Book Read Free


Page 8

by Alyssa Rose Ivy

  “Are you premed?” Nick sorted through the equipment on the table.

  “Definitely not.”

  He put down the beaker he was holding. “Really? You’re taking this because you want to?”

  I laughed. “I guess that makes me a nerd?”

  “You couldn’t be a nerd if you tried.” His eyes raked over me in a way that made me a little bit uncomfortable.

  “Nerds have to look a certain way?” I picked up my manual, trying to read over the instructions.

  “Yes. I mean anyone can be nerdy, but it takes a lot to be a nerd.”

  I laughed again. “If you say so.”

  I tried to focus on the experiment. After measuring several compounds and heating the chemicals in the sand bath, I hoped to have the desired result.

  Three grueling hours later, we were done.

  “That wasn’t so bad.” Nick started to clean up.

  “I think these things usually start out easy and then get harder.” I walked up the front to check out with the T.A.

  Nick followed, and we headed outside. Jared was waiting for me by the entry. He glared at Nick. “Hey, Allie, you ready?”

  “Sure, see you next week.” I waved to Nick.

  “See you around.” Nick was definitely disappointed as we walked away.

  “Who’s the kid?” Jared pulled the straps of his backpack away from him.

  “My lab partner.”

  “I’m glad Levi didn’t pick you up.”

  “Pick me up? Do you really have to call it that?”

  “What would you prefer?”

  “Meet me.”

  “Okay, I’m glad Levi didn’t meet you.”

  “You always make Levi sound like this crazy, jealous person, but he’s never acted that way.”

  “It’s been a new experience for him. He’s never had a reason to be jealous before. He was going to have Natalie fire Alex because he didn’t like the way he looked at you.” Without saying anything, Jared stopped and held open the door to a coffee shop.

  “How’d you know I wanted something?”

  “I didn’t. Levi suggested it. He said you’d probably want a caffeine fix.”

  “Sometimes he can even pass as charming.” I got in line.

  Jared smiled. “So what’s going on with you guys?”

  “Like you don’t know.” I turned to look at him. “You want anything?”

  “I’ll take a coffee.”

  I ordered Jared his coffee, and I got an iced mocha.

  We were back outside before Jared answered me. “Levi seems to think you’re back together, but for some reason you’re holding sex over him.”

  I pushed his arm. “For some reason? The last time I slept with him I got quite a surprise.” I couldn’t believe I was talking sex with Jared.

  “What’s done is done. I assure you, more sex won’t change things—other than Levi’s sanity that is.”

  “His sanity? Because lack of sex has been known to cause insanity?”

  “I live with the guy. Trust me, it’s causing it. You can’t give a guy the night of his life and then take it away from him. It screws with you.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “Like you know anything about that? Have you ever been with the same girl more than once?”


  “I’m not talking about multiple times in a night, or a weekend.”

  “Okay, you weren’t specific. No.”

  “You’re so disgusting.”

  “What?” He smirked.

  “Forget it.”

  “You’re the one who asked.”

  “All right, let’s change the topic. I was meaning to ask you something.” I stopped at a bench. We were getting close to the dorms and this talk could take a while.

  Jared sat down next to me, tossing his backpack onto the bench next to him. “We’re sitting down for it? This I’ve got to hear. But if you’re trying to come on to me, please don’t. You are my best friend’s mate.”

  “Dream on, Jared.”

  “This isn’t fun. I can’t even throw it back at you.”

  I laughed. “I’m not going to come on to you.”

  “Lay it on me then.”

  I adjusted my bag in my lap and turned to look at him. “You owe me a favor, and I’m calling it in.”

  “Okay. What kind of favor?”

  “Teach me to fight.”

  “Teach you to fight? Are you joking?”

  “I need to be able to defend myself.”

  “You can’t defend yourself against these enemies.”

  “I need to be able to try. And if I can’t fight off paranormals, I should at least be able to stun them or something.”

  “Why don’t you ask Levi?”

  “You know what he’d say. Besides, I want to learn from the best. I heard you were the best.”

  “Kissing my ass isn’t going to help.”

  “It won’t?”

  He laughed. “Levi would kill me if he found out.”

  “I don’t care. I need this. Will you help? Somehow I don’t think the self-defense classes they offer at the gym are going to cut it.”

  “Yes and no. I’m willing to help you get in better shape and teach you some basics, but that’s it.”

  “Better shape? Are you implying I’m not in good shape?” I looked down at my body. No one had ever said anything like that to me before.

  He rolled his eyes. “You’re hot, Allie. Let’s face it, if you weren’t with Levi, I’d have had you by now, but that’s not what I mean. You do lots of cardio, right?”

  “Yes.” I ignored his sex comment, figuring that snapping at him wasn’t good for my cause. “And I use weights and stuff.”

  “And stuff? That proves my point. We have to get you in shape.”

  “Okay. I’m willing to work hard.”

  “Fine. We’ll have to do it when Levi’s in class so he won’t show up at the gym.”

  “We’re meeting at the gym?”

  “In the beginning. When I know you can handle actual training, we’ll figure out somewhere else.”

  “Okay, so when do we start.”

  “Hmm, tomorrow at two o’clock.”

  “All right.”

  “But you better be ready to work hard. I’m not going to baby you.”

  “I don’t want you to. I can handle it.” I sat up straighter.

  “We’ll see. Can we go? As fun as this is, I’d like to get home sometime.” Jared stood up, slinging his backpack on in one swift movement.

  I rolled my eyes. “It’s always a pleasure talking to you.”

  He grinned. “The feeling’s mutual.”


  I could barely eat lunch the next day. Despite all my talk, I was nervous about working out with Jared. I usually could hold my own in sports, but I certainly wasn’t a fitness guru.

  “Are you ever going to tell me what’s up?” Hailey finished the last of her sandwich.

  “Only if you promise not to tell Levi.”

  “Do you really have to say that?”

  I took a sip of my water. “I’m meeting Jared at the gym. He’s supposed to train me to fight.”

  “What?” Hailey’s eyes nearly bugged out of her head. “Why would you willingly subject yourself to that kind of torture?”

  “Because he’s the best, besides Levi, and I can’t ask Levi.”

  “I can’t argue that Jared’s good, but why can’t you ask Levi?”

  “Don’t get me started.”

  “But I thought things were better with you guys.” She picked at the fruit salad on her plate.

  “Things are good, but I don’t think Levi would approve. He’d just tell me to let him protect me.”

  “I get it. But if Jared pushes you too far, just let me know. I’ll kick his ass for you.”

  I laughed. “Good to know.”

  After lunch, I did some studying and then changed for the gym. I opted for a tank with a built in bra and some running shorts. Jared was wait
ing for me outside the weight room when I got there. He was in shorts and a t-shirt, and I caught more than a few girls checking him out. “It took you long enough.”

  “Shut up. I’m, what, thirty seconds late?”


  “Big difference.”

  “Hey, you’re the one who wants my help. The least you can do is be on time.”

  “Don’t forget you’re returning a favor.”

  “Yes, and that my best friend would kill me if he knew I was doing this. I still don’t get why you don’t ask him—and don’t give me those stupid excuses again.”

  “Fine Jared, I admit it. I just love getting sweaty with you, and since we can’t have sex, this is the best I can get.”

  He laughed. “All right, let’s get sweaty then.”

  “So where do we start?”

  “Right over there.” He pointed to an empty bench.

  “Aren’t we going to use the machines?”

  “No. We don’t use machines. If you’re working with me, it’s free weights only.”

  “Okay then.” I walked over to the bench.

  He started off with light weights, going over some fairly simple arm exercises. Then he moved on to abs, legs, and he didn’t stop.

  “Oh my god. Please tell me this is the last one.” I tried to sit up, but my abs protested.

  Jared leaned over me. “You’re the one who wanted this. Remember that, Princess.”

  I groaned. “Fine. What’s next?”

  We were back on arms and I thought I was going to drop. When I thought I couldn’t take anymore, he said the words that were music to my ears. “All right, I think that’s it for today.”

  “Seriously? How long have we been here anyway?” I hadn’t worn a watch.

  He grinned. “Two hours.”

  “Oh my god, no wonder I’m dead.”

  “Suddenly wishing you asked Levi, huh?”

  “I’m just hoping I can walk tomorrow.”

  He laughed.

  I picked up my water bottle from where I left it on the ground. Before I could take a sip, Jared grabbed it and gulped half of it down.

  “Gross,” I muttered after he tossed it back to me.

  “Drink up, Princess. You don’t want to get dehydrated.”

  I was too thirsty to argue. I managed to avoid touching my mouth to the bottle as I drank some.

  He sniggered. “What? Afraid you’re going to catch something?”


  “I’m going to pretend you didn’t actually mean that.”

  “Pretending is always healthy.”

  I picked up my keys and ID, and we walked back downstairs. As we reached the bottom, I noticed Michelle. My stomach turned. Other than Levi, she was the last person I wanted to see.

  “Hey Allie,” Michelle said with a forced smile. “And Jared…” Her smile got more real…the wheels in her head were turning. “Did you guys work out together?”

  “No, we just ran into each other,” I answered quickly.

  “Isn’t that a coincidence?” She did a leg stretch right there in the lobby.

  “Not really. Levi wants her protected at all times, and I make it my business to know where she is. Let’s go.” As little as I wanted to listen to Jared, I followed him out.

  “See you two around,” she called.

  “Go to hell.” Jared flipped her the finger right as she turned around.

  “Okay, what’s the story there?”

  “What story?”

  “I’d bet a lot that you two have history.” I fixed my ponytail.


  “So when did you sleep with her?”

  “History has to mean I slept with her?”

  “It doesn’t?”

  “Nope. Bryant did though.”


  “Uh huh. More than a few times. Dad sent him to Europe before things could get too out of hand, but she blamed him for leaving. She thought she could piss him off by sleeping with me, but I wasn’t interested.”

  “Because she was your brother’s ex?”

  He turned to look at me. “Do you really think I’ll just sleep with anyone?”

  I thought about it for a second. “Maybe not anyone…but most.”

  “I have standards, plus I don’t inbreed.”

  “Inbreed? Do you really see it that way?”

  Jared looked over his shoulder, like he was double checking no one was listening. “If Pterons kept shacking up with each other, we’d end up like the wolves.” He cringed as he said it.

  “They were in love, weren’t they?”

  He shrugged. “Who knows? Who cares?”

  Maybe Michelle wasn’t as much of a brat as I thought. Maybe she was just heartbroken.

  “Thanks for the workout…I think.”

  “You think?”

  “We’ll see if I can still move tomorrow.”

  “If you can’t, then we’re making progress. You’re in good shape, but if you want me to teach you any real fighting technique, you’re going to have to push yourself harder.”

  “Harder? Okay, I can do that.”

  “Good.” The way he said it let me know he actually respected me, and that was a lot coming from Jared.

  “Bye, Jared.”

  “Catch you later, Ali-gator.”

  “You did not just say that.”

  “I think I did.”

  “Oh my god, you do have a geeky side.”

  “What can I say? You must be a geek to bring it out of me.”

  “You know it.” I turned and walked back to the dorm.

  Chapter Ten

  Time had never moved as fast as it did that semester. I was so busy trying to get through classes, go out enough to enjoy the experience, and figure out what in the world was going on with my relationship with Levi, that before I knew it, it was October. It didn’t really feel like October. Without the turning of the leaves, it didn’t quite feel like fall, but I loved the warm weather. There is something awesome about wearing a tank top and shorts a few weeks before Halloween.

  Sometimes it was possible to forget just how much of a mess my life was. A full course load can do that to you. I was managing okay, except for French. Who would have thought an intro class could be so hard? Foreign language just wasn’t my thing. Hailey had actually helped quite a bit, but when I asked her to help me with my papers, she just did them for me.

  “What? You asked for help.”

  “Can’t you explain how you figured out the tense?”

  “I’ve already tried to explain it five times.”

  “Fine, thanks anyway.”

  “Just ask Levi.” Hailey got up from my desk chair.

  “He’s never going to let me live it down.”

  “Come on, it’s not that big of a deal. You’re just failing intro French.”

  I glared at her. “I’m not failing.”

  “Really? Because that’s what I thought you said when you asked for my help.”

  “Okay, okay. I know I can be melodramatic sometimes. I got a C on my last paper, and I can’t end up with anything less than a B in this class.”

  Hailey picked up my phone and tossed it to me. “Call him. You know he’s going to help.”

  “And hold it over my head.”

  “So? You two are making out, I’m sure you can handle a tutoring session with him.”

  “Maybe in a public place…”

  Hailey laughed. “Are you more afraid of him or you?”

  I shrugged. “Both.”

  “I’m going to go do laundry. When I get back, I expect you’ll have called him.”

  “Fine, but could you do me a favor and wash these jeans for me?” I picked up a pair from my hamper. “I think I’m obsessed with them.”

  “Not a problem.”

  I waited until the door clicked closed before making myself pick up my phone from where it lay on my bed. Finally, I leaned back against the pillow and pressed call.

  “Hey, love.”

  “Hey, Levi.”

  There was a momentary silence when I tried to get up the nerve to ask. I’m not sure why I was so afraid. I just didn’t want to deal with him rubbing it in my face.

  “As much as I love listening to you breathe, is there a particular reason you called? Or is it just to hear my voice.”

  “Very funny. There is a reason.”

  “I’m listening.” I heard a door close, and I figured he’d gone into his bedroom.

  I took a deep breath and let the words out. “I need your help.”

  “My help? This is going to be interesting.”

  “Forget it.”

  “No, no. Come on, you know I’d help you with anything.”

  “It’s French. I’m going to destroy my GPA with freaking intro French.”

  He laughed. “Have you had dinner yet?”

  “This is serious, Levi. Will you help me?”

  “Of course, but answer my question.”

  “No. I haven’t eaten.” I was never in that much of a rush to go to the dining hall.

  “I’ll pick you up in thirty minutes. Pizza or Chinese?”

  “Neither. I need help with French, not food.” Although takeout did sound good.

  “And I need food to help you so I’ll see you outside in thirty minutes.”

  He hung up before I could respond.

  The door opened, and Hailey walked in with her empty pop-up hamper. “So, I have twenty minutes until I need to move my clothes, want to get dinner?”

  “If you were only two minutes earlier, I could have saved myself.”

  “Saved yourself?” Understanding crossed Hailey’s face. “Wait, from Levi?”

  “Yeah…evidently he needs takeout to help me with my French.”

  Hailey sat down on her chair. “Want to come with me to Bruff first? I don’t know where everyone else is, and I don’t want to eat alone.” She referred to the campus dining hall.

  “You don’t want to eat alone? Wow. I’m impressed you even care.”

  “Are you coming?”

  “Yeah, of course.” I might have given her a hard time, but I’d have hated to eat alone during dinner time. Sometimes the dining hall seemed the most like high school—social pressure and all.


  I was a few minutes late meeting Levi, but he didn’t seem to care. “Hey, you ready?”

  “Yeah, I think I have everything.” I patted my bag that was filled with my French book and notebook.


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