Hugh (chimpanzee), 127
Hugo (chimpanzee), 126–27, 129
human beings: Canada goose attached to, 91–92; caring for ill companions, 151–52; compassionate awareness needed, 123–24; as competition for female owl monkeys, 76; depression, 47–50; expectations of other creatures, 3, 5, 104–5; fascination with ape behavior, 86–87; gathering to honor the dead, 167–68; guilt, 150; ketones released in death, 29; life-within-death concept, 140–41; mutual attunement with dogs, 24–25; mutual gaze and social smile, 66; number, 155; rarity of monogamy, 89–90; as storytellers, 147–48; uniqueness prized, 7; variability among, 86–87. See also art; ethical treatment; grief (human); love; prehistory; rituals
humpback whales, 100
Huneck, Stephen, 140
Inner World of Farm Animals, The (Hatkoff), 38–39
insects: ants, 1–2; fireflies, 141
In the Company of Crows and Ravens (Marzluff and Angell), 93–94
In the Shadow of Man (Goodall), 81, 125–26
intuition, questions about, 14, 28, 34
Iowa City Press-Citizen, obituary, 143
Iraq War, zoo animals, 140
Israel, earliest known intentional burials, 155–56, 157
Japan: dolphins slaughtered, 120–21; Hachiko’s memorial, 21–22; macaques studied, 67–68; Peace Memorial, 160
Jaytee (dog), 28
Jenny (elephant), 61
Jeremy (rabbit), 41–42, 43
Jezebel (goat), 111–12
Jilly (rabbit), 41–42, 43
Jim (author’s friend), 151–52
Jimato (chimpanzee), 81, 82
Jire (chimpanzee), 81–83
Joey (rabbit), 45–47
joy (animal): awareness of, 166–67; of elephant at dog’s recovery, 109; of elephant reunion, 53–54; of goat reunion, 3; vocalizations of, 3, 54
Justis, David, 42, 112–13
Kalema (chimpanzee), 82
Kaley (cat), 19–20
Karmelek, Mary, 118
Kathy (dolphin), 120, 121, 122
Kayak Morning (Rosenblatt), 7, 149
Kenna, Kathleen, 18
Kenya. See Amboseli; Samburu National Reserve
Kessler, Brad, 3, 5
ketones, 29
Kibale National Park (Uganda), 79–80
Klinkenborg, Verlyn, 104
Knut (polar bear), 112, 141
Kohl (mulard duck), 39–40, 165
Kohout, Melissa, 111
Koola (gorilla), 130
Kraines, Jeane, 5–6
Krulwich, Robert, 1
Kuma (dog), 18
Lakota Sioux, 93
Last Walk, The (Pierce), 113
leaving body for viewing: apes in captivity, 129–31, 132–33; chimpanzees, 84–86; concept, 36; ducks, 40; elephants, 54–56; goats, 37–38; horses, 36; rabbits, 45, 47. See also corpse-carrying behavior
Lefty (rabbit), 45
lemmings, suicide myth, 119–20
Lewis, C. S., 146–47, 148–49, 150
literature: life-within-death theme, 140–41; memoirs of grief, 7, 145–52; turtle’s view, 104. See also art
Lorenz, Konrad, 88
Lott, Dale F., 138
Loulis (chimpanzee), 142
love: definitions and hypotheses, 8–9, 167; grief born from, 21, 31, 40, 89, 161–62, 165–66; varieties of, 9–10
loved ones: ashes of, 7; bones of, 56–59; irreplaceability of, 14–15; memory of, 22. See also emotional lives; mother-child ties; sibling ties
Lucie (dog), 111
Lucy (Australopithecus afarensis), 158
Lucy (rabbit), 42–44, 45
macaques. See monkeys
Macho (chimpanzee), 84
Madison (cat), 111
Majic (rabbit), 45–47
Making Toast (Rosenblatt), 149
Malena (stork), 88–89, 90, 92
Marcella, Kenneth L., 34–35, 36
March of the Penguins (film), 89
marine mammals. See dolphins; seals; whales
Marine Mammal Science (journal), 99, 100–101
Markou, Athina, 47–48, 49, 50
Marzluff, John M.: on bison, 137–38; on corvids, 93–96
Mason, Martha, 139–40
Mason, William, 75
Maui (elephant), 54–55
Maxwell (cat), 17–18
Maya (elephant), 54, 55–56
McCall Smith, Alexander, 22
McComb, Karen, 58–59
McConnell, Patricia, 22
memoirs. See under literature
memorials: for family cats and dogs, 21–22, 112–14; for Knut, 112, 141; for tragic human disasters, 159–62. See also rituals
Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe (Berlin), 160
memory, 22, 56–57, 148
Mendoza, Sally, 75
mental health, self-harm and, 122–23. See also depression; stress responses
Miami Seaquarium, 121
Michael (cat), 114
Mickey (dog), 23–24, 27
Mimbo (gorilla), 132
Mind of the Raven (Heinrich), 92
Modern Dog (magazine), 13, 23, 27
monitor lizards, 64
monkeys: hunted and eaten by chimpanzees, 80, 85; maternal corpse-carrying behavior, 67–69; mothers’ care for infants, 66–67; pair-bonded types, 75–76; response to maternal death, 69–70; “separation experiments” on (rhesus), 15–16; sick infants among, 70–71; stress responses, 72–73, 74; variable responses to death, 64–65. See also baboons
monogamy, 89–91
moose, 138–39
Moremi Game Reserve (Botswana), 71–72, 164
Moss, Cynthia: on elephants’ bones, 57–59, 95; on elephants’ grief, 2; on elephants’ relationships, 53; on near-burial of carcass, 59–60; referenced, 8
mother-child ties: American bison, 137, 138; changes in aging, 168–69; chimpanzees, 80–83; dog’s intuition and, 28; dolphins, 97–99; elephants, 55; gaze and facial expressions, 66–67; goats, 3; gorilla mother’s death and, 129–30; horses, 35. See also corpse-carrying behavior
Mrithi (gorilla), 132
Myrtle (goat), 36–38
Mzee (tortoise), 110–11
National Public Radio (NPR), 1, 17, 166
National Zoological Park (Washington, DC), 78, 79, 104–5
Native Americans, 93–94
Nature (magazine), 123
Nature of Grief, The (Archer), 49–50, 146, 163
navy, sonar, 101, 122
Neandertals, 157–58
Neely, Michelle, 42–45
Nesting Season, The (Heinrich), 89
neurobiology of depression, 47–50
New England Journal of Medicine, 29
New Mexico, Holloman Aerospace Medical Center, 77
New Scientist (journal), 101
Newton-Fisher, Nicholas, 123
New York, Woodstock Animal Sanctuary, 38
New York City, 9/11 and memorials, 151, 160, 161–62
New York Times: on bison death, 136; on Knut, 112; obituaries, 139; on Thaxter’s story, 6–7
New Zealand, Orca Research Trust, 101
Nick (chimpanzee), 82
Niles (cat), 17
9/11 attacks, 151, 160, 161–62
Nix, Laura, 18–19
Nohon, Gregoire, 84
Non omnis amor (I shall not wholly die), 22
NPR (National Public Radio), 1, 17, 166
null hypothesis, 65–70
Oates, Joyce Carol, 145, 149–50
O’Barry, Richard, 120–21, 122
obituaries: animal, 141–44; bones as, 139; function, 144; human, 139–41. See also elephants: bones caressed by
Ody (dog), 113
Okavango baboons (Moremi Game Reserve, Botswana), 71–72, 164
Oklahoma City bombing memorial, 160
O’Leary, Ruth, 91–92
oleic acid, 1–2
On the Origin of Species (Darwin), 117
orangutans, 78–79
Orca Research Trus
t (New Zealand), 101
Oreo (rabbit), 41
Oscar (cat), 29
Owen (hippo), 110–11
owl monkeys, 75–76
oxen, 14–15
Pansy (chimpanzee), 128–29, 165
Pastorius, Channah, 18
Peace Memorial (Japan), 160
Peaches (pony), 111–12
Peanut (owl monkey), 75–76
penguins, 89
Petra (swan), 89
Pierce, Jessica, 113
Piercy (dog), 23–24, 27
Pigface (soft-shelled turtle), 105
pigs, 39
pilot whales, 101
Pittsburgh Zoo, 131–32
polar bears, 109–10, 112, 141
Pollux (ox), 14–15
ponies. See horses and ponies
Pops (horse), 35
positive association, 109–11. See also cross-species friendship
post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD), 123
Potts, Annie, 6, 115
Poulsen, Else, 116
prairie voles, 73–74
prehistory: bison’s importance, 136; burial ceremonies, 153–54, 155; creative expression, 136, 153, 156–58; death practice changes, 156–57; earliest known intentional burials, 155–56; elephants, 53; lacunae in knowledge about, 158–59
primates: humans’ fascination with, 86–87; maternal corpse-carrying behavior, 67–69; mothers’ care for infants, 66–67; pair-bonded types, 74–76; response to maternal death, 69–70. See also baboons; chimpanzees; emotional lives; great apes; human beings; monkeys
Psihoyos, Louis, 120–21
PTSD (post-traumatic stress syndrome), 123
Qafzeh burials (Israel), 155–56, 157
rabbits: author’s, 41; grief-related behavior, 43–44, 45, 47, 165; humans’ interaction with, 41, 42, 46; as “iceberg” animals, 51; interactions among, 42–43; new companions for, 44, 47, 50
Radioactive Wolves (film), 138
Ramar (gorilla), 130
ravens, 92–93, 96
red ocher, 155–57
relationships. See loved ones; and specific animals
Renard, Jules, 14–15
reptiles: hamster-snake bond, 110; monitor lizards, 64. See also turtles and tortoises
rescue organizations and sanctuaries: cross-species friendships, 62, 106–9, 110–11; elephants, 52–60, 61–63; farm animals, 38–40, 167; great apes, 78; pair-bonded owl monkeys, 75–76; rabbits, 45–47. See also specific parks and reserves
rhesus macaques, 15, 66, 67
Rising, The (album), 151
Ritter, Fabian, 99
rituals: of animal sacrifice, 39; cat memorialized in, 112–13; dead cut off from the living by, 148–49; dog honored in, 21–22; earliest known intentional burials, 155–56; human grief expressed in, 7; importance of funerals as, 167–68; Knut memorialized in, 112, 141; sewn beads in double-child burial as evidence of, 153–54; wider scale of, 160–62. See also art; memorials; obituaries
Rix (chimpanzee), 126–28, 129, 133
Rodan (stork), 88–89, 90, 92
Rose, Anthony, 102
Rosenblatt, Roger, 7, 149
Rosie (chimpanzee), 128–29
Rosing, Norbert, 109–10
rough-toothed dolphins, 99
Russia, Sunghir settlement, 153–54, 155
Rusty (cat), 18–19
Rwanda, Genocide Memorial Center, 160
Sage (elephant), 55–56
Samburu National Reserve (Kenya): death of matriarch, 54–56, 164; elephants, 52–53
sanctuaries. See rescue organizations and sanctuaries
Saunders, Frances Stonor, 149
Say Her Name (Goldman), 145, 150
Schomburg, Karen, 111
schools, classroom bunnies at, 41, 46
Scientific American (magazine), 118
scientific methods: hormonal measurements, 72–74; radio-tracking data (GPS), 53–56; tape recordings, 126; videotapes and film, 3, 9, 28, 58, 75, 79–80, 123, 128. See also animal studies
Scooter (cat), 18
Scotland: chimps at safari park in, 128–30; “dog suicide bridge” near Dumbarton, 120
Scout (cat), 19
seals, 93
sea turtles, 101–2, 103, 105, 164
“separation experiments,” 15–16
September 11, 2001, attacks, 151, 160, 161–62
sexual arousal, 126–27
Seyfarth, Robert M., 70–71
Sheldrake, Rupert, 28
sibling ties: cats, 11–15, 16–18, 19–20; territoriality despite, 18–19
Sierra (baboon), 73
Silver (horse), 34
Simpson, Vic, 122
Sissy (elephant), 61–63
Skhul burials (Israel), 155–56, 157
Smart, Pat, 28
Smiling Bears (Poulsen), 116
snake-hamster bond, 110
soft-shelled turtles, 105
sonar hypothesis, 101, 122
Sorenson, John, 85
South Africa, Blombos Cave, 156–57
space travel, chimpanzees, 77–78
Spain, Sima people and “Pit of the Bones” in, 158
spay-neuter programs, 19
sperm whales, 100–101
Springsteen, Bruce, 151
Sri Lanka, toque macaques, 64–65
Stapleton, Mary, 32–33
St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 144
storks, 88–89, 90, 92
Storm Warning (horse), 32–33, 34
stotting, 118
strandings of marine mammals, 98, 100–101, 121–22
stress responses: biological role, 50–51; hormonal measurements to determine, 72–74; post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD) and, 123; to separation of pair-bonded couples, 73–76. See also depression
Styron, William, 49
Sugiyama, Yukimaru, 67–68
suicide (animal): alleged single dolphin, 120; bear at bile farm and, 115, 116–17; classic myth of lemmings, 119–20; dolphin strandings as, 121–22; questions about, 117–18, 120, 165; self-harm distinguished from, 122–23
suicide (human), 140
Sullivan, Deirdre, 167–68
Sunghir (Paleolithic settlement), 153–54, 155
Suomi, Stephen J., 16
Susie (dog), 60
swans, 89–90
Sydney (dog), 25–27, 26
Sylvia (baboon), 73, 76, 164
Tai Forest chimpanzees (Cote d’Ivoire), 83–86, 127, 128, 164
tail-suspension test, 73–74
Tanzania. See Gombe
Tarra (elephant), 107; response to dog companion’s death, 106–9, 165; response to elephant’s death, 61, 62
Tarzan (chimpanzee), 84–85, 86, 128, 164
Tasmania, sperm whales beached on coast, 100
Teleki, Geza, 125–28, 133
Tesla (gelada monkey), 69–70
Texas Marine Mammal Stranding Network, 98
Thaxter, Wendy, 6–7
13.7 blog, 17, 166
Thoroughbred Times (magazine), 34–35
Through a Window (Goodall), 81
Time (magazine), 22, 120–21
Times (London), 143
Timothy, or Notes of an Abject Reptile (Klinkenborg), 104
Tina (chimpanzee), 84–86, 128, 129, 164
Tina (elephant), 60–63
Tinker Belle (TB, goose), 91–92
Tinky (cat), 112–13, 141
Tomasello, Michael, 24–25
Tony (horse), 35
toque macaques, 64–65, 66, 67
Trixie (rabbit), 45–47, 50
Tufani (gorilla), 132
Tumilson, Jon, 30–31
Tumpe (elephant), 60
Turkey, man-and-lamb burial at Çatalhöyük, 156
turtles and tortoises: author’s rescue and reconsideration of, 102–3, 104; cross-species friendship, 110–11; playfulness and longevity, 105; sea turtles and mourning behavior, 101–2, 103, 105
Tussock (gelada monkey), 69–70
DCA (ursodeoxycholic acid), 116
Uganda, Kibale National Park, 79–80
Ulrich, Lynda and Rich, 3, 4
Ulysse (chimpanzee), 84, 129
United Arab Emirates, prehistoric elephants, 53
University of Oklahoma, 142
University of Washington, 94
Unlikely Friendships (Holland), 62, 109–10
ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA), 116
ursodiol, 116
US military sonar, 101
Uzbekistan, Neandertal burial site, 158
Vene (chimpanzee), 81
Vermont, Dog Chapel, 140
Vincent (rabbit), 42–45, 50
Visser, Ingrid, 101
vocalizations (general): baboons to live infant, 71; corvids, 94–95; growls of objection, 16; wraaah calls (chimpanzee), 127–28
vocalizations of grief: cats, 11, 13, 17, 18, 19; at chimpanzee’s sudden death, 126–28; cows, 38; dolphins, 97; elephants, 57, 62; goat, 37; gorillas, 130–32; horse, 35
voles, prairie, 73–74
Volk, Tyler, 152, 156
Vuavua (chimpanzee), 81–82, 83
Waal, Frans de, 86
Wager-Smith, Karen, 47–48, 49, 50
Washington (DC), National Zoological Park, 78, 79, 104–5
Washoe (chimpanzee), 141–43
Watts, David, 79–80, 87
waves, 160–61
whales, 99–101
What Is Death? (Volk), 152, 156
White, Gilbert, 104, 105
Whittlesey, Lee H., 134–35
Widow’s Story, A (Oates), 145, 149–50
Wild Wilderness (film), 119
Willa (cat), 12; companion of, 12–13; grief-related behavior, 11, 13, 14, 165; new companion for, 15, 16–17, 20
Wilson, E. O., 1
Winkie (elephant), 61–63
Winnie (pig), 39
wolves, 137, 138
Wompa (cat), 18
Woodstock Animal Sanctuary (NY), 38
writing. See literature; obituaries
Xeres (chimpanzee), 85
Xindra (chimpanzee), 85
Year of Magical Thinking, The (Didion), 146
Yellowstone Buffalo Preservation Act (proposed, 2005), 137
Yellowstone National Park: bison, 135–38, 164; dangers, 134–35; moose, 139; ravens, 93
Young, Larry, 74
“You’re Missing” (song), 151
YouTube, 103, 135
Zakula (gorilla), 132
Zimmer, Carl, 22
zoos: chimpanzees in, 78, 123, 128–30; elephants in, 60–61; ethical concerns about, 124; gorillas in, 130–33; hamster-snake bond at, 110; Knut’s death in, 112; potential research at, 165; treatment of death at, 108. See also specific zoos and parks
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