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Love Schemes

Page 14

by Stacy Charasidis

  “Who is the prisoner, Sir Murdock?” George asked, walking into the room. When he saw Doran, his face didn’t change expression.

  “Hi, George,” Doran said weakly, still dazed from being hit over the head. He was limp in Trevan’s arms. They felt like steel bands as they lifted him up off the floor.

  George walked over to a wall with all different sorts of instruments on it. “I’m glad someone else is doing the torturing. After all, I’m going to a wedding this afternoon,” he complained. “I don’t want blood on my best clothes.”

  “Fine, fine,” Murdock said. “Trevan, do you need him to explain anything to you?”

  Trevan looked disdainful. “Of course not, you idiot.”

  Murdock scowled at his disrespect, but Trevan didn’t notice. His attention had turned to the wall and he was looking at some of the tools.

  George shrugged and took down some rope from the wall.

  “What is that?” Doran asked faintly, trying not to panic. God, he hated the dungeon. Trevan had hauled him up and he was standing on his own, though he felt weak and dizzy from the knock on his head. His stomach rolled with anxiety.

  “Noose rope,” George explained.

  Doran fainted.

  Seraphina was worried. Everything was ready to go. She’d seen King in the courtyard, calmly talking to some of the guards. Obviously Doran hadn’t visited him yet. He was supposed to have done that already. Seraphina saw Brody coming from the breakfast room and called him over. “Have you seen Doran? I can’t find him anywhere.”

  Brody looked worried himself. “I was looking for him too. I wanted to know if he had room in his bag for my vintage warrior-knight gauntlets, but he wasn’t in his room. His clothes are still there, but it looks as if his bed hasn’t been slept in. I know Ava didn’t clean his room this morning because she was with me.” Brody coughed with embarrassment.

  Seraphina was a bit red herself. “Don’t worry about it. Doran stayed with me last night.”

  Brody looked concerned. “So he is missing. Have you seen Murdock this morning?”

  Seraphina thought about it. “No, come to think of it.” Over the last few days, Murdock had been popping up in the strangest places, watching her. Watching everyone. She hadn’t thought anything of it. He was a suspicious, strange little man—and angry, very, very angry. “Why?”

  Brody narrowed his eyes and punched his hands together. “Oh, well, he threatened to hurt my friends if we didn’t get married. I told him I’d tell, but he just laughed, so I’ve been pretending the wedding is still on.”

  Seraphina looked shocked. “Why didn’t you tell anyone?” she said, angry.

  “Who, Seraphina? He threatened to hurt you first. As long as I played along, I knew you’d be okay. I wasn’t sure my dad would believe me. He’s known Murdock his whole life! Anyway, I think Murdock has Doran. He hates Doran. He feels Doran is overshadowing me.”

  Seraphina tried not to panic. “Okay, think Brody. Where would Murdock take him? To the woods?”

  “No…Murdock hates the outdoors. It would be in the castle.”

  “The only private places are the treasure room—”

  “And the dungeon,” Brody said ominously. “Murdock loves Oakmoor Castle’s dungeon. He was mad when we started using it for storage instead of imprisoning people.”

  They raced down, Seraphina leading.

  They passed Ava on the way. She was dressed in riding clothes. “Dungeon! Get King!” Seraphina screamed as they flew by.

  Seraphina couldn’t remember how she got there, but she finally burst into the room, the heavy door of the torture chamber slamming into the stone wall beside it. Everyone in the room turned in her direction.

  She was glowing with rage. Her hair was a wild tangle, crackling with static, her pale skin a light backdrop to her blazing green eyes and blood red lips. She was ready to kill. Then she looked around in confusion. She saw Doran standing in the corner with what appeared to be a bloody nose and not much else. George, the stable master, stood beside him, looking calm. Both Trevan and Murdock were on the floor, tied like livestock. Trevan was furious, his eyes bloodshot and angry, but he was completely stuck.

  Something clicked in Seraphina’s head. “You’re that guy,” she said to Trevan.

  He scowled. “You’re that girl,” he responded sarcastically, like it was an insult.

  “You were going to kill me. Why are you here?” Her eyes widened. “You were going to kill Doran!”

  “Aren’t you smart, you dumb bitch. You exposed me. I’m going to kill you both the moment I’m free.”

  Seraphina rushed over to Doran and grabbed him, hugging him fiercely. She looked at his handsome face, and while he had a bloody nose, not much else seemed to be wrong with him. “Are you okay? Did they hit you?”

  George snorted, and Doran smiled wryly.

  “Well, no. I have an intense fear of dungeons, and I was very dizzy from being hit on the head, so when George said ‘noose rope—”

  Confused, Seraphina looked at George. “Noose rope?”

  He pointed his chin at the trussed up Trevan, indicating the rope tied tightly around the man’s wrists and legs. “That rope.”

  “I panicked and passed out,” Doran continued, slightly red in the face now. “Again, in my defense, I was still dizzy from getting whacked on the back of the head. I hit my face on the corner of the torture table on my way down. So my injuries are…mostly self-inflicted, unfortunately. I hate the dungeon,” he muttered.

  George, it turned out, had recognized Trevan from the pub in Gold River and knew right away that Trevan was a very dangerous and desperate man. “Doran and I had had enough discussions about the dungeon. I knew he abhorred it. Sorry, man, I had to use your weak stomach to my advantage.”

  Doran shrugged. “I’m good with only a bloody nose, thanks.”

  Brody looked stricken. George was the torturer? He idolized George. The man had puppies…and horses! “You wouldn’t have hurt Doran, right George?”

  George looked at Brody, outraged. “Of course not! What kind of person do you think I am? I have values. I would never torture an innocent man, or a friend for that matter! I only hurt or kill evil things.”

  Brody looked very relieved. “Thank God.”

  So in the confusion, George had quickly overwhelmed Trevan in a sneak attack. “I couldn’t risk him getting away. Thankfully, he’s a dumb one.”

  “Where did you get all this stuff?” Seraphina asked, looking around the room, her face showing slight revulsion at the different implements hanging on the walls.

  “Ah, most of that stuff is just for show now.”

  When he explained Murdock’s part in getting Trevan integrated into the castle guards, Brody turned shocked, furious eyes on the man.

  “We are done little man,” he said simply.

  “Bah,” Murdock replied, spittle flying everywhere. He watched everyone with narrow, beady eyes. He looked like a buzzard, hunched over a rotten meal.

  Seraphina hugged Doran tightly and he wrapped his arms around her. “God, Doran. I was so scared. I love you so much,” she declared, and kissed him passionately in front of everyone.

  “WHAT ON EARTH IS GOING ON HERE?” A booming voice exclaimed from the doorway. The torture chamber was a fairly large room, so everyone backed up to let King enter. Ava followed. Behind Ava were Kings Joseph and Herrick, Duke Ethan, Faith, Zuric, and all the Larwick and Silversmith boys.

  King stared at Seraphina and Doran, who had their arms wrapped around each other. They didn’t let go.

  “Girl, that’s not your intended, and he’s bleeding all over you.”

  Cheek to cheek, Doran and Seraphina looked at her father. “True, it’s the man I love and plan to marry,” she said defiantly, squeezing Doran even tighter.

  “Urk,” was all he said. It was like getting a hug from King.

  King’s mouth twitched. “Well that’s obvious. My question is, why didn’t you tell me this yesterday? Today is
your wedding day!”

  “As if you gave me the chance!” she cried, outraged. “Posting a guard outside your door! Who do you think you are, anyway?”

  King just laughed.

  King Herrick came forward. “Is this true, Doran? Did you ask Seraphina to marry you? Have you two been seeing each other behind Brody’s back?”

  “I knew it!” Murdock screamed, spitting saliva all over himself.

  “I knew about it,” Brody supplied, walking over to stand by Doran. “We tried to tell you….” he trailed off, looking at his own father.

  King Herrick looked at Doran. “Well?”

  Calm as ever, Doran stared at his father. Something was off. “I asked Seraphina to marry me last night.”

  She produced her finger, and displayed the sparkling, heart-shaped ruby stone. Then she snatched it back.

  “I was on my way to tell you both when I was abducted by Trevan and Murdock. I’ve been in this dungeon for hours.”

  “Half an hour,” Seraphina whispered.

  “Hours, by Brody’s reckoning, then,” he said, punching Brody in the arm.

  Brody laughed, rubbing his arm and wincing. “Ow. That hurt, man.”

  “You’re okay with this son?” King Joseph asked. For the first time, he didn’t look confused.

  Doran was getting even more suspicious.

  Brody looked at his father. “I want to get married, but I want to marry Ava, not Seraphina. I’ve been seeing her since the first evening I arrived. We just clicked.” He pulled a sparkling ring from his pocket. “I never say what I want, and I let my family make all my decisions for me. People who’ve been singing the alphabet song wrong for years!” Brody glared at his father, who looked confused. “But no one makes this decision for me. I don’t want to be a dumb ass like Zuric and not marry the person I love because of rank. People are people.”

  “Yeah, dumb ass,” Faith muttered from the door.

  Zuric growled.

  Brody pulled Ava close to him and looked at her with love. “I love you with all my heart, Ava Kissler. More than horses and puppies. I don’t care that you’re a maid. Will you marry me?”

  “Brody, Seraphina and I are cousins,” Ava said.

  Brody looked confused.

  “I have royal blood. Duke Ethan Kissler is my father. My mother is King’s sister.”

  “What? But you’re always wearing that maid outfit. You…uh…cleaned my room.”

  “Among other things, I’m sure,” one of Brody’s brothers snickered, but was quickly slapped by their father.

  Ethan Kissler just sighed.

  “Oh, that. It’s punishment for some of my past behaviour. My father decided I needed to learn humility and decorum, so he made King put me to work as a chamber maid.”

  “Some punishment, giving her access to the bedrooms, oh burn!” Brody’s brother said again and was summarily ejected from the room.

  “What did you think was going on when you saw me dressed up for the ball?” she asked, curiously, taking his hands and looking up at him. Her eyes looked suspiciously wet.

  Brody looked embarrassed. “I thought you were so beautiful, and King is such a nice man….”

  Ava started to cry. “You thought I was a maid and asked me to marry you anyway,” she sobbed, looking at the ring Brody was holding in his hands.

  Seraphina started to cry as well. God, Brody was such a nice guy. Doran kissed the top of her head.

  “I love you Ava. I don’t care what you are. You’re beautiful, smart, and you love life. I’m a dummy, but I’m strong, great looking, a good hunter, and I love life too. Together, our children will be the smartest, strongest, most beautiful kids ever. My life will become wonderful,” he said, looking at her and offering her the ring.

  “What do you mean, become wonderful?” his father asked out loud, looking around.

  Ava hugged him tightly.

  “So, that’s a yes?” Brody cleared his throat. “You’ll marry me? You, uh, didn’t answer.”

  Ava laughed, “Of course that’s a yes!” she said, presenting her finger so Brody could put the ring on.

  Murdock groaned. “I knew it,” he screamed, spitting everywhere.

  “Stop spitting on me!” Trevan exclaimed angrily, squirming against his bonds and trying to scoot away from Murdock.

  Everyone ignored them.

  King Joseph came forward and hugged them both. “You can’t imagine how happy this makes me. I’m so proud. You both have my blessing.”

  Ava’s father, Duke Kissler, hugged them and gave his blessing as well. “I knew you’d eventually choose well,” he said to his daughter.

  Both fathers went to stand near the door. Doran saw money discreetly exchange hands. Everything fell into place.

  “Wait a second,” Doran said, getting everyone’s attention. “Did you two make a wager?” Doran’s face showed outrage.

  “And I won,” Joseph said smugly. Then both men smiled evil, evil grins. “Not just us boy, not just us.”

  Seraphina whirled on her father. “What are they talking about?”

  King looked positively delighted. “Well, it all started a year ago….”

  The older men groaned. “Not this again.”

  “Don’t be such a blow hard!”

  “Every time he starts a story that way we’re listening to him for hours!”

  King laughed. “Yeah, yeah. We all, that being the four of us, met a year ago on a fishing trip to discuss our progeny. We all had our worries, you see. And, because we love you, we decided to shake up your lives a little. It took some planning, but we did it.” He spread his hands wide. “This would be the result of all our scheming.”

  Everyone was floored, except Culver. “I don’t get it father.”

  “You don’t need to, son.”

  King clapped his hands. “Well, congratulations to you all, and all that, but there’s a wedding that’s going to happen today. We must keep our guests entertained!” he trailed off and looked pleased when Zuric stepped forward, dragging a flailing Faith with him. He glared at Brody, but then he took a deep breath.

  He looked at Faith, who was about to slap him. “Brody’s right. I am a dumb ass, but I don’t want to be. I’ve loved you since I was a boy, and I swear I fall in love with you again every single day.”

  Faith lowered her arm. “Go on,” she said, eyes narrowed.

  “I’m sorry, Faith. I’m sorry I took so long to ask.” He hesitated.

  “Go on,” she prompted.

  Zuric smiled lovingly at her. “Will you marry me?”

  “What about the cow you were courting?” Faith was still smarting from that one.

  “Faith,” Seraphina said warningly.

  Zuric rolled his eyes. “Oh, forget about her! I was being an idiot.”

  Faith was overcome. Marry Zuric? Her dream come true after wanting him all these years? Was it possible? She felt a bit faint, but got over it quickly.


  “Yes!” she squeaked, lifting her arms in a victory gesture.

  Zuric laughed. “I have my parents’ wedding rings with me,” he told her, pulling a chain out from under his mail shirt. Two rings dangled from it. “These are the only things of theirs I carry around in their memory. They’d be honoured if we used them.”

  They all found out later that Zuric had been abducted by King and his band of merry men. He had spent the night with them, getting a stern talking to about being a dumb ass.

  He’d come back a changed and confident man.

  “Wonderful,” Faith said as she kissed him noisily, without any regard for the people around her.

  King looked extremely pleased with himself. This had worked out exactly as he’d planned.

  “To the wedding!” they exclaimed, tromping out of the room.

  “Whose wedding, father? I’m confused,” Culver said.

  “You’ll see son.”

  Doran looked at Murdock. “King, there are a few caskets of wine that Cook was comp
laining had been tampered with. I’m sure they were poisoned.”

  The light went out of Murdock’s eyes. He looked utterly defeated. He wouldn’t have his revenge after all.

  “Trying to kill the royal family is not only treason,” Brody said, drawing to his full height and speaking as a prince of the realm, “it’s really damn mean. Shame on you—you jerk.” He sniffed and turned his head away arrogantly, as if Murdock were a piece of dung on his shoe.

  Ava took Faith’s hand. “Come, let’s get you ready. Seraphina’s dress will look absolutely gorgeous on you, especially since you were the one who stood for hours while the seamstress fitted and pinned it when she refused!” Brody escorted the two women out, with Zuric following.

  Doran looked at Murdock and Trevan, trussed up like chickens.

  George cracked his knuckles. “I’ll take care of this mess, Doran, don’t you worry. I’ll be up in time for the ceremony.”

  “Thank you, my friend,” Doran said politely. “Don’t get your clothes dirty.”

  Then he took Seraphina’s hand and wrapped it around his arm. “Darling, I feel as if this would be a good learning moment. Here’s an example of animals in stock. Would you add them into your inventory or not?”

  Seraphina thought about it for a second, eyeing the men. Trevan was glaring murderously at her, but he couldn’t break his bonds. Murdock sat slumped over and didn’t even look up. “Well, we don’t plan to eat them, nor do we plan to keep them because they’re absolutely worthless. So, no, I wouldn’t add them into the castle’s inventory. I would put them in the trash and mark them as a loss.”

  Doran nodded. “Absolutely perfect, my sweet. Your knowledge of stewardship grows exponentially daily, as does your beauty.”

  “Why thank you, my love,” she responded. They laughed hysterically as they left.

  George looked at the two men, cracking his knuckles. “I have a special trash for you boys. Get ready.”


  Ava walked into the room, a book in her hand. There were four of them in there, her, Brody, Seraphina, and Doran. They had settled in one of the smaller salons at The Fortress to enjoy a roaring fire and catch up. Three couches formed a U around the fireplace.


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