.


  “You think about us?” Cade placed his hand on my other knee.

  “How could I not? The gifts.” I shook my head, but didn’t close my legs as both men eased their fingers up my thighs. “That was too much.”

  “No, it wasn’t enough.” Gaines waved at the server to fill my glass.

  “I don’t think I can accept it.”

  “You can, and you will.” The server filled my glass.

  I hitched in my breath as Gaines’s fingers stroked higher. When he touched the crease of my thigh, his eyes widened.

  “No panties?” His voice was a low growl.

  “Fuck.” Cade smoothed his fingers up higher and found my bare, smooth skin. “Did you wax?”

  “Maybe.” I batted my lashes.

  The server hovered, his iPad at the ready.

  “We’ll have whatever the chef chooses. Thanks.” Gaines dismissed him with an easy wave of his hand.

  Cade stroked his fingers down my pussy, and an “mmm” sound escaped my lips.

  “Have you thought more about what we said?” Gaines pressed on my clit.

  I jolted, then stilled as he kept rubbing me. I hadn’t worn panties. I couldn’t pretend that it was an accident. I wanted their touch, had craved it while they’d been away. “I have.”

  “And?” Cade poised his finger at my entrance.

  “And I think I want to see where this goes.”

  Cade plunged his finger inside me, and I bit my lip. “I can tell you where it’s going tonight.”


  “We’re going to have a delicious meal, then Gaines and I are going to take you to our apartment and fuck your brains out.”

  My pussy clenched at his words.

  Gaines smirked and swiped across my clit. “But first, we’re going to tease you until you’re out of your mind.”

  “Oh my god.” I clutched the tablecloth as both men worked my pussy.

  They didn’t stop during the meal. One or the other of them had his fingers on me throughout our dinner. Every time they pushed me close to the edge, they backed off. After half a dozen moments when I was so close to coming I couldn’t think straight, our meal was finally over.

  Gaines rose and licked his fingers clean. “Dessert.”

  Cade grabbed my hand and helped me to my feet. “Let’s go.”

  “Yes, please.” If they’d dragged me to the bathroom for a quick fuck, I wouldn’t have protested. My pussy was soaked, and my body was crying out for release.

  Gaines squeezed my ass and moved behind me as I walked through the restaurant. “See all these people?” His voice floated into my ear.

  I nodded.

  “They’re looking at you. Imagining stripping that dress off you and licking your tight pussy. Just like I am.”

  I glanced around. A few of the men were eyeing me, their gazes tracing my body through the tight red dress.

  “Do you see them?” Gaines’s voice was like a silky caress.

  I nodded.

  “But they can’t touch you.” He dug his fingers into my waist. “You belong to us. Our cocks inside you—your mouth, your pussy, your ass. All of you.”

  Part of me denied it, but the truer part of me wanted to be consumed by Gaines and Cade. I pressed my thighs together on my next step, trying to ease the tension. It didn’t work. I licked my lips as a flash of Cade’s cock darted across my mind.

  “Ben’s stuck behind a wreck two blocks away,” Cade called from behind us.

  “We’ll wait in here.” Gaines pulled me to the side of the entryway and down onto a divan. It was semi-private, shielded from the maître d’ desk and the door.

  Cade sat on my other side. He swiped my hair off my neck and licked the shell of my ear. “I’m going to eat your pussy in the car.”

  “Jesus.” Goosebumps raced along my arms and legs.

  Gaines rested his palm on my thigh, and swept his thumb back and forth across my heated skin. Cade nibbled at my ear, and I lost myself in their touches.

  The restaurant receded around us for a few minutes until I heard a shrill woman’s voice. “We have a reservation.”

  I couldn’t make out the pink-haired woman’s reply, but the first woman was not pleased. “No, this is our anniversary. He said he made a reservation. Look again.”

  Cade’s phone buzzed. “Ben’s out front. Let’s go.”

  I stood. Gaines wrapped his arm around my waist, steadying me as we walked toward the front door.

  The woman with the harsh screech stood in front of the maître d’ station. Her appearance matched her voice—bleached blond hair, too much makeup, a lot of plastic surgery, and a skimpy dress. But she wasn’t what caught my attention. That belonged to Mr. Tarver, who stood at her elbow, gawking at me.

  I froze.

  “What?” Gaines and Cade stopped along with me.

  Mr. Tarver raised a shaking hand and pointed at me. “I knew you were trying to steal the account!”

  “Mr. Tarver, please—”

  “Don’t you ‘Mr. Tarver’ me!” His bellow made me jump. “I should’ve known you’d use whatever methods were at your disposal to steal them from me.” He gave me a harsh sweep of his gaze. “Dressing like a hooker to move on up the ladder.”

  “Hey.” Cade stepped forward. “Don’t talk to her like that.”

  Mr. Tarver opened his mouth to reply, but Gaines took a step toward him, too. When faced with a wall of angry billionaire, Mr. Tarver reconsidered whatever he’d been intending to say next.

  “Apologize to Leah.” Gaines’s voice was quiet. It was scarier than Mr. Tarver’s yell.

  “I will not.” Mr. Tarver pointed at me. “You’re fired.”

  I fisted my hands at my sides as tears burned in my eyes. How was I going to make it without that job? “Mr. Tarver, if you’d just let me explain—”

  “I can guarantee you the Bar will be hearing about this.” He glanced at Cade and Gaines. “Fucking clients? I didn’t expect much from you, Leah, but I certainly didn’t think you’d stoop this low.”

  I snapped. “Me? Who’s this blond bimbo? Where’s Velma?” I turned to her. “You know he’s married, right?”

  She sneered. “He’s going to leave her.”

  “Sure.” I stepped forward, pushing my way in between Cade and Gaines. “How long has he been promising that?”

  Her derisive look faltered for a moment.

  “This isn’t about me.” Mr. Tarver put his arm around the blonde’s shoulders, but the move only made his potbelly strain against his button-down. “This is about your unethical conduct.”

  “If you report me, I’ll tell the Bar and everyone who will listen about your cheating. I’ll also tell them about your little double-billing habit, and about how you charge dates with your mistress to the firm credit card as business meetings.”

  He narrowed his beady eyes. “You wouldn’t dare.”

  I put my hands on my hips. “Try me, little man.”

  His face turned red, broken blood vessels snaking across his bulbous nose. “Fine.” He glowered. “I won’t report you, but don’t think for a second I’ll give you a reference.”

  “A reference from you wouldn’t be worth the paper it was written on.” I strode past him, heading toward the door. “I’ll clean out my desk in the morning. Don’t be there when I do, or I might make a stink about it with the other partners.”

  “You little bi—” He let out a squeak.

  I turned to see that Cade had grabbed a fistful of Mr. Tarver’s shirt.

  Gaines leaned down into the frightened man’s face. “Don’t even think about it.”

take it outside.” The pink-haired woman backed away, shrinking behind the cover of her desk.

  “Come on.” I walked back and pulled on Cade’s arm. “I’m done with him. He’s not worth it.”

  “No, he needs to apologize.” Cade didn’t move.

  “I honestly don’t care. He’s a douchebag. An apology won’t change that.”

  “Fine, then let’s hit him where it hurts.” Gaines gripped Cade’s wrist until he let go of Mr. Tarver’s shirt.

  Mr. Tarver cowered against the desk at his back.

  “Your firm will no longer get any of our business. We’ll tell our business associates the same. As far as we’re concerned, you’re blacklisted. Send all of our estate planning files to our office. We’ll pay for work done, but only after we have another, more professional, firm audit the bills.” Gaines towered over Mr. Tarver. “And if I hear that you’ve said a bad word about Leah to anyone, you’ll have much bigger problems than just losing our account.”

  Cade reached out and smoothed Mr. Tarver’s bunched shirt. “I’m glad we finally got to meet and have this little chat.” Then Cade pressed his palm to my lower back and pushed the door open for me.

  The New York night was muggy and warm, but I couldn’t feel anything except the numbness in my hands and the heat in my ears. “I just got fired.” I covered my face with my hands. “I don’t have a job.”

  “We’ll handle it.” Cade led me to the car where Ben waited with the door open.

  “Handle what?” I sank inside as my guts twisted.

  “We know plenty of lawyers in town. You won’t have any trouble landing another job on our recommendation.” Gaines slid in next to me. His jaw was tight, tension radiating off him. “I should have kicked his ass for the way he spoke to you.”

  “You were badass back there, by the way.” Cade put his arm around me as Ben pulled into traffic. “He won’t fuck with you after that.”

  My head spun. I might have finally stood up to Mr. Tarver, but that moral victory wouldn’t pay my rent. “God, I’m so fucked.”

  “Don’t worry.” Gaines rubbed my knee. “We’ll take care of you.”

  Flashes of me being a kept woman swirled around my brain. How could I respect myself? I’d worked for everything I had. Then again, the thought of taking another job at a soul-sucking firm didn’t seem appetizing in the least.

  “We can even put you on our payroll as legal counsel.” Cade squeezed my shoulder.

  My mom’s familiar warning echoed through my mind: “Never depend on any man.”

  “You just have all the answers, don’t you?” I prickled. “Problem? Throw money at it. I don’t work that way. Money isn’t going to solve my problems. I have to solve them myself.”

  “We’re just trying to help.” Gaines’s voice softened.

  “Can I just . . .” I shook my head and called out, “Ben, please take me to my apartment.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” He took the next right, heading back toward my part of town.

  “Let’s talk about this.” Cade took my hand. “Don’t shut us out.”

  “I need to think.”

  “You can think at our place.” Gaines rubbed my knee.

  “Or we can come up and see yours,” Cade offered.

  I wanted to give in to them. They were like the most intoxicating liquor, smooth and sweet. But depending on them seemed like a mistake. How could I trust them not to throw me aside once they found someone younger or prettier? I couldn’t. I had to depend on myself.

  “No. I need to sort all this out. And I have to do it on my own. I appreciate your offers to help.” I met Cade’s eyes. “I really do, but I have to solve my own problems.”

  “Let us help.”

  “I might.” Was I lying? I couldn’t tell. “But I have to process it all first. Tomorrow I’ll clean out my desk, and then I’ll figure out my next steps.”

  Gaines flipped through the calendar on his phone. “We’re in meetings all day tomorrow, but we’d love to brainstorm with you over dinner.”

  Ben pulled up in front my building.

  “I’ll call you, okay?”

  Gaines opened his door and got out, then helped me up. “I’m not much for begging, but I really would prefer it if you came over tonight.” He swiped a lock of hair behind my ear. “Don’t be too proud to accept help.”

  “It’s not pride.” I nibbled my lip.

  “Then what is it?” Cade walked around from his side of the car.

  “Nothing. I just need to think is all.”

  “You can think with us.” Gaines let his fingers linger along my shoulder.

  A pleasant tingle ran down my spine. “No, I can’t. That’s the problem. If I went home with you two, I wouldn’t do anything except . . .” My cheeks heated as I looked away.

  “Come multiple times and then form a solid plan for your future?” Gaines suggested.

  My body heated at his words and the scandalous look in his eyes. But I couldn’t give in. I had to make my own decisions. “Just give me some time, okay?”

  Gaines sighed. “Fine, but promise you’ll call soon.”

  “I promise.”

  “Wow.” Cade shook his head.

  “What?” I asked as Gaines pulled me into a hug.

  “It’s been a long, long time since anyone has ever made Gaines take no for an answer. He’s finally met his match.”

  “Shut up, man.” Gaines squeezed me and planted a kiss in my hair. “See you soon.”

  “Yes.” My heart ached when he let me go, but Cade assuaged the pain with a long embrace.

  “Call us.” He nuzzled into my hair. “We want to help.”

  “I know.” I breathed him in, his strength comforting me. But I couldn’t rely on it. I’d already seen what would happen if I did. I couldn’t be my mother. I moved away.

  “Not so fast.” Cade pulled me back to him and gave me a gentle kiss. His soft lips pressed against mine, his tongue darting along the seam of my mouth.

  I shook my head and stepped back.

  The look of disappointment that shadowed his eyes struck me like a punch in the gut, but my decision was made.

  I took another step backward as they both watched me. “I’ll call you.”

  “We’ll be waiting.” Gaines crossed his arms over his chest.

  I got the feeling he wanted to drag me into the car, and my heart thrilled at the idea.

  “Okay. I’ll see you later, then.”

  Cade’s face fell, sadness in his clear eyes. “Goodbye, Leah.”

  They got back into the car as I walked into my building. I watched them through the glass. The car pulled away, and it felt like a corner of my heart was tearing apart and going with them. Had I made the right choice?

  Chapter Nine

  Six months later

  “No, all that money will pass to your granddaughter.” I pointed to the part of the trust document that explained how the corpus would be distributed to its beneficiaries.

  Mrs. Hart adjusted her glasses, her eyeballs appearing twice the normal size, and stared down at the paper. “Oh, yes dear. I see that now. I get confused sometimes, but I follow what you’re saying.”

  “Perfect.” I slid the pen across my sleek wood desk. “Just initial at the bottom of that page and sign next to the X.”

  Her hand shook as she grabbed the pen. “Could you just hold onto the paper for me? I don’t want to mess it up.”

  “Sure.” I pressed down on the pages as she wrote her initials and then signed her name in a shaky hand.

  “There.” She smiled, her dentures gleaming an unnatural bright white under the office lights.

  “Perfect. I’ll notarize these, then have copies delivered to you and the beneficiaries. We keep all originals on premises in a storage vault.”

  She took off the glasses, and her eyes returned to their regular size. The wrinkles around her eyes and mouth told a story of a life filled with laughter, and her pleasant demeanor reflected the same. I’d enjoyed work
ing on her estate plan and giving her peace of mind.

  She stared out the window at the tree planted just outside on the sidewalk. “This office is so much nicer than the old one.”

  I smiled. “Mr. Everett and Mr. Robins went all out on making sure this building was state of the art so we could provide high-quality legal services.”

  “I was just thinking that you don’t have to carry a key attached to a block of wood if you want to use the restroom.”

  I laughed and slid her papers into my outbox for my secretary to handle. “I’ve heard about that from other clients, too. But, no, we have great facilities here, and plenty of handicapped access as well.”

  She nodded and clicked the locks off her wheels. “I can’t tell you how much I appreciate all you’ve done for me.”

  “It’s been a real pleasure.” I stood and followed her out of my office and into the sunny entryway. “Do you want an escort to your bus stop?”

  “No, my son is supposed to come get me. Can I wait outside?”

  “Of course. We have a heated stop for pickups and drop-offs just a few steps down the block. Melinda, can you show her to the waiting area?”

  “Sure thing.” My assistant stood and pulled on her jacket. “I think you’re done for the day. Your last appointment had to reschedule.”

  “Thanks.” I watched Mrs. Hart as she rolled onto the sidewalk and out of view.

  I spun and dashed back to my office. The last appointment canceling was a real stroke of luck, given what I had planned for the evening. Instead of waiting for Ben, I decided to get a cab. It would get me home faster, and I had a lot to do before six o’clock rolled around.

  “Hey, see you next week. Can you lock up?” I hurried out of the building and over to Melinda where she waited with Mrs. Hart.

  “Sure. Good luck tonight.” She smiled.


  “Oh, do you have a hot date with a handsome fellow?” Mrs. Hart grinned.

  “Something like that.” I winked and hailed a taxi.

  “Well, climb him like a jungle gym for me.” Mrs. Hart fluffed her short gray curls. “I used to be quite the maneater back in my day.”

  Melinda and I exchanged a look and a laugh as my cab pulled up.

  “Will do, Mrs. Hart. You have a lovely weekend.”


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